
One Piece: Celestial Corruption

In a world where darkness reigned supreme, Alaric emerged as a harbinger of malevolence, reborn as a Celestial Dragon. Gifted with the Succubus Physique, he devoured five devil fruits with a hunger that mirrored the depths of his depravity. Driven not by lust alone, but by a thirst for domination and cruelty, Alaric's every action dripped with malice. With each main character he vanquished, he reveled in the agony of his victims, his power growing with every drop of their blood. As he sailed the cursed seas, Alaric amassed not a harem, but a legion of enslaved souls, their wills shattered by his iron fist and twisted desires. In his wake, he left a trail of corruption and despair, his name whispered in terror by those who dared to defy him. For Alaric, ultimate pleasure lay not in ecstasy, but in the agony of others. And as he gazed upon the shattered world he ruled with an iron grip, he knew that his reign of darkness was just beginning.

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9 Chs


In addition to the sports facilities, Alaric's ambitious plans also included the establishment of luxurious hotels, chic cafes, and trendy restaurants. These establishments, adorned with opulent decor and offering delectable cuisine, quickly became the talk of the town.

Citizens from all walks of life marveled at the grandeur of Alaric's hotels, each one a testament to his impeccable taste and flair for design. From elegant ballrooms to lavish suites overlooking breathtaking vistas, every detail was meticulously crafted to provide guests with an unforgettable experience.

The cafes and restaurants, meanwhile, buzzed with activity as patrons savored the innovative dishes and tantalizing beverages on offer. Culinary connoisseurs and casual diners alike reveled in the diverse flavors and artistic presentation of Alaric's creations, eager to sample each culinary masterpiece.

Naval officers and pirates alike found themselves drawn to these establishments, seeking respite from their duties and indulging in the pleasures of good food and comfortable accommodations. Even the most hardened warriors couldn't resist the allure of Alaric's hospitality.

As word of Alaric's endeavors spread far and wide, the Four Emperors took notice of the burgeoning empire he was building. Whitebeard, the venerable and respected Yonko, admired Alaric's dedication to improving the lives of the people and saw potential in his efforts to unite communities through sports and leisure.

With Alaric's hotels and cafes becoming destinations of choice for travelers and adventurers, the world was brimming with excitement and anticipation for what the future held. And as the sun set on another day, Alaric's influence continued to grow, shaping the world in ways no one could have imagined.

As the news of the booming industries spread, a sense of jubilation swept through the corridors of power. NSujuro, the financial god of wealth, delivered the happy tidings with a wide grin, announcing that the industries had reaped tens of billions in just the first day alone. The other four elders and Saint Garling couldn't contain their delight, their smiles reflecting the immense success of their endeavors.

Riding the wave of euphoria, they wasted no time in seeking out Alaric to share the good news. Upon arriving at his new castle, they were greeted by a sight that took their breath away. Alaric's property had undergone a stunning transformation, with a majestic castle at its heart, surrounded by lush parks, sports facilities, and gyms. Small buildings housing hot springs and inventory stores dotted the landscape, adding to the opulence of the estate.

The five elders and Garling stood in awe, marveling at the sheer grandeur of Alaric's domain. It was a testament to his vision and ingenuity, a reflection of his unparalleled wealth and power. As they wandered through the meticulously manicured grounds, they couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in what they had accomplished together.

With the industries flourishing and Alaric's property now a beacon of luxury and sophistication, they knew that they had ushered in a new era of prosperity for the world government.

Amidst the celebrations and discussions about their newfound wealth and success, Alaric convened with the five elders and Saint Garling to chart the course for their burgeoning industries. Together, they deliberated on how best to manage their vast assets and ensure continued growth and prosperity.

In a private meeting, away from prying eyes, Alaric broached a sensitive topic. He requested permission to acquire a select group of slaves to serve him in various capacities. To his relief, the elders and Garling readily agreed, recognizing the practicality and efficiency of such a move. They also gave him 3 personal CP0s who will only listen to his commands from now on.

Alaric strode through the bustling slave arena, his keen eyes scanning the diverse array of individuals on display. Among the crowd, he sought out individuals from various races, each possessing unique talents and abilities that would prove invaluable in his service.

