
One piece: Breaking the plot, let's see who saves you.

Everyone always talks about saving ace and killing momonosuke. Of those two things I only agree with one. Now that I'm here, it would be a shame to do what travelers always do. So. Let's break the plot and see who saves the boy from the fate of my hands. Let the world be in chaos. Mugen awoke in the body of a poor guy whose neck had been twisted by hands that suddenly appeared all over his body. The power of friendship and adventure while playing house, may they go to hell. A second generation that everyone looks out for and saves his ass every time he's in trouble (luffy). Let's see if they can still take you by the hand as if they were taking care of a child on the pirate king's way, when I'm here. (This is a fanfic translated from Spanish to English. There will be many grammatical errors. It will be like reading an MTL novel.)

Sunkenrock · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

chapter 2

"Mugen boy, this might be a little tricky, look." Mrs. Bakkin kicked the ground where the sand blew up in the wind. "All you can see is sand, the crocodile field, although it poses no threat yet, the process of defeating it will take a while."

Mugen took the floor. "That is, one of the factors you're worried about is that if we take too long with crocodile, the marines stationed in Arabasta will be alerted and report back to the powers above, thus making things difficult for us."

"Yes, that's what I wanted to say, you took the words right out of my mouth." Mrs. Bakkin nodded. I walk back and forth and with mild annoyance commented. "Besides, look at all this, don't you see, we just started on shore and I'm already covered in dust, I can't imagine living in a place like this, so we must hurry and get this over with as soon as possible."

"I didn't force you to come, you can stay and rest in one place and lend me Weevil to do the job, while he kills crocodile, I take care of the nuisances that may hinder him."

Mugen started walking and into the city. 

"Don't even think about that, if Weevil is not with me and something unexpected happens, who will protect me." Mrs. Bakkin followed him with small steps. Thinking of something she turned and shouted back. "Weevil boy, what are you doing standing there like an idiot, why don't you keep up with us."

"Ah, mommy, this place smells so good, I'm hungry, can you buy me something to eat, I'm all out of candy." Weevil looked from left to right at the food stalls in the distance.

His huge body, several meters tall, attracted the attention of people of normal height and several gave way to him.

Mugen, who was walking slowly in front dressed completely in black, saw something in the distance that caught his attention.

He turned his head and said to Weevil who was being scolded again by Mrs. Bakkin. "Weevil is hungry, that's normal, the ship had almost no food and it should be lunch time by now, why don't we stop by a place and get something to eat."

"Food, yes I want food, I'm really hungry and I feel like my stomach is going to touch my back soon if I don't eat anything." Weevil patted his stomach and said sadly, but soon brightened when he thought his brother would buy him food.

"Weevil boy, where did you get words you never said before, I don't think you are getting any smarter, tell me, who are you imitating."

Mrs. Bakkin felt there was something wrong with her son. Recently, he was saying inexplicable things and his behavior at times was strange, she couldn't understand it.

The three of them walked through the streets and from time to time Mugen would buy food and give it to Weevil as they talked.

Thinking of a possibility, Mrs. Bakkin shouted to mugen. "Mugen boy, it won't be you who is teaching those things to my stupid son, you better not do anything weird."

Mugen just smiled and did not respond.

The cooperation between the two was only based on owing favors, Mrs. Bakkin rescued him when he had just crossed over and had broken bones in his body and was on the verge of death.

If he had not shown the qualifications of a king in his life and death moment, Mrs. Bakkin would not even bother to look at him.

Besides, at that time Mrs. Bakkin thought of rescuing him so that she could later control him in an emotional way.

Who said this world was this way.

People sometimes when they are on the brink of despair or death, when they lose all hope of living and then when they find a light that lets them see the bright sunshine of the next day, right at that moment those people who were on the brink of collapse swear to dedicate themselves to the person in question who showed them that bright light as a thank you.

In other words, you saved my life, I will repay you with my life.

There are people who have that mentality and Mrs. Bakkin had seen that kind of person too many times and that's why she wanted to do the same with Mugen.

She thought she already had another tool to make money and work for free for her occasion.

But who would have thought that Mugen would not follow the rules as planned.

Now Mugen was teaching Weevil words, not sure what else he taught her.

Mrs. Bakkin is clear that Weevil's behavior is like that of a child, if she ever sells him, he would be the one counting the money himself

"Mrs. Bakkin, please don't get any ideas that might lead to an undesirable outcome, it wouldn't be good for you or me." Mugen seemed to read what Mrs. Bakkin was thinking and commented quietly.

The two looked at each other for a moment and then looked away.

Weevil who didn't understand anything, just ate what was in his hand and just said in a cheerful and somewhat silly way.

"Mommy, mommy, my brother is teaching me how to be .... This, how was it that it was said again, edu, edu, yes, Edward Newgate. Whitebeard, my father, I want to be like him, big and strong."

Weevil was bright-eyed and laughed happily. But soon he thought there was something wrong, though he didn't know what it was and didn't much care.

"It's called education Weevil, I'm teaching you to be polite so that when you finally meet your father, he won't get mad at you for not knowing how to introduce yourself in front of him when he finds him." Mugen said meaningfully and looked at the little old lady beside him.

Mrs. Bakkin snorted aside and did not intervene.

