
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

OneMoreScore · Anime & Comics
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151 Chs

Take Down Crocodile

A few days later, at MarineFord.

"Well, well , well what do we have here? Do my eyes deceive me? They set you up to work with me on this mission miss rabbit?" I say with a grin on my face after I was directed towards the ship I would be boarding for the operation and they decided to have Vice admiral Gion, and a female Commander under her for the time being, and some regular recruits to help sail the ship all the way to Alabasta.

"Tch, I have no idea why fleet admiral would send me to work with you, Hina be careful of this guy he's worse than most men since he seems to have an ever increasing harem of his own…" Gion says as she looks at the female commander trying to not pay attention to me.

"Hina understands and will listen to vice admiral advice…" (Hina 24)

"Aww you hurt my feelings, after all the times we've interacted together I'd thought we would have bonded, maybe if I let you into my personal spa that I have my women use maybe we'd bond more, but it's probably not meant to be, I'm still technically a pirate even if I work for the marines to keep the seas safe from other pirates and your a full blooded marine." I say with a rather sad look on my face.

"Just shut up already and put on the vice admiral outfit already so we can go off and get this done already…" she says as she throws the vice admiral outfit at me to where for this operation.

I just grin and put it on and wear the hat before I decide to pull out a blank white mask with some holes for the eyes and put it on my face, "Alright then let's set off, this is my operation so like it or not until this mission is over your under my command so you follow my orders got it."

"*sigh* Yes sir." Gion says begrudgingly as she gives me a salute, Hina and the rest of the crew follow suit.

I just grin under my mask before proceeding to board the marine ship that soon after set sail for Alabasta.



A few days later we arrived in Alabasta, in the port city of Nanohana.

Soon after words we commandeered a F-Wani Croc for me, Gion and Hina to speed through the desert to only arrive at the Capital in only a few hours instead of taking a full days travel by camel.

After we arrived at the capital Alubarna and not long after our arrival we went straight to the Palace, the royal guard asked us for the reason for our visit, and all we said to them that it was of utmost importance to talk to the king directly.

Seeing the importance of us needing to see the king they lead us straight to the throne room.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of a visit from the marines?" (King Cobra, 40)

"Your majesty King Cobra we have received some troubling intel that we think would be best that you saw." I say as I pull out some intel that I hand off to a royal guard that I already know for a fact is not a traitor working for Crocodile under cover.

The guard promptly takes it and hands it off to the king who starts to read everything that I have gathered over the roughly 2 years about all of Crocodile's misdeeds to the country and his whole operation Utopia plan to take over the country.

After he finishes reading his face is filled with both rage and dread for what could have happened had it not been for them telling about a tragedy that could have happened.

He then motions the guard I handed the intel to and whispers to him who just nods and calls the rest of the guards in the throne room to head out and apprehend the traitors in the palace.

"I must thank you for bringing this to my attention and yes I do agree to the governments demand of destroying the tomb that the polygylph that we have been guarding for centuries, since we could never understand it we had no clue that it was actually tells the location of one of the ancient weapons, I must thank you for this Mr.?" He says wondering who I am exactly.

"Ahh I forgot to introduce myself, sorry I was waiting till it was only us 4 in here." I say as I remove my mask and hat, "The name is Vargas, Firebrand Vargas, the youngest of the 8 Warlords of the sea, and the one who discovered his plot in the first place."

The look of shock on his face was priceless, "… Well this is a bit unexpected I would have thought the marines would have used there connections to uncover it themselves but a fellow warlord ousting another warlord is surprising, though why?"

"Well let's say a man with certain views on Justice decided to tell me about it and for me to handle it for him." I say as I pull out a symbol of a bloody Eagle before him before putting it away after he got a good look at it, I could hear Gion's teeth grinding behind me as she saw that..

"….. I see well I thank you Vargas for saving this Kingdom from its downfall had this proceeded to happen, now how do you plan to deal with Crocodile?"

"Simple, since they want this to look like a fight between to 'pirates' that unfortunately Crocodile was killed in the process, because well after all we can't let the world know about this right?"

"….. Correct this was just a fight between Pirates and nothing to do with the kingdom and the world government at all, but after what you do is done I'll lead all of you to the Tomb where the Polyglyph is located."

"Good well then we shall act quickly and head over to Rainbase to end this farce as fast as possible." I say as I give a nod to the king and start to leave the throne room while putting my mask and hat back on.

Not long later we got back on our F-Wani Crocodiles and sped off to Rainbase.

"…. I guess I have to rethink my plans now that Crocodile is gonna be out of the picture…. Maybe I can convince him to keep the seas safe around Alabasta in Crocodiles stead?" King Cobra thought to himself quietly, not noticing his young daughter Vivi was watching it all and had star's sparkling in her eyes at the young Warlord.

(A/N not a chance till at the beginning of the original story or after the time skip.)



