
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

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To Your Health & Saying Goodbye

With following after WhiteBeard back to his ship I make a call on his personal Mushi back to my crew and telling Theo to take the crew from Haven and to meet up with me at these coordinates of the island that we currently are at, after telling him that I hung up and went back to the main deck of the Mobydick where I was handed some more beer to drink alongside WhiteBeard and the rest of his crew.

Which I just smiled and took it and started to drink along with the rest of them while we waited for my crew to show up, though it would take several hours until they got here.

But while we waited I turned to WhiteBeard as I had something on my mind, "I'm guessing you never doubt your crew about there integrity to you overall now do you?"

"Hoh? And where did this question came from?" He says looking strangely.

"No real reason, if I said I was a snake that was willing to backstab people I work with for my own benefit, then I can tell you I can smell other snakes and when there nearby, and I smell a few that would be willing to betray you for there own benefit." I say before taking a swig from my keg, but I was eyeing two individuals that I could smell were snakes like me out of the corner of my eye.

One of them certainly heard our conversation and the rather large man shuttered a bit before taking his beer and turning away and downing it personally.

"Backstab me? And his family for his own benefit? Hmmmm…" honestly he got the same feeling as me from his crew as well at a gut feeling level, but the only reason he didn't capitalize on it is that then he would never fully be able to trust his sons ever again.

"Just thought I should let you know, but it's your family, you'll have to deal with it in your own way as I'm not gonna do anything if there not my own crew personally." I say as I keep on drinking.

With that it just leaves him to his thoughts as we all relax and drink while waiting for my crew to show up, I also told Theo to bring Owen along so we could both say goodbye to Ace before we head off back on our own journeys.



During the few hours that I was with the WhiteBeard pirates was rather pleasant as we relaxed and drank with everyone happy about hearing me bringing someone over that can heal WhiteBeard back to full health for the first time in years.

Though I knew that certain snake wasn't exactly excited about it so I decided to get up and sit by him, but not at my WhiteBeard height but around my default 10ft height that I have been keeping myself at recently.

Though doing this clearly scared him but he was very good at hiding his emotions so he didn't show it on his face.

"So I got to ask, what's your name."

"Oh me? Oh I'm nobody really, why you ask?"

"Well… I think that you and I are kindred spirits in a way, so that's why I want to get to know you is all." I say with what looks like a genuine smile to everyone else, but to him it's like looking at a snake smile at him.

"Well… people call me Teach, Marshal D. Teach."

"Ahh, your one of those people that has the D. In there name, people like you are known for causing change in the world, some would say they cause chaos, but I find that interesting because you can go out and freely live out your dreams."

"But of course! I mean that's what it means to really live after all right? You got to go out and really live out your dreams after all." He says with a wide grin before he chows down on some more food.

"Right you got to go live out your dreams and truly be free, to spread your wings and fly… but for people like us to get our dreams we have to get our hands dirty right?" I say in such a way that it seemed that all the happy sounds of joy from the rest of the crew became a blur as it was just the two of us sitting next to each other.

I could see it on his face that he was sweating profusely that someone just like him could see through him at a first glance, but before he could say anything I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and pulled him in close as I whispered in his ear.

"I don't care what you do, your not my crew mate, just remember this word of warning, when you finally go through with it do you really have to get your hands dirty? Or is there another way to get what you want?" As I finish I let him go before grabbing my drink and heading somewhere else.

Though this short interaction doesn't go unnoticed by WhiteBeard, he'll keep tabs on Teach for awhile, but if everything is going fine he will leave him be as he doesn't know if what Eagle is saying is true or is possibly trying to create a schism in his crew by making him distrust his own sons.

And a few hours later my crew of the Monster Pirates arrived, though the majority decided to stay on my ship where as only Theo and Owen jumped onto the Mobydick.

"Huh, so this is the original Fisher that was taking care of my son all this time, you did a good copy of his looks, but I could feel the genuine age off of him compared to when you took on his disguise, then again it's more my age that lets me see through it a bit better than others." WhiteBeard says before he puts his hand on Owens shoulder.

"Thank you for looking after my son over the course of his journey before reaching here." But hearing that Owen slaps WhiteBeards hand off his shoulder.

"You call him your son? I highly doubt that he has excepted that proposal of yours Whitey." He says before crossing his arms in front of him.

"Heh, maybe he hasn't accepted it yet, but he will."

