
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

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The World Reacts and Bad Rumors

Wano, Onigashima, Kaido's Lair.

"A new emperor Huh?…. Well we will see about that…." Kaido says as he goes back to drinking his sake, *Though how the hell does he know about Rocks?*

"….. Then again if he's anything like Rocks…. Heh we might get along just fine… King!"

"Yes Captain?" (King) 37

"If Blood Eagle ever wants entry into Wano, tell Orochi to let him in free of charge."

"Yes Captain."

Elsewhere in Onigashima.

The son(?) of Kaidou was changing somethings in his room, for one he put his old Bounty Poster of Blood Eagle higher up right next to the original poster of Oden, and after doing that he decided to write out 'Shin no seigi' in katakana on the back of his Yukata, "No matter who you are everyone must face True Justice!" He says as he takes a pose as if he's looking down on his enemies, "Hmmmm I know I can do better…. But oh well I can just sleep on it….. Maybe I can get his autograph if he ever comes to Wano." He thinks to himself before he decides to go to bed.


White Beard Pirates, White Beards ship.

"So… there's another emperor entering the fray…. And he even knows of Xebec…. Is he truly that bastards successor?" (Whitebeard) 64 He says to himself out loud, but one of his sons overheard his mumblings.

"Who's Xebec Pops?" (Marco) 35

"…. One of the worlds most dangerous Pirates 30 years ago….. and my former captain alongside both Big Ma and Kaidou….."


"….. if he truly is his successor….. then the golden age of Pirates may end, and a new age of chaos will be brought across the world….."

Unknown to them another one of his sons over heard the conversation and grinned ,

" The age of chaos huh? Heh this will make things even more interesting for me….." (Teach) 30


Red Hair Pirates, Shanks ship.

"*Sigh* Things just became even harder for you kid…" (Shanks) 29, said as he looked towards East Blue thinking of that little kid who wants to grow up to be pirate king.

"But the challenge will do you some good after all…" he then shakes his head and goes back to drinking with his crew.


ToTo Land, Whole Cake Chateau, Big Ma's Throne Room.

"MAMA MAMA MAMA MAMA!!!!!! I knew it, I knew he'd soon be made into an Emperor just like me!…. Though how did he learn about Rocks?" Big Ma thought as it was weird since most of Rocks records were destroyed and the only people who still remember him are Big Ma, WhiteBeard, Kaidou, Garp and Sengoku.

"Mama who is Rocks?" (Katakuri)

"…. He was my old captain back in my 20's... and he's also you, Daifuku and Ovens Father…."


"But you never got to meet him, because you were born after he was killed by the combined might of both Pirate King Roger and the hero of the Marines Garp, if he survived all those years ago…. He would have easily taken the title Pirate King after Rogers Death…. He was the one man who I wouldn't have mind going through a second pregnancy with, and maybe would have stayed as my only man since… but with his death that dream died, but now I have a wide range of children from all walks of life and I couldn't be more happy with the children I have." She says with a smile full of love on her face.

(A/N I know this isn't Cannon but just roll with it, I think it adds a bit more spice to the story this way.)

"…. Aren't you mad that he took on his face during his speech to the world?"

"No, actually I'm glad I got to see him again in the flesh one more time, though since he never met him the voice was completely wrong, he had a deep gruff type of voice, but he did nail his hysterical laughter after all, he was known to laugh in the face of death, and he laughed and laughed as he met his end…"


"But no matter, with this new title of his I think it will be much easier to convince my daughters still sitting on the fence about starting a relationship with the 5th Emperor of the Seas after all." She says with a big toothy grin as she bites down on some of her sweets.


Baltigo, Revolutionary Army HQ.

