

In a world where destiny weaves its intricate threads, Ross finds himself entangled in a web of fate beyond comprehension. Once a mafia enforcer in his past life, he meets his demise shielding his brother, the reigning mafia king, from a fatal betrayal. But as death claims him, another door opens. Transcending realms, Ross is reborn into the vibrant world of One Piece, armed with the memories of his former life and the knowledge of its canon. However, fate has a cunning twist in store. He awakens within the body of young Rosinante, a noble-hearted soul entwined in the dark machinations of piracy and government corruption. As Ross grapples with this new existence, a tragic turn of events leads to Rosinante's demise, allowing Ross's soul to seamlessly merge with his. Now, armed with his past experiences and the vessel of Rosinante, Ross embraces his chance at redemption and empowerment. Driven by a newfound purpose, Ross sets his sights on aiding his brother, the infamous Donquxote Doflamingo, in his quest to become the true ruler of the One Piece world. Amidst the turbulent seas and the clash of titanic powers, Ross navigates the treacherous waters of politics, betrayal, and warfare. Together with his brother Doffy, Ross/Rosinante must unravel the mysteries of the Grand Line, face off against formidable adversaries, and forge alliances that will shape the very fabric of the world. But as they ascend towards their ultimate goal, shadows from the past loom ominously, threatening to unravel everything he holds dear. In "One Piece : Brotherhood," embark on an epic journey where alliances are tested, loyalties are challenged, and destinies are rewritten. Will Ross help his brother carve his legacy into the annals of history, or will the specters of the past consume him whole? Or does Destiny have something entirely different in play for Ross that he might not even have imagined in his wildest dreams? *************************************************************************************************** Disclaimer: One Piece is a copyrighted work of Eiichiro Oda. This fanfiction is a creative work by Silent_stiele and is not officially affiliated with the One Piece franchise. For exclusive access to advance chapters and more, visit the author's Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/Silent_stiele. Visit my Discord server for updates on the fanfic https://discord.gg/DecNeDpY

Silent_stiele · Anime & Comics
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131 Chs

Chapter 92

The next morning brought a significant shift in the atmosphere. Tom, who now held a deep misunderstanding that I was acquainted with his master, had a complete change in attitude. His earlier disdain for my threatening tactics had also noticeably diminished, likely because we had not caused any harm to Iceburg or Franky.

Among the three, Franky maintained a cautious distance, but he wasn't outright hostile anymore. Iceburg's fate was sealed when Tom ordered him to follow us and assist with the initial preparations. Tom himself decided to remain in Water 7 to complete the sea train project. Once finished, he intended to join us in Dressrosa.

"Tom-san, are you sure about this? The World Government will be here soon to put you on trial. Don't you want to leave with us?" I asked, feeling uneasy about leaving Tom behind. Now that he was willing to work with us, I couldn't bear the thought of him facing the authorities alone. However, Tom seemed resolute in his decision to complete his dream project first.

"It's alright, Ross. I'm confident I can handle it. Besides, if things go south, I can always leave with you guys. As much as I want to help fulfill my master's dream, I'd like to see my own dream through first. Joining you now would only draw unwanted attention to your group," Tom remarked, his tone firm and determined. He had clearly spent the night pondering his options and had come to this conclusion.

Even I hadn't anticipated that things would unfold in this manner. Thankfully, Tom didn't press me further regarding his master's details. If he had, he would have realized that I had no idea who his master was.

"Five years, Tom-san. You have five years to finish your sea train project before then. By that time, we'll be a superpower in the New World. This should give us enough time to make the initial preparations for Pluton. From what you've told me, it might take a decade or more to build Pluton, and we'll likely need to make numerous upgrades. So, at worst, we'll need a new Pluton built within two decades, Tom-san," I explained, outlining the timeline I had in mind.

There were nearly 24 years until the prophesied child would arrive at sea. Before then, we needed to ensure that all preparations were in place for the impending war with the World Government. With a little over two decades to prepare, I was determined to do everything in my power and leverage my knowledge of the future to ensure our victory.

"Five years is a bit tight, Ross. With the resources at hand, I don't think I'll even be able to finish the sea train project in a decade," Tom-san gave his estimate regarding the project he would soon embark on. But if resources were his issue, we could get that sorted out.

"Don't worry about the resources, Tom-san. You will have your funding. Get the sea train project done within five years. And have you forgotten that we need to get started on the floating city as well?" I questioned him. The floating city was just a backup, just in case of the worst-case scenario.

