111 Chapter 109: Enchantment Scrolls

"Nico Robin, known as the 'Devil Son'."

Lopez scanned the office, spotting Nico Robin immediately, then shifted his gaze to the subdued chunky boss. In that instant, he pieced together the unfolding events.

His glare bore into the chunky boss, but duty called. Ordered by Akainu to apprehend Robin, Lopez had to focus on the task at hand. The boss seemed poised to attack Robin, prompting Lopez's timely intervention. Without him, Robin might have slipped away.

As Marine's commanding officer addressed her, Robin's anxiety heightened. She searched frantically for an escape route, but with Marine blocking the only exit, evasion was futile.

"Don't entertain any notions of escape," Lopez cautioned. "I, too, am a Marine Rear Admiral. Your capture is inevitable. Surrender peacefully, and no harm will befall you. Resist, and I have means to subdue you."

Robin, well aware she couldn't yield without a fight, prepared to employ her abilities. But before she could act, a blade pressed against her throat, wielded by none other than Lopez. "For safety's sake, it's best you remain as you are," he asserted.

Frozen in place, Robin watched helplessly as two soldiers approached and restrained her. Lopez's presence was an imposing reminder of her captivity.

The chunky boss, oblivious to the gravity of the situation, pleaded with Lopez to hand over Robin. Unmoved, Lopez dismissed the request, understanding the importance of his mission. Akainu's directive to maintain secrecy compelled him to act decisively. In a swift motion, he silenced the boss for good, eliminating any potential security breach.

Witnessing Lopez's ruthless efficiency, Robin recoiled in shock. Any hope of defiance vanished in the face of such overwhelming force. With Lopez's instructions, the scene was swiftly cleaned up, leaving no trace of the boss's demise.

Accompanied by two soldiers, Robin was escorted back to the branch base. Lopez wasted no time in delivering her to Akainu, adhering to his orders without question.

Inside Akainu's quarters, Robin's dread intensified at the sight of her formidable adversary. Her fear, palpable and raw, earned her a considerable number of 'fear points,' reinforcing Akainu's reputation as a fearsome figure.

Addressing Robin, Akainu's tone was cold and uncompromising. His presence alone was enough to paralyze her with fear, invoking memories of the trauma she endured on Ohara.

Despite Robin's vulnerability, Akainu found no satisfaction in her terror. He understood the profound loneliness that haunted her, a stark contrast to his own imposing stature. Though she provoked fear in him, he harbored no desire to exploit her vulnerability.

"You are an individual sought after by the World Government. I won't lay a hand on you, but compliance would serve you well, understand?"

Facing Akainu, Robin exhibited a demeanor akin to a docile feline, devoid of resistance or objection. She acquiesced to Akainu's directives, fully cognizant of his character. What Akainu desired, he obtained—there was no room for negotiation.

"You've performed admirably this time. Rest assured and await further instructions. If an opportunity arises, I'll transfer your profile to my superiors."

Amidst the 216 branch bases, Akainu's tenure was brief. On the third day post-Robin's capture, preparations for his departure were underway. But before his exit, he extended a promise to Rear Admiral Lopez—a testament to Lopez's commendable execution. Despite an abundance of capable individuals, Akainu welcomed Lopez's allegiance, recognizing his potential value.

Lopez, upon hearing Akainu's assurances, brimmed with excitement, offering a respectful salute in acknowledgment. Fully aware of Akainu's character, Lopez refrained from probing further, content to await further instructions. As Akainu's subordinate, his role was clear: obey and execute without hesitation.

"Don't fret, just be patient," Akainu reassured, his hand resting briefly on Lopez's shoulder before boarding the departing vessel. As the ship disappeared from view, Lopez erupted in jubilation, cognizant of his imminent ascent to a larger stage—an aspiration he long harbored.

" Admiral Sakazuki will likely reassign me soon. I must prepare this place promptly and redouble my efforts. Stagnation is not an option here; I must strive for improvement."

Once devoid of hope, Lopez's newfound prospects invigorated him. Akainu's pledge ignited a flame within him, propelling him towards greater heights.

