
One Piece: Cipher Pol Spandam

no cheats, no desires, no meeting gods, no systems, no overpowers mc, only weak main characters... I wrote this a few years ago when I was in high school. Even if it's only a few chapters, maybe I'll continue. "If you like OP MC... Don't read this-" (Spandam) - *buy panda a cup of coffee ko-fi.com/spandam

Spandam · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 9 - Excessive Anxiety

"Donquixote...?!" Agent Roy who heard it was very surprised, he never expected that the target this time was someone with such an important surname. "isn't that the name of-"

"That's right... he is a descendant of the Tenryuubito who was abandoned by his family since childhood... you don't need to know more than this... all you need to know is that he is your mission target." Spandam said in a heavy and serious tone.

"Y-Yes sir!" Agent Roy immediately answered obediently.

Cipher Pol is an intelligent agent of the world government. All the official agents under the branch leadership are only agents formed by the world government to obey the orders of its leader and world government.

Most of them were originally homeless orphans or children who were traded on the black market. Then these orphans will be trained from childhood in all fields, from fighting, espionage, infiltration, disguise, to murder.

In other words, these people, agents of the world government are people who are brainwashed by the world government itself. They had no choice, nor did they have anywhere to go. Their only choice is to obey or die.

In CP5, Roy along with three other people acted as lieutenants whose only task was to convey Spandam's orders to all CP5 agents. These four also have the task of putting together the information that other agents collect before it is given to Spandam.

Agents like Roy, despite being one of Spandam's four trusted agents in CP5. He doesn't have the authority to question assigned missions like the other agents.

Even so, Roy and three other people are agents from the same generation, so they are quite close to Spandam, that's why they dare to call him by his name directly, despite knowing his identity as a descendant of the Tenryuubito. Of course with minimum respect.

"I don't know which north blue island he is on right now... search all over the north blue and find him... send agents who are not on a mission in East Blue to North Blue and also move agents CP1 and CP2." Spandam continued. 'Maybe that old man... grandpa will hear it, but I don't think that's a problem. So he shouldn't be scolding me for this...'

"Alright. Is there anything else Spandam-san?" He again asked Spandam in his usual normal tone.

"Hmm… Well, that's right… don't forget to tell the agents to watch this guy carefully… because he probably has high detection abilities… he also seems to have a pretty troublesome devil fruit. " Spandam pondered while reading the information page regarding Doflamingo that he had from his memory and recalled his abilities even though he wasn't that strong right now. There's nothing wrong with being careful. "Besides... some of his subordinates might also have a devil fruit. So always be careful and keep a safe distance from them."

"Don't let him find out we're watching him... do you understand?" Spandam continued.

"Okay, Spandam-san... I'll pass your orders on to the other agents and the leader of the Cipher Pol branch in the North Blue area." (Roy)

After telling agent Roy some information from his book that might be helpful and a few warnings to always be careful watching him. Spandam closed the conversation and turned off his den-den mushi.

Spandam just pondered for a few moments, he thought about whether this move he made was right or too hasty. After all, he had no real experience planning any of these things apart from the original Spandam memory.

This is one of the reasons Spandam always has anxiety when making decisions. This feeling of anxiety always haunts Spandam and he can only ignore it by doing other activities, 'Whatever... the order has been delivered... I won't take it back. If it fails, let it fail. After all, I carry the name of the world government and Flamingo has hated the world government since childhood. So even if he finds out, his hatred will be directed towards the world government, not me.

The agents also won't open their mouths even if they're being tortured... unless Flamingo has a devil fruit that can make them speak the truth or some other way. But he shouldn't have. So I'll be safe for now... Huu~'

After pondering for a while thinking about things in the distant future. It was time for dinner and Spandam had dinner with his parents today. After that, he just returned to his room to read and rest.


For the next few weeks, Spandam continued to do his job as Cipher Pol leader no different from an office job from morning to night. He kept working late just to take his mind off the constant anxiety.

Until now Spandam had not realized that he became very worried about everything because he was in a new world, with a new identity and a new life.

He thought that he had adapted and merged with life in this world because of Spandam's memories. But in fact, he didn't. No normal human could adapt so quickly when faced with a case like Spandam. He's a normal earth man not a fictional character in a novel or manga.

Even with being in the safest location for him right now, which is Marijoa, Spandam still couldn't shake off his anxiety.

In the end, he has anxiety problems all the time without his knowing it.

To make matters worse, Spandam has long had insomnia which makes it difficult to sleep. Sometimes it takes a very long time for him to fall asleep. Coupled with excessive anxiety at this time, making it even more difficult for Spandam to sleep.

Lucky or not, Spandam seemed to have abnormal stamina despite his weak body. He can stay up for days without any side effects, if his dark eye bags are not counted.

Spandam has spent the past few weeks with most of the time he spent on his work whether it was in Pangea Castle or in his room. He would fill his head with all sorts of information he could get his hands on Marijoa. Even if it's not related to his duties in the East Blue or Grand Line (Paradise).

Sometimes he also spends time with his mother traveling around Marijoa or watching the fight at the Celestial Amphitheater. He can also look for slaves who have potential as his personal agents in the future.

Especially the Boa sisters, whom he didn't know when the Tenryuubito caught them. But at least he knows that they will end up in the Colosseum, Celestial Amphitheater, because he knows that most of the fighters there have devil fruits to make the fight more interesting. Apart from that, the Tenryuubito can also send their personal slaves to fight in the arena against other slaves.

That's how Spandam spent the past few weeks.

As for the matter of his slaves that he had obtained, Tesoro and Stella, he still didn't know how to gain their trust without threatening them. Especially Tesoro.

Currently, they are still in the dungeon and their rooms are separate, where each room is enclosed by walls on four sides of the room. So they do not know the current condition of others.

Spandam had tried to talk to Tesoro alone. Spandam was a little confused about how to put it, so in the end Spandam only asked things about Tesoro that made him curious. He obeys all of Spandam's orders, but it's as a slave and Spandam doesn't want that. He wanted absolute loyalty from Tesoro himself.

The only result that Spandam got was that Tesoro was very attached to Stella, he always asked the same question when Spandam came. 'How is Stella.' He always kowtowed to Spandam not to torture Stella and he was willing to take her place. Spandam never replied back and that was all he was about, as he wanted to use Stella as the last choice.

Spandam had ordered a doctor to check Stella's condition and found that her condition was so bad that she could die in a few months. That is if not given treatment. Spandam is quite happy to hear this, as he can make this his last card to gain Tesoro's loyalty.

In the end, Spandam decided to use Stella as a bargaining chip for Tesoro's loyalty. He already had a plan in mind, at least as long as he had Stella in his hands, Tesoro wouldn't act stupid, like betraying him.

Spandam waited for several weeks for Stella's condition to become critical but could still be easily cured. He did it to make it easier when he made the contract with Tesoro.

That's right, Spandam was planning to make a contract with Tesoro. He had no intention of threatening him forever, so he would use the carrot and stick method. Threats and sweet promises. Of course, Spandam will always keep his promise.


Btw, I hate thesis (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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