
One Piece: Cipher Pol Spandam

no cheats, no desires, no meeting gods, no systems, no overpowers mc, only weak main characters... I wrote this a few years ago when I was in high school. Even if it's only a few chapters, maybe I'll continue. "If you like OP MC... Don't read this-" (Spandam) - *buy panda a cup of coffee ko-fi.com/spandam

Spandam · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 2 - Prolog (2)


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'All right, so who is she?'

Before he could speak. The violet-haired woman immediately hugged his head in her chest which -you could say, didn't exist.

"What's wrong Spanda, are you okay?!" cried the woman.

"Kuh!" instead of being happy to be hugged by a beautiful adult woman. Spandam actually feels pain, especially in his nose. 'what's with this woman! Ugh, my nose, my nose hurts, damn it.'

"H-Hey Stop it! It hurts." Said Spandam, not paying much attention to what the woman was saying, as he tried to push her away.

"Stop Valerie, you're hurting our son- you get too excited when you're worried. What if you made Spandam's wound open again." With Spandam's injured hand, he couldn't push the woman called Valerie away. Until the tall man who was by her side stopped her.

'hah? Who are you calling your son? Aren't you guys wrong here? Wait, wait… Spandam? That sounds familiar.' Spandam thought confused by what the tall man said when Valerie let go of him.

"Phew." Spandam sighed quietly as his mind was muddled with the confusing things of today.

'first I was seriously injured, then now there's a weird couple who thinks I'm their son.' -Spandam.

'I want to rest now, my mind is so messed up.' (Spandam)

"Ah, you're right Spandine. I'm sorry Spanda, I can't control myself. Are your wounds okay? Don't worry, I already talked to your grandfather earlier." Said Valerie who touched Spandam face gently. That brown-skinned beauty has a very worried face and looks panicked when she looks at Spandam. But-

'Seriously, what is she talking about and who is she?' Spandam thought confusedly when the woman called out to him. 'I don't understand what she's talking about and in fact, Spanda is not my name. Even though it sounded familiar, but my mind was in a mess right now, so I didn't want to think much of it.'

'I guess I should tell them, that they might be in the wrong room and mistake me for their son.' When Spandam wanted to open his mouth and tell them they might have mistaken someone. Valerie and Spandine stood up and walked over to the doctor.

"How is my son doing?" (Spandine)

Saw the couple walking towards him. The middle-aged doctor began to explain Spandam's condition.

"Spandam-sama condition is not life-threatening. The wounds on his body are not serious and will heal over the next two to three months. But-…" The doctor who explained Spandam's condition looked hesitant at the end of his sentence.

'Hm~ Spandam-sama?? As expected, it sounded familiar.' (Spandam)

"But what? Speak!" (Valerie)

Seeing the hesitation from the doctor in front of her. Valerie screamed forcefully as she grabbed the Doctor by the collar and shook him violently.

"B-But- Spandam-sama's nose doesn't seem to be able to heal completely- Ugh."

Before the doctor finished his sentence. Valerie pushed him in a rage causing the doctor to fall to the floor.

"Then what's the point of you being here! Useless bastard!" –Valerie screamed and started kicking the doctor violently.

'Aww that must be painful, did this lady get that angry because of me? After all, why didn't her husband stop her?' thought Spandam who was getting more and more confused by the development of the situation here. 'Wait, I-If she finds out that I'm not her son... will she hit me too... shit.'

"P-Please stop Valerie-sama- Ughh. I-I can't do much because the wound on Spandam-sama's nose is too bad…" The doctor started pleading and covered his face from Valerie's kick.

'But still, the name Spandam is quite familiar. where did I hear that?' (Spandam)

When Valerie furiously trampled on the doctor who treated Spandam. The door, which had been closed before, began to open.

The figure of another middle-aged man of abnormal height, taller than Spandine, entered the room. He was followed by a group of men in black suits from behind who acted like bodyguards.

The man has brown skin like Valerie and has dark blond hair and beard. He was wearing a suit with a white shirt. The top button on his white shirt was opened revealing a long scar on his chest.

"Stop it, Valerie, he can't do anything about it. He's innocent." The man spoke with authority trying to calm Valerie's anger. But instead of calming Valerie's anger, the blonde man only increased Valerie's anger.

