
The Savages.

"Hey kid, Ya' wanna be a pirate." An older gentleman asked me, he looked to be around 50-60 years of age, he held a mug of beer up to his face.

"Not really." I replied to him, as I chugged down the beer. The beer in this world was nothing compared to the beer compared to my previous world, wine was overall better than beer though.

"Then Why Ya' Lil' Shit wearing an Eyepatch?" The old man asked me, I noticed that I was still wearing an Eyepatch on my eye.

"I've got a real bad scar old timer, You wouldn't wanna see that." I lied to him, he patted my back before chugging the beer down and slamming the mug down on the table.

"Ya' Know, Back in Ma' heydays. I used to be a pretty well known pirate in the East blue." The old man told me, I continued drinking the beer as the alcohol stung my neck.

"They used to call me, Bloody Gendry ya' know, I'd slam my club and make a darn bloody pulp of other pirates, GenGenGen." The retired pirate laughed weirdly, if I wasn't sure I was really in one piece or not? The old man's weird laugh definitely confirmed my suspicions.

"Hahaha." I nervously laughed as the old man continued laughing.

"Whachu laughin' At?" The old man suddenly stopped laughing, I continued nervously chuckling.

"GenGenGen!!" The old man patted my back and broke out laughing upon seeing my nervous expression.

A week had passed since I first joined the Sailors, I'd usually be the one pulling the sails and dropping the fishing nets, sometimes I would make snacks for the sailors to enjoy. Overall the sailing experience wasn't what I expected but it was enjoyable and definitely something a man should experience one in his life.

Too bad I am experiencing it in my next.

I sighed as I finished the mug of beer I held in my hands and lit it on the table.

"I am going for a walk." I told the old man, Gendry was his name, a wonderful fellow who often told the other sailors his adventures as a pirate.

"Where? We're on a Fucking Boat Ya' Dumb Idiot." Gendry said in between taking a chug out of his mug, he continued drinking beer as I left the tavern area.

As I walked in the deck I couldn't help but see a ship sail towards us emerging out of the thick mist, it's body black and a jolly Roger of a Bloody skull with a bone in between it's teeth appeared on my vision.

"P-PIRATES!!" I shouted as I ran toward the tavern area, The ones drinking immediately got up and walked out. Shock present in their faces. There should be a Marine base on a nearby Island, Why aren't they patrolling? Why is there a pirate ship in front of us?

"Get the cannons ready!" Gendry said as he ran towards the weaponry, there weren't many weapons there, but enough for everyone in the ship to arm themselves. I picked up a bastard sword from the weaponry.

My hands were visiblily shaking, my body ran cold as I collapsed on the ground.

'Am I really going to die? My life in this world was really short wasn't it? I am not surviving this.' I started thinking of the worst ways I could die, I shouldn't have asked to Join James's shop for work that day.

"Get Ya' shit together kid!" I heard Gendry say say something as I flimsily held on to the bastard sword. Gendry put his hand on my shoulder. I stepped out of my trance.

"Gendry?" I turned back to look at the old man, He was smirking?

"Don't lose hope kid, we'll cave their faces in an' chop their cocks up and shove it in their mouths." Gendry said optimistically, I got up and firmly held the swords.

"Thanks, Old man." I thanked him as I heard cannons be fired, the ship started shaking as the cannonballs of the pirate ship landed in the water, causing waves to form and the ship to be shook.

I headed out, intending on facing my fears, the pirate ship looked menacing while emerging from the misty seas.

"Ready the Cannons, Ya' shits, We'll blow their cocks off." Gendry said as he commanded the sailors to ready the Cannons on board with cannonballs and gunpowder.

I went to one of the cannons and loaded int the gunpowder before placing the cannonball in. The man operating the cannonball nodded at me. I walked a couple o steps back the the cannonball soared through the skies and landed on the enemy's ship.

"We can do it, destroy their Fucking ship!" I shouted as I loaded in more gunpowder in and another cannonball. The man operating the cannon once again fired the cannonball.

The cannonball landed on the deck, causing Ruckus in the enemy's ship. The ship suddenly gained a lot of speed.

"Shit, Fire they have the wind." I said as the pirate ship came closer and closer with each second. The jolly Roger was looking menacing as another one of our cannonballs landed on their deck, causing their noticeably smaller shop to start wobbling.

As the ship got closer and closer, several ropes started being flung at our ship, many sailors were already hopeless, waiting for a painless death but Gendry continued to motivate them.

