
One piece: Breaking the plot, let's see who saves you.

Everyone always talks about saving ace and killing momonosuke. Of those two things I only agree with one. Now that I'm here, it would be a shame to do what travelers always do. So. Let's break the plot and see who saves the boy from the fate of my hands. Let the world be in chaos. Mugen awoke in the body of a poor guy whose neck had been twisted by hands that suddenly appeared all over his body. The power of friendship and adventure while playing house, may they go to hell. A second generation that everyone looks out for and saves his ass every time he's in trouble (luffy). Let's see if they can still take you by the hand as if they were taking care of a child on the pirate king's way, when I'm here. (This is a fanfic translated from Spanish to English. There will be many grammatical errors. It will be like reading an MTL novel.)

Sunkenrock · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

chapter 5

"Bastard, stop it already, stop being so destructive."

While dodging a slashing attack from Weevil, Ace jumped and his hand caught fire. For the first time he would use his ability, he saw that the streets are empty and all the people had run.

"Fire Fist."

A large flare burned from his arm and he stretched it out, a powerful fist shaped fire shot towards Weevil.

Weevil was unfazed and with his bisento in hand he waved it fiercely causing a strong cutting wind splitting the flames in two.

"Amazing thief-seller boy, you can make fire with your hands."

Weevil looked surprised once he saw clearly what he cut, he was in a state of madness a moment ago and the bright glow of the flames that looked like fireworks woke him up.

"It's nice, do it again." Weevil clapped his hands and eyes sparkled.

"Ha, but what the fuck does this guy do." Ace tilted his head and couldn't understand what was going through the big man's head. From one moment to the next, he went from being like a happy kid eating candy and then exploding with anger attacking him for no reason.

"Tell me, big man, are you okay, why did you attack me earlier, that was dangerous you know, you almost cut me."

Ace yelled and asked, he squatted down on the ground.

Weevil stopped clapping and stared into nothingness with a blank stare, his little eyes didn't know what he was looking at, the smile on his face was wiped off and replaced with a stupid face.

"Oh, I remembered, you bad boy thief peddler, you want to take my mommy to my daddy and leave me, isn't that right, that's what you want to do, I know all about it."

Weevil got angry and seemed to turn back into a berserker in a state of madness.

"Damn, in the end, what's wrong with this guy." Ace didn't understand and didn't want to understand.

Weevil's speed was fast and he was already in front of Ace with his bisento.

Ace sighed in exhaustion, he didn't want to fight a battle like this, he didn't even know why he was fighting and he didn't understand anything at all.

"Let's just escape, there's no reason to fight to the death with this guy, his mind is like a child's, I feel sorry for hurting him badly, so I'll knock him out first and then leave."

"As for that little old lady, I'll ask her another time if we ever meet somewhere else, besides, I still have to wait to see if luffy got my message."

Ace turned to fire and stepped around Weevil's sides, his hands stretched out and created a wall of flames enclosing Weevil in the middle.

Elsewhere, in the distance, on the roof of a house.

Mugen and Mrs. Bakkin were paying attention to the two's fight.

"It's a pity." Mugen sighed and pulled his top hat down. He looked at Mrs. Bakkin next to him and smiled slightly. "Well, our deal is still going on, or don't you want to anymore."

Mrs. Bakkin also looked relieved, she too saw Ace's intention to no longer fight with Weevil, that was a relief for her and her future days.

Hearing what Mugen said, the wrinkles on her face tightened and she shouted angrily. "Plans, what plans damn boy. And you still have the nerve to smile."

Mrs. Bakkin thumped her chest as if to calm her still pounding heart. 

"In the end, what was it you said to make Weevil so angry."

"What I said to Weevil, let's see, if I remember correctly was. Weevil, you know that shirtless guy over there that you called a thief salesman is a son of your father, a fake son. He's here to take your mother with his daddy and abandon you leaving you alone, he wants to take your mommy and replace you so he can be the only son in the family."

"Pretty much like that, I don't remember the exact words, but considering Weevil's memory he would only remember few words like, your mommy will leave you, or your mommy will be taken from you, before exploding with fury."

Mugen looked at Mrs. Bakkin and continued to explain. "Another thing to add is that Weevil was already mad at Ace because he had seen him grab your hand and stopped you from walking."

"That boy." Mrs. Bakkin put a hand to her forehead. "Indeed, it's better not to stay by your side for another minute, my thoughts were correct and this fact has proven me right."

Mugen hummed unimportantly. 

"You are listening to me Mugen, from here on we have nothing to do anymore, I no longer care what I want to do and you don't have to help me with anything."

"The subject about crocodile is best forgotten, now I have serious doubts that if we do what we originally had planned, it won't turn out as you had told me. Your words can no longer be trusted. You are a dangerous tricks guy and I will no longer play along with your games."

Mrs. Bakkin took to scolding Mugen with many words and complaining about the trouble he had caused in the two years they had worked together.

Yes, for two years a lot had happened, and it was true that mugen had brought her much wealth.

But the problems also increased, and each time it went up a level.

Mugen is a guy with plans and a brilliant mind, of that he has no doubt.

 At first glance he looks like an elegant and calm guy, the kind who doesn't panic about anything in the world.

But only she knows that the quiet and calm Mugen is just a cover for his true personality.

The real Mugen is a lover of danger and war, a battle maniac more than anything else.

He is cruel and ruthless.

