
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

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151 Chs

It’s Earned

After they left and I officially got into an alliance with them I had a whole month to myself as there wasn't really anything going on, well besides Sengoku constantly calling me and trying to convince me to give up Eagles location.

*Pfft, why would I do that anyway? I mean I could just to play a prank on the marines, which isn't a bad idea but I don't feel like putting in the hassle* I think to myself while I relax on the beach alongside Reiju and Smoothie, while Amande is under the shade looking after Cross, along having Black Maria playing on her instrument.

"Your not that much of on the adventurous side are you?" (Reiju)

"Out on the sea? Or in the bedroom?" I say making her cough up her drink because of me surprising her with that statement.

She then Proceeds to punch me in the gut, whether intentionally or otherwise she put a bit to much force into that hit forcing me into the sand, "You Perv!" She says in a angry and embarrassed way.

That would hurt a lot if it was my younger self but now that just hurt slightly, "Ahhh but you need to be more specific with your wording love." I say with a smirk.

"Hmph, out at sea I mean."

"I could but I have all the things I need here, I only go out and see things when I need to, either for fun, maybe for adventure or screwing the world government over those are the only reasons why I go out to sea, otherwise I'm here gathering intel from around the world or relaxing with everyone and if I feel like it do some training here and there." I say as I drink my lava flavored drink.

"So that's what the famous Eagle does on a daily basis?"

"Yep, well besides my nightly activity's that's what I do, speaking of which do you want to enjoy my massage treatment tonight?" I say as I pull her closer to me.

"Mmmm maybe sometime later I'd rather get acquainted with everyone here and well become friends after all we're gonna become a family with all of them right?"

"Of course we will." But as I finish saying that a kanabo comes out of nowhere along with a mace landing not to far from me as I see two pissed off women coming towards me.

"Ulti, Yamato, what's going on?" I say as I get up and get away from the beach so the rest can keep relaxing.

"I WANT A REMATCH!!!" They both say at the same time.

"Ahh, this again? We've had what over 10 rematches since we fought each other almost a year ago, and what happens every single time? You both try to work together but then get pissed at each other, I take that to my advantage and I beat you both, I'm finding this to be getting boring and repetitive, so you two better up the stakes or something if you want me to take you seriously." I say as I lean against a tree and relax.

Hearing that Ulti gets flustered and headbutts me, but whenever I'm around her I always have my forehead covered in armament haki.

I just smirk and grab her by the horns, which makes her flinch and makes her legs quiver as I drag my fingers across her horns knowing that there sensitive, "Though if you were to say…. Become mine finally I wouldn't mind fighting you one more time…"

"YOU!….. Hmph fine then! Your lucky that your both handsome and stronger than me! That's the only reason why I would even agree to this…" she says in both anger and embarrassment.

"Alright then I'll fight both of you."


"Because technically Yamato is already my fiancée, I just haven't done anything to her because she hasn't said it's ok to do anything yet, so I won't force her, you need to offer something up though."

"No, my honor won't allow it, if she has to offer herself to you as compensation then I will do the same thing, after all with all that you have given me over the time I have spent here with you and our crew I've come…. To genuinely like being here with you…." She says in a somewhat bashful way.

"However! I want you to get serious in this fight of ours! I've gotten much stronger from all the constant training you have allowed me to receive! Now I want you to go all out against us!" She says with absolute determination.

Though Ulti on the other end is a bit nervous as she has gotten stronger sure, but not as explosively as Yamato.

I just grin, "Alright I'll get serious just for the both of you then, let's go to the arena." I say as we all head over to the arena.

I then stand on one side while they both stand on the other and instantly enter there hybrid forms as the prepare for battle.

"Careful you two, when I turn into this form I tend to get pretty…. Feral…" I say as I slowly change into my Ifrit form as I summon my Dandelga in its true form before pointing it at them.

"I….. Alpha….. you….. Prey!" I say as I launch at them both as they strike back full force with there mace/kanabo's causing a massive shock wave to take place as none of our weapons made contact from the attacks before it set us all back, though more so the girls than me.

I just crack my neck and place the hilt in my mouth as I take on an all fours position before launching myself at them in a spinning corckscrew fashion.

They both shored up there defenses as I came at them while rapidly attacking them with my claws and my sword.

They were easily getting over powered but in my current state my intelligence takes a massive dip with an insane increase in strength so they were able to fend me off and fight back.

Thing is that even though my intelligence drops as a result my animal instincts rise exponentially in return making it so I was able to duck and weave through there attacks.

If anything I was becoming more and more like a slug fest as time went on with everyone taking damage of some kind, though it was mostly them than me as even there worst hits that did damage to me I would just pop the arm and leg back into position.

