
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

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Time Marches On Pt.2

After that fiasco happened nothing much really happened for a few months as well until finally.

"Huh so this is what it feels like to reach your final form" (Larissa)

Commander Larissa -> Battle Admiral Larissa

"Admiral Huh? Hmmmm…"

"That doesn't mean anything, it's just the title of the evolution is all."

"But I think that we're ready to start a plan I was thinking about all this time and putting it into fruition now, in the morning come into the real world with Agress, Captain's orders."

"As you say Captain me and Agress will head into the real world for the first time then tomorrow morning."



The next morning, in the training field.

I had 4 people gathered here in front of me, Tanya, Visha, Larissa and Agress.

"The reason I have gathered you 4 here is that I have a mission I want you to accomplish but only if all 4 of you are willing to under go this mission, should any of you refuse then I'll have to shelve this mission for a later date and time."

"What's the mission Captain? It must be both dangerous and important if your going this far that you want our all clear before we go ahead with it…" (Tanya)

"Of course it is, I want you guys to go undercover in the Marines and work up the ranks while being my spy's on the inside, at the beginning you 4 will be separated from each other, though I'll be nice and let both you and Visha stay together in your unit that you'll join while Larissa your main goal is to reach the rank of either Rear or Vice Admiral with in the next few years time, the rest of you getting to either Rear Admiral or Captain Rank and working under her lead, though whoever gets further up the ranks will be the main leader instead." I say as I explain my plan.

"If that is what you wish then I shall happily oblige." (Agress)

"Well, this should be interesting, at least I'll have something to do now besides trying to evolve all the time." (Larissa)

"I'm ok with it if Tanya is ok with it." (Visha)

So now it was all up to Tanya whether this plan starts now or will have to wait for the time being.

"*Sigh…* you know I'd like nothing more than to not be put on missions that would be considered highly dangerous situations right?" (Tanya)

"Of course I know that, but because of your training as a soldier you are one of the few people that are perfect for this job, if you don't think that this is a good idea then I won't force you, but know that even if you go and join the marines you have complete access to the Frontier so you can still gain the strength you'd ever need while being on this mission."

She then does her biting her thumb thing she does whenever she's deep in thought.

After a few minutes she stops biting her thumb and looks down at the ground for a few moments before sighing once again before taking a salute, "Tanya Von Degurechaff! Reporting in and ready for duty sir!"

Visha then smiles before following Tanya's lead, "Viktoriya Ivanovna Serebryakov! Reporting for Duty Sir!"

I just grin at the both of them, "At ease soldiers! In a weeks time Tom will have a small ship built for you guys to take so take this Eternal Pose that I bought that will lead you guys over to Alabasta so you guys can join the marine base there."

They all salute me, "Yes sir!" Before they turn to prepare for there mission.

After sending them off to prepare, I decided to do something to finally start to screw a certain someone over, thanks to me getting on Big Ma's good side by helping out the rest of our family get stronger, she's let me use her spy network that covers all of the new world, for the past year or so I've been using her resources to listen in on certain things some of them include, a mad scientist on Punk Hazard is trying to figure out a way to mass produce Devil Fruits, so far he's come to realize that the easiest one to work on is the Beast type of Devil Fruits but so far he hasn't been able to succeed yet.

There's also been word of Kaidou doing some shady shit both in and out of Wano, and him getting annoyed by this lady that likes to fly around on a huge feather….

"*Sigh* Kagura….. Well do whatever you want, when your out there seeing the world your on your own…."

And finally the main thing of info I was waiting for, Doflamingo seems to have a spy within the marines, one that's been the marines for awhile if he's reached the rank of vice admiral, must have forgotten to encode there talk with a White Den Den Mushi because one of Big Ma's Agents intercepted there conversation with her agent recording the whole thing in detail which was basically Doflamingo asking if anything special was going on in the marines for his weekly report, and since he had nothing to report that they chatted for a bit before Doflamingo said goodbye to his spy saying his name, Vergo, before they both hanged up the call.

