
One Piece: Cipher Pol Spandam

no cheats, no desires, no meeting gods, no systems, no overpowers mc, only weak main characters... I wrote this a few years ago when I was in high school. Even if it's only a few chapters, maybe I'll continue. "If you like OP MC... Don't read this-" (Spandam) - *buy panda a cup of coffee ko-fi.com/spandam

Spandam · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 13 - Enies Lobby and Guanhao

Enies Lobby, also known as the Judicial Island (Shihō no Shima), was a government-controlled stronghold in Grand Line-Paradise. Enies Lobby is located on an island referred to as both the "afternoon island" (Hiru-Jima) and the "never-night island" (Fuya-Jima). It was one of the World Government's three major strongholds and the headquarters of CP9.

To get there, Spandam must go through the Gate of Justice which is in Marineford or he must pass through the Florian Triangle which is a sea notorious for the many ships that mysteriously go missing within it. For that reason alone, of course, Spandam will choose a safer travel route.

Moreover, between the three Gates of Justice there is the Tarai current which is a large spiral water current and is located between Marine Headquarters, Impel Down, and Enies Lobby. By driving in this current, Marines and agents of the world's government can travel faster to these three locations.

With the identity of Spandam, he immediately got permission to sail through the Gate of Justice and it didn't take him long to reach Enies Lobby.

When the Gate of Justice on the Enies Lobby side was opened, the ship with the World Government flag belonging to Spandam finally arrived at the rear side of Enies Lobby. There they docked at the Bridge of Hesitation.

This is a large, two-sectioned draw-bridge. The first section leads from an underwater passageway to the Gates of Justice, while the second is a high bridge over the sea that leads directly to the Gates of Justice.

Spandam and the others immediately walked through the underwater tunnel leading to the basement of the Tower of Justice from the Bridge of Hesitation.

It didn't take long until Spandam reached the highest floor of the Tower of Justice which was the floor where his father's office room was.

"All of you wait here." Leaving the agents out of the room. Spandam knocked on the door of his father's office room and immediately opened it without waiting for an answer.

When he opened the door, Spandam could see three people in the room. It was his father along with his two trusted agents. Spandine who was sitting at his desk, Laskey who was standing on his father's right side holding a file, and another man who was sitting on his father's left side smoking and holding den-den mushi.

"Oh kiddo, you've arrived." (Spandine)

"Yeah... Where's the Eternal Post, dad?" (Spandam)

"Fuhaha~ Why the rush. Come here son... Well, to be honest, I'm quite surprised by your request, I don't know if it's the right choice kid. After all, isn't it too late for his age?" (Spandine)

"That's precisely why I want him to go to Guanhao Island, so that he gets the maximum training and for his loyalty, I can confirm it. I will take responsibility for it." (Spandam)

Since Spandam had told his father everything the night before, Spandine understood what his son's goal was for the secret island, Guanhao.

"Fuhaha~ Is that so... then it's fine." Spandine laughed cheerfully at Spandam's reply and looked at his son while nodding his head.

Spandam who saw his father's behavior felt strange "What's the matter?"

"No... it's just that I feel you've... grown? or become more mature now. You dare say to take responsibility for yourself, your old self would never say that." (Spandine)

Spandam's face twitched when he heard his father's words. 'Somehow I don't feel complimented at all.' Spandam just sighed looking at his father who laughed energetically "I don't know what you mean... where is my Eternal Post?"

Spandine not seeing much of a reaction from his son decided not to discuss it any further. "Well fine, by the way, I heard the interesting thing that you were looking for someone in North Blue." Spandine said as he opened his desk drawer and took something out of it.

"So it's spread? That fast... well I won't deny it." (Spandam)

"Fuhahaha....! Don't underestimate Cipher Pol, kid." (Spandine)

"Did that old man hear it too?" (Spandam)

"Well, for sure. There's no way he didn't hear. Even though he didn't say anything, so it shouldn't be a problem. Don't worry too much." (Spandine)

"Is that so..." Spandam just nodded and heaved a sigh of relief involuntarily. Because he did things without orders and even went into territory that was not his responsibility, he was afraid that his grandfather would be angry. After all, Cipher Pol agents must always move on orders from superiors. 'I don't know if my actions will interfere with a secret plan or something.' To be honest he had a fear of his grandfather.

"Yeah, don't worry too much. The old man won't be angry as long as you don't mess up. This is the Eternal Post to Guanhao..." Spandine said as he threw the Eternal Post out of his hands. But, he didn't throw it to Spandam, but at Laskey by his side. "You can go with Laskey." he continued.