"Yes, yes, my brother is teaching me how to behave myself when I meet my real father so he will really love me, and only I will be his real son." Weevil nodded his head repeatedly and danced with his feet.

Suddenly his eyes lit up and he stopped, excitement seemed to shine on his face. 

"Mommy, Mommy, you want to know something else my brother taught me." Weevil was saying excitedly and couldn't wait to show Mrs. Bakkin what he had learned.

Weevil couldn't handle the excitement and didn't wait for Mrs. Bakkin to ask, he grabbed his bisento he had on his back and held it with two hands, he stood in the middle of the street with people coming and going.

Before the eyes of all the people passing by and the calm eyes of Mugen, Weevil started singing and dancing.

"I'll eat you, I'll eat you, I'll eat you, I'll eat you, I'll eat you."

Weevil's huge, beefy, hairy body swayed to the singing music and hopped from side to side.

The song just repeated the same phrase and carried a catchy rhythm that stayed in the minds of the listener.

Mrs. Bakkin was surprised and shocked, her mouth fell open and she didn't know what to say, the small cane she was holding fell to the ground at some point, the sunglasses were crooked and she didn't bother to fix it, her eyes just followed the back of her son who was walking away and singing in a happy manner.

Passersby looked with amusement and surprise at Weevil who was jumping up and down as if he were a child.

Mugen showed a look of, it had to happen sooner or later, he had only taught him once, but unexpectedly Weevil had learned it.

What Weevil sang was something he had once muttered under his breath when he had nothing to do and was bored recalling events from his previous life.

Who would have thought that Weevil had listened to it and pestered him a good while to have the cantata again.

Although it could not be called a song, nevertheless, that phrase marked his childhood.

Majin Buu sang it when he wanted to turn the supreme kaio into chocolate and wanted to eat him.

"I'll eat you, I'll eat you, I'll eat you, I'll eat you, I'll eat you."

Weevil was still singing and dancing happily through the streets and seemed to have completely forgotten about the two people he was with.

Mrs. Bakkin seemed to have recovered and somehow managed to calm down a bit.

"You boy Mugen, what kind of things are you teaching Weevil, please don't do it anymore, this guy repeats everything he is told and obeys the words verbatim if he remembers them."

"It's not my fault." Mugen shrugged. "It's better that he learn that rather than learn disobedience."

Mrs. Bakkin looked with some annoyance, but Mugen just said. "Come on, isn't that why you don't want him to have much contact with me when you're not around and that's why you avoid letting me give him orders."

Mrs. Bakkin spat on the floor roughly and said earnestly. "Anyway this will be the last time we work together, you have paid me back enough for saving you that time, after this our paths divide and everything before is a thing of the past and forgotten."

"Your worries from the beginning were unnecessary." Mugen caught something in the distance by where Weevil was standing and looked forward to it. "You know well that I don't like company and prefer to be alone, if I worked with you it's because you and I would benefit mutually."

"Right." Mrs. Bakkin pushed her sunglasses off with her fingers and retrieved her cane from the floor. "You would give me money and jewelry while I would give you strength and teach you to control that power of yours."

"Indeed. Your guidance was a great help and so was the combat experience I went through with Weevil."

Mugen took off his hat and combed his hair back, putting the hat back on his head, he said. "I truly appreciate what you did and have done for me, you have my gratitude and the favor has been paid, there is only the last step left and then we will have nothing to do with each other."

"I know what you will do is dangerous and I want nothing to do with your actions, I just want money, money, and more money, if you go to sea later it is better not to say our names nor that you know me."

Mrs. Bakkin warned. "I've already had a lot of trouble with the navy for what happened years ago when we attacked the ship the former admiral was on, that time we were lucky to escape by the skin of our teeth."

Mugen became interested. "Oh, that incident, I remember reading about it in an old newspaper."

"Yes. That one. That time Weevil was lucky that Zephyr was concentrating more on his students than his own safety that we were able to hit him with a punch cutting off his arm, well, and also among other factors too that I don't want to remember."

"How strong was Weevil then compared to now?" Mugen asked.

Mrs. Bakkin gave it some thought and shook her head. "If we compare it, Weevil's strength back then and now, I would say today's Weevil is much stronger, you fought every day with him for two years, you should know better."

Mugen touched his chin in thought as he looked up at the sky, his eyes scanned Weevil in the distance and he sensed the surroundings with his haki observation.

"Well, it's not too far away." A thought came to his mind after sensing in the distance what he was looking for, after seeing the person approaching Weevil.

"Mugen boy, I always feel that something is not right with you, what are you thinking, what are you planning." Mrs. Bakkin seemed to catch something in Mugen's expression and asked hesitantly. "I don't have the energy to get inside your head and burn my brain guessing what you're thinking, but I've known you for some time and can pinpoint when you want to do something crazy."

"You got me." A smile of intrigue with a hint of mischief came over her face. Mugen looked at the old woman and comforted her with empty words without any promise. "Relax, this is something I had wanted to try a long time ago, from the moment I regained consciousness and recovered."

Mrs. Bakkin was now in total confusion.

"Don't worry, you'll know soon enough." Mugen looked off into the distance and it was time, his thoughts were stored in his heart.

"Hey you big boy, yes, the one who sings and dances, wait a minute.!"