
One Piece: Cursed and From Another World

Imagine going to bed only to thrown into your favorite Anime World. Well, this is what happened to this unfortunate young man. He was tasked to help a certain someone become the Pirate King if he wanted to return home.

Drive_Night326 · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs


(Starrk's POV)

"Whitebeard?" I said, "What about him?"

Borsalino crouched down and looked at me.

"Don't play dumb." He said, "The rumors didn't specify. But apparently you also have some sort of connection to him."

What? That's some bullshit. I thought the rumors were about me being able to see the future! Which isn't the case. I just know what happens in the story! But wait. I have to know what year this is. How many years has it been since Roger died. Then i can gauge what I know and don't know.

Fuck this. There's no point in denying anything. These guys are more bullheaded than my Ex. I have to bullshit them as I go.

"Psh!" I said, "I know a lot of things about him, why?"

He raised an eyebrow, "So you don't deny it?"

"Course not." I said, "I know what you probably know already. Edward Newgate, Yonko, former rival of Roger, Strongest Man In The World, yada yada. But tell me, what is it you want me to tell you?"

I had to let them believe I know secrets of the man. Which I don't. I mean, there's a bunch of stuff we don't know about Whitebeard. Only certain things of his past but even then its not much to go by. If i make them believe, maybe I can cut some sort of deal.

Yes. I hate to strike a deal with marines but I have to get out of here no matter what.

"What is your connection with him?" He asked

"I don't know, why don't you ask him." I said, "Hey, tell you what? You let me go and I'll tell you everything you want. As a bonus, I won't kill any of your men."

Fuck. I hope he buys into that. I have to run my mouth so I can make a miracle happen.

"Sureeee…." Borsalino said with obvious sarcasm

"Oh? Wouldn't you like to know his future though?" I asked him

Dammit, there's no other choice but to play the role given to me. I am Starrk, the man who knows the future. The sooner i accept that, the better. But damn am i going to accept this quicker than I want to. There's no other way, the world here is crueler than I would like to admit.

"His future?" He asked standing up, "What about it?"

"I won't tell if you keep me chained up like this." I smirked

"Well, you're going to be interrogated in one of our based anyways." He told me as he started to walk away, "So it doesn't matter if you don't say anything right now."

Shit. He's right. He's taking me to a marine base somewhere in the New World. Right now there's no help for me out here. I'm stuck with them. Dammit, who knows how long I'll be there! I could be tortured for weeks or months at that!! There has to be a way out of this.

I had to think of something.

"Tch! I suppose it wouldn't matter to you if i tell you of your future, Borsalino?" I said

He stopped and turned around to look at me.

"Hm?" He said

I looked at him, "Oho?"

I think I had him hooked. Man i gotta think of where I'm taking this conversation. Kizaru has always been unpredictable even in the current storyline. Everyone always take him for a meme character and all, but out of the three admirals, I'd consider him the scariest due to his nature.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked

"Heh." I said smirking, "In the future, you'll end up fighting a great battle."

He blinked, "Okay?"

"And you'll die." I continued

"Now you're just bluffing." He said

"Pfft! You wish I was." I continued, "What kind of fool wouldn't be afraid of his own death? You'll be a fool if you didn't, Kizaru."

He frowned, "Why'd you call me that?"

"That'll be your name when you become an admiral. Kizaru." I said, "Yea, you'll rise to that rank. But in the end, you'll end up dead."

Holy shit, i hope this works. Hopefully he buys into it and maybe i can come up with something.

Before he said anything, I heard the sound of cannon fire and explosions.

The warship was hit with a cannonball. I looked to my right to see smokes and flames. The majority of the marines were scattering around and yelling in alarm.

"Borsalino-san!!" I heard one call out

"What is it!" Kizaru said

"We're under attack!!" He said, "Pirates!!"

"By who? Who's flag do you see?"

I saw as one of them used binoculars to try to see and locate the attackers.

"They're…." I saw as his eyes widened in fear, "Oh no…."

"It's Kaido!!!"