With discerning judgment, Alaric selected a group of females from different races, ensuring a diverse and skilled retinue to serve him. Among his chosen were minks, their feline agility and strength promising unmatched prowess in combat. Dwarves, known for their craftsmanship and ingenuity, were also among his selections, their small stature belying their immense skill.

Additionally, Alaric sought out members of the long-leg tribe, renowned for their towering height and grace, ideal for tasks requiring both strength and agility. And not to be forgotten were the merfolk and other tribes, their affinity for the ocean offering unique advantages in maritime endeavors.

As he finalized his choices and led his new slaves away from the arena,.

1. Sophia [Rabbit Girl]

2. Freya [Spider Girl]

3. Violet [Orc]

4. Nova [Mermaid]

5. Scarlett [Oni]

As they arrived at the castle, Alaric wasted no time ensuring their comfort and accommodation. He ordered his guards to prepare suitable clothing for each of them, tailored to their unique physiques and preferences. With a flick of his hand, he removed the collars from his newly acquired slaves, a gesture of trust and respect.

Leading them to their designated rooms within the castle, Alaric ensured that each individual had ample space and privacy to settle in. The castle, now bustling with new life and energy, felt more vibrant than ever before.

Hearing the conversation from afar, the Gods Knight and CP0 swiftly intervened, their presence commanding and authoritative. With swords drawn, they approached the slaves, their expressions stern and unwavering.

"Don't even think about it," one of the Gods Knight members barked, the edge of his sword dangerously close to the slaves' necks. "The moment you try something funny, you'll be tortured to death. Your only job is to obey Saint Alaric's instructions."

Another CP0 agent stepped forward, his gaze cold and piercing. "And let me remind you, Saint Alaric is not just any celestial dragon," he stated, his voice carrying an ominous weight. "He's the rising star of the celestial dragons, the heir to two of the most powerful celestial dragon families. If he wishes, he could order the eradication of your entire species without a second thought."

The slaves, already on edge, tensed at the threatening words and the sight of sharp blades aimed at their throats. Their earlier conversation now seemed like a distant memory, replaced by the harsh reality of their precarious situation. With a collective gulp, they nodded in silent acknowledgment of the warning, understanding the grave consequences of disobedience in the presence of such formidable authority.

The CP0 member issued his command with an air of authority, his tone brooking no argument. "Follow me," he instructed, gesturing for the slaves to accompany him. "You need to be trained, and you'll start by spending a month at the Maids Academy."

The slaves exchanged uncertain glances, the weight of their predicament settling heavily upon them. With guarded expressions, they obediently followed the CP0 agent, their footsteps echoing through the corridors of the castle.

As they were led away to begin their training, the slaves couldn't help but wonder what awaited them at the Maids Academy.

As Alaric reclined on the bed, with Tsunade lying beside him, he couldn't help but feel a surge of contentment. Despite his diminutive stature compared to her, their connection transcended physicality. With a gentle kiss, their bond deepened, guided by the influence of his squishy physique.

Tsunade's loyalty, already high, soared to new heights, her affection for Alaric unwavering. As they kissed, their bodies entwined in a tender embrace, their intimacy a reflection of their mutual trust and devotion.

After a rigorous training session in the gym and an exhilarating round of sports with his guards, Alaric returned to the castle, his body weary but his spirits high. Seeking solace in the soothing waters of the hot spring, he invited Tsunade to join him, their shared relaxation fostering a sense of tranquility.

As they settled into bed together, their naked forms entangled, they found comfort in each other's presence. Wrapped in the warmth of their affection, they drifted into a peaceful slumber, their bond unbreakable and their hearts intertwined.


In the dimly lit halls of the maid academy, the five new additions to Alaric's retinue underwent an exhaustive initiation into their roles as servants. From the first crack of dawn to the dying embers of twilight, they immersed themselves in a whirlwind of instruction, absorbing every detail with a mix of anxiety and determination.

Under the watchful eye of their instructor—a figure both formidable and enigmatic—they learned the art of serving tea with precision and grace. Each delicate pour and subtle gesture was scrutinized, the weight of perfection heavy on their shoulders. They also delved into the intricacies of household management, from arranging furnishings to maintaining immaculate cleanliness in their designated areas.