"Sigh, fine. I will see what I can do," Tom relented. He knew that this was his only chance at fulfilling his master's dream.

"Master, do I really need to go to the New World with these people?" Iceburg questioned from the side, his uncertainty palpable. His life had taken an unexpected turn with a single encounter.

Originally, he had never imagined leaving Water 7, planning to build his life there. While he was intrigued by the idea of building the floating city, he would have preferred to do it in Water 7 rather than venturing into the New World with pirates who didn't even have a proper base yet.

"Iceburg, you must understand the gravity of the situation," Tom-san interjected, his tone serious. "These people hold the fate of the world in their hands. Besides, this might be the opportunity you need to hone your skills and expand your horizons. You have a chance to make a real difference in the world, far beyond what Water 7 alone can offer."

Iceburg fell silent, contemplating Tom-san's words. He knew there was truth in them, but the prospect of leaving behind everything he knew and stepping into the unknown was daunting. Yet, deep down, he couldn't shake the feeling that this was his destiny, his chance to leave a mark on the world.

While we were deciding the fate of the future world, Mihawk and Franky were engaged in their own discussion. "This one seems to be the best for your requirements. If you would like, I can help you build a one-man sailboat that's sturdy enough to traverse any harsh waters," Franky waved his arms exaggeratedly, presenting more than two dozen blueprints of what seemed like one-person vessels. Mihawk keenly perused these designs, offering suggestions for modifications that could be made.

Just then, Doffy entered the workshop with a smile plastered on his face. "It seems like you were right, little brother. I just spotted a World Government ship and two Marine battleships nearing Water 7."

"Tch, the Aqua Laguna was just yesterday. Tom-san, it seems like they are paying quite some attention to you." I chuckled and turned to Mihawk and the rest.

"We need to make sure that the trial happens in Water 7. We cannot have Tom-san taken to Enies Lobby for the trial. Franky, I leave this matter in your capable hands. Sabotage their ships, so they have no choice but to hold the trial here," I commented, looking at Franky, who simply snorted coldly. He knew his task, understanding that if things didn't go as his master had planned, then he would need to be rescued, and he could only rely on these strangers to help his master.

"I don't think we need to worry about that matter. The World Government ship seems to be a judicial ship, and it must be carrying a judge, so I am sure that the trial will happen here on the island," Doffy commented. Despite his often lethargic demeanor, Doffy was quite knowledgeable when it came to the affairs of the world. He understood most of the operations and nuances of the World Government.

"Doffy, Mihawk, let's leave. It's better we act from the shadows. We don't want the World Government to know that we are involved with Tom-san." I got up, and Doffy and Mihawk followed suit.

Mihawk even picked up a blueprint that he liked and slipped it into his coat, promising Franky that he would have the boat commissioned so Franky could build it for him.

Soon enough, the marine ships neared Water 7. "Bang! Bang!... Bang!" The cannons from the Marine ships rang as they entered the port, sinking every ship that carried a Jolly Roger.

Although Water 7 is currently infested with pirates, unlike in the New World, the Marines still held a semblance of control in the first half of the Grand Line.

"It's the Marine bastards! Everyone, flee!" The entire Water 7 riled up as soon as news of the Marine warships spread throughout.

Amidst the tumultuous scene of sinking pirate ships and frantic Marine activity, Vice Admiral Borsalino, better known as Kizaru, lounged in a luxurious, high-backed chair aboard the Marine ship. His commanding presence was unmistakable, emphasized by the intricate golden epaulets and embellishments adorning his uniform, symbols of his esteemed rank within the Marine hierarchy.

With an aura of effortless authority, Kizaru reclined back, his posture exuding calm confidence amidst the chaos unfolding around him. Despite the frantic energy of the situation, he remained unruffled, as though the world moved at his own leisurely pace.

Water 7 held a significant position for the Marines, renowned for its skilled shipwrights and the quality of marine battleships commissioned from its docks. However, today, Kizaru's attention was not on the petty pirates plaguing the seas; rather, it was focused on a far more formidable adversary—Dracule Mihawk, the infamous "Marine Hunter."

Kizaru casually perused Mihawk's bounty poster, his expression betraying a hint of intrigue at the impressive figure printed upon it. With the recent chaos Mihawk had caused in Logue Town and the World Government's directive to escalate the bounties of pirates in the wake of the Great Pirate Age, Mihawk's bounty had soared to a staggering 432,500,000 Belly—an increase of nearly a hundred million.

