
One Piece: Copying The Phoenix Fruit At The Beginning

Ron reincarnarted into the World of One Piece. His hometown was located in an island in the second half of Grand Line, known as the New World. When he was fourteen, some no-name pirate crew invaded his island and started indiscriminate killings. As the island was under the protection of Whitebeard Pirates, the Fourth Division Commander Thatch came along with his subordinates to eridicate the invading pirates. However, Thatch was too late as only Ron was alive by the time all the pirates were killed. Thatch decided to bring along Ron with them to join the Whitebeard Pirates Crew. Unfortunately, because of his unique circumstances, Ron was unable to train in order to be stronger. He hoped to be able to ontain a Zoan-type Devil Fruit to overcme his weakness and become a strong pillar for the Whitebeard Pirates. As fate would have it, Thatch found a Devil Fruit during their return journey but it was a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit. Not wanting to let down Thatch's good intentions, Ron ate the fruit. He found out that he had eaten the Copy-Copy Fruit and gained the power of copying the abilities of other Devil Fruit users. At the beginning, he copied the Phoenix Fruit of Marco, the First Division Commander of Whitebeard Pirates, to improve his shortcomings. The story unfolds as Ron journeys across the World of One Piece while becoming stronger, developing his Devil Fruit powers to the limit, and strengthen his allies. Can Ron overcome the obstacles that were responsible for the disbandment of Whitebeard Pirate Crew in the Canon One Piece World? =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= A/N: Please note that this FanFic is not mine. I am translating and editing it from a chinese fanfiction. You can find the MTL version on mtlnation. MTL Name: Navigation: The New King Of The Whitebeard Group, Copying The Phoenix At The Beginning. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= A/N_2: Shameless P@treon and Coffee plug. I've an account on both platforms, patreon.com/ChaosWriter; https://www.buymeacoffee.com/chaoswriter You can read up to 20 chapters ahead of Webnovel. Your support would be appreciated, but don't feel pressured to join. I'll upload stuff outside it and not keeping it behind a paywall forever. If you are from a country that supports GPay, you may find the [Buy Me @ Coffee] app easier to use.

ChaosWriter · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

62. Getting stronger plus Awakening Armament Haki.

│3rd Person POV│

[Grand Line, New World, Beehive Island…]

'Huh? Is he really trying to help me?'

Hearing this, Ron's inner emotions somewhat calmed down.

He had initially thought Teach was planning to harm him, but it seemed that wasn't the case.

Teach was genuinely trying to help him complete the awakening of Armament Haki.

Without any further ado, Ron quickly followed Teach's instructions and began to try to mobilize the energy of his spirit and body to counter Teach's power.

For a time, Ron could distinctly feel his body breaking down bit by bit by Teach's power and then being repaired by his Phoenix regenerative powers.

Under the stimulation of both forces, his entire body was getting stronger by the minute, while he kept enduring the unbearable pain it brought.

Teach's control over his power was extremely subtle.

It only reached Ron's limit but never truly surpassed it.

It seemed like his body would break down at any moment, but with the healing power of the Phoenix, it was being repaired at that moment and then continued to be broken under the collision of forces.

In the process of continuous breaking and repairing of his body, his physical strength rapidly increased, and even the development rate of his Devil Fruit was slowly rising.

As time passed, Ron's spirit fell into a trance with something stirring deep with it.



After an unknown amount of time, accompanying a cracking sound, Ron suddenly felt a brand-new power appear from within his spirit.

This new power began to assimilate into his body rapidly.

The moment this happened, Teach began to withdraw his power like a tide.

Ron opened his eyes and carefully inspected his right hand and found it was covered in a black luster.

Armament Haki directly covered the hand and wrist area of his right arm.

"This is really Armament Haki!"

His pupils shrank, and Ron's breathing became rapid.

It worked.

He had successfully awakened his Armament Haki.

Teach, this guy had actually mastered a method to stimulate a person's innate ability to awaken Armament Haki.

'This guy is indeed full of unexpected things. Even without the Dark-Dark Fruit, he really is a person capable of becoming an Emperor of the sea.

'I don't know how much more this guy is still hiding. Blackbeard, you really are the true embodiment of what a Pirate should be.'

While having such thoughts, Ron called out in his mind, 'Copy Copy: Status Panel!'

His thoughts were that with the ordeal his body had to suffer in order to awaken the Armament Haki surely had an impact on his base strength and maybe even increased the development of his Devil Fruit.

He was eager to check and find out if his conjecture was true.


