
Devil Fruit

As Saint Alaric emerged from the comforting embrace of the hot spring, a cadre of maids swiftly attended to him, their nimble hands deftly dressing him in luxurious attire and applying fragrant ointments to his skin. With practiced efficiency, they ensured that every detail was attended to, their movements a testament to their unwavering dedication.

Once Alaric was comfortably settled, he issued a command for a small notebook and a pen. Without hesitation, the maids hastened to fulfill his request, returning swiftly with a meticulously crafted notebook made from the finest paper in the world, accompanied by a pen adorned with exquisite gems and precious metals.

Seated at his ornate desk, Alaric's expression grew focused as he began to meticulously record every detail of his knowledge about the One Piece world. Each stroke of the pen was deliberate, each word carefully chosen to capture the nuances of the vast and intricate world he inhabited.

As he wrote, Alaric muttered to himself, "I won't forget any detail." He diligently recorded every plot twist and character development, ensuring that his knowledge was comprehensive. From the East Blue to the Grand Line and the enigmatic Egghead Island, he chronicled every adventure he had watched unfold in his previous life. And with each word, his determination to conquer the world only grew stronger.

As Alaric concluded his meticulous note-taking, he slid the notebook into his pocket with a satisfied nod. Then, with a commanding tone, he addressed the system.

"System, show me my status."

Instantly, a holographic display materialized before him, revealing a comprehensive array of statistics and data. Alaric's eyes gleamed with anticipation as he scanned the information before him, taking in every detail with keen interest.


[NAME: Saint Jaygarcia Alaric Topman]

[Identity: Heir of the Jaygarcia and Topman Families]

[Bloodline: Human]

[Physique: Succubus]

[Devil Fruit; None]

[Max Loyalty: None]

[System Storage: Skill Enhancement Card, Zoan Devil Fruit Enhancement Card]

After scrutinizing his status, Alaric proceeded to the Hall of the Five Elders, a place where no servants were allowed. As he entered, the austere atmosphere of the hall enveloped him, and the solemnity of the surroundings was a stark contrast to the opulence of his palace.

"Grandpa's," Alaric addressed Saint Saturn and Saint Warcury, his tone resolute. "I want the key to the Treasury."

Upon hearing his request, Saint Saturn and Saint Warcury exchanged a glance, and their curiosity piqued. "What's the matter, Alaric? Do you seek something specific from the Treasury?" Warcury inquired, his voice tinged with interest.

Alaric's response was unwavering. "I want to become stronger. I want to consume devil fruits."

At his words, a spark of delight ignited in the eyes of Saint Saturn and Saint Warcury. "Very well, then," Saturn declared, a smile spreading across his weathered face. "Let us accompany you to the Treasury."

Guided by a contingent of CP0 and God's Knights, Alaric, and the elders descended into the depths of the hall, where the treasury of the Jaygarcia and Topman families lay hidden. The entrance was guarded by vigilant sentries, who swiftly opened the gates at the sight of the revered elders.

As they stepped inside, the Treasury revealed itself in all its splendor. Rows of devil fruits adorned the shelves, alongside legendary swords and ancient tomes. Rare metals glinted in the dim light, while suits of armor stood sentinel against the walls.

Crafted from the hardest metal and imbued with the power of sea stones, the treasury was a testament to the wealth and influence of the Jaygarcia and Topman families.

As Alaric stood before his grandfathers, a sense of gravity weighed upon him. "Grandpa, I have a secret to share," he began, his voice low and urgent. Warcury and Saturn leaned in, their expressions expectant.

"What is it, grandson?" Saturn's voice was gentle yet firm.

"It's very important," Alaric insisted, locking eyes with them. "Promise me you won't tell anyone."

Warcury and Saturn exchanged a solemn glance before nodding in agreement. "We promise," they chorused in unison.

Alaric took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. "After being struck by lightning," he continued, lowering his voice to a whisper, "a voice spoke to me in my head. It said... it said that I was the chosen one. And it granted me the ability to eat seven devil fruits."

Silence hung heavy in the air as Warcury and Saturn processed Alaric's revelation. Their expressions shifted from curiosity to shock, their eyes widening in disbelief at the magnitude of what he had just disclosed.

For a moment, they remained speechless, grappling with the implications of Alaric's words. Then Warcury spoke, his voice tinged with awe. "The chosen one..." he murmured, his gaze fixed on Alaric with newfound reverence.

Saturn nodded in agreement, his features etched with a mixture of wonder and uncertainty. "This changes everything," he declared, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Son, we must impart to you a solemn truth," began Saint Saturn, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of tradition.

With a grave expression, Saint Warcury continued, "In the annals of our celestial lineage, there exists an ancient prophecy—a prophecy that foretells the emergence of a chosen one every millennium. This chosen one, born both within the celestial dragons and the D family, is destined to engage in a struggle for dominion over our world—a battle that culminates in the ascension to the throne of planetary rule."

Alaric's eyes widened with a mixture of awe and apprehension as he absorbed the gravity of their words.

"Our current ruler, Imu, stands as a testament to the fulfillment of this prophecy," Saturn explained, his tone tinged with solemnity. "She vanquished Joyboy, the previous chosen one, to seize the mantle of power and claim the throne as her own."

Warcury's voice carried a sense of urgency as he continued, "You must understand, Alaric, the danger that lurks in the shadows. The existence of the chosen one threatens the fragile balance of power that sustains our world. Imu, with her centuries of experience and insatiable ambition, will stop at nothing to maintain her grip on power."