"So this is his base of operations?" (Gion)

"Hina finds that crocodile head to be very stupid to look at."

"Vargas also agrees with Hina."

"Hina doesn't appreciate being made fun of like that."

"Fine, fine I'm sorry I just had to do it once."


"Enough you two let's get this done and over with already, I'm getting sick of being around you Firebrand."

"The feelings mutual spider legs." She then try's to roundhouse kick me in the head and I easily dodge, "Hmmm you need more training I'm just getting further and further ahead of you at this rate." I say as I casually dodge all of her attacks which compared to Owen when he's serious is very slow.

She just tired herself out and starts to stamp the ground enraged at her constant failures against him.

"I could train you myself and make you stronger though you'd need to leave the marines before I'd do that but I doubt it." I say with a shrug as I head into Crocodiles casino.

"HMPH!" Gion then not long after follows me in, Hina just shrugs and follows after us.

You would think Crocodile would be instantly notified of us entering Rainbase, but with the help of my agents they crippled his communication center by taking out his men and taking control with Zala having it under her watch, and the other numbers were all currently off on missions of there own outside the country.

We soon reached the entrance from within the casino that leads to the underground headquarters of the baroque works that was both guarded by Gem and Mikita, as we approached they soon opened the way for use letting us go down, soon follow after us.

"How many agents do you have working undercover in Crocodiles organization?"

"Enough to screw him over from the top down." I say as we walk further down and reach the door to Crocodiles office with Kuda waiting for us right outside, who then nods at me before knocking on the door.

"Boss can I come in? It's important Intel for your ears only." (Kuda)

"….. Come in Kuda." (Crocodile)

Before he opens the door I take off my whole marine outfit and leave it on a coat hanger before I nod for him to open up.

"Hey Buddy! How have you been?" I say as I have my blade resting on my shoulder while I grip the handle as I walk in with Gion, Hina and Kuda following after me.

"Kuda! What the hell is this?!?!" He says after seeing me walk in with 2 marines right into his underground office.

"Oh your wondering what's going on, well let's just say a certain someone smelled your plot from a mile away, and he sent me to investigate and as you were building up your organization I sent some of my men to infiltrate it and Kuda here is one of them." I say as I swing my blade and point it at his head.

"Crocodile for the crime of trying to usurp the throne, planned to start a civil war, planned a genocide upon the people of Alabasta, and worst of all trying to uncover an ancient weapon and use it against the government I hear by sentence you…" as I come to a finish I slash at him but he sensed my attack coming and made a wall of sand to block my attack but my heat from my sword turned it into glass shattering it, "To death by my blade!"

"What are you on about Fire Brat! They have to take me in even if you don't want me to be taken in, the marines have procedures they have to follow!" He says as he sends more and more waves of sand at me which I easily cut down as I slowly approach him.

"Oh if this was any other time yes you'd be taken in the normal way, but they want this to just be a fight between 2 pirates, where you unfortunately die in the conflict, after all even if there pride was broken by Blood Eagle they still have what little bit left of it." I say as I start to attack more rapidly making it so Crocodile can barely keep up as he sends more and more sand my way only to be glassed.

The others wanted to join but both the flames and the sandstorm were keeping the rest at bay making this a 1v1 only.

Crocodile makes a giant sand scythe to send to me but I'm one of his two counters and Fire beats sand so like all the other of his attacks I slice it in half making it rain glass shards everywhere, but it turns to slag before it even touches me or the others covering more and more of the floor with glass sand slag.

"It's pointless just give up and I'll give you a quick death!" I say as I swipe at him but he blocks my attack with his hook locking us in place where we begin to hold eachother back by switching between punches and kicks as our weapons are locked in place.

As I go for the decisive strike for his chest, he goes to block but suddenly two arms appear on his right arm holding him back long enough for me to plunge my super heated fist straight through his chest.

"GAAAH!.... So you were working for him too?..." he says as he looks at the door to a woman in a white cowgirl outfit.

"I was never really on your side just so you know." (Robin)

Crocodile begins to cough up blood, and even more when I pull my fist straight out of his chest, I didn't hit his heat but with those wounds he will die soon enough.

I then free my blade and place it against his neck, "Any last words?"

He just looks up at me and spits blood at me, which evaporates from the intense heat coming off my body, "I'll see you *Cough cough* in hell you brat….."

I just smile, "Then save a seat for me." I say before I rapidly decapitate him and sheath my blade but before his body or head hit the floor his body dissolved into sand with only his clothes remaining where he died.

I pull out a cigar and smoke it before turning back to them and proceeding to walk out of the room, "We're done here, Kuda and the rest, you know what to do next, I'll meet you guys in Nanohana." I say as I walk out with Gion and Hina following after.

"You two really were just here to watch me so I do my job right? Or was it also to be eye candy to me as well because that is also a fact." I say as I dodge more of both Hina's and Gion's attacks.