Yet, woven between the lessons of servitude were stark reminders of the consequences of failure. The instructor, with a demeanor as cold as steel, showcased the fate that befell those who fell short of their duties. It was a chilling spectacle, one that left an indelible mark on the psyche of the aspiring maids—a grim reminder of the price of incompetence in the realm of the celestial dragons.

Despite the ever-present fear that gnawed at their resolve, the slaves found solace in whispers of Saint Alaric's reputation. They clung to the hope that their master, renowned for his fairness and compassion, would be a beacon of light in the shadows of their uncertainty. With each lesson learned and each task mastered, they forged ahead, driven by the desire to prove themselves worthy of their master's trust

In the opulent residence of Saint Nsujuro, the air was thick with anticipation as the elder celestial dragon engaged in a passionate discussion with his daughter, Hinata. "Hinata, my dear, do you not see the golden opportunity that lies before us?" Nsujuro's voice was filled with fervor as he urged his daughter to forge a connection with Alaric. "Despite the disparity in age, the benefits of aligning ourselves with him are immeasurable. We must seize this chance to elevate our family's standing."

Hinata, though initially hesitant, couldn't deny the allure of her father's words. "But Father, I worry about the vast difference in our ages," she admitted, her brow furrowed with concern. Yet, Nsujuro remained resolute, his eyes gleaming with ambition. "Age is but a trivial matter, my dear. Think of the power and wealth that could be ours if we secure Alaric's favor."

Meanwhile, within the stately confines of Saint Garling's estate, a similar conversation unfolded between the venerable celestial dragon and his granddaughter, Yoko. "Yoko, my dear, listen closely," Garling began, his tone earnest and persuasive. "The path to prosperity for our family lies in securing a bond with Alaric." With each word, he painted a vivid picture of the opportunities that awaited them.

Yoko, though initially apprehensive, found herself swayed by her grandfather's impassioned plea. "But Grandfather, how can I approach him?" she inquired, her voice tinged with uncertainty. Yet, Garling's confidence remained unshaken. "With grace and charm, my dear. You possess the allure to captivate his attention and secure our family's future."

In another corner of the celestial dragon realm, Mars and Mercury were deeply engrossed in guiding their son through an intensive training regimen. "Son, the key to our family's ascendance lies in your mastery of these skills," Mars asserted, his voice resonating with authority. "With Alaric's guidance, you will become a force to be reckoned with."

Their son, though initially daunted by the challenge, found solace in his parents' unwavering support. "But Father, Mother, what if I falter?" he questioned, his voice laced with uncertainty. Yet, Mars and Mercury offered reassuring smiles, their belief in his potential unwavering. "Fear not, my son. With determination and perseverance, you will surpass all obstacles."

Across the celestial dragon families, from elders to youngsters, from daughters to grandsons, the sentiment echoed loud and clear: Alaric held the key to their collective destiny. With his formidable King's Haki and burgeoning industries, he stood as a beacon of power and influence, a figure whose favor could shape the destinies of those around him.

Warcury and Saturn, the most carefree among the celestial dragon elders, found themselves indulging in a spirited game of badminton after a lavish dinner and a few drinks. In the confines of their home court, laughter filled the air as they wielded their rackets with practiced finesse. With each swift movement, the shuttlecock, coated with a layer of haki, zipped through the air at breakneck speed, creating a symphony of sound with every powerful strike.

Their carefree spirits soared as they reveled in the exhilaration of the game. With each spirited rally, their reflexes were honed to a razor-sharp edge, while their flexibility was put to the test with each agile maneuver. The intensity of their play only grew with each passing moment, fueled by the sheer joy of competition and the camaraderie shared between them.

As the shuttlecock whizzed back and forth with astonishing velocity, echoing the strength of their bond and the depth of their friendship, Warcury and Saturn found themselves completely immersed in the moment. The game became a testament to their unwavering spirit, their unyielding determination, and their insatiable thirst for life's simple pleasures.

With each resounding smash and deft return, they danced across the court with grace and agility, their movements a testament to the years of experience and the unparalleled skill that defined them. In their carefree abandon, they found a moment of respite from the weight of their responsibilities, embracing the joy of the present and the thrill of the game.