"A new emperor has been born, and one that is extremely ruthless as well to any of those in the world government Huh?" (Dragon) 45

"I think he will be a good ally if we get in contact with him, I know we all like to be low key with our mission but he could be the spearhead that can be thrusted into those bastards sides." (Belo Betty) 26

"I'm with Betty on this we need someone to be the active threat while we continue to do our thing from the shadows." (Ivankov) 43

"*sigh*…. The problem is that he's extremely ruthless that he's given the nick name of 'The Worlds Monster' but it does seem that his hatred is aimed at only the government as he did free slaves before the Shabody Massacre… for now unless Fate has us crossing each other's paths or he wants to meet us of his own volition will keep doing our thing while he does his thing." (Dragon)


Mary Genoise, Council Room of the 5 Elders.

"…. After reviewing everything that was recorded during this Tragedy… we have come to a unanimous agreement not to put the blame on any of the higher ups of the marines and to be given full pardon for there failings due to the circumstances of this tragedy." (1st Elder)

"Even though the rest of the nobles are demanding either your resignation or your heads as compensation, we have decided against it due to it being near impossible to track down the one known as the Shadow Emperor as one of his known abilities is that he can take on the appearance of anyone he has ever seen before, even if it's just a picture with him taking on Garp's, Sengoku's and even Xebec's faces without ever meeting them in person." (2nd Elder)

"This if a sighting of him is ever confirmed only 2 admirals are to be sent after him at a time while the other Admirals and Garp will protect places he may attack in retaliation if he is allowed to escape the chase." (3rd Elder)

"Now with everything said you are all dismissed, return to your posts and keep the world safe, if a incident like this happens again someone will have to take all the blame and be forced to resign, understood?" (4th Elder)

"Yes Sirs!" They all day in unison before promptly leaving the council room and heading for the red port back to Mary Genoise.

"…" the elders look between each other before they leave and take the winding halls of the castle all the way to the Empty Throne room before they all come before a dark silhouetted figure sitting upon the Empty Throne and Kneeling before them.

"IM-sama… what are your orders for us to follow on dealing with this so called Blood Eagle?" (1st Elder)

"... If found kill him on sight…. Otherwise don't bother searching for him, if he wants to hide you'll never find him….." (IM)

"As you command!" They all say in unison before leaving the true ruler of the world to themselves.

"….. It seems new variables have been brought into this world by an outside force if fate has changed and the future is uncertain now... I don't like God's messing up my playground just because they think it's fun…." They say as they look towards a specific dark corner of there throne room, where a black mass with a large eye and big toothy grin manifests and looks back at them.

"But if we want to have fun what can you even do about it?" (???)

Both beings begin to stare at each other with such intensity that all of Mary Genoise begins to shake from the sheer pressure that it knocks out all but the strongest of willed people while it causes an earthquake to break apart some of the city, but soon after the pressure fades and everything goes back to normal.

"Lucky for you that he has no thoughts of ruling the world, but that may change if he finds all the polyglyphs and finds the path to the one piece and learns the truth of this world that you do desperately want to hide." (???) just Grins before it begins to fade from existence, "after all your-" but before it could finish IM sent a pressure wave at it forcing it back out of this world.

IM then holds there head up in there hand while they ponder what there next course of action should be done to fix everything, they look at the poster of Blood Eagle, "Just who are you Blood Eagle?"


Back on Amazon Lily, on the beach.

I was currently holding both Amande and Smoothie in my arms while both relaxing and making out with them.

"Thank you girls with the help during the Shabody incident, I especially liked how you juiced those Nobles in the background, that was just icing on the cake that we needed to have."

"Mmm then will you give just the 2 of us here your undivided attention tonight?" (Smoothie)

"Your wish is my command, I'll even treat you both like queens and tell me what you want me to do tonight."

"Mmmm I like the sound of that…" Smoothie says as she goes and grabs at my crotch, Amande slightly smiles and helps Smoothie by grabbing at my crotch with her.

"Ohh do you guys want it now then?"

"Well we are the only ones here, and this is your own private beach that only family can visit so I think you treating us like the queens were meant to be is alright to do here out in the open for the whole world to see our love."

She says with a smile as she goes into my trunks and grabs my member personally.