"How do you have such absolute confidence in him even accepting your proposal, cause I don't look at him as just my student, I look at him as if he was my own nephew, so if your planning on taking that position as father in his heart then you better not be doing this half heartedly!" Owen says with a rather demanding tone.

But rather than get mad or upset, WhiteBeard just smiles, "You really care for the kid don't you? But I will swear on both my name and everything that I own that I will treat him as one of my own." WhiteBeard said while looking Owen straight in the eye.

"Tch, if he dies because of you I'll hunt you down personally…."

"Gentlemen I hate to interrupt, but I have a surgery to perform, Sir Newgate, would you please follow me back to our ship?l" Theo says as he interrupts and motions to WhiteBeard to follow him.

He looks at Theo and seeing that he really is a doctor looks back to his crew, "Marco, Thatch, you two will come along with me, the rest of you, wait for the good news." WhiteBeard says before following Theo with Marco and Thatch following right behind him.

"Welp, all we can do now is wait, it's probably gonna take a few hours, but I wouldn't be surprised in that time the kid wakes up, haaaa, I hope he takes it well…" I say as I take out a cigar and light it.

"Yea….. I hope so too…." Owen says rather sadly as we wait for Ace to wake up.

And not even an hour later we hear commotion coming from one of the rooms on the Mobydick, as Ace all bandaged up busts out of his room, he looked like he was gonna ask the obvious question of where the hell he was but he looked around and obviously realized he was on the Mobydick and that we were still in harbor with both Aces ship and my ship flanking the Mobydick.

But he didn't see any of his crew which pissed him off obviously, that is until he saw Owen and me along with a much larger King at his normal size and Owen in his original black armor with red coat underneath with a white fur lining around his neck with his green cloak over his shoulder with his great sword strapped to his back.

"Fisher? King? Is that you guys?" He says slightly stunned at the change in appearance, more Owen than King as he has seen King at his normal large size before.

Hearing that name called out he just sighs while King approaches him and begins to lick Aces face who just laughs a bit as he pets Kings head.

"It's good to see your ok buddy, and for some reason that look suits you Fisher, but where's the rest of the crew?… Wait, what are you doing here?" He says as he gets a better look at me and realizes who I really am.

I just look at him for a second before I blow out the smoke from my cigar before changing to look just like Owen, "Why I was the one teaching you ever since you entered the new world Ace." I say before putting my cigar back in my mouth.

This confuses him for a bit before he looks to Owen, "Fisher…. He's joking right? Why would he want to take your place for the past few months on my ship?"

"Kid…. Most of the things I told you about myself were lies…. Fisher was just a nickname, though you knew that, but my real name isn't Jack but Owen, Vice Captain of the Firebrand Pirates…." He says rather sadly, and the look on Aces face was that he didn't believe it.

"Fisher! Is this some kind of-"

"-Sick joke? No kid unfortunately it's not, the whole reason I even ended up on Sixis is because Eagle here told Vargas to send someone there, specifically someone that knew how to use flames…. So that's why I ended up on that island in the first place…"

Ace had a look of denial on his face as he turned to look at me, "He's not lying about that, I did tell Vargas to send Owen there as out of all of us he's the least known out of everyone so it made it easier for him to pass off as someone else."

"Why?" Is all Ace asked me as a look of both pain and anger was overwhelming him.

"Why did I do what I did? Well if I had to simplify it, it was fate itself, you may not believe in fate but let's say something more than me told me to send someone there as this person will have a great impact on the world, so I did, and you got stranded there, formed your crew along my subordinate who went out of his way to reach you everything he knew, mind you I didn't tell him to do that so he did that because he wanted to, and when I approached you disguised as Vargas I was intrigued by you and wanted to help you get stronger as well, so I took over his place and have been training you ever since, and you finally released you true sword, Spade, and are even stronger than you were before because of it, now here we are…" I say as I recapped everything that happened to us over the course of his journey.

But the look on his face Ace was clearly feeling conflicted about all this, he was both grateful for what we had done for him, but also felt betrayed as well.

"Fisher…. No Owen… what am I to you?" Ace says as he looks upon Owen teary eyed.

Me, Owen and even King start to feel bad for what we did with such a big lie to Ace, but King just goes up to Ace and rubs up against him while also looking down, but Ace just wipes his tears and pets King, "I'm not mad at you buddy…. But I really want to know how they feel about me though…" he saves as he sniffs and wipes away his tears as he plays with King.

"….. I have said this before, and I will say it again, Ace, I look at you as both my student one that I can call my nephew…. I'm sorry I lied to you all this time, but like he said I taught you of my own volition and not because he told me to." Owen says openly and honestly to Ace.