So I think I should make a call to a certain Afro haired man about this little Rat that's gotten very high up the ranks of the marines.

*purururururu purururururu Click*

"*Sigh* What is it now Firebrand? Every time you ever call me it's because you found out something that ends up with giving me a headache and more paperwork to deal with." (Sengoku)

"Oh I'm sorry, should I just call you a different time then, I mean I guess it's not that important for you to know that you got a Rat in your organization or anything, I'll just talk to you another time…" I say as I go to hang up.

"Hold it right there…. You said you found out the identity of a rat in the marines… Who the hell is it?" He says getting a bit pissed with finding out this bit of information.

"Hmmm supposedly it's this guy called what was it again?….. Ahh yes Vergo is the guys name, I caught him talking with a certain smiley faced bastard about some weekly info he gets from this Vergo guy, seems to be Vergo has been working for him this entire time after all, and here I'll send you some proof so I'm not just pulling this info out of thin air." I say before sending him the full wiretapped conversation between Vergo and Doflamingo.

"…. I guess I should thank you for this information…. Will be taking Vergo into custody… but its not enough to strip Doflamingo of his status of Warlord unfortunately…"

"That's fine, I only did this because he decided to screw me over, so I decided to screw him over in return, and all I want from this is a favor from the marines when the time comes for me to cash it in…."

"A favor huh?…. Fine so long as it's not something outrageous to ask of us the marines will honor this favor of yours…"

"Then that's all I could ask, talk to you later Sengoku." I say before I end the call.

"*Sigh*... This kid really gives me a lot of paperwork…. If he wasn't a pirate he'd be a great marine for all that he has done so far."

After that conversation with him I headed off to the place where Franky has been living in for the past few years, and it seems he's finally back to his full strength.

"Franky! Finally your back to full health."

"Mhm! I'm good as new, and even better than ever with all these cybernetic parts installed making me better than ever…. But since I'm all healed back up I think it's time I said goodbye to you and Old Tom, I'm thankful for all that you have done for me and even saving my life but I need to go back to Water 7 and help Iceburg with keeping Old Toms Legacy alive, I mean he's still alive but the rest of the world doesn't know that, so I'm gonna be going back on my own after I work with Tom one last time to make me a boat that will take me back to Water 7."

"Alright Franky, if that is what you want when you make that ship of your will fill it up with supplies before sending you on your way."

We then both shakes on it and he headed off to Old Toms place to start work on his ship with his master.

A week later both Franky's ship and Tanya and the rest of them ships were finished with Frankys help and they then set sail for there locations, Franky for Water 7 and the others for Alabasta…

"…. That reminds me, King Cobra has been meaning to have dinner with me…. Maybe I'll do that next month."



Next month later, the Palace of Alabasta.

"I'm so glad you were able to Join me and my dinner for once Vargas, I know that I've said this plenty of times before but I am deeply grateful for what you did for my and my daughters kingdom after all…" he says while we are being served a rather lavish meal for me, himself and his young daughter Vivi.

"Oh not at all King Cobra, like I said back then and I'll say now I was only doing it because a certain individual didn't want to see an entire country be annihilated because of one man's ambitions, I only do things mostly for profits but I also don't like to see a genocide happening either so I agreed to help take Crocodile down for good."

"Well no matter your intentions you still saved my life, and my daughters life as well, so thank you none the less."

I just grin and shake my head before returning to my meal and drink.

"…. So I have to ask… what do you think of my daughter here?"

*... this better not be going in the way I think this is going….*

"I mean…. She's cute, and I've seen the picture of your wife and if she grows up to look anything like her mother she'll be a beauty any man would want to marry, though someone young would be best for to marry after all." I say in the best way possible for him to look for someone young, around her age, to marry in the future.

But it seems Cobra didn't take the hint and still went forward with what he was gonna say anyway, "Of course, I see a lot of her mother in her so I know she will grow to be beautiful after all, so I was wondering if you are interested in my daughter here?"