Alaric nodded solemnly, his mind racing with the implications of what he had just learned.

"Should Imu discover your true nature as the chosen one?" Saturn cautioned, his gaze piercing, "Your life will be in grave danger. You must guard your abilities with utmost secrecy, revealing them only to us, your trusted guardians."

"Know this, Alaric," Warcury intoned, his voice resonating with unwavering resolve, "the fate of our world rests upon your shoulders. You must tread carefully, for every step you take brings us closer to the brink of chaos."

Alaric felt the weight of his destiny bearing down upon him, a burden too heavy for his young shoulders to bear alone. Yet, as he gazed into the eyes of his grandfathers, he found solace in their unwavering support and guidance.

"In two months, on your ninth birthday," Saturn declared, his voice firm, "we will begin your training. Until then, cherish your childhood and prepare yourself for the challenges that lie ahead."

As Alaric absorbed the magnitude of his destiny, he knew that the path before him would be fraught with peril and sacrifice. But with the wisdom of his grandfathers to guide him, he vowed to face whatever trials may come, determined to fulfill his destiny as the chosen one and claim his rightful place as the ruler of the celestial world.

With solemn determination etched upon their faces, Saint Saturn and Saint Warcury ventured into the depths of the treasury, their purpose clear. Without hesitation, they made a shallow cut on their arms, allowing their blood to mingle with the ancient seal guarding the vault.

As the crimson droplets fell upon the enchanted barrier, a low rumble reverberated through the chamber. With a resounding clang, the seal parted, revealing a hidden chamber within the treasury—a chamber reserved for the most powerful of treasures.

Within this sanctum, nestled amidst a radiant aura of mystic energy, lay an array of devil fruits of unparalleled potency and supreme swords forged by the most skilled craftsmen in the world.

Warcury's gaze fell upon a particular devil fruit, its aura shimmering with an otherworldly glow. With a decisive gesture, he retrieved the fruit and presented it to Alaric.

"Eat it, Alaric," Warcury commanded, his voice ringing with authority. "This is the Frostfire Phoenix Fruit, a mythical beast species. It will grant you the power of the legendary Frostfire Phoenix."

Saturn, meanwhile, selected another devil fruit from the treasury, its aura pulsating with elemental energy. With a nod of approval, he tossed it towards Alaric.

"And this," Saturn declared, his voice resonating with solemnity, "is the Blizzard Blaze Phoenix Fruit, also a mythical beast species. It will bestow upon you the powers of the Blizzard Blaze Phoenix."

Alaric's heart pounded with anticipation as he beheld the magnificent fruits before him. Without hesitation, he opened his mouth wide, swallowing both fruits in a single gulp, their energies surging through his veins with a potent force.


[Begin fusion of Frostfore Phoenix + Blizzard Blaze Phoenix Fruit]

As the potent energies of the Frostfire Phoenix Fruit and the Blizzard Blaze Phoenix Fruit surged within Alaric's body, a remarkable transformation unfolded before the eyes of Saint Saturn and Saint Warcury.

With a triumphant grin, Alaric marveled at the fusion occurring within him. "It turns out the Scubbus physique will allow me to eat seven devil fruits and fuse them after they enter my body! Hahaha, great!"

His laughter echoed through the chamber as the two mighty devil fruits merged, their essences intertwining to form a new and unparalleled power.

In an explosion of radiant energy, the transformation reached its climax, and a new fruit emerged from the depths of Alaric's being—a fruit unlike any other.

[Fusion completed....]

[ Eternal Phoenix Fruit, Frostblaze Model]

As the radiant glow of the newly formed fruit enveloped him, Alaric felt the surge of power coursing through his veins, his senses heightened, and his strength magnified to unfathomable levels.

However, as Alaric reveled in his newfound might, a shadow of concern flickered across the faces of Saturn and Warcury. They understood the gravity of the power that now resided within their grandson—a power that could shape the course of history and determine the fate of their world.

With a triumphant gleam in his eyes, Alaric relayed his newfound revelation to Saturn and Warcury. "Grandpa, I have one more piece of good news," he announced, his voice ringing with excitement. "It's not just that I have the ability to eat seven devil fruits. After consuming them, they will fuse and become one devil fruit!"

Saturn and Warcury exchanged a glance of profound satisfaction, their expressions reflecting pride and approval. "Great!" Saturn exclaimed, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Now you don't need to hide your power. You can simply claim that you possess a very strong mythical beast devil fruit."

Warcury nodded in agreement, his eyes alight with anticipation. "Indeed," he concurred. "Wait until your birthday. Imu will gift you the devil fruit of your father and mother. They too possessed mythical beast devil fruits of the flying type. And Nusjuro, he also has one. He is planning to accept you as his disciple, as he only has one girl as his descendant. He must be planning to train you as his son-in-law. You can ask him for a devil fruit."

Saturn's expression grew solemn as he continued, "Until then, do not reveal your devil fruit abilities. And as for the remaining two devil fruits, you can choose one Paramecia and one Logia. After discerning which abilities you desire, once your seven devil fruits are fused, you will have a chance to defeat Imu and destroy the ancient weapon Uranus."

Alaric's heart swelled with determination as he absorbed his grandfathers' words. The path before him was fraught with peril and uncertainty, but he knew that he possessed the strength and resolve to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

With the support and guidance of Saturn and Warcury, and armed with the formidable power of his fused devil fruit, Alaric vowed to seize his destiny and fulfill his role as the chosen one. And as he prepared to embark on the journey that awaited him, he knew that the fate of the celestial world rested upon his shoulders.

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