
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

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Training and A Sea of Sand

"First, show me how much you're gonna pay me. Then we can talk about work."

"Your payment is gaining the power of fusion and getting great power for your services."

"This my payment? Well...I guess I'll take it." Says the red headed assassin called Kuda

"So why exactly did you summon me? Am I going on a mission to take out someone or what?"

"No not this time, what I'll need you to do is to infiltrate an enemy organization undercover with these 2 ladies behind me." I say pointing to Zala and Robin who were both currently looking around the small town of frontier.

"….. I work better alone FYI."

"And you will, because even if you 3 go in together you'll act like you never met before, but before that I'll be training you and them with a few others to strengthen yourselves."

".... Fine by me."

I just nod and leave him to his own devices while I go check up on the 3 girls.

I actually just learned I don't need to be near them to bring them into the frontier if they are under contract.

"This world is quite interesting, you say that the frontier is more than 75% land unlike our world?" (Robin)

"Well at least there's a bar I can get drinks at." (Zala)

"Why is there no sweets shop around here?"(Perona)

"Alright girls you can learn more about this world later, it's time we go off and train." I say as I open up a gate leading to the virtual battlefield.

(A/N if you guys are actually interested in seeing them go on adventures in the VB you guys tell me and I'll make chapter specific adventures)

So with that the training began and over the course of several months all 4 of them had reached the max lvl for all 4 of them and for me to finally decided to after year and a half of farming up the necessary materials and gaining me the chance to evolve to my next form known as the Holy Flame form.

(A/N I might have mentioned this form in earlier chapters but he hadn't evolved into this form at that point in time)

Gaining this form in my fully decked out state my armor was completed in full gold flame styled trim, with flaming wings appearing on the back when I go all out with my flames, even Dandalga changed as well taking on a new style and form.

Looking more similar to a royal great sword than a regular great sword in appearance with chains attached to the hilt and my cape taking on a more flame appearance than before, I even had a circlet with a flaming red ruby at its center.

"What are you trying to do kid looking like some kind of flaming red peacock or something?" Owen said after he saw my brand new form.

"Man, I don't have a choice in my looks when I evolve and you know that."

"I think it looks cool." (Perona)

"Thanks…" I say as I pet her head with a sigh.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen after a few months of training here I think it's time for our operatives to start there mission."

"Finally I get to see this other world of yours." Kuda says as he sharpens his whip blade before getting all set and ready to go.

"I have definitely gotten better at using my spikes in more creative ways." She says as she turns her hair into a ball of spikes to show off.

"Same could be said for me as well." Robin says and produces roughly 100 arms of her own, since earlier on when she first joined she could only make about 10 limbs at max.

After we all got together and discussed our plan of action we all decided to wake up back in the real world.

"You heading off to Alabasta finally?" (Hancock)

"Yep everyone is decently strong enough to easily be selected to join the Baroque Works."

"Can we come with too? We haven't really done anything together outside the island for a good long while after all." She says as she pulls me in close and whispers in my ear.

"Well…. Alright but will have to take our own ships, and only after I send off Robin and the rest, then we can enjoy our stay in Alabasta and get we can go to Crocodiles Casino and try and steal I mean 'earn' all of his money." I say with a grin.

"Ooo your a bad boy for wanting to do that, but I don't like that mobster all that much either." She says as she wraps her arms around my neck from behind.

"Alright let's head off to Alabasta!"

With that me and my crew hopped back onto our ship, over the couple months we've been training the crew has been off doing there own thing in the mean time, typical pirate things under Owens lead.

"Welcome back captain!" The men and women of the crew give a salute to me as we get back on board.

"At ease." I say as I take the helm and speak to the crew.

"Alright we're off on a trip to Alabasta so get everything set up so we can head off!"

They responded back and started to prep the ship and set sail for Alabasta.



About a day later in the evening.

We finally reached our destination, but before we went to the docks I had Robin, Zala and Kuda take a small row boat off towards a different location to go ashore from us, after they headed off both me and the boa sisters docked our ships at the main port of Nanohana the port city of Alabasta.

"Well since we're here you guys can go around and do whatever you want because me and my ladies are gonna be meeting an old acquaintance of ours, so go have fun the lot of you!"

After hearing that the men and women aboard my ship depart to go off and enjoy themselves, Owen off to find the best place to find alcohol is at and Theo to find out where the best place to find medical supplies and equipment would be at.

As for me I took the three sisters around to see what there is to see, and find out where exactly his main casino that he stays at most the time is located.

But first we go around the city to shop for things that the girls want, besides they have money to spend and we have money we're gonna earn back and then some from our old friend.

After we went on a shopping spree that went into the next morning before we decided to rest on their ship through to the afternoon. After putting away all the things that they gotten we decided to ask around town of where the biggest casino in Alabasta is located at.

The info we got is that the largest casino in Alabasta would be found in the thriving city of Rainbase and the casinos name is called the Rain Dinners and it would take a few days on foot but since that would take to long we decided to rent us a F-Wani Accelegator one of the fastest moving animals in all of Alabasta that would get us to Rainbase in a days time.