I have to hold my hand over my mouth to keep myself from spitting out my wine, "*cough cough* Me? I mean first of all I'm over 10 years older than her for one, 2 even though I work for the marines I'm still technically a pirate after all, and third but most importantly I'm married with multiple women as my wives, though the main thing is what does your daughter think about all this?" I say as I look at the young girl who was just quietly eating her food.

"..." she doesn't say anything but a bit of a blush creeps onto her cheeks.

Seeing that I just massage my head, "How about this, if she still wants to be in a relationship with me when she comes of age and hasn't found anyone else by that time, I'll consider it, until then let her have relationships with other men in the mean time if she wants…"

"That's fine by me, all I wanted was for you to consider it is all." The king says with a polite smile on his face.

After that the dinner went on as normal, and afterwards I decided to excuse myself and head on home through the gate in my Alabasta Base…

"….. Honey… are you sure you want to be with him? Like he says he has multiple wives and lovers, I mean having multiple wives and lovers isn't illegal or anything, I just don't want you to end up in a loveless marriage when you grow up, and should he lose his status as a Warlord somehow, it will put the Kingdom in danger…" King Cobra said trying to talk his daughter out of this idea of hers, she was using her father as a proxy of what she really wanted as she was to embarrass to say it herself so she had her father say what she couldn't ask herself.

"Dad, you always said that I had the ability to see the potential good and bad in people? I even told you that Crocodile was a bad guy but you didn't believe me because you just thought that I didn't like him, but I could just see him bringing destruction to our kingdom, maybe if things went on for long enough I may have had to step in and try and stop him myself, but ahh like a knight in shining armor Mr. Vargas swooped in and stopped that bad Crocodile and saved all of us, and all I see around him is the potential strength that he can bring to our kingdom and prosperity as well." She says while gushing about me that had I heard myself would have made me hide my face in embarrassment, especially hearing that from a kid.

"*Sigh*... if you still hold feelings for him when your old enough will talk about this again, now go out and play I need to think somethings over."

She just smiles and jumps up to hug him and kissing him on his cheek, "Thank you Papa!" She then jumps down and hops and skips away off to go out and play.

The king then sits in his chair and thinks to himself of the pros and cons of having a son in law like Firebrand Vargas.

"…. So King Cobra wants you to marry his what? 10 year old daughter when she comes of age?" (Viola)

"Yep, hopefully she finds someone else to be with by then, I don't find children to be attractive…"

"But you didn't out right say no though did you?" (Zala)

"No but I did say every reason why we shouldn't be together, but he just couldn't take a hint so I had to say that if she's still interested in me when she's old enough I'll think about it."

"What your not happy about marrying possibly another princess like me?" Viola says with a rather mischievous grin.

"What? You actually want her to join us?"

"Maybe, maybe not, I just don't want to be the only princess in your menagerie, sometimes I feel like having someone who's just like me to talk too after all, though with her age being so young, she would probably be a better friend for my niece Rebecca."

"Wait wait wait… You have a niece? Even more you have a sister?"

"... had a sister…. Until that bastard Doflamingo killed her when he ordered Diamanté to chase her down, luckily the man known as Thunder soldier intervened….. but when she was going out to get her daughter some food he found her and killed her in cold blood….." she begins to tear up at remembering the death of her sister.

I just get up and come up behind her and wrapped my arms around her as she leaned her face into my arms and tried to hold back the flood of tears coming out of her eyes.

"Don't worry… in time he will pay the price for making my woman cry…. I promise but it will take time before we can take him down for good, and fix your family's name to its former glory." She just nods as she continues to cry while I hold her close, Zala comes over as well like me trying to console her as well, "We're all your family, Not just Vargas, but the crew and all of us are your sisters now as well, will all make sure he pays and you better believe it." Zala says with determination and I know if any of the others were here they would all agree with her statement.

"*Sniff* Thank you…. Both of you…." She says before she starts to cry once again, *Vergo was just the start Doffy…. I'm gonna help you out just to see you fall, you smiley faced bastard….*