She then whispered in my ear what she wanted me to do, so with us all getting naked on the beach I laid back down on the beach chair while smoothie put her pussy straight on my face and used me as her throne as I ate her out, while I was drinking her fruity juices she would use her feet to stroke me off, Amande not wanting to be left out and wanting to help me cum sooner decide to suck on my balls that were slowly getting bigger and heavier the more of Smoothies Juices I drank up, this caused her to go faster which would in turn make me go at her g spots making her candy filling my mouth with her juices making me cum hard and start covering her in my cum, that she decided to use as a sudo sun block, but more because she has kind of become addicted to the taste and smell my cum gives off, which thanks to her juices I drink up smells and tastes fruity based on what everyone has said about it recently.

After awhile I finally get a layer of cum all over her from head to toe, but before she could ask for me to now cover her back Amande got Impatient and took my member deep into her throat to drink up the venerable fountain of cum coming out of me thanks to the constant supply of Smoothies Juices replenishing my cum supply.

Soon things just devolved into us fucking each other like animals for several hours all the way to the point that I packed there holes to max capacity before I finished and let them rest for awhile, while I got a towel wet and wiped there bodies down of all of my cum.

(R-18 End)

After that was over we all went back to get cleaned off before going off to eat our dinners and later all going to sleep for the night.



"So that son of a bitch didn't take my threats seriously it seems?" I say as I look at some world news paper and it mentions the FishMan Arlong has for the past few years been terrorizing the seas of east blue.

"Which bastard are you talking about?" (Hancock)

"Arlong, that saw tooth bastard has a pure hatred for humans and would stop at nothing to see them killed or enslaved under the Fishermen rule."

"So what are you gonna do about it?"

"Why I'm gonna go there and put him six feet under of course, he didn't take me seriously and now he has to pay the price." I say as I get up from my lounge chair and heading for the docks to make way to the Isle of Man, but before I go to see Tom about the new small boat I asked him to make for me I went to check up on Franky.

"Hey Franky how are you doing?" It's been about 2 months since the whole Water 7 incident and about a week ago Franky finally woke up from his coma.

"I could be better, doc says until I'm fully stable they're gonna have to wait to put in the cybernetics so I can get up and walk again."

"Well don't worry we have the best of the best and including your own personal designs in mind it'll only be a few months at the least and a year at the most before your off walking around and able to work on making the ships you want."

"Yea, *sniff* and thank you for saving Tom man, I dunno how I would have lived with myself if he was killed, and when I saw the train speeding off with him inside I had to do something…. I didn't want to lose him…" he says as tears pour out of his eyes.

"It's okay Franky, I was able to save him in the end and bring him here, though he won't ever be able to go back to Water 7 ever again if he wants to stay alive."

"I know, I know, so long as I know he's alive that's all that matters to me."

"Good, well I have to go Franky I need to pick up my new ship from Tom before going off and doing some business."

"Alright well you go off and do your thing, don't let me keep you."

I just smile and wave him off as I head to Tom's workshop, "Tom is the Small ship that I (Vargas) can use ready yet?"

"Yep just finished this one this morning it's modeled after the BSE so it was simple to make, I call it the Fire Starter." He says as he brings me to a similarly designed ship except it was flaming red with a Dragons head on the bow instead of a Eagles head.

"This will do perfect, I'll call a Yuda to drag it into the water before I set off." I say that before I blow my horn summoning one of the near by Yudas to latch onto my ship and pull it out onto the water.

I then hop on and pull out my map and compass letting it lead me to the exact place where that fucker is at.

"Alright Yuda we're cutting across the Grand Line straight into East Blue, Next stop the Conomi Islands!"


"Hey stop that thief!" I man says as he just realizes his wallet was pickpocketed by a young girl, the people try to chase after her but she's able to slip through a small gap in the wall between two buildings that only a child could get through, they try to go around and keep up the chase but the little girl is long gone.

"Tch only 200 berries? That is only good enough for one meal at a cheap restaurant…. *sigh* how am I ever gonna get enough money to pay off the villages debt if everyone around here is poor and can barely afford to live thanks to that stinky Fish Bastard…" she says sadly as she looks up towards the cloudy sky, "it's gonna rain… I should go home for the night." (Nami) 10