Valerie started pointing at the blonde man who had just entered the room in anger.

"Hah? innocent? So who's at fault here?! That's right- you're guilty too! You're the one who made Spanda do such a dangerous job and seriously injured my son, why are you giving him such a dangerous job?! He is your grandson!"

"Okay, calm down Valerie…" Seeing Valerie losing her composure even more, Spandine couldn't hold back any longer and started to calm Valerie down. "Hahaha… sorry father-in-law, Valerie didn't mean to blame you. She's just sad to see Spandam's injured condition." Spandine continued.

Surprisingly, the blonde man turned out to be Valerie's father and Spandine's father-in-law.

"Well, don't worry too much Valerie. It's just a cut on his nose. Even if he can't heal completely, that doesn't mean he won't be able to breathe again." Valerie's father started to speak and tried to calm Valerie back down. "And you can't blame me… he himself wanted this. He's the leader of CP 5 now and he has to take responsibility for that."

'What? CP 5?' (Spandam)

Valerie's father walked over while looking at Spandam with disappointed eyes that were noticed by Spandam "Although I didn't expect Spandam to be this weak. After all, he's already 20 years old and an adult. However, I didn't expect that his Doriki didn't even reach 10. it was his own fault for not practicing earnestly."

"I don't care about any of that. In fact, you're the one who gave the very dangerous job and it hurt Spanda very badly. I will never speak to you if you hurt my son again in the future!" said Valerie who did not accept her father's explanation.

"E-Eh, come on don't be like that my daughter. It was just an accident. It won't happen again in the future. It was Spandam who wanted this and there will be more agents to protect him in the future."

This made her father's calm expression disappear. His face became nervous as he calmed down his angry daughter. Looks like he doesn't want to be hated by his daughter. This made him look like a normal father.

"Humph." Hearing that Valerie just snorted and puffed her cheeks.

"Hahaha-" Spandine just laughed awkwardly seeing the father and daughter bickering.

'...that's a lie isn't it? that's not possible...' (Spandam)

as if his mind had snapped, Spandam had just remembered who 'Spandam' was. By linking things in fronts of him like abnormal height, CP 5, Doriki, and 'Spandam'. even the brown-skinned man in front of him, who claimed to be his grandfather, was very familiar.

'...doesn't that mean he's one of the [Gorosei]? haha- am I dreaming?' (Spandam)

Ignoring the people in front of him, Spandam turned his head to see the girl who should have been a nurse standing scared behind and called out to her.

"Hey. You over there…" (Spandam)

"Yes, you. Can you get me a mirror?" (Spandam)

"Y-Yes young master!" The nurse immediately rushed out nervously to get the mirror.

Valerie and the others heard Spandam, but didn't say anything. Valeri actually approached Spandam and stroked his head, which Spandam did not refuse.

Valerie thought Spandam wanted to see the wound on his nose that couldn't be healed and it wasn't just Valerie who thought so. Everyone in the room thought the same thing.

After a while, the nurse came back with a mirror in her hand. It looked like she was running, as you could see the sweat running down her face. when she arrived, she immediately handed the mirror to Spandam with trembling hands.

"Th-This is it, young master." (Nurse)

Spandam who wanted to quickly confirm the 'impossible' thing he was thinking, immediately took the mirror from the nurse's hand and looked in the mirror.

What he saw in the mirror shocked him greatly. although part of his face was covered with bandages, his facial features could still be seen clearly.

'This isn't my face... it's-' (Spandam)

What was in the mirror was the face of a young man with purple hair, tan but pale skin, and very thick eye bags.

"H-hahaha- this is... crazy." (Spandam)

"Spanda, don't be sad sweetie, mommy will find a way to cure it." (Valerie)

Valeri who misunderstood, became sad to see Spandam who was laughing blankly in front of her, and just hugged him gently. Thinking of Spandam like that because of the wound on his face.

"Don't act like a child just because of a small wound, kid!"

"Hahaha~ That's right kiddo!" (Spandine)

"Father! Stop that. You too Spandine!" (Valerie)

Spandam ignores the people around him and only hopes that this is all just a dream.

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