
One Piece: Build The Strongest Beast Pirates

patreon.com/FanfictionTranslation ====================== Barbarossa Kaishu transmigrates to one piece and becomes the older brother of Kaidou of the Beasts while possessing a stronger physique talent! After the Battle of the Gods Valley, the Strongest Assistant system was activated. It can continuously improve the loyalty of the crew members while letting their Zoan-type devil fruit evolve. Sengoku: Why all of the Beasts Pirates are Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit Users?! Five Elders: Damn it! How can the Beasts Pirates be scarier than Rocks Pirates? Garp: My iron fist can't even break Kaishu's defense at all! Imu: How can there be such a terrible monster? Why even Uranus can't kill Kaishu!!

0StolenDream0 · Anime & Comics
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284 Chs

Awakening A New Ability

All things withered, leaving only deathly silence!!

Kozuki Sukiyaki and Kurozumi Orochi also stopped at this time, and all the surviving samurai looked at Kaishu under the moonlight in panic.

At this moment, he gave people a feeling of great terror and incomparable ominousness.

The bones everywhere make this place like hell, which makes those who see it feel chill and frightened.

"Roar!! Ya ha ha ha...."


Kaishu clenched his fists while a maniacal smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Elder brother? This is..."

Kaido, who had turned into a human form again, came to Kaishu's side and asked curiously.

"The development of my Devil Fruit has gone a step further, and my strength has improved a lot."

Kaishu smiled and patted Kaido on the shoulder happily.

"So heavy... this is!!"

Kaido's shoulders dropped sharply, and he looked at Kaishu, who was smiling happily in surprise.

"Elder brother, your strength… is too strong!"

"Ya ha ha ha, this is the new ability I awakened after developing my devil fruit, the ultimate power!"

Kaishu couldn't contain the joy in his heart as he put his arms around his younger brother's shoulders while laughing loudly.

That's right!

As Kaishu sucked a lot of blood these months, his Devil Fruit was developed little by little.

To this day, after sucking Kozuki Oden and Hyogoro, he awaken a new ability.

Ultimate Power!!

When Kaishu evolved his previous Devil Fruit to Undead Titan, in addition to his previous abilities, such as corpse poison, dead air, and blood control, Kaishu had no other skills.

He only got the ultimate Defense of Undead Titan!

With this defense, Kaishu, who has just stepped into the Admiral level, can fight Roger for three days and three nights.

Although he was defeated in the end. But don't forget that Roger was already at the peak of the Admiral level. He also mastered the top-level Armament Haki and Conqueror Haki. Moreover, he also has an extremely terrifying swordsmanship level.

However, there was nothing he could do against Kaishu.

He can hurt Kaishu, but he can't kill him!!

If Kaishu plays recklessly and relies on the resilience brought by his immortality talent. It will be Roger who will suffer in the end.

It can be seen from this that Kaishu's defense and resilience are different!!

Of course, the so-called 'Ultimate' is not indestructible. Otherwise, Kaishu would not have a permanent scar.

But in Kaishu's current stage, his defense has reached the Ultimate.

In the same way, Kaishu has now awakened the ultimate power of Undead Titan Fruit and has reached the peak of a mid-level Admiral.

Yes, with the development of his Devil Fruit, Kaishu's strength in physical skills also improved, and it has entered the middle level.

In other words, Kaishu's defensive power also increased accordingly.

Now, if he fights Roger again, with Ultimate Power and Ultimate Defense, Kaishu can at least fight Roger equally.

And it can even finally be achieved, exchanging injuries for life!!

"Wo ro ro ro ro, elder brother, I really envy you. It's so easy to develop your Devil Fruit."

Kaido couldn't help but smile enviously.

His Devil Fruit has only improved a little bit so far, and his strength has not improved as much as it did at the beginning.

However, Kaishu has already stepped into the middle-level Admiral level, and it can be said that the gap has further widened.

You must know that strength is more difficult to improve as you go higher.

Otherwise, there would not be so many people in the sea. After reaching the strength of the Vice Admiral, it would be difficult to make further progress, and they would not even be able to step into the Admiral Candidate for a lifetime.

The Admiral level is like a moat lying in front of all the geniuses.

But there is no way, as long as Kaishu sucks blood, his Devil Fruit can develop by itself.

Of course, this requires fresh blood from different powerhouses.

Otherwise, just by constantly sucking Kaido's blood, he can awaken his devil fruit directly.

Kaishu has already adapted to Kaido's blood, and no matter how much he ingests, it will only restore his physical strength, and it will not have much effect on Devil Fruit's development.

This is why Kaishu chooses to suck these people dry instead of keeping them as blood bags.

"If I continue to develop this way, I should be able to awaken the Ultimate Speed..."

Kaishu smiles brightly while thinking secretly.

"Hiyahohoho, my lord has become stronger. It seems that I can't slack off."

Chinjao touched his awl head with a gentle smile on his face, but he spoke with a serious eye.

Queen, who was still in beast form, smoked a cigar while speaking enviously: "Captain is really a monster."

"I'll keep up." Gion clenched the handle of her sword with a serious face.

King's eyes filled with admiration: "As expected of Captain!"

"I'll have to become stronger!" Bullet looked at his wounded body while gritting his teeth.

Kaishu's progress not only makes the crew happy but also makes them feel more urgent to improve their own strength.

They can't be left far behind by their Captain. Otherwise, they won't even be qualified to follow their Captain.

"Take them all down!"

Hyogoro and Kozuki Oden are both dead.

Wano's shogun and several other daimyo are here, along with Kurozumi Orochi and his samurai.

Kaishu's goal of fighting to determine the final winner has basically been achieved, so naturally, he doesn't want to waste any more time.

"Hiyahohoho, leave it all to me!"

"Chinjao, don't kill them all. I still want to experiment with my biological weapons."

"Queen, don't use your biological weapons. These people are still quite useful, so capture them all alive."

Except for Kaishu and Kaido, the others rush forward to clean the battlefield.

"Damn it, It won't be so easy... ahh!" Before Kozuki Sukiyaki could finish his sentence, he was slapped to the ground by Chinjao.



"I...I surrender..."


The remaining samurai were not opponents at all, and it was almost a unilateral massacre.

It's just that these people were lucky, and most of them were seriously injured. Only one samurai was accidentally trampled to death by Queen.