Recent intelligence from the Cipher Pol agency indicated that Mihawk had been sighted in the first half of Grandline, and all following clues pointed to Water 7, prompting the dispatch of Kizaru by the Marine HQ to apprehend the elusive pirate. Unbeknownst to the Marines, however, Mihawk's connection with Ross added a layer of complexity to the situation, one that Kizaru had yet to discover.

As the Rear Admiral approached, Kizaru shifted his attention with a lazy, fluid movement, his expression carrying a subtle hint of amusement as he anticipated the report. "What news do you bring?" he inquired, his voice carrying a calm yet authoritative undertone.

The Rear Admiral's reply confirmed Kizaru's expectations. "It seems the intelligence was accurate. Mihawk is currently in Water 7. He's been sighted in the shipwrights' area, apparently in search of a new ship," the Rear Admiral reported.

It wasn't the Marines or Cipher Pol agents who had pinpointed Mihawk's location, but rather civilians who had recognized the renowned pirate. Despite the formidable abilities of Marines like Kizaru and the covert operations of Cipher Pol, the common people often served as the eyes and ears of the authorities. To them, pirates were symbols of chaos and lawlessness, and reporting their whereabouts to the Marines was seen as an act of civic duty.

Kizaru stood up lazily and spread out his observation haki to the very limit. Even with Kizaru's extraordinary observation haki, monitoring every individual's movements within the sprawling expanse of Water 7 was a daunting task. The island's vastness and constant activity made it challenging to track down specific targets like Mihawk, especially when they took measures to conceal their presence.

As Kizaru extended his observation Haki in search of Mihawk, I instinctively did the same as I detected a powerful presence in the vivinity of Water 7, my own mastery of observation Haki far surpassing that of the Vice Admiral's. As I probed the incoming Marine presence, the pieces fell into place: they were here for Mihawk, unaware of my and Doffy's presence on the island.

"Mihawk, it seems the Marines have sent a formidable opponent to capture you. Prepare yourself for the impending confrontation," I warned, a smirk playing on my lips as I gestured towards the approaching Marine ship carrying Borsalino.

With a discernible shift in his demeanor, Mihawk acknowledged the situation and prepared himself for battle.

"Ross, I think we should split up here rather than travel to the New World together."

Sensing the gravity of the impending conflict, he proposed a strategic split for our group rather than continuing our journey to the New World together. It was a prudent decision, as it would keep Mihawk's affiliation with us clandestine, essential for his future role as a Shichibukai.

"Don't fret, Mihawk. If things take a turn for the worse, we'll be there to bail you out," Doffy chimed in, his tone laced with playful assurance. Mihawk responded with a dismissive snort, his focus already turning towards the imminent clash with the Marines.

"Doffy, it's time we leave the island too. Take Iceburg with you before the Marines come for Tom San. You should observe the situation on Tom's end. If things go south, intervene immediately. I'll handle Mihawk's matter if he needs help," I directed, delegating tasks efficiently as I sensed the imminent arrival of the Marines.

As our preparations swiftly concluded, Tom San generously bestowed upon us two boats: a small skiff for Mihawk and a sturdy caravel for our journey to the New World. Despite their modest sizes, each vessel boasted exceptional craftsmanship, a testament to Tom San's skill as a shipwright.

"Vice Admiral, shouldn't we search the island for the Marine Hunter?" questioned the Rear Admiral, puzzled by Kizaru's decision to anchor the ship near the shore.

"He'll come to us. We don't need to go looking for him. If I'm right, he should already be aware of the Marines in Water 7. After all, he hunts Marines," Kizaru chuckled, though his true motive for not searching for Mihawk was rooted more in laziness than strategic thinking. Initially tasked with capturing Mihawk, Kizaru now bore the added responsibility of safeguarding the judge from Enies Lobby, who had come to send the shipwright who aided the Pirate King in building his vessel to the gallows.

As Kizaru had anticipated, a lone figure approached the shore, casually hoisting a skiff over his shoulder. Ignoring the imposing Marine battleship blocking his path to the sea, the man strolled leisurely, his movements betraying a calm confidence. Above, the climate shifted ominously as thunderclouds began to gather, heralding the approach of an impending storm.

"It seems like there's a storm brewing. We'll need to expedite the trial," remarked Judge George, his gaze turning skyward as the darkness intensified. Unbeknownst to others, this tempest was not a natural occurrence; it was a creation of my own making. I sought to conceal my involvement, ensuring that I could discreetly aid Mihawk if he found himself in a precarious situation. With my superior observation haki, I was confident that unless I directly intervened, Borsalino would remain unaware of my presence.

Dear readers and fans,

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