
One Piece: Crossed Flames

Update schedule: 2 chapters/day (Mon-Sat) This is the story of Lucas, a young man who wakes up to find himself inhabiting the body of Sakazuki, a Marine in the world of One Piece. Initially disoriented by his sudden transformation, Lucas quickly realises that he has been transported into a universe he once thought was confined to manga pages and animated screens. As he grapples with the shock of his new reality, Lucas must navigate the intricate politics and treacherous waters of the One Piece world. Despite retaining memories of his previous life, he finds himself thrust into a position of power and authority as Sakazuki—a man known as Akainu, the future Marine Fleet Admiral Red Dog, renowned for his uncompromising pursuit of justice. Disclaimer: The characters mentioned in the post, are utilized for illustrative purposes and as examples to enhance the narrative. I have no ownership or rights over these characters. This is not my original work. This is translated from a mtl novel but I will be making some changes to the plot as the story progresses. For your reference, Mtl novel: One piece of Admiral Akainu Cover picture by Fadil089665 For those interested, you can read chapters in advance and support me with donations on my Patreon page patreon.com/GhostofTaurus

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120 Chs

Chapter 84: Catarina Devon

"Sakazuki, your methods are becoming increasingly ruthless."

Upon returning to the G5 branch base, Claude's expression soured at the sight of Akainu. The air around him seemed tainted with a palpable sense of bloodlust.

"As a Marine Admiral, you wield immense power. Your mere presence can instill fear. There's no need for you to personally carry out every execution. Let your subordinates handle the dirty work. It's their duty, after all."

Akainu recognized Claude's concern. His fervor had gotten the best of him, driven by a desire to eradicate pirates and bolster his reputation. Yet, upon reflection, he realized his actions were not befitting of his station. He was the face of Marine, and his conduct set the tone for his subordinates.

"Have you ever seen a leader rushing into battle at the first sign of trouble?"

There was another factor at play—Akainu's struggle to adapt to his new role. Despite his lofty title, he had yet to fully embrace the responsibilities it entailed. Claude's admonishment served as a wake-up call, prompting Akainu to reassess his approach.

"Enough talk. Let's tend to our wounded and regroup. We'll need our strength for what lies ahead."

With a dismissive wave, Akainu redirected his focus. His recent exploits had taken a toll, leaving him weary and in need of respite.

After a brief reprieve, Akainu was back on his feet, reinvigorated and ready for action. However, their respite was short-lived as news of an impending crisis reached them.

"Admiral Sakazuki, we have a problem!"

Standing amidst the training grounds, Akainu's attention was drawn to Claude's lieutenant, his urgency palpable.

"What's happened?"

Claude's lieutenant relayed the distressing news: Vice Admiral Onigumo was under attack by a formidable adversary.

With furrowed brows, Akainu listened intently. Onigumo was a trusted ally, and news of his plight filled Akainu with concern.

"What's the situation?"

Claude's grim expression spoke volumes. Onigumo had encountered Catarina Devon, a notorious pirate known for her ruthlessness.

Upon seeing the wanted poster, Akainu's demeanor darkened. Catarina Devon, once a prisoner of Impel Down in future, had evaded capture, establishing herself as a force to be reckoned with.

"Claude, fill me in on the details."

As Claude outlined the situation, Akainu's resolve solidified. They couldn't afford to delay. Lives hung in the balance, and they needed to act swiftly.

"Gather our forces. We leave immediately."

With purposeful strides, Akainu rallied his troops, preparing to confront the looming threat head-on.

As their warship sailed, tension hung heavy in the air. The pirates' relentless pursuit kept them on edge, every moment fraught with danger.

"Prepare for battle. We must hold our ground."

Onigumo's resolve was unwavering, his determination a beacon of hope amidst the chaos.

Though outnumbered and outgunned, they refused to yield. For the sake of Marine and all they held dear, they would fight until their last breath.

"Prepare for battle!"

As the pirate ship drew near, it loomed ominously, still some 20 to 30 nautical miles away from the G5 branch's warship. Instead of immediately unleashing a barrage, the pirates opted to encircle their prey with five ships, intent on trapping them.

Onigumo, resolute in the face of danger, braced for the worst. While he trusted Claude's eventual aid, time was of the essence. With the pirates closing in, retreat wasn't an option—only a desperate fight awaited them.

Then, a cry erupted from the warship.

"It's our ship! It's Admiral Sakazuki's ship!"

Onigumo, already on edge, was jolted by the soldier's words. Hope flickered within him as he rallied his comrades.

"Admiral Sakazuki is here to rescue us! Let's show him we're worthy of his support!"

With newfound determination, the once despondent crew now brimmed with anticipation.

"Marine Admiral Sakazuki's presence changes everything. These pirates don't stand a chance."

"Finally, a glimmer of hope!"


What was once a vessel shrouded in despair now buzzed with optimism. In the eyes of the crew, Akainu was an unstoppable force. Despite the odds, they believed in his ability to turn the tide.

While the Marines found reinforcements, so too did the pirates. On one of the largest pirate ships, five captains convened—a coalition born of necessity.

"It's the Marines. This complicates matters," grumbled a burly pirate, tightening his grip on his mace.

A flamboyantly adorned pirate interjected, exuding misplaced confidence. "Why worry? We outnumber them. We'll crush them."

His words elicited unease among his companions, who edged away subtly. An afro-sporting pirate spoke up, caution coloring his tone. "Don't underestimate the Marines. I've heard their Admiral is leading the charge. That changes things."


Just as tension peaked, a sinister laugh cut through the air. Heads turned to behold a figure emerging—a woman with a haunting aura and a lethal grin.

Catarina Devon, the Crescent Moon Hunter, instilled fear in even the most hardened pirates. Her arrival marked a turning point—a testament to her power and influence in the New World.

Though the pirate captains feared her, they dared not defy her. United by a common enemy—Marine—they braced for the impending clash.

But before they could act, Marine reinforcements arrived—a sight that struck fear into the hearts of the pirates.

"It's the Vice Admiral Onigumo and his crew." a Marine reported to Akainu.

Faced with imminent danger, Akainu wasted no time. "Full speed ahead. Target the pirate ships, but avoid hitting our allies."

The ensuing battle was fierce, with shells raining down on the beleaguered warship. Yet, Akainu's resolve remained unshaken.

Launching himself into the fray, Akainu unleashed his formidable powers, striking fear into the hearts of the pirates.

"Marine Six Styles Geppo—an elite Marine is among us," murmured the pirates, eyeing Akainu warily.

With a thunderous crash, Akainu descended upon a pirate ship, unleashing havoc upon his adversaries.

As bullets rained down upon him, Akainu emerged unscathed, wreathed in molten magma dripping out of the bullet holes.

"A logia user has entered the battlefield." Some pirates knowledgeable of Devil fruits shouted.


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Update schedule: 2 Chapters/day (Sunday excluded)