
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

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My Family Pt. 1- My Wives

After having that discussion with Speed I left her to her own fantasies and headed back to Amazon Lily in search of the Boa Sisters, my plan of attack would be as follows, first the mothers of my children, my other wives and fiancée's and then working on the rest of my lovers after that.

Though it didn't take long for me to find them, and luckily all 4 mothered were here as they talked with each other as my kids were mostly crawling around or trying to stand up and walk with the help of big things, they even can use the edges but soon enough they'll be walking, and I plan to see that soon, there all a year and a half old and can talk but the words they can say so far are, Ma, Pa, And Up, but they have a hard time saying words more than that.

Though my wives smile at the sight of me and across is the first to notice me as he uses a ledge to help him waddle over to me which I just smile before I sit down and wait for him to get close, and before he loses balance I help him walk the last bit of the way by holding his arms up before letting him reach me and letting him rest on my chest.

"Good Job Cross! You did it!" I say before lifting him up in the air and flying him around like a plane which just makes him laugh and giggle.

"Pa! Up! Up!" Cross says as I help him fly some more as well, by now my daughters have stopped playing with there toys and we're looking at there moms and were waving there arms signaling they want to do that to.

The Boa sisters just smile as they grab there daughters and help fly them around as well, with only Amande staying seated as she just smiles as she watches her husband and son playing with each other.

And we do that for awhile as we laugh and have fun together until the kids all tire each other out and fall asleep in our arms, so we just take them to there cribs before leaving them to sleep before I ushered my wives to come with me as I lead all 4 of them off to a private room so we could talk.

But as soon as we got there and they sat in there chairs or on the couch, with Hancock using Salome as her chair as usual, I knelt before them before bowing towards all 4 of them.

"….. I have wronged you all… and I know I haven't been the husband you four deserve and the father that our children deserve either…." I said as I looked towards the floor because I couldn't look at them right now.

"Vargas? What do yo-" Hancock was gonna ask more but I cut her off.

"There first words... I wasn't even there to hear there first words!!!" I say as I begin to shake as tears begin to stream down my face.

Everyone should know that it's very important for a parent to be there when your children begin to speak for the first time, and if you can't be there the moment it happens you should at least be there the day when it happens, but I didn't learn about it until three days later that they learned to talk.

Sure my wonderful wives wanted it to be a surprise, but to me they shouldn't have told me they started to talk three days prior but the day of, by doing that I felt a heavy weight of guilt that was already on my heart get heavier at hearing that.

Though it's been a few months still then that weight didn't go away and up till now after the beast girls decided to join that I realized my love for most of my women besides my wives is rather shallow, and that's why I'm going out to rectify my wrongs.

Amande, Hancock, Sonia, and Marie could see that it was effecting me rather heavily, but could they tell, maybe but I'm good at both acting and masking my emotions most of the time so they never see me like this and I never want to show them this side of myself either.

"I should have been there that day…. But I didn't come home until three day layers to learn that my children had learned to talk…. What kind of father am I if I can't be there when my kids talk for the first time?!" I said as even more tears began to stream down my face.

"…." The girls were just silent as they heard my statement and knew that it was partially there fault at saying that the kids learned to talk 3 days later instead of the day of, so now they realize they made a mistake by mentioning it to him but they also realize that he was in the wrong as well for not being there but they all know the reason why.

But seeing him like this made them feel a sharp pain in their chest as well, until Hancock got up and walk over to me before kneeling in front of me as well.

She then reached out and gently rubbed my face, "But we all know that your a busy man, and that you are working to change the world, for all of us, and that you can't spend all your time with us, but know this, even if you couldn't be there that day that doesn't mean your a terrible father, because all of us know you love us with all your heart even if you can't be around us as much as you want."

She then pulled me into her arms as she ran her fingers through my hair, "Maybe it's time that you finally started to pull back on all these plans and let others do the work for you if you really want to spend more time with us to make up for it."

All I could do was nod before I grabbed her and pulled her in close, she just smiled at that as well, "Maybe we should do the same thing and have other people do our jobs for us for once, that way we can go out and see the world while spending time together as a family." She also realized that her and her sisters responsibilities were also getting in the way of spending time with him as well, after hearing how he wishes that he can spend time with them more Hancock made a decision to pull back on work and spend more time together with him on his islands then being stuck here on Amazon Lily.

Her sisters nodded in agreement at what she had said as they knew that there work was eating up their time together, then Amande came and sat beside me as well, "...… everything you do…. You do to make us happy… from now on unless something important is happening, me and Cross are going to stay with you from now on….. ok?" As she says this Sonia and Marie come up by her sisters sides supporting her sisters decision as well.