"They are throwing ropes, Cut 'em!" Shouted Gendry as the sailors started cutting the ropes and loosening them, several pirates fell to their doom in the dark, night sea.

"Rahahaha, Face the wrath of the Savage pirates!" A pirate said, he had red face paint covering his face. Another few pirates started climbing the ropes, each with a red face painting.

"Kill them, Don't leave any one of these shits Alive." Gendry shouted as the sailors roared in affirmation.

I quickly lifted my bastard sword to defend myself. A member of the Savage pirates, one waring Red face painting ran towards me with a cutlass, I cursed my luck.

"Eat this, Ya bastard, Hehehea." The pirate said with a low pitched voice, was his voice like that or was he just making it like that.

I dodged another slash somehow as adrenaline flowed through by veins, my face became red from the blood, I could feel my heart beating.

'I am really gonna fucking die, Aren't I?' I thought as I got kicked into the bulwark, the ledge of the ship, my body made a noticeable dent in is as I felt my consciousness fading.

'If I'm really going die then why not take this BASTARD WITH ME!' I mentally screamed as I stood up and deflected the blow of the larger man with my bastard sword, the cutlass slides off to my handguard.

I let go of the sword as the force of the cutlass' swing was too much for my weak and frail arms to handle.

'Fuck! open inventory' I thought as the blue window of the system popped up In front of me.


1) Dual Daggers 6/10←]

"Fucking Equip!" I shouted as the daggers appeared in my hands, the pirate In front of me was shocked at the sudden appearance of the Daggers. I took the moment to plunge my right Dagger, Right into his chest.

My knees gave out under me as my grip over the Daggers loosened, I was practically uninjured yet my body refused to move.

"Hahh!" I looked to my back another man was aiming to hit me with a club. Once again, Facing a life or death situation, yet my legs refused to move.

[Achievement- 'Kill your first opponent' Completed.

Rewards: +15 to Constitution, +10 to Will power.]

I dodged the club as the planks on the deck caved in under the brute force of the man. I felt a sudden flame inside me getting brighter and brighter, my body buldged and morphed as it readjusted to the increase in Constitution.

I felt strong now, stronger than I ever was. I smiled from ear to ear, I felt stronger, strong enough to kill every single fucker in this ship.

I tightened my grip around the daggeers and faced down the smiling man, slightly taller and bulkier than him.

[Active Skill- "Flash" Activated]

In increased speed I appeared In front of the pirate as he lifted his club high, He fell for my taunt.

As he swung his club at me, I dodged the club and twisted my body. In a fluid motion, curing the man's throat.

[Passive Skill- "Dagger Art" Unlocked.]

The daggers in my hands felt natural to me, like an extension of my arms.

I heard footsteps behind me, Turing, I plunged my Dagger deep into the man's eyes. I pulled my arm to the front and dug my daggeer deep into his cranium, destroying his eyes, optic nerves and his brain.

I plunged the dagger out of his eyes as I looked at the blood in my hands in horror, I had just killed three men, more than I had imagined I would as a pirate, Luffy didn't even kill a single pirate during his rise to a yonko, turns out I am not the protagonist.

I lifted myself up and looked at the chaos around me. Several people I drank with, had fun with had just been murdered.

The nice fellow, Gendry laid on the ground, his chest caved in by a blunt weapon, likely a club.

Every sailor was getting slaughtered, innocent people who had families and lovers. James was collapsed on the railing of the upper deck, his throat slit and his guts pouring out of his stomach.

I couldn't help but puke upon the scene unfolding, the blood of the three people who I killed stained my face and clothes, proof of my deeds.

I clutched the bloody handles of my blade and moved to the corpse laying next to me, the blood pouring out of the corpse's eye. I put the blood on my hand and rubbed it over my face.

'I must survive, Survive and take revenge on the captain, for that I must become a savage.' i thought as I got up and put the Daggers back on my inventory, I picked up the cutlass of a sailor lying by and prayed silently.

'I will take revenge for you my friend, for now, lend me your cutlass.' I thought as I clutched the handle of the sword tightly and approached the captain of the savage pirates. A man of large build, the so called 'Marx' the Savage.

"Captain, all the sailors have been killed." I told him, He laughed, What a bastard! No wonder they call him "The Savage".

I split my bloody mouth in disgust, vowing to kill him whenever I have the chance.

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