Even if it was extremely expensive to rent one for a day ultimately it was Hancock's decision after all for the most beautiful woman in the world of course she needed the best of things to get her to where she wants to go the quickest of ways.

So after we rented it out we headed straight off to Rainbase which we reached there by the time the sun began to rise in the sky, that's how fast this sand gator was to get us to here.

"Yep that's crocodiles casino alright, of course he'd put a giant golden crocodile on top of his casino, it's like saying to the whole country that this is his turf." I say as I stared up the large pyramid building with a huge crocodile head on top with his casino surrounded by a moat that was filled with these strange looking crocodiles that had banana like things on there bodies.

Even though they were strange to look at I just shrugged and with my arm wrapped around Hancock's waist we entered the casino.


"Sir they have entered the casino."

"…. Hooo, well then… I should probably greet them or they might trash the place… even if I do hate that fire brat…" he says as he is taking puffs of his cigar before he gets up from his chair.

"Also if there here to have fun don't rig there games, there not people I want to piss off, they'll get in the way of my plans if I do piss them off." He then heads down to the main floor to meet some VIP's.

"Oh well I don't believe it! Crocodile is that really you?" I say in a very sarcastic way.

He just takes another long puff of his cigar before answering.

"What are you doing here Firebrand, Boa."

I just grin as I produce a cigar from my shirt and smoke it, "What I can't go on a short vacation with my ladies?"

"But specifically my casino and not one of the any others in the rest of the city?"

"Well what can I say, we like to go to the best places, best foods, best anything and they all said the best casino was yours right here so I thought why not come by and say hi."

He crosses his arms and starts rapping his fingers on his arms.

"…. You do know that I don't like either of you right?"

"And? Are you gonna start something right here and now in your casino? Because if you really don't like us and want us to go then your just gonna have to force us." I say as I light my free arm ablaze.

"And from what I know, I'm your perfect counter Captain Hook." I say with a condescending grin on my face.

His veins pop out on his head as he chews on his cigar hard trying to hold himself back.

"…. Do whatever you want just don't reck my casino." He says as he turns away in a huff to go back to his office.

I just smile as I extinguish my arm, "well girls you heard him let's have 'fun'" we all grin at each other as we go around the casino and start playing the games.

Now your probably wondering how will drain him dry without cheating much, like playing against machines like the slots, well there are some inexpensive potions called Luck potions that for a limited time will increase your luck on anything you do, except the summon rolls of course or else I'd be able to always get extremely powerful allies all the time.

But it can definitely be used to cheese the machines out of all the money so I decided to be extremely flashy about it while the girls were more quiet about it by manipulating games in there favor against the dealers and other players that would join in.

Flashy by playing once at all the open slots rapidly and hitting the jackpot or high rolls on the slots winning us hundred of thousands within minutes and the same could be said about the girls winning hundreds of thousands as well, and before croccy could come back down and stop us we'd force them to exchange our winnings for cash just as Croccy boy was stomping towards us where we booked for it out of his casino.

Crocodile being extremely pissed that we just drained his casino of what was roughly a few months of earnings in minutes starts to trash the place in rage before he kicks everyone out for the day so he can cook off.

"Just you wait you little shit!! I'll get you for this just you wait!!!" He yells in pure anger.

After all that I hide all the money into the inventory before we get another F-Wani and head off to visit the capital Alubarna to see the sights.

Though the capital was a beautiful city with its own charm, the girls didn't feel like buying anything in the city so we only stayed for a short time and went back to the port city to gather everyone back up.

After everyone got onto there ships we set sail back to Amazon lily.



A few weeks later.

I finally completed the first part of the ultimate quest.

Ultimate Quest Alabasta Saga pt. 1- completed

Rewards: 1 billion zel, Sword skill: Judgment Cut and 1 special reward.


Ultimate Quest Alabasta Saga pt. 2 Start!

Objectives: Using your undercover crew gather evidence of what Crocodile wants to do to the Kingdom of Alabasta and after you gather everything you need speak with Sengoku of what he's doing, the more evidence the better the rewards based on the details gathered with scale of C to SSS grade level of detail. To get better rewards it will take even longer for you to gather all the details needed, getting him on camera explaining what he's about to do to Alabasta is recommended for a high grade score.

Time limit: 3 years


"Interesting, the better the end rewards will be when more evidence is gathered against him so I should use almost all the time necessary to get the best rewards…. Real question I wonder what they will be."

I then look at Judgement Cut and seeing it's ability I know it's insanely deadly but… "I got to use Dandelga in Katana form to use that ability, seems i'll have to relegated that move to Blood Eagle which is a shame." And finally I open up the special surprise to see…


"….. Kuhuhu….. Haha...… KUHUHUHUHUHUHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" I begin to laugh like never before because this, this is a game changer.

"This has made my life much much more interesting now…." I say as I lay back down with my beautiful wives with a grin, "none of you are getting any rest tonight!" I say to them with an evil grin.