Ulti was getting sick and tired of this so she had Yamato launch her full force head butt me as we slam each other both in the head that it was so powerful that it cracked both our skulls in the process because as I was I can't concentrate haki into one area as I have it evenly spread throughout my body in this form, it wasn't enough to compensate the impact.

But since I was hard headed as well it actually back fires on her and knocked her out cold leaving only me and Yamato, though now I was worse for wear as I now have a massive concussion and some head trauma that I'm having difficulty keeping this form stable.

"I'll cut you all!!!" I say as I'm seeing several Yamatos with my head injury as I grabs my Dandelga and charge it up with my raging flames taking every ounce of flames in me until it can barely hold anymore.

Seeing as I was going for one all out final attack Yamato met in kind as she channeled all of her ice powers from her divine wolf devil fruit powers turning her kanabo into ice.

And with us both ready to attack we launched ourselves at each other.



And with that our most powerful attacks we can muster impact each other that causes a massive explosion that nearly destroys the arena in the process before it sends us both back aways losing grip on our weapons in the process, but I recover quicker and sprint towards her at full force.

She recovers and does the same thing as we both collide and tackle each other as we hold each other there as both of our hybrid forms slowly go back to our human ones.

Both of us are tired and injured but I'm able to grab her arm turn around with me holding her arm over my shoulder as I judo throw her above me and onto the ground below before I sit on her stomach and hold her arms down as we both look at one another.

"*Pant Pant* So *cough* do you give up?" I say as I have fully returned to my old self once again though the only thing I still have on is my fire prof pants that Noel helped make for me awhile back.

She tried to struggle out but she could tell that I clearly had enough strength to pin her down as she currently was, and after struggling for a bit, "... I yield…" she says tiredly, hearing that and seeing that Ulti is knocked out nearby, I pull out a hi-cure to help heal my skull fracture before I hand Yamato one as I go over to the unconscious Ulti and pull down her mask before I help her drink a hi-cure as well.

Though she's still out cold her body starts to heal up as I place her on the ground beside me as I lay down between her and Yamato as I pull them both close to me with letting Ulti use my shoulder as a pillow while she recovers.

"Heheheh… I'm much stronger than I used to be aren't I?" Yamato says as she turns herself to lay on her side to look as me while I stroke Ulti's long blue hair.

"Mmm, you have, your much stronger than your old self, you even went through an evolution without even telling me that you were able to put up such a good fight, I won't be surprised that by the time you and me go to take down Kaido once and for all we will both be on equal strength, anyone can get to where I'm at now, but I believe that you are going to become the first one out of everyone by then to reach my strength, so I ask you this, will you do me the honors of being my wife?" I ask her as I look her in the eyes.

She just smiles, "I wouldn't have a better choice at a husband even if I looked all over the world, not only do you help the people of Wano as we speak you are also strong and brave as well a great leader and will someday in the future help me achieve my dream of setting Wano free and opening the boarders for all, so yes I would be glad to call myself your wife." She says with a happy grin on her face before slowly falling asleep due to exhaustion.

I smile back as I place my hand on her head and gently rub her head before pulling her close to me as I too fall asleep to rest after that battle.



Awhile later the first one to wake up was Ulti, who seeing the situation she was in was very embarrassed and wanted to get up but I was holding her down and she hadn't gotten all of her strength back, and it was just comfortable laying there on my shoulder.

"He smells nice too…" she says to herself as she just snuggles back up to me before resting once more.


She instantly gets up hearing that and seeing that I was awake the whole time.

"AHH!!! Don't make fun of me!!!" She says before she try's to headbutt me but I grab her by the horns and stop her.

While she's wiggling around due to her horns being sensitive I just pull her in close and wrap my other hand around her waist and the hand that was on her horn to the back of her head as I pull her in and begin to make out with her.

She was shocked and tried to get away, but after I started to get into it more she slowly stopped struggling as she started to get into it as well as we both began to make out with one another before we both pulled away and looked at one another with our foreheads touching.

"Ulti, will you be mine? I promise to help you become even stronger than you are now as long you stay by my side from now on, you can still stay in the Beast Pirates along with Black Maria but I want you to be my lover from now on."

"Hmph…. Fine you earned it through battle and well…. Even with all my faults you never kicked me out or got mad at me…. I used to want to take you down for what you did to me and my brother back then but seeing who you are and how unlike the rest of the beast pirates you can tolerate who I am…. I'm glad that you even want to be with a girl like me…"

I just smile and rub her cheek as I looked her in the eyes, "But that's one of the things I always liked about you Ulti, that brash personality of yours that doesn't take shit from anyone is something I came to enjoy about you and made me want you even more, I promise to make you happy and help give your brother whatever happiness he desires, I actually have been seeing him watching Noxa in the distance, I think your little brother has a crush on her, so maybe I can help him get out of his shell and have a date with her, after all since your mine I don't mind helping out my brother in law find love of his own." I say as I remember him always watching Noxa nervously from a distance as she does her alchemical research and tests.

