
One piece: Breaking the plot, let's see who saves you.

Everyone always talks about saving ace and killing momonosuke. Of those two things I only agree with one. Now that I'm here, it would be a shame to do what travelers always do. So. Let's break the plot and see who saves the boy from the fate of my hands. Let the world be in chaos. Mugen awoke in the body of a poor guy whose neck had been twisted by hands that suddenly appeared all over his body. The power of friendship and adventure while playing house, may they go to hell. A second generation that everyone looks out for and saves his ass every time he's in trouble (luffy). Let's see if they can still take you by the hand as if they were taking care of a child on the pirate king's way, when I'm here. (This is a fanfic translated from Spanish to English. There will be many grammatical errors. It will be like reading an MTL novel.)

Sunkenrock · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

chapter 1

(The novel will have many grammatical errors. This is a fanfic translated from Spanish.)

"Brother, brother, mom said to come and get you, she said to tell you we've arrived at the bad boys' island."

Two knocks on the door interrupted the man in question. A knock that was supposed to be soft and weak, where one could imagine knocking on the door like a normal person.

However, this door was easily destroyed with two holes the size of a human head, and through the gap a human eye peered in utter confusion.

"Brother, brother, I'm sorry, I broke your door, please don't hit me, I'll fix it."

"It's alright, just put the door down and put it aside, it's not your fault Weevil, don't worry about punishment, if there's anyone we should punish it's the pirates who own the ship for building something so weak."

In the room, a man sitting at the desk dressed in black turned to look at him, his voice was somewhat hoarse as he spoke, as if he had had an accident to his vocal cords that left him with that voice.

"Woooooo, little brother, you are so good to me."

Weevil, the big burly man with the hairy body and the mentality of a child, was moved to tears and violently threw the door he'd torn aside, and in an attempt to squeeze through the door frame where his huge body obviously couldn't fit, he reached out his hands, trying to reach his brother for a hug.

The wooden hinges cracked and were about to collapse completely when the man's voice rang into the room.

"All right Weevil, stop playing and let's go on deck, get some candy and calm down."

The man put what he was holding down and stood up from the chair, pulling some candy out of his pocket and handing it to Weevil, who happily accepted it.

The man walked past him and down the corridors to the surface.

"Little brother, you are always so good to me and take care of me, I love you." Weevil was bright-eyed with excitement as he ate candy, his huge body crawling down the corridors following the man in black.

"Oh, you're finally here Mugen, I thought your stupid brother couldn't deliver a simple message, obviously I was wrong."

Mrs. Bakkin, a little old lady, was pleased to see Mugen appear, then she looked behind the door where Weevil crawled in and scolded him. "Weevil, boy, what are you doing in that disgraceful posture, when you walk you have to do it properly, what do you have those two feet for?"

The little old lady waved her cane and punished Weevil with strokes.

"Woooooo mommy, don't hit me, look what she gave me brother, here, I'll share it with you, so don't hit me." Weevil, helpless, just covered his head and cried, snot hanging from his nose, in an attempt to calm his mother's anger, he took out the candy he was eating and offered it to her.

"This child, I don't want your candy, let alone what you've already put in your mouth, you, you, you, you, you, you..."

The little old lady slapped the huge body of Weevil, who just covered his head with his hands as he whimpered, snot dripping down the cover.

"Alright Mrs. Bakkin, stop abusing Weevil, it's not his fault that the ship is so small that he can't even accommodate his body, he doesn't see it, he has to crawl through the aisles and even then the wood breaks due to just passing through the way."

Mugen looked toward the island in the distance and without looking back said to the little old lady. "Besides, you don't have to crawl over here, just break the boat."

"Woooo bro, you're so cool." Weevil stretched his body as soon as he heard Mugen speak, straightened up and his huge body smashed the roof of the boat. Mrs. Bakkin backed away from Mugen's side as wood flew all over the deck.

Mugen tilted his head from left to right where small pieces of wood flew into the sea in front of him.

"You... What the hell are you doing with our ship, leave Christina alone...!"

The noise on the deck and the flying wood woke up the ship's crewmen who were lying on the floor lying in their own blood.