"?" Laskey who always had an expressionless face just raised his eyebrows while looking at his leader in reaction to his confusion.

"It's okay, you can go. You missed your daughter didn't you? This is a good opportunity. There's no important mission at the moment anyway. Though I want you to move in case of a sudden mission." (Spandine)

"...I see. Then I will accept your goodwill, leader." (Laskey)

Seeing this, Spandam's respect for his father increased. He is increasingly convinced that the relationship between superiors and subordinates is very important. Perhaps this was the reason why his father was highly respected by the agents under him even though he had no powers. This is what the original Spandam did not have in the story.

"Then please take care of me, Laskey-san." Spandam said while bowing his head slightly as a sign of respect. 'If you want respect, then respect others.'

"...yes, me too. Young master." (Laskey)

"...I will go now, dad." (Spandam)

"Yeah... I'll leave my troublesome son to you Laskey." (Spandine)

"Yes, you can leave it to me. Then, I'll excuse myself. Leader. (Laskey)

Afterward, Spandam returned to his ship with the addition of one more person. Once everything was ready they started sailing toward their next destination.

Guanhao Island


Their voyage did not take long, less than two weeks the Spandam ship had arrived at their destination, Guanhao Island.

On the way to Guanhao island, Spandam saw quite interesting things and heard some very interesting things from Laskey. When he left Enies Lobby, Spandam saw a Fish-men at work building a rail in the middle of the ocean. It is the ocean between Water 7 and Enies Lobby island.

Laskey explains to Spandam that the Fish-men man is Tom who was convicted of building the Pirate King's ship, the Gold Roger.

He put forward the idea of building a sea train that could be connected from island to island. The World Government agreed to his proposal and ordered him to build the sea train within ten years as his trials. It had been about four years since he started his job.

Interestingly in these four years, he almost connected an Enies Lobby with Water 7 by himself. Although it was not yet considered a success in the Sea Train project, at least it was progressing.

When Spandam asks how he was able to do all that himself, Laskey explains that he made the sea train tracks out of the Sea Stone which keeps the sea kings away from the location. He succeeded because of the full support of the World Government. This shows that the Sea Train project is in great demand and has profitable prospects for the World Government.

The World Government thought it would make it easier for them to send criminals to Enies Lobby to be sent to Impel Down. Because the weather between Water 7 and Enies Lobby is always bad.

When Laskey mentioned the Sea Stone research, Spandam became interested and asked about the Sea Stone research.

Laskey just explained that recently a researcher from the World Government discovered some interesting functions of sea stone and there is a project to make a ship that can sail through the Calm Belt. Spandam immediately understood that what Laskey was talking about was Dr. Vegapunk. Unfortunately, not much information is given about Vegapunk other than the success of research on Sea Stones. Spandam thinks the next one to be researched is definitely a devil fruit.

With the discussion stopped there, they continued their journey in peace.

It's actually not very peaceful because they encountered a pirate who didn't run away when they saw the World Government emblem. Because normally pirates would avoid World Government ships.

At that time Spandam was very grateful to his father for sending Laskey with him. Even if it's just a nameless pirate, it's still a pirate in the first half of the Grand Line. Since three of Spandam's elite agents weren't even with him, it would have been difficult without Laskey.

Having mastered all six forms of Rokushiki, Laskey was able to defeat and capture the pirates with ease.

After sending the pirates to the nearest marine branch headquarters, they continued their journey until they finally arrived at Guanhao Island.

Guanhao is a small island located near the Calm Belt. This is one of the secret islands belonging to the world's government that is used as a training camp for future Cipher Pol generations. Although he's heard of this island, but this is the first time Spandam visited Guanhao island.

Once anchored, Spandam and the others started walking through the forest following Laskey's footsteps. From the outside, this island looks like an uninhabited island covered by a normal forest. But after walking for a while through the forest. You can see an eastern-style tower whose roof is covered by trees. It is located in the middle of the island with a wide field where future agents are trained.

In the field, there were several small children who were practicing martial arts.

Spandam could see a little boy in a black tall top hat who he thought was Rob Lucci, then there was Jabra who looked to be about 16 or 17 years old, and a teenager who had hair like bull horns- Blueno.

On the other hand, Spandam could see a young Kumadori with white hair, Fukurou with a zipper mouth, and little Khalifa with short hair. 'She's cute... Wait, where's the square nose guy?'

Each of them was practicing karate and shadow boxing moves. Whereas there was an old man watching them while holding a wooden sword, maybe he was the trainer in the training camp here.