"Mmm I think he would like that… I guess I am lucky to have someone besides me that will look after not just me but my baby's brother too." She says happily as she snuggles up to me.

Though while I'm being lovey dovey with Ulti I notice out of the corner of my eye that Yamato has been watching us for awhile as she has a slightly angry look on her face when I finally notice her.

I just awkwardly smile before I pull her over and lay her head on my chest along with Ulti as I hold them both close.

"I'll cherish you both, now how about I take you both to the spa to help you both relax and heal up before we do anything else?" I say with a knowing smile.

"…. Perv.." they both say but just snuggle up with me as there fine with it either way.

I just smile widely as I get up and have Ulti piggy back me while I care Yamato princess style as I lead them both to the private spas.



Not only did I give them the royal spa treatment I did the same for Black Maria as she had seen the entire fight play out and was happy that the girls that she considers to be little sisters to her have found there own happiness and would want to celebrate with them as well.

And seeing as they both had a rather good relationship with Maria they did mind having her join in as well as I helped them all rest and relax to the best of there abilities as I loosened all of there muscles and exfoliate there skin helping them look younger and more beautiful in the process.

After they had the full royal treatment and were also sufficiently aroused from me hitting the pressure points on there bodies that heighten sensitivity and arousal in them we went off to Maria's room as it easily accommodated her rather tall size.

And soon we all began to undress, though both Ulti and Yamato were both embarrassed to completely take off there clothes they soon fully undressed.

"Now, let's enjoy ourselves tonight ladies."



Then both Ulti and Yamato kneeled in front of me before they slowly removed my underwear to see the massive pole standing at attention.

*Gulp* it's size actually scares them a bit, but from earlier they were all sufficiently aroused and really needed it inside them as they placed there lips and tongues on one side each as they began to glide there tongues and mouths up and down the length while they fondled my heavy balls.

All the while Maria was slowly letting her smoke fill the room that was clearly increasing all of our current arousal as she played with her pussy in front of me while the two of them kept working on my member.

I decided to let Ulti have the first taste as I grabbed her horn before pulling her up to the tip before forcing her to take it in her mouth.

She didn't much appreciate that but after I got her on I let her do all the work while I rub Yamatos head while she sucks on my balls.

Meanwhile Maria sits in clear view of me as she lets me watch her play with herself as she watches Ulti suck me off.

After a bit with Ulti and Yamato giving it there all I finally cum and start to fill her mouth and throat with my seed until she can barely hold it all before switching her out with Yamato as I fill her up as well.

After they both get a taste I lay them both down with Ulti on top of Yamato as I alternated between the two of them going in and out of there tight pussys as I rammed them both.

It was painful at first but after several minutes of nonstop fucking they were a babbling mess now as I kept going harder and harder on them before finally unleashing my load deep inside them and filling them both to the brim before letting them rest.

"Mmmm oh honey your not gonna lay me be lonely tonight now are you?" Maria says as she spreads herself wide in front of me.

I just grin before leaving the two girls alone so they can rest before I go over and plunge myself deep inside my big spidery lover.

She just grinned before she made some webbing that surround my body to the point that I locked me in place deep inside her with me only being able to move a bit back and forth hitting her womb over and over.

"I'm not gonna let you get away! Your staying right there until you empty everything you got deep inside me." She says as she goes and grabs the strings of webbing she has made to make me fuck her at her pace as she keeps pulling me back just to slam me back in, in rapid succession.

"Alright so you want everything huh? Well you better not regret that!" I say as she keeps bouncing me at an even more furious rate making her cum hard over and over as my member just her weak points.

But it doesn't take long for both of us as she does one final thrust me at my absolute deepest as I dump everything into her.

Now I'm a guy who has enough capacity that I can fill up several womens holes to the brim before I'm done so now she was getting the full force of what it's like getting the amount of spunk that would fill up about all 7 womens holes, so 21x the normal amount that a woman can take before there full.

Test to say that she bit off more than she could chew was an understatement as I filled her up so much that she looked 6 months pregnant before her pussy couldn't hold it anymore and let the rest flow out onto the floor before I was finished.

Not expecting so much Maria lost consciousness due to sheer ecstasy, which gave me time to burn through my weakened bindings before I went and laid with both Ulti and Yamato.

We all snuggled close together as we made out with each other before we finally went to sleep.

*I think I'm just gonna spend some quality time with everyone in my family for the next month or so.* are my final thoughts before dirtying off to sleep.