"And well even if it was only for a few months, I honestly enjoyed my time teaching you as well and helping you develop your skills even more, I see you as a friend and a kindred spirit, you may hate us for what we did, but maybe over time you'll forgive us for what we did." I say as well.

"…. I'm just gonna have to think about this on my own for awhile…" Ace says sadly as he goes back to his room to sleep it off and to be left in his own thoughts about everything he just learned.

Both me and Owen just looked at each other and sighed as we waited for Theo to finish up his operation on WhiteBeard.

Later on in the night Theo along with Marco and Thatch were helping a wrapped up WhiteBeard back onto his ship before sitting him back down in his own personal chair, Theo just turned to the rest of us, "He should be fine in a few days, as for the disease he was afflicted with, I was able to removed the diseased tissue and in a few days he will be back to full health in no time without need for needing any medical help whatsoever."

Hearing that the rest of the crew cheered while WhiteBeard just smiled as he rubbed his chest as he took in a deep breath and relaxed, "I guess I should thank you for what you and your crew has done for me, as well as looking over Ace all this time, so when the time comes and if we really need it I'll call your help, and whenever your war starts will stay out of it, but I will be defending the places I have under my protection you know." He says with a big grin.

I just smile back before I toss 2 of my symbols to him, "Ones for you and the other is for Ace, all you need to know is that if you crush it, it will tell me you or him need help." I say before I get up and head towards my ship.

But before I tell my ship to set sail I turn back towards the old man, "Word of advice, beware of the snakes that hide in the grass around your feet WhiteBeard, if you don't you'll end up getting bit." But with that said I turn and let my ship set sail back towards home.

With him hearing that WhiteBeard ponders over it, a very scared Teach is freaking out internally about that statement while the rest of the crew is confused about that statement.

Main Quest: A Tale of Partagas D. Ace Complete!

Reward Grade S

Reward: Crossover Group Summon, and a random Legendary item and 500,000,000 Berries.

Secret quest: Cure WhiteBeard Complete!

Rewards: Friendly relations with the WhiteBeard Pirates and a Blade of Legend that will bind with the hosts soul along with his current swords.

"Well the rewards for the things I've done seem to have been worth it after all, but I should see these Legendary items for myself."

I say as I let the system roll for the items I will receive.

Legendary item- Crown of Wealth

Description- exponentially increases the users likelihood at coming across wealth as well as increasing the users luck to the absolute extreme, bound to the person who first where's it.

"Hmmm… I think I know a certain someone that I can give this to as a gift, it will definitely make her happy.

Legendary sword- The Reapers Toll

Description- This claymore is said to have been crafted by death itself, while in possession of the blade it can save you from one certain kill shot on you once a day thus giving you a second chance at life, and as darkness is where the dead forever reside when this blade is stabbed into the ground it will cloak your immediate surrounding area in absolute darkness, but as the owner you will still see clearly as if it was midday, lastly this blade gets stronger by both the welders overall strength as well as the souls it devours personally getting more and more stronger the more enemies you kill with this blade, but if one doesn't have both a strong mind and body the user may fall into a frenzy slaughtering friend and foe alike, so use caution when using this weapon.

"Oooo, I think I will really like using this along with Dandelga as Vargas…. But I should use it sparingly so I don't accidentally lose my mind by using it to much I guess, but overall this adventure was a good haul."

"Now then what do I have to do next?" I say before I take out my journal to go over my notes.

"Hmmm I think I should focus on getting other pirate crews from the other seas out of the way soon shouldn't I? I got both sides of the Grandline and both North and East Blue out of the way…"

"Hmmm I think it's time I had a chat with some of the mafia family's around West Blue and see if I can get one under my banner so I can have connections down there as well, after that I'll deal with the south blue and well after that…. Damn I have a lot of shit to do dont I? Help the Fishmen, Help Toki get her daughter back, a bunch of other things while juggling my family as well…."

"Man I am one busy man, after doing both West and South Blue I'm just gonna take a break for awhile before going off to deal with those things…" I say as I watch the Moon off in the distance.

But off on an Island in the East Blue, a 15 year old kid was looking up at the moon as he held up his fist, "Don't worry Ace! In 2 years I'm gonna start my pirate adventure as well! I hope I get to see you again, and then will both see who can become the Pirate King first!" He says with a big smile on his face before he puts his strawhat over his head and decides to call it a night.