The arrival of the Spandam group caught everyone's attention, but no one stopped their practice. Meanwhile, the old man holding the wooden sword walked over to Spandam. "Ohoho~ Laskey-kun, it's been a long time, you've finally come. Do you want to see your daughter? You only came three years ago when you brought her and never visited again." The old man laughed cheerfully and said to Laskey who was by Spandam's side. He then approached Laskey and whispered- "Even though she looks indifferent, she actually misses you, you know..."

With his expressionless face as usual, he immediately denied it with a straight face "No, I'm just escorting the leader's son, he's the one who has business here."

Perhaps hearing Laskey's reply or simply from exhaustion, the blonde girl's body trembled. But, back to normal a moment later. Only a few people realize that and Spandam is one of them.

"The leader's son? Ahh~ Spandine's son eh..." The old man averted his gaze and stared at Spandam curiously.

As if remembering something, the old man immediately spoke politely while scratching his head. "Oh! pardon this old man's impoliteness, young master." Maybe because of Spandam's identity, everyone seemed to be careful when talking to him.

"Don't worry about it, you can get rid of the manners and call me Spandam... Eee-" (Spandam)

"Old Lee, you can call me old Lee." The old man, old Lee immediately *Ohoho~* laughed again without his previous polite appearance.

Spandam smiled at him and spoke "That's right, I've heard a lot about you old Lee. Like, you who have trained two generations of CP9 and now it seems like the third one. I admire you, old Lee." It was the polite smile that Spandam always showed in society, in his old world.

"Ohoho... you compliment me too much. Looks like Spandine has a good son." Old Lee laughed happily at Spandam's praise and asked him. "So, what do you want here, young man?"

"Ah! do you want to practice the martial art of Rokushiki too?" (Old Lee)

"Guh!" Spandam's feelings were pricked by old Lee's words 'If only I could...'

"Haa~ No... I have no talent in it anyway. I came here to send someone to train here." (Spandam)

"Oho?" (Old Lee)

Spandam then grabbed Tesoro's collar and pushed him in front of Old Lee. "Here is he... I want him to practice Rokushiki here."

"This butler?" Old Lee looked directly at Tesoro up and down while stroking his white beard. He nodded happily and said "Hmmm... He has a great body. At least he can start right away without having to go through basic body training..."

"Hee~ Is he that good?" (Spandam)

"Well, it's good. Not bad, not bad... the muscles are quite well developed. It must have been through painful training." Old Lee said while touching Tesoro's whole body. He seemed to be checking the muscles hidden under the butler's shirt. "Ohoho~"

"H-Hey. What are you doing old man?!" (Tesoro)

"So it's like that..." Spandam was a little surprised to hear that, it seemed his harsh life as a delinquent and slave had some positives.

"Looks like you have quite a talented butler huh, Spandam-kun... Even though you are a little late, at least if you try hard you can master Rokushiki in eight or ten years." (Old Lee)

"It's good that you brought him here or his talent will be wasted, Ohoho~" (Old Lee)

Everyone was shocked when they heard Old Lee's assessment of the green-haired butler. Even the children who were practicing not far from them stopped their movements when they heard that. There were curious, smoldering, envious, and disdainful gazes coming from the children.

"That's surprising, it looks like there will be three talented people in CP9 and it looks like the CP9 in this era will be the strongest CP9 in Cipher Pol history! Ohoho~" Old Lee said as he looked back, looking at a young boy with a Top hat and a dove on it.

Laskey was actually quite surprised too, he widened his eyes slightly, but returned with his expressionless face a moment later. He looked at Spandam who was beside him in amazement. 'Looks like the young master has good eyes. He really has grown...' Laskey decided to tell his leader about this. 'Moreover, I can't feel any hatred from him even though he was previously a slave.'

Eight years of mastering Rokushiki. It was not a talent that was easy to find in this world. There is a difference between learning and mastering.

By mastering the six forms of Rokushiki, then that person will have a minimum Doriki level above 500 which is enough to be called a superhuman.

It should also be noted that not many agents can learn all six forms of Rokushiki, let alone master them. Those who can learn all six forms of Rokushiki will be called a genius agents and will be included in Cipher Pol 9.

While the official agents in Cipher Pol only managed to learn one of the six forms of Rokushiki or even none of them. That's why official agents from CP1 to CP8 mostly use weapons to fight and don't use Rokushiki martial arts like CP9 agents.

That was why everyone's attention was focused on Tesoro.



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