"Stop doing that, don't wreck it...please stop!"

One by one the crewmen of the pirate ship woke up and shouted at Weevil who was tearing the ship apart.

"Christina, that's what they called the ship." Mugen looked amused at the pirates who only a few hours ago were screaming for dreams and adventures, as well as that they would make their captain the king of pirates.

"Ha ha ha ha, that's Weevil, my dear son, smash all you want, these poor guys had nothing of value, so we have no use for them anymore." Mrs. Bakkin looked at the one closest to her and hit him over the head with the cane until he was smashed to pieces, Weevil obeyed his mother's orders and with his bisento in hand continued with the destruction of the ship.

Mugen looked at the wannabe pirates shouting for his ship with a blank look on his face, neither sad nor happy.

He pulled his top hat down making a surplus to his eyes in what this seemed to give a cold touch to his eyes that seemed indifferent to human life.

"Indeed, this is stupid and highly mentally retarded."

Seeing and experiencing firsthand what was once only a foolish dream and something in what he wished for from the deepest part of his being, Mugen had divided feelings, but determined to be as he was before crossing into this sea, even worse.

He had always known this, but had never said anything, he could only keep silent and accept it. However, here in this place where he reigns supreme, where he can do everything he dared not do before for fear of the consequences that his actions would lead to an undesired outcome.

Here you can do everything you once dreamed of in some small moment.

If you want to be the strongest in the world, just do it.

Every man at some point wished at least sometime to be the strongest, whether you wanted it since you were a little boy or even when you are an adult.

But due to the limitations of the human body and the universal physics of the world, that was an impossible thing to do.

Training your body could only achieve two results.

The first was to gain some strength, that is clear, although very little, there was a limit and that was something that could not be broken, no matter how hard you tried.

The second was a reaction in consequence of that arduous and difficult training you went through to try to gain more strength and that was the consequences of the human body which could be so fragile and at the same time hard.

One wrong move and you could hear the sound of a branch snapping when a bone in your body broke, or perhaps you would be left for life with excruciating back pain or some other incurable injury to the body.

Here you can be whatever you want, force is reason and law. Mugen stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked down at his feet, where a pirate managed to crawl up to him and grab him by the pants

"Please, please, I beg you. Just let my mates go, don't do anything to them, tell that man to stop."

The pirate pleaded crying, his blood covered face showed extreme desperation and sadness.

Mrs. Bakkin, the little old lady, noticed what was happening and approached, the small cane she held tapped lightly on the deck, her smile was wicked and somewhat ugly for her wrinkled face.

"Are you out of your mind?" His black glasses glinted from the sun's reflection and he approached the man on the ground, pulled him by the hair and forced him to watch as his companions died at Weevil's hands. "These are the consequences of your reckless and childish actions."

"Who gave them the courage, who was the stupid one who gave the order to sink the ship we were on." Mrs. Bakkin let go of the pirate roughly and stomped on his head. "In my opinion, you are nothing but dreamers pursuing something that was doomed to failure from the start."


 Weevil in the distance shouted to the sky in an unexpected way that made both Mrs. Bakkin and Mugen look at him.

"Mommy, mommy, look what he did, look, look, look."

Weevil pointed to his mouth and then to a man in front of him.

"Mark!" The pirate lying on the floor did his best to try to see and was surprised when he looked at the one who was his partner, who not long ago they were laughing and joking together.

Only now that same man he had known since he was a little boy was standing motionless, still and quiet, unaffected by the movement of the ship.

The man's head was missing and was replaced by a piece of candy.

"Mommy, mommy, look what he did, when I cut the bad man's head off, the blood came out into the sky like a fountain, I was so surprised and my sweet escaped from my mouth."

Weevil eagerly pointed out what happened, he circled the corpse on the sides and looked at it as if he was looking at a work of art, one he was a part of.

"Mark, damn it, why, why." The pirate lying on the ground wept and wailed, his fists clenched and his body shook from anger and sadness.

"Ah my candy." Weevil also wailed, he licked his finger and saliva dripped, he was seriously thinking about taking the candy back and putting it back in his mouth.