[[Age: 14]]

[[Strength: Captain]]

[[Devil Fruit: Paramecia-type; Copy-Copy Fruit]]

[[Development Progress: 29%]]

[[Copied abilities: Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit; Bird-Bird Fruit; Model: Phoenix (33%)]]

[[Number of copies available: 0]]

"Not bad! I finally reached Captain level! But why did the fruit development have to stop at 29%? I am just 1% short of copying another Devil Fruit power."

The corner of Ron's mouth twitched, and his eyes showed a hint of disappointment.

He had hoped that his fruit development level could reach 30% this time, enabling him to copy Whitebeard's Devil Fruit.

Unfortunately, it was still one percent short.

"I am glad it went well. On top of that, you have just awakened, and your Armament Haki's strength is already firmly in the Entry level."

At this moment, Teach's voice resonated.

As he looked at Teach, Ron saw that he appeared to be in a visibly weakened state with a pale face and labored breathing.

He appeared as if he had just fought a formidable opponent for some days. It was uncertain whether his condition was genuine or just a pretense.

Regardless, Teach had assisted him in completing the awakening of the Armament Haki, and Ron felt compelled to express his gratitude.

"Thank you so much, Teach."

Grabbing Teach's shoulder tightly, Ron expressed his gratitude, "I didn't expect to awaken the Armament Haki and directly have Entry-level mastery in one go.

"Teach, you're amazing to be able to do this. Can you do this for anyone?"

Upon hearing this, Teach's countenance darkened slightly.

He had an idea of what Ron was contemplating; helping more individuals from the Whitebeard Pirates achieve the awakening of the Armament Haki.

What a joke!

Teach had invested a considerable amount just to gain Ron's recognition and trust.

The idea of awakening others through a similar process was laughable.

With this in mind, Teach feigned to be in an even worse state and conveyed, "I am sorry to say this but I don't think I can.

"Just now, I had to use a significant amount of my Armament Haki to assist you in the stimulation. Moreover, this form of stimulation is exceptionally dangerous.

"Without the regenerative ability of the Phoenix Fruit, failure could result in severe injury or even death. Therefore, it's not suitable for others to go through such a method."

"Is that so?"

Ron nodded thoughtfully, though he was skeptical of Teach's words.

Since Teach was unwilling, Ron decided not to insist further. He had already awakened, and the rest was inconsequential.

Considering this, Ron promptly suggested, "In that case, let's take action right away, alright?

"The battle has been ongoing for a while, and we need to swiftly eliminate those senior members of the Ochoku Pirates. Afterward, maybe the Division Commanders can even aid Pops in defeating Ochoku himself."

"No need to hurry!"

Upon hearing this, Teach's lips twitched.

Internally, he wished he could strangle this kid, but outwardly, he consoled him, "I just expended too much energy and so, I need to rest for a while.

"This applies to you as well. You've just completed the awakening of the Armament Haki and need time to fully grasp it. Most importantly, Ron, can you perform a second copy?"

With this inquiry, Teach fixed a sharp gaze on Ron.

His assistance wasn't solely about gaining trust or aiding Ron in awakening the Armament Haki.


Shaking his head, Ron sighed and admitted, "I just checked and I've got the feeling that I am just shy of being able to copy the second Devil Fruit. But, something like a chasm is stopping me from reaching it.

"On top of that, Pops is locked in an intense battle with Ochoku now. I can't just interrupt their battle to copy his Devil Fruit, right?"

At this point, Ron became cautious as to why he asked this question at this time.

He was suspicious that Teach's motive was to prevent him from acquiring the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

In such a scenario, he would have to wait till the development of his Copy-Copy Fruit increases to 60% to get another Copy count, which would take a long time.

If an unexpected event occurred, it was uncertain whether he would be able to even obtain the power of Whitebeard's Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

"Still can't?"

Teach was feeling displeased in his heart.

He hadn't anticipated that despite helping Ron awaken Armament Haki, he was still slightly short of reaching the point where he could copy another Devil Fruit's power.

After contemplating for a moment, Teach proposed, "How about I try to help you awaken your Observation Haki? That would certainly push you past the chasm.

"There's a Devil Fruit with an exceptional ability on the battlefield now, and it is even comparable to Dad's Tremor-Tremor Fruit!"


A/N: Shameless P@treon & Coffee plug...;

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You can read up to 20 chapters ahead of Webnovel. Your support would be appreciated, but don't feel pressured to join. I'll upload stuff outside it and not keep it behind a paywall forever.