He still finds it hard to believe when he saw him fight Weevil the first time, he remembers that Mugen was a skinny, weak guy that Weevil knocked him down with one punch.

However, as the days passed, she herself saw an amazing change that was very hard to believe.

Mugen not only grew in strength, but also in experience. He learned everything quickly and always had a big smile on his face when he fought.

So much so that even Weevil was scared of him, as Weevil had never seen a man get up after being cut by his weapon.

Mugen kept fighting and getting up like a zombie every time Weevil thought he had defeated him.

Covered in blood and bruises all over his body, mugen always came back, even if he was unconscious, he still kept fighting.

It was as if the body itself had a mind of its own and that scared Weevil a lot, so much so that at some point he was afraid to fight Mugen because no matter what he did, he always got up and didn't fall down.

Mrs. Bakkin looked Mugen up and down.

She still found it hard to believe that the guy she had picked up off the streets had that kind of mentality.

She thought he would be nothing more than a good tool that she could use as she pleased.

But she was wrong, she didn't see it coming.

Mugen looked thoughtful and that Mrs. Bakkin saw.

"What are you thinking Mugen boy, do you still want to do something." Mrs. Bakkin asked with some fear and was ready to run to Weevil and take him away from here.

Mugen seemed to think and nodded his head. "I still think it's a pity it didn't turn out the way I had imagined."

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Bakkin asked.

Mugen pointed to the streets. "You see that, I knew that once Weevil burst out in anger, he wouldn't care about anything and would just wave his bisento killing anyone who crossed his path."

"I don't understand." Mrs. Bakkin shook her head and expressed doubt.

"The scenario I had in my mind was something different from what we are seeing, what I was thinking was that, once Weevil will kill innocent people, Ace would explode with anger and fight Weevil in earnest." Mugen said. 

"Even to the point of wanting to kill him, but I didn't expect that Weevil's innocence and simple mind would take away the will to fight that Ace had."

Mrs. Bakkin still didn't understand. "That brat would do that, because, he's not a man of justice from what I see, he's a pirate, not a marine, why would he care about the lives of people he's never met."

"That's what I'm trying to say, but I don't know how to explain." Mugen shrugged and didn't take it any further.

Soon footsteps were heard which caused the two to look in the direction and they saw many marines running towards where they were.

Smoker, who was in front and with a dark look on his face, also noticed the two on top of the roof.

"Hey you guys what are you doing here, where are the pirates." In fact, that was just a casual question and he really had no doubts about what happened when he saw the two of them.

Normal people watching the fun.

Who would believe it.

Normal people ran far away from here a long time ago.

These guys must be involved. Smoker appraised the two of them with a glance.

Mugen looked like a quiet guy with an intriguing smirk on his face, he was completely dressed in black with a suit and a top hat. His eyes were dark and emotionless, a casual glance from him was enough to leave people frozen for a few seconds.

Mrs. Bakkin dressed in luxuries and clothes of the most expensive brand that could be found. The only thing distinctive about her was her blonde hair and short stature.

Smoker stopped the marines behind and he just took a few steps, pulled his gun from his back and asked. "You guys are part of this, what pirate group do you belong to."

The marines reacted quickly and pointed their weapons, tashigi took his katana and his gaze focused on the two people on the roof.

The battle cries of Weevil and Ace were heard throughout the street.

Smoker shifted his eyes and recognized the two fighting.

"That's them. Damn. What's a pirate of your kind doing in this place."

Smoker looked ugly and his cigars in his mouth tightened, the veins in his forehead bulged.

He was angry. He observed how the houses were on fire and cut, the ground were full of potholes and gullies, you could even see some bodies lying around that should have been the resident people who were caught in the crossfire.

"Mr. smoker, you know them." Tashigi beside him couldn't help but ask, he noticed that smoker was angry and that was a rare thing to see.

What's so special about those pirates, he wondered.

"Yes, I know them, and very well, one of them could be called the most hated in the navy."

"The most hated, what does that mean?" Asked tashigi tilting his head.

"It means you ask a lot of questions tashigi, don't relax and don't take your eyes off your enemies."

"Yes, I'm very sorry mr. smoker." tashigi got scared and didn't ask any more questions, this was not the time to do it. He pulled out his katana and held it in his hands ready for battle.

"Someone contact headquarters and report that two dangerous pirates were found in this place, we need reinforcements as soon as possible." Smoker ordered, he looked into the distance and walked forward, his feet turned to smoke and he jumped over the other end of the roof.

"You pirates, you're under arrest, you better not resist."

Even knowing that his chances of winning were slim, he did not take away his wild and authoritarian character, unafraid he faced possible enemies that could kill him.

This is his justice.

Mugen looked at smoker and praised his character.

If he could he would have applauded him, but he was lazy to do so.

With a burst of speed, Mugen disappeared from where he stood leaving a residual image that vanished the second he moved.

Smoker was surprised.

Mrs. Bakkin was also surprised by Mugen's sudden disappearance.

Thinking of something, sweat broke out on her forehead, knowing Mugen she would surely do something unexpected.

 Suddenly a sense of crisis came over his back, but before he could react he felt a large hand on his head.

Damn boy what are you doing, let go of me.

Mugen lifted her into the air and at smoker's look of disbelief, Mugen threw the little old lady at him.

It was a casual movement of his arm, Mrs. Bakkin flew at high speed towards smoker.