"Weevil boy what do you think you are doing, put that down and don't do anything stupid." Mrs. Bakkin saw Weevil's thoughts clearly and warned him by waving her cane in the air.

"But Mommy, that was the candy my brother gave me, I want it back." Weevil was startled and with a sad look he withdrew his hand that had already taken the candy.

"Arabasta is already here, Weevil, throw everyone overboard and stop whining, I have more candy for you after you do what I told you." Mugen turned his back to her and looked off into the distance at the vast land they were approaching.

"Mommy, mommy, you heard what my brother said, he'll give me more duces." Weevil walked overboard and grabbed the strewn bodies throwing them into the sea.

"Mugen boy, are you sure you want to do this." Mrs. Bakkin asked, both her hands resting on the staff, the jewels on her fingers glittering. "How sure is your information, it's safe for us, it won't be a trap, besides, it's everything you told me about the plan is true. You're not lying to me."

"Surely." Mugen assured.

"But what if some trouble happens in between, who assures me that everything will go smoothly." Mrs. Bakkin was doubtful.

"Mrs. Bakkin, what are you afraid of, the government, the power of shichibukai, I don't understand, if you still have problems or doubt, don't hide it and just speak clear and loud so I can listen to you and see if there is solution."

"Mugen boy, that's not what I'm trying to say, and who is afraid of a simple crocodile, my Weevil is much stronger than that shichibukai." Mrs. Bakkin shouted and angrily refuted.

"Mugen boy, what I still have doubts is that if everything will turn out just as you say, it is very hard to believe that they will do just what you think."

"Tell me, Mrs. Bakkin, how much time have I spent with you." Mugen looked at the short Mrs. Bakkin and asked, his eyes followed behind her where Weevil was finishing throwing the pirates off the ship.

Mrs. Bakkin followed the gaze and after a while said. "Two years, since I found you half dead in an alley lying like a dead dog ready to be eaten by rats, it's been two years."

Mugen Whistled as if to show astonishment. "How time passes. Exactly, a little over two years I'd say, now, how much money have I made for you in that time."

Hearing Mugen, Mrs. Bakkin's face lit up and a smile adorned her face, like the yellow smiley face emoticon, even her cheeks took on a rare blush.

"Very much so!" The little old lady's fingers made a money gesture. "Lots and lots of money, following your plans, you have caused me to acquire mountains of jewels and gold, more than I had managed alone together with my stupid son."

"So, you still doubt what I do, by killing crocodile who is a shichibukai, that will prove that you are weak and did not live up to your reputation, the government will not leave a bacante for that position for long, therefore, they will look for someone else."

"And this will be where you come in, rather your son Weevil, he will replace crocodile as shichibukai."

Mrs. Bakkin remained silent, what Mugen had said was correct.

"As for crocodile, I remind you that he has been a shichibukai for a long time and he operates a large casino in Arabasta, so his stash is replete with mountains of gold and precious jewels."

Off to the side, Mugen reminded Mrs. Bakkin again of the enormous wealth Crocodile had accumulated over the years.

Mrs. Bakkin's wrinkled smile was bright and her lips puckered in excitement.

"Brother, brother, I'm done, you can give me candy now."

Weevil's huge body appeared at some point next to the two and stretched out his hand waiting for what Mugen promised.

"Weevil boy, how many times have I told you not to interrupt, our conversations when we talk, you, you, you, you."

Mrs. Bakkin awoke from her sleep and scolded Weevil.

"Mommy, don't hit my head, I'll get silly." Weevil covered his head and backed away. "I just want to eat sweets, the ones my brother gives me are rich, if you want Mommy I'll give you one, so don't hit me anymore."

"Damn kid, when you learned new words, and I don't want your candy, surely you'll give me what you've already eaten, stupid."

"Besides, get ready because we already arrived at the island where the bad guys who bullied your brother are, you have to give them their comeuppance and kill them all."

Mrs. Bakkin said with a calculating and evil look on her face.

"What, there are bad guys who bullied my brother, I will not forgive them, I will definitely not forgive them and kill them all, my brother is good to me and gives me duces."

Weevil got angry and shouted, he grabbed his bisento and burst with force, the wood under his feet broke and the ship started to lurch.