
One piece: Breaking the plot, let's see who saves you.

Everyone always talks about saving ace and killing momonosuke. Of those two things I only agree with one. Now that I'm here, it would be a shame to do what travelers always do. So. Let's break the plot and see who saves the boy from the fate of my hands. Let the world be in chaos. Mugen awoke in the body of a poor guy whose neck had been twisted by hands that suddenly appeared all over his body. The power of friendship and adventure while playing house, may they go to hell. A second generation that everyone looks out for and saves his ass every time he's in trouble (luffy). Let's see if they can still take you by the hand as if they were taking care of a child on the pirate king's way, when I'm here. (This is a fanfic translated from Spanish to English. There will be many grammatical errors. It will be like reading an MTL novel.)

Sunkenrock · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

chapter 3

Blackened by hatred, driven by vengeance.

For a moment, those words flashed through Mugen's mind once he recovered from his injuries. Who would have thought that he would have ended up as he was for a girl who appeared weak in her entire being.

However, no one had seen that coming, not even the previous owner of the original body.

It was just his bad luck for picking the wrong target after having a bad day and being angry.

But come on, making a mess of his body just because of a few words. 

"I remember you." When the vision of the former subject of the one now occupying the body dimmed, that phrase appeared in his mind that to this day haunts him sometimes in dreams.

To tell the truth, it's kind of silly, if you're going to upset someone and you don't like the consequences that come with your actions, it's better not to do it.

Nico Robin.

The name of the woman who almost killed him, or rather, killed him.

Although Mugen has nothing to do with her or with the things that happened before.

alone, he doesn't want to leave things as they are.

If he does not act and does nothing to remedy it, that dream where he is brutally crushed and bent by the hands that suddenly come out of his body, he will not be able to sleep in a few nights and that bothers him a little, just a little.

The problem he has in his voice, which is somewhat hoarse and deep to speak, originated from that time when his neck was twisted.

Mugiwara no luffy and Ace.

To think that after two years of being in this place, he would finally meet these two people.

Mugen's thoughts wandered into the past, but he soon came back to himself when he heard shouting in the distance.

"Hey you big boy, yes, the one who sings and dances, wait a minute!"

"How do you know daddy and why do you claim to be his son, I've never seen you on the boat, who are you."

Weevil who was dancing and singing, stopped dead in his tracks and looked at the man in front of him, put down his bisento on the floor and asked hesitantly.

"Who are you and why are you interrupting me." He turned his head and called out. "Mommy there is a man who wants to sell me something, what do I do, throw salt at him and kick him out."

Mrs. Bakkin recognized the man standing in front of Weevil. Portgas. D. Ace.

Wait a minute what did my stupid son just say, sell something, throw salt.

I look sideways at Mugen and blame him. Damn kid, watch what you do, don't teach him words he doesn't understand.

Mugen didn't care and looked away, evading blame, no proof, no punishment.

Although Mrs. Bakkin had no proof, she had no doubts either. The strange behavior and phrases coming out of her stupid son's mouth, someone should have taught them to her, and who else would it be if there is only Mugen.

This is a problem. Mrs. Bakkin sighed and covered her forehead thinking of a countermeasure to the coming problem.

"Hey big man, I'm asking you, don't ignore me, I don't want to sell you anything, just answer."

Ace, the hot-blooded man, asked again and shouted somewhat aggressively, only he knew why he was like this.

He would never have imagined that when he went out on this occasion he would find this surprise, I should say a big surprise.

As he was going to look for a place to eat by chance, he met the big hairy burly man in the middle of the street shouting that he is the real son of his father, Edward Newgate, aka Whitebeard.

Truth be told, Ace was surprised when he watched Weevil closely, he had seen his father's bounty poster when he was young and the resemblance between the man in front of him and his father was quite something.

Especially that crescent shaped mustache and his long blond hair, if he added the huge size, the resemblance is quite a lot.

Had he not had the knowledge that his father was in the new world, he would not hesitate to call out father and ask him why he was here.

Ace's mind was simple and at times he was a bit of an idiot, so much so that he could compete with luffy over who was more stupid, although luffy won by a majority vote.

At least ace was a little more mature, just sometimes.

Weevil stared at him with small eyes and a look on stupid for a moment, then came to his senses and said in an apologetic tone. "I'm sorry sir, but my brother has told me that I can't talk to strangers I don't know, so don't sell me anything."

On second thought, he changed his words before finishing. "But if you have something delicious to sell I can think about buying it from me, my brother and mommy are rich, they will pay."

Weevil pointed his finger back.

"Listen to what I'm saying big man, I'm asking you why you say Whitebeard is your father, who are you to say that." Ace asked again, this time he calmed down a bit, more or less understanding the man in front of him, with a look he can understand several things.

Weevil answered truthfully. "I am me, my name is Edward Weevil, daddy is my father and my mother is my mommy, daddy's wife, my mommy is back there, you see her, and next to her is my brother who takes care of me and gives me candy, I love him very much."

Ace scratched his hair in frustration, sighed helplessly and picked up the cowboy hat hanging on his back and put it on, he felt that if he kept talking to the big man not only would he not get the answers he wanted, instead he might lower himself to the same level and start talking nonsense.

In the beginning it was his fault, of that he has no doubt, he was rude and impolite to the big man.

Thinking about his action and language a moment ago he straightened up and bowed. "I'm sorry this time it was my mistake, I shouldn't have gotten angry with you for no reason, I apologize."

Weevil didn't quite understand, but still nodded his head and said. "I forgive you seller, although I don't know what you did, if you did some wrongdoing it's better to apologize and return the things you stole, if you want I help you apologize, that's what my brother taught me."

