
Kozuki Oden And Hyogoro Death

"Oden… sama...."

"No...it can't be..."


"No! How could this happen!!"

"Even Oden-sama..."

Seeing Kozuki Oden lying on the ground, seriously injured and dying, the samurai felt a burst of despair!

"Damn!! Let go of Oden."

At this time, seeing Kaishu grabbing Kozuki Oden, whose chest was bleeding profusely, Hyogoro became anxious and rushed over regardless of his injury.

"One Sword Style of the Flower: Flaming Hair of Holy Rage!"

This slash was a full-strength blow by Hyogoro; in this attack, he disregarded defense and focused only on speed!

"Is that all you can do?"

Kaishu grabs Kozuki Oden with one hand, then he clenches his other hand and entangles it with Armament Haki and Conqueror Haki.

"Mountain Crusher!"


The attack completely split the surrounding atmosphere, and a force of destruction spread out.

The ground exploded under the impact, smoke and dust soared into the sky, and the terrifying power caused a huge circular crater to appear on the ground.


Hyogoro's sword couldn't touch Kaishu's fist at all. It only remained a few inches away from the fist, with black lightning flashing around.

After a short statement, Hyogoro was trembling all over, and the corners of his mouth continued to overflow with blood.

Finally, at a certain moment, the Armament Haki on the sword was wiped out, and cracks appeared on the sword.


As the strength of the fist intensified, the sword in Hyogoro's hand broke, and then he was smashed into the ground.


Hyogoro was bleeding from seven orifices, and he spit out blood with pieces of internal organs as he lay powerlessly on the ground.

"Oh? You still want to resist. What a terrifying will!"

Suddenly, Kaishu's eyes shifted to Kozuki Oden, who was clearly dying at this moment but still wanted to swing his sword.

Kaishu's two sharp protrudes as he bites Kozuki Oden's neck.




"Go away!!!"

"Hiyahohoho, that can't be done."

"Mu Ha Ha Ha Ha, if I let you pass, Captain will have to suck my blood too."

No matter what Kin'emon, Denjiro, and the other samurai do, they can't break through Chinjao and others' defense.

Not to mention saving Kozuki Oden, they are in trouble, too.

All of them were wounded and panting haggardly in the battle.

In contrast, the members of the Beasts Pirates, except for the two brats who were injured, the others were almost intact.

Queen in beast form didn't even have any damaged clothes.

(A/N: Don't ask me why the clothes were still there when he changed from human form to Beast Form. His clothes are just temporarily hidden, like when Kaido transforms into a Dragon in the Manga.)


Under the moonlight, Kaishu's pale green eyes become deeper and deeper as he sucks more blood.

"Damn it!"

It's not that Kozuki Oden didn't resist, but he couldn't get rid of Kaishu's grasp at all.

Gradually, his consciousness became increasingly blurred, and his vision gradually became dim while his body began to feel cold.


The 'Enma' and 'Ame no Habakiri' in his hands fell off weakly to the ground.



Under the disbelieving, tearful eyes of the surviving samurai, Kozuki Oden's body quickly withered and turned into a mummified corpse.


In the end, it was thrown on the ground by Kaishu like garbage.

The hope of the Kozuki Family, the daimyo of Kuri, and the next Shogun just lost his breath like that!

"Ya ha ha ha..... It's almost there!"

Suddenly, Kaishu's excited laughter mixed with expectation sounded.

Then his bloodthirsty eyes looked at Hyogoro, who couldn't even stand up.



Hyogoro's eyes showed despair as Kaishu grabbed him and bit his neck.


His pale green eyes gradually turned emerald green.

"Elder brother's aura..."

At this time, only Kaido hovering in the sky can feel the change in Kaishu.

"It became stronger!!"


The moment Kaishu's eyes turned completely emerald green, he couldn't help roaring up to the sky!!

The moonlight seemed to gather on him, looking gloomy, cold, and terrifying.

Hyogoro and Kozuki Oden's corpses decayed quickly, and with Kaishu at the center, a wave of Death Energy quickly spread.

"Something is wrong!"

Queen let out a strange cry, but an excited expression appeared on his face: "You two little brats, quickly climb onto my body."

The massive Brachiosaurus was always by King and Bullet's side.

Otherwise, in such a war, even if the two little brats are not weak, they will not be able to withstand the siege of the samurais.


King and Bullet didn't try to be brave, either. At this moment, both of them had serious injuries, and their physical strength was somewhat exhausted.

Even if they don't have Observation Haki, that invisible Death Energy still gives them a creepy feeling.

Without the slightest hesitation, they quickly crawled onto Queen's body.

"Ahhh, what is that!!"

"The corpses, the corpses all turned into bones!"

"How...how could this be..."


"What's wrong? What's wrong with you?"

"Help... help me..."


"What's this..."


Wherever the Death Energy passes, the trees, flowers, and plants wither quickly.

All the snakes, insects, rats, and ants died, while the corpses on the ground quickly rotted.

The samurais only felt that their bodies became weak as their vitality rapidly disappeared.

Their skin was aging rapidly as their life force seemed to be being swallowed mysteriously, and then they finally fell powerlessly to the ground.

All their flesh and blood seemed to be stripped away at this moment, leaving only a dry bone, like dry wood, without a bit of luster on the ground.

The surrounding area has completely turned into a dead area!

Oh... we can't say completely either!!

Because people with Armament Haki's defense or already strong physique are not afraid of this deadly plunder.

Like the members of the Beasts Pirates and a dozen or so samurais, that's right, the 3,000 samurai, except for the dozens around Kozuki Sukiyaki, there are less than 20 samurai left.

The combat power of the entire Wano can be said to have been wiped out by 80% to 90%!


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Early access up to

Chapter 128 on 'One Piece: Build The Strongest Beast Pirates'

Chapter 17 on 'I Quit The Straw Hats Pirates At The Beginning And Joined The Beast Pirates'

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