I just smile as I snuggle up with them all as they all hug me, "For you girls I'll do what I must to be a better father and husband to you." And for awhile we just spent time with one another hugging each other and just being happy together.

But I must fix all my relationships with my wives, well Smoothie is also my wife but I'll talk to her later since she's spending most of her time back in ToTo Land so I'll talk to her along with the rest of the girls living there later, but for now I should talk with Robin, Baby 5, Viola and Albedo as well who will be the last one I talk to as I think I finally found a way to fix her problem, with Noel's help of course.

So with that I departed ways with my wives after explaining to them what I was gonna do next they all nodded and supported me in what I needed to do, and with that I headed off to where Robin, Baby 5 and Viola were at since all three of them live with each other after all.

Though besides Viola who didn't have much to do both Robin and Baby 5 were working together on their research for the most part, so I decided I should talk with Viola first more than anything.

Since she never really needed to do much during the day and used the frontier at night to train and help keep her body fit most of the time she's either at the beach relaxing or enjoying herself in the spa I built for my women to enjoy, there's also dancing but that's only when I'm around playing the guitar for her, but she was relaxing out by the beach this time when I came up to her and l knelt right beside her as she turned to look at me.

But she just smiled at me as she caressed my cheek, "I already know what your thinking love, and I know you feel bad for not being with me all the time but you should know that everyone who has come to love you knows that your a busy man, but I can say that I am happy that you want to spend more time with us though."

"Viola…. Thank you for understanding me… and you know this already but from now on unless it's something important that I have to do or you want to do something else I'll be there with you whenever you wish to spend time with me and the rest of us, okay?" I say as I hold her hand as I smile at her since she used her devil fruit power to know what I was gonna say before hand.

"I know, and soon enough will finally save both my father, my niece and my kingdom, all we need is a bit more info and we can take down that bastard Doflamingo." She said with a look of determination that she knew soon enough we would be able to take him down.

I then gently grab her face before pulling her close and start to make out with her for a bit before we pull away from each other.

"Now go, aren't there some more ladies you need to apologize to?" She says with a smirk before waving me off, "Then go off and talk to those girls, even if there busy most of the time I think you should spend more time with them as well." She says before she resumes her position on her beach chair before putting her sun glasses back on.

I just smile as I nod to her, "Thanks Viola, I'll see you later." I say before I head off towards the study where I know both Robin and Baby 5 are located.

Soon after I arrive there and I see both of them sitting at the same table looking over some books, well Robin is but Baby 5 seems to have fallen asleep at her desk, though Robin notices me and smiles when she sees me.

I smile back as I come up to her side and see she's still researching like she normally does and as always having help by Baby 5 at her side, but she was obviously asleep probably from staying up all night just to help Robin with her work.

"Robin, from now on I want us to spend more time together, and I have said this before but until we have gotten Jupiter I think it's time you just took a nice long break from Polyglyphs and the Void Century altogether." I say as I caress her back as I can feel the tension that she has been building up from overworking herself on trying to find the truth all this time.

"Hmmmmm….. maybe your right, it's time that I put this down for now until we have finally gotten Jupiter, though what about Laugh Tale?"

"I mean we have found all the Road Polyglyphs since we found the lost one on FishMan Island and the one in the land of Zou, though I did have to sneak in to find that one and sneak out without them ever noticing me since they clearly didn't want anyone to read it but we have to wait as it just isn't time to go there yet, after we get Jupiter will go to Laugh Tale and find the truth of the One Piece, but whether we take it or not really depends on what it is." I say to her explaining what we could do, but as I was talking Baby 5 woke up, I just grinned and petted her head.

"You won't need to keep researching with Robin all the time now you can spend time with me as much as you want now, because your gonna be my secretary here at base." And as she hears that she smiles from ear to ear before jumping up and hugging me while rubbing her face into my chest.

"That's what I wanted you to ask more than anything else honey!" She says with joy as she gets to both help me still while spending even more time with me like she always wanted to.

Though deep down this made me a little sad that I wasn't really there for her when I should have been with her more just like the rest, but for now on I'm gonna make up for it and spend as much time with them as I can and be the husband that they truly deserve to have.

So with that said I spent some quality time with them before parting ways, "Oh and Baby 5 make sure Robin uses the Sauna okay? She really needs to relax for a change."

She just salutes me with a rather goofy but serious look on her face, "You got it! Come on Big Sis! Let's go relax ok?" She says before she starts to drag Robin off to the sauna so she can really relax.

"Now that's done it's time to talk to the rest of the girls here, but I'll have to leave both Albedo and Smoothie for later since there not here right now." I say to myself as I head off to go find the other girls here on the Isle of Man.