"That I'm not a salesman and why are you talking about being a thief now, I didn't steal anything, damn it." Ace walked past Weevil with a dead fish look on his face and cursed under his breath.

"That guy is coming this way, what will he do Mrs. Bakkin, I'm curious." Mugen waited calmly, he was gaining to know what would happen next, he looked at the little old lady next to him and smiled with amusement.

"What to explain, there's nothing to explain, let's just put aside the brat protected by Whitebeard and get on with our business." Mrs. Bakkin walked with small steps ignoring the obvious teasing words spoken by Mugen. 

"I doubt that." Mugen seemed to see the stubbornness on Ace's part and to his curiosity to know what he wants, still he followed in Mrs. Bakkin's footsteps walking a few steps behind, he's just watching the fun 

Ace stopped when he was in front of the two and said. "Excuse me you who, oh, sorry, sorry. Pleasure to meet you both, my name is Ace, if it's no bother would you mind telling me your names and your relationship to my father."

Ace bowed and straightened up, as he said the last sentence about his relationship with his father his eyes stopped on Mrs. Bakkin with curiosity in his eyes.

Ace's unrestrained look at Mrs. Bakkin was unscrupulous and not at all polite, it annoyed the little old lady who began to scold Ace as she did Weevil.

"What are you looking at so much brat, have you never seen a beautiful woman in your life, be careful he charged you fees to see this beauty, your father has never taught you about manners, he has never told you that you don't have to have that look when you meet other people."

"I'm so sorry." Ace apologized 

"Forgive me mommy, don't hit me."

Weevil had approached when he heard how angry Mrs. Bakkin was, out of habit he apologized and covered his head with a look of fear, then hid behind Mugen.

"Weevil boy, why are you apologizing too, and why did you go ahead just a moment ago, look at the trouble you cause."

"Brother save me." Weevil hid his head on Mugen's back, but his huge body was obvious to everyone, his mentality was simple and he just thought, (if I don't see her, she doesn't see me), disregarding everything else, namely his huge size compared to Mugen, who was less than two meters tall.

"Oh, I found candy, brother you still had candy in your pockets, I can keep it."

Weevil at some point had a small bag in his hand and asked expectantly, completely forgetting about a second ago.

Ace looked at the big man who had introduced himself as Edward Weevil, then his eyes passed over Mugen and finally looked at Mrs. Bakkin.

"Excuse me for a moment ago, but, I want to ask this young lady, what is your relationship with my father."

Miss? Mugen looked silently at Mrs. Bakkin. He put his hands in his pockets and noticed that there was nothing, Weevil was happily eating the candy he stole from his bag.

Mrs. Bakkin froze for a moment and a slight smile formed on her lips. "But look at nothing else brat, you sure can talk."

"However, my relationship with Whitebeard is none of your business and we have things to do, so don't bother and get out of the way."

Mrs. Bakkin walked past Ace and shouted at Weevil. "Weevil boy, what are you doing there like an idiot, follow me, and you too Mugen boy, let's make this quick I can't stand another second being in this sand flooded country."

"Come on, please miss, I just want you to tell me, come on, come on." Ace didn't give up and a look of helplessness with a smile on his face he grabbed Mrs. Bakkin's hand preventing her from leaving.

"You thief peddler, why you take my mother, she's my mommy and I'm not giving her to you, so let her go." Weevil shouted in annoyance, his vocabulary was poorly understood, he had stuffed all the candy in his mouth and small lumpy balls could be seen all over his face.

Weevil's reaction was quick when he saw something bad being done to his mommy, he grabbed his bisento from behind his back and exploded in power scaring passersby.

If the boy thief salesman made a move on his mommy, he would cut him in half. His little eyes glared fiercely at Ace, who was shocked by Weevil's power.

"Wait Weevil boy, calm down, don't do anything yet." Mrs. Bakkin intervened and raised her hand to stop her son's momentum.

She knew Weevil's destructive force well and understood that if the two of them fought, the ground would be flattened, that was something she didn't want to see.

Of course, she didn't give a damn about the people nearby if they were to die in a battle between Ace and her son, or if the terrain disappeared because of the clash of their forces.

What she cared most about was the man behind Ace, namely Whitebeard.

If he defeated Ace or in the worst case, he would be killed, he would have to suffer the consequences and the persecution of the strongest man in the world and his crew.

That scenario was not something she wanted to see and was not in her plans, she just wanted to live out her days quietly while acquiring more wealth.

Though of course, she wouldn't let herself be treated like that by a smelly brat who had just grown hair.

Thinking about that, Mrs. Bakkin exerted force on his arm and with a jerky motion broke free of Ace's hands.

"Boy, who am I and who am I from Whitebeard, that should be my problem and no one else's, who are you, a spoiled brat protected by him to talk to me like that."

Mrs. Bakkin rubbed her wrist and said angrily. "If you want to know what's going on between me and him, you can ask your dear daddy, though I doubt whether he'll tell you or not."

"However, I'll just tell you that I've known him for many years, and very well, since our younger days, at which time you were still hanging on to your father's balls and not yet born."

Mrs. Bakkin snorted and turned her head away, ignoring Ace's even more confused look.

"Mommy, I was in my father's testicles too, how did you get me out of those little balls, you chose me because I was beautiful like my father."

Weevil aside spoke inappropriately and blurted out word. His gaze was innocent and full of curiosity, cheeks bulging with candy he moved from side to side trying to savor them better.

Mrs. Bakkin almost stumbled at her son's words, managed to steady herself and pushed her sunglasses up.

In her mind she cursed Mugen a few more times for teaching her stupid son unnecessary words.

Mugen, who was a few steps behind, covered his mouth with his fingers and saw only amusement.

"But this could get more fun, let's heat things up a bit."