In the days following Akainu's departure, he embarked on a voyage through West Blue. Utilizing Robin's expertise, he delved into the study of historical texts and ancient languages—an endeavor, shielded from prying eyes.

"Seven days have elapsed, and Robin has amassed over 15,000 fear points for me," Akainu noted, reflecting on their collaboration. Initially abundant, the fear points dwindled as Robin realized Akainu harbored no ill intentions towards her. Nevertheless, her contributions remained invaluable.

In possession of nearly 200,000 fear points, Akainu contemplated their allocation. With Armament Haki already formidable and Conqueror's Haki requiring no enhancement, he opted to bolster his Observation Haki—a prudent investment towards honing his abilities.

"Six Haki fruits for Observation Haki," Akainu declared, effectively doubling the range of his Observation Haki to 170 meters—a substantial augmentation. The acquisition of ginseng fruits and skill books further fortified his arsenal, ensuring his continued growth and resilience.

With a surplus of fear points remaining, Akainu indulged in a lottery draw, acquiring a bursting charm—a serendipitous addition to his inventory, emblematic of his ongoing pursuit of strength and mastery.

"Congratulations on securing an enchantment scroll, now stashed in your backpack!"

Just as Akainu embarked on his forty-second draw, a novel notification flickered across the system. Inquisitively, he prodded, "Enchantment scroll?"

The term "enchantment scroll" bore semblance to artifacts from his past online gaming exploits. Intrigued, he retrieved it from his backpack, examining its contents with earnest scrutiny.

Perusing its contents, Akainu confirmed its resemblance to his initial musings. The enchantment scroll possessed the capacity to imbue system-drawn food with temporary, specialized attributes.

An intriguing concept indeed. Previously dismissed as inconsequential, the donuts and senbei offered by the system now held unforeseen potential. Reflecting on his past interactions with Garp, Akainu lamented his previous oversight—a missed opportunity.

The more he dwelled on it, the deeper the regret gnawed. If Garp were present, Akainu might've resorted to physical reprimand. But dwelling on the past served no purpose; he had to adapt and seize the present opportunities.

Shaking off his momentary dejection, Akainu decided to explore the enchantment's capabilities. Selecting a freshly drawn doughnut, he activated the enchantment scroll, channeling its power into the pastry. The outcome, however, left him dumbfounded.

The donut now boasted an attribute: "Golden Gun Resilience" for one hour. The catch? Failure to vent within the hour incurred three days of debilitating weakness. Akainu's reaction was visceral—an expletive-laden eruption against the system's whimsy.

The realization that "Golden Gun Resilience" wasn't the anticipated invulnerability to his namesake attack only compounded his frustration. And the penalty for failing to vent? Utterly preposterous.

Contemplating the scroll's potential, Akainu envisioned nefarious applications. A chilling memory surfaced—Garp's unsuspecting consumption of the enchanted pastry. The mental image was too unsettling to entertain further.

Proceeding with caution, Akainu returned the enchanted donut to his backpack, resuming his lottery endeavors.

The subsequent draws yielded three consecutive enchantment scrolls—a curious streak that piqued Akainu's interest. Was there a cosmic affinity with these scrolls?

Undeterred, Akainu ventured another enchantment, this time with a bag of senbei. The resultant attribute—"Underwater Locomotion" for one hour—left him elated. A boon for those unable to swim, it represented divine intervention in his eyes.

Flushed with success, Akainu continued, deploying two more enchantment scrolls on the remaining senbei. The outcomes— "Incessant Diarrhea" and "Golden Gun Resilience"—elicited a resigned sigh. The system's capriciousness knew no bounds.

As his fear points dwindled, Akainu reflected on the day's gains. Despite the setbacks, the augmentation of his Observation Haki and the acquisition of the enchantment scrolls constituted a net positive.

Resuming his journey, Akainu remained vigilant. A fleeting sensation of being watched stirred his senses, prompting a thorough scan. Though the gaze vanished as swiftly as it appeared, the disquiet lingered—a reminder of unseen threats.

Opting against investigation, Akainu chose to press forward. The specter of a powerful adversary loomed, but for now, discretion prevailed over recklessness.


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