
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

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Meeting Luffy

After getting that notification I knew that the story of this world had officially started and that big changes were gonna be underway for the world overall.

Though unfortunately besides me knowing who the main characters were of this worlds overall story I didn't really know much of what was going to happen, though I get the feeling that the Teach vs. Ace situation will play a rather big roll on the world, though I don't know how that's gonna relate to Luffy but I have a hunch that there connected to each other.

"Now where did Luffy start his journey off at again?…. Wasn't it somewhere in East Blue? Well there both from the same place so I wouldn't be surprised they knew each other, or maybe grew up together." I say as I stroke my chin as I think about the overall situation.

"Wait…. If he's in East Blue then he might face off against Alvida and Buggy… well definitely Buggy I just hope that he doesn't meet up with Alvida and hurt her, but with her devil fruit she should be ok…. Right?" I say to myself trying to convince myself that nothing bad will happen…. Hopefully…..



A few days later off in ToTo Land, I was looking over to see how things were coming along with the Chocolate factory that was both under Mikita and Puddings watch.

And it seemed things were coming along rather well here at the main chocolate factories HQ, I had also helped make one in both Havens already and the construction of the one in Wano was currently underway.

Currently I was rewarding Pudding for helping in the overall factories completion by giving her a beauty treatment, which she seemed unusually extremely excited about it, I wonder why though?

I mean I didn't do much I just did some rather normal massages and beautification as well as hair treatment to make it both softer and fuller, but besides that, that was it, but she seemed to enjoy my massages a lot, probably because of how tensed up her back and shoulder muscles were was why she enjoyed it so much.

*…. Why do I get the feeling that people are looking at me strangely? I'm just giving a normal massage for my little sister.*

Though after I finished I decided to talk with Pudding for a bit after she had redressed that is, though I don't know why she looked disappointed though.

*Damnit Big Bro! Are you not even remotely interested in seeing my body…. Even when you were touching me all over you just had this serious look on your face as you took what you were doing with a completely professional demeanor….. but his hands Mmmmmmm...….* Pudding was thinking these thoughts but looked more like she was in a daze to people watching her, like her Big Brother.

*Snap Snap* "Pudding? Are you ok?" I say as I was slightly worried about that dazed look of hers as I was wondering if she was ok.

Though that seemed to have worked and brought her out of that daze of hers, "Thanks Big Bro! That whole spa treatment you gave me was amazing, do you do this often?" She says with a genuine look on her face.

"Yep, for all of my wives and women that are in a relationship with me I usually give each one a massage at least once or twice a week unless they say otherwise." Though when I said that she had sparkles in her eyes.

"That sounds awesome to get a massage like that all the time, your wives must be so lucky…" she says with a big smile on her face, *And maybe I'll get to enjoy that privilege someday…. I just got to get Big Bro to see me as a woman for once….* she says as she begins to think up some plans.

But as I was gonna keep talking with her some more, but then the Blood Eagle Necklace I where, it's the thing connected to all the emblems I hand to people to call upon me for a favor, I looked down on it as it changed from the regular Blood Eagle into…. Alvida's face, "Damn! Sorry Pudding I have to go, something came up…" I say as I put my normal clothes back on instead of my masseuse outfit.

"Oh…. Okay, I guess I'll see you later Big Bro…" she said sadly as she knew I had to go.

But me seeing that made me sad to see her sad so I did something, hoping it would make her happy, I just kneeled before her and kissed her on the cheek before poking her cheek, "Don't be sad, I'll be back soon enough." I say with a grin before I make a gate and make my exit from ToTo Land back to the Isle of Man.

Though I didn't see it she was blushing ver hard before grinning in glee as she held her face as she rolled around on the ground, though she was definitely happy from what happened, "I'll definitely find a way to be with you Big Bro…."

Not long after I left ToTo Land and Pudding behind I began to use the emblem that I had on me to pinpoint the location of where Alvida was at, and it seems she was somewhere on Goat Island, if I remember correctly she used that as her main base of operations in East Blue or something like that.

After figuring out where she was I opened a gate and instantly arrived somewhere on the Beach of Goat Island, it was more a beacon that a exact locator for the emblems so it only gives me a rough area of where I'll land since it won't put me in the thick of it if a fight is breaking o-

*BOOM BANG CRASH!!!!* I could hear those sounds not that far off from my current location, but I couldn't let them know who I was, so I decided to borrow Kuda's Outfit before pulling up my hood and dawning a pure white blank mask, though it did have these red lines that went over the eye holes for some reason, before altering my voice to give it a more deep whispery kind of voice overall before I rushed off to see what's going on.

I arrived while hiding up in a rather tall tree as I saw the carnage of Alvida's men strewn about on the ground all knocked unconscious.

Off in the distance I saw Alvida fighting….. "Ahh shit! Why is Luffy here?…. Wait did he fight Alvida back in the original story, or have I changed things a bit to drastically that there fighting now when they shouldn't have in the first place… I dunno, but it seems she's holding her own against him, must because of the devil fruit I gave her is making most of his attacks slip past her."

But even though most of the attacks are slipping past her, she is clearly exhausted from this prolonged battle where as Luffy is hurt a bit but only slightly tired in comparison.

I decided to just sit back and watch the fight because I doubted she would genuinely get hurt but I knew for a fact that as it stands, she's not gonna win as she hasn't really trained in her devil fruit besides using it as a natural defense and a way for movement.

And about 20 minutes later she was on her knees exhausted only holding herself up with her large mace, where as Luffy was leaning over with his hands on his knees as he breathed deeply clearly with some lumps and bumps on his face because of him getting hit in the face.

