
One Piece: Captain Panda

Ordinary otaku middle aged man died from a lighting strike, woke up in a body of 10 year old boy and find himself in an desolated Island. Later he ate a black and white fruit allow him to transform into a... Panda? --- Do not own one Piece or any characters.

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6 months later.

"... I'm finally leaving?" muttered those words while looking towards the Island I've live for a whole year.

Part of me wanted to stay in this paradise like why not? it was beautiful, it had everything I needed to survive, but then I shook my head as the other part of me who wanted freedom overshadowed it.

"So much happen after that." Recalling the things the occur during the last six month, I couldn't help but to shudder.

Six month ago, I decided to leave this island as this place won't benifit anymore... Unfortunately, it was easier said than done..

Literally, it was complicated than I expected as there was so many preparations, research and such to leave.

Like food supply. The most essential one needed during the travel.

Hunting a bunch of animals wasn't hard as other than some giants in the center of the island, no one could pose a threat to me.

Storing is not also difficult as there's a lot of empty barrels in the basement. Preserving them on the other hand was a bit trickier.

It took me some time of brainstorming, browsing various books and documents in the study room until I stumbled into a four inches thick book called '47,990 known plant species that grows in **** Blue - volume 1.'

Browsing the book for hours was boring but in the end I found what I was searching for: An underwater plant unique in *** Blue, usually grows in the deepest part of **** lake.

Searching the plant wasn't hard too as there's only two lakes in the island, I even managed to find a bunch in my first attempt.

(AN: He dive the deepest part of the lake of course and since, lake isn't a part of Sea, he wasn't affected by the curse of Sea. Hope its not confusing)

After collecting a considerable quantity of 'Red Clover', I decided to plant half of them in the Botany Room. I planned to grow some to do some experiment later.

Meanwhile I brought the other half to the Lab for some quick examination, better safe than sorry after all.

Observing the plant through the microscopes, how did it interact in the microscopic world and such, observing it for hours was boring as hell, but fortunately it didn't took me long to confirm that it really works as the books described it.

After that, I then proceeded on the next part, which is processing it into a preservative.

It took an hour of long work to complete but nonetheless I was very satisfied.. just like that I managed to create my very first product in this world.

I called it Red Powder.

Red Powder - A pulverized 'Red Clover' plant, mixed with sodium chloride, calcium propionate, sorbic acid.... A passable preservative.

So, uh, well, yeah its lame, but I rarely did something and succeed so i was very satisfied.


Next after that is the most difficult part; Locating the Island I currently reside.

I can't sail the sea in random direction after all. Hoping to find a civilization through some kind of dumb luck... yah I'm not that stupid.

Locating the Island took me long time as it involved a lot of computations.

I also have to study several subjects to do it righ like navigation, geography, physics, arithmetic, astronomy and weather forecasting.

Not gonna lie, it was a pain in Ass.

I mean many made sense, but some did not, mostly in weather forecasting, like the 'Reverse Rain', 'Ice Storm', 'Sea Fountain', 'Fog storm' and such, defying the laws of physics yet somehow scientific like... what the f*ck, how's that even possible?

Fortunately I didn't have to study everything to learn the basics as after three weeks; I managed to locate the Island I was currently in.

From the data I've grathered like humidity, weather patterns, position of the stars, I was likely in an unnamed Island in the East Blue, the weakest of all seas.

9.8797° N, 147.7740° E


After Securing the Food Supply, Learning the Island's Location, the last thing to do before leaving is some maintenance check.

From the journal, Albert stated that that the ship was made of a special wood several times harder than steel. I do not doubt it, still I always believed that its better to play safe than sorry.

Inspecting the ship's every inches, checking if everything was right in thier place, changing the old sail, the Anchor, the Helm, and the likes.

Sighing, I shook my head as I realised how important a Crew was. I bet it wouldn't took a week to do everything I did in six month, if I have a capable Crew...

"Unfortunately I don't, I was alone and have to do and study everything by own." Sighing as I began thinking a possible people to recruit as my crew.

I have some people in my mind, but I'm not sure If I could have them to follow me.

Another thing to consider is, if this universe was same as the one in anime.

This is a real world after all, I'm not fool enough to believe that everything was the same as the Cannon.

Like what if Luffy isn't actually dumb? what if he only act that way for everyone to underestimate him. What if Garp wasn't a nice grandpa like what the Cannon shown? what if he's actually a secret 'Pirate' genocidal psychopath.

"Sigh, I'll think about that later... but now" Standing over the deck of the ship, taking a last glanced in the island before grinning in excitement, as my time finally arrived!

"its time to leave." I said coolly before tapping my feet on the floor to create a beat.

"There once was a ship that put to sea, the name of that ship was the Billy o' Tea.." Pulling a rope that was tied on the railing, a simple mechanism to drop the sail and soon as it dropped the wind blew hard as the ship began moving...

"The winds blew hard, her bow dipped down Blow, me bully boys, blow (Huh!)x" Quickly as I could, I spin the Helm to maneuver the ship towards West.

and that's how my Journey Begin.

- - -

AN: Another Time Skip (—_—)