"Man you girls just can't take a complement when a guy says your hot, sure eye candy might have been a bit much but can you blame me?" I say while I still keep dodging there attacks.

"You know if you girls keep this up I'll have to use some of my moves that I use on my women to make them like putty in my hands." I say as I'm getting a bit annoyed at them still attacking me even though we have just exited the casino.

They stop when they hear that and take a more defensive position as they still want to keep attacking me for all the sexual harassment I've been giving them this entire time.

"Do you really want me to do it? Or do you want to go to the tomb, bury the glyph and head home?"

They look between each other and they stopped attacking me before giving me a 'Hmph' and looking away from me, I just shake my head and lead on to the F-Wani Crocs for us to travel as quickly as we can to the Tomb of Kings.

A few hours later at the tomb.

With the royal escort and even the king himself leading the way to the tomb, and not long later we reached it.

The glyph was a cube with a 20x20x20 ft dimensions for it with 4 of its sides covered in a language that I couldn't understand, I looked it over while they went around placing explosives to collapse the tomb.

Unknown to everyone besides me my guys had looted all of Crocodiles money from his casino before kicking everyone out and setting it ablaze before leaving the city with all of the money.

I used the system camera function to take a picture of each side of it while to everyone else I was just trying to understand it.

"My King the charges have been set we should leave immediately." Says one of the kings royal guards, the king just nods and looks towards us, I nod back and we soon all exit the cave heading back to the surface and when we all exit the king gives the signal and then the TNT is exploded by a detonator causing the ground to shake and the tomb to collapse burying the Polyglyph with it.

"Well looks like everything here is finished, King Cobra it's been a pleasure meeting you." I say as I shake his hand before pulling back.

"It was good to meet you as well Vargas, and thank you for what you did for my country, even the people will never know you have my gratitude, if there's ever anything you need whenever you spend time here in Alabasta don hesitate to ask, we will welcome you with open arms."

"Thank you for the generous hospitality King Cobra, maybe I'll come over to have dinner sometime if you'd welcome me into your home, but for now we need to part ways, it's time I bring my agent's home for the first time in a few years."

"I understand we next we meet let's have dinner then, until then." He says with a nod and then boards his carriage back to the royal palace.

"….. why didn't he thank us?"

"Because, I know and he knows that your just tag alongs and that I did all the work while you just bitched and moaned the whole time like the watch dog you are."

*Snap!!!* (it's that cross looking ticked off mark you see in anime)

She then launches a flurry of attacks with her blade this time at me as she was trying to cut me to pieces.

Sick and tired of having to deal with her and not willing to pander to her bullshit anymore I pull out my blade and in less than three moves I had her disarmed and then I put my blade away before I used what I like to call, Climatic Torture as I hit all the pressure points on her body to force her to climax while locking it up making it impossible for her to cum even if she uses her fingers.

"Now your gonna be stuck like that unless I release you personally or you get a thorough fucking from someone, this is the price you pay for constantly attacking me, do I feel bad for doing this to you, not really since I don't like you and usually it's hard for me to hate beautiful women like you but your the exception, so have fun little bunny I'll see you again sometime, and unless you want to end up like her I suggest you take care of her." I say pointing at Hina to look after Gion before I turn towards my F-Wani and speed off towards Nanohana.

"YOU MOTHERFUCKER I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS!!!!!!!" Gion screams at the top of her lungs from the intense pleasure and pain of being unable to release it.

"..... Hina finds him scary...."

Night fall had hit by the time my F-Wani arrived in Nanohana and not long later reaching the docks where everyone was waiting for me with the Flaming Yuda docked in the port.

Zala, Kuda and Robin were already on board the ship but Mikita and Gem were just waiting for me.

"I want to officially join the crew Captain! I want to see the rest of the world, but most importantly open up my personal chocolate shops around the world! Kyahahahaha!" Mikita says with glee.

"Well Gem Mikita is in, do you want to join up with my crew officially? There's more money and power involved if you join, plus I kinda need a skilled marksman in my crew."

"....*sigh* so long as I see the money rolling in I'm in as well." He says as he pushes up his sunglasses making the light gleam over it.

I just grin, "Welcome to the Crew you two, now let's get on board and set out." I say as I lead the way up to my ship.

"Captain about the Polyglyph…." (Robin)

I just smirk and pull out 4 8x8 pictures of the 4 sides of the Polyglyph, "Tell me what you find out about this, and in the near future will go out on adventures to find the Truth Robin."

She just smiles a very warm smile as she takes the pictures and goes back into her cabin to study them.

And soon after we set sail out to sea.

Alabasta Saga, Final Part Complete!

One more chapter and this Volume is officially over and will start on the next one, and based on the polls people want it more focused on the Void Century so far but that could change if people change there minds and choose the other choices.

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