"Haaaa…. It's over Alvida! Me and Koby here are taking that boat and getting out of here!" Luffy says while looking at her in a slightly pissed way before he began to drag himself along with the young pink haired kid towards the shore where a small ship was located.

But I decided to show myself as I jumped down from the tree startling both of them, though even if he was tired and hurt he prepared to fight me off as he could tell that I was even more dangerous than Alvida was.

But I just shook my head, "Lucky for you I don't enjoy fighting weaklings, come back to fight me when your stronger…" I say as I begin to walk pass the two of them.

Though Luffy is both an idiot and a hot head at times, and he didn't really take kindly to me calling me weak so he shouted out to me after he pushed the kid aside.

"Oi!! Who are you calling weak huh?! You think you can say that about me and just walk away?" He says rather angrily, even his face did the thing that Nami does when she's angry sometimes at me, with his eyes turning white and his teeth getting sharper.

I just turn back and look at him, "Alright since you don't think your weak, then I'll take back what I said if in the next minute you can hit me once, I'll be nice and I won't attack or deflect your attacks and just dodge, you hit me then I'll say sorry and fill up that boat of yours full of cooked meats."

But as soon as I say that he grins widely as his eyes sparkle with drool coming out of his mouth a bit before wiping it away, "You serious? Because if you are then I'll take you up on that challenge uhhh…. Mr. Mask!" He says after a second before deciding to give my current appearance the name of 'Mr. Mask'

"Sure but if you can't hit me in the time limit, I'm gonna fight back, after all you did hurt a friend of mine, even if only a little bit, so I'll be nice and only hit you once…." I say as I hold up one finger.

"Well if your so confident then let's start! Gum Gum Mu No!!! Gatling Gun!" He shouts before sending out a barrage of fist attacks at me in rapid succession.

But unfortunately for him observation haki puts him at a extreme disadvantage as I easily dodge his attacks while not letting a single one touch me.

Seeing this he puts more effort into it but even if he has gotten faster I'm still easily dodging his attacks, I wanted to think badly of him, but he has just started his journey so he knows nothing about haki and neither is it my place to teach him, but I know in a few years he will be one of the strongest pirates in the world, I could feel it in my gut.

And then as he stops to catch his breath, I look at him before pointing my finger at him, "Times up, now it's my turn." And as soon as I finish saying that I'm in front of him and before he can even react I strike his stomach with one single haki infused finger straight into his gut.

Now I was clearly not going all out, if I did I probably would have killed him, so mostly behind it was the overwhelming speed and the hardness of my finger sinking into his gut, which clearly did enough damage to cough up a mouthful of blood before his eyes rolled back and he fell unconscious while frothing at the mouth.

"Luffy!!!" The kid said as he went to check on Luffy before, rather scared like, positioned herself between me and the down Luffy.

I just chuckle a little at the sight of that, "Kid, if I wanted either of you two dead you wouldn't be able to do anything and would be forced to except your fate, but lucky for you and him your free to go." I say as I just go around him and lift the unconscious Luffy before putting him in the little boat of there's.

"Here I'll even be nice and give you guys this." I say as I pull out a barrel from nowhere and place it on the boat, "It's full of Jerky, should be enough to get you guys to the next island, I'd say you should go towards the North, that's the closest island to here…" I say before I turn and begin to walk away.

Though the kid, Koby is what I learn is his name later on, turns and looks at me, "Why are you being so nice to us if Luffy hurt your friends here?"

"I'm not being nice, if I was really being nice I'd hand you guys Alvida's boat for you to travel along on your journey but I'm just leaving you some jerky to take along your way, maybe will meet again someday, but I have to tend to my friends now…" I say as I continue to walk away towards the remains of Alvida's base.

Seeing me walk off in the distance Koby just slowly begins to push the ship off the shore before hopping back on and rowing out to sea before hoisting the sail and traveling North like I had said for them both to do.

I just shake my head as I see them disappear in the distance, "Will be meeting each other a lot Straw Hat kid… But better see if Alvida is ok." I say before I take off the mask and pull off my hood before approaching the still tired Alvida.

"Looks like he was a bit to much for you and your crew it seems." I say before I pull her into my embrace as she snuggles up to me.

"Hmph! He just got lucky! As for my crew… they were all useless and couldn't do anything before he took them down, if it wasn't for the devil fruit you gave me back then I probably would have been beaten black and blue earlier…."

"So after experiencing this loss, due you want to finally join my crew and get the strength to get back at him some day? If you want that is."

"…. But I still want to be a pirate Captain…"

"Then be the Captain of my second ship of the Firebrand Pirates, that way you can both be close to me and be a captain of your own ship with an even better and stronger crew next time." I say as I pull her even closer.

She just smiles and snuggles up to me, "I guess I'm one lucky gal to have earned your love… I want to go home with you, I don't care about any of the stuff here anymore since I know the stuff you have is gonna be better than anything I ever had after all." She says before lifting herself up and hefting the big mace over her shoulder.

"And what about them?" I point to her still knocked out crew, well her old crew now.

"Just leave them, they can do whatever they want with the place for all I care, I'm ready for both a new and better adventure along with you hubby." She says with a beautiful smile as she grabs my arm and pulls herself close to me.

I just smile before I open a brand new gate that leads us both back to both mine and her new home of the Isle of Man, "I guess things are just gonna get more interesting as time goes on now aren't they?" I say to myself as I lead Alvida around to see her new home along with meeting the rest of the crew.

You guys should already know this but I’m going to say this here, all characters from both the Manga, anime, anime specials, Video games and Movies involving One Piece exist in this story, sure some might not get any spot light in this story, but it’s needed to be put out there so people don’t think I’m getting any chapters with characters in them that people don’t recognize, I’ll also put in where they are from in the comments so people can know from now on.

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