
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

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151 Chs

It’s All in the Details

A couple days later, Alabasta.

"So he's gonna go over his plan tomorrow?"

"That's what he said, though it's just a recap of what we're all here for and the details that are needed for each of us to know to put the plan to action." (Zala)

"Though he is planning to play the long game it seems, he wants everything to go perfectly before he sets things in action, and the drought and having dissenters in the public will slowly cause discord between the people and the nobility that it will lead to a rebellion." (Robin)

"Good then all we have to do is hide some camera Mushi's around the meeting room while he explains his plan to everyone, then all I need to do is show the recording off to Sengoku and then will go from there, though I have a few ideas that we can handle this without making the governments little pride hurt after all."

"What kind of ideas are we talking here?" (Gem)

"The kind where I'm the king and crocodile is the thief."

"Oooo this is so exciting I can't wait to see the look on scar face's face when he gets screwed over!" (Mikita)

"Mhmmm now Robin I need you to distract Crocodile however you can while Kuda uses his skills to get in stealthily and plants the Camera Mushi's got it?"

"Got it." (Kuda)

".... Though I am a bit surprised you have both Crocodiles left and right hands under your control…." (Gem)

"Well you can thank a little friend of mine for giving me the info on crocodile and what he was planning to do, and even rewarding me for fucking him over."

"….. honestly I could care less so long as I get payed is all that matters to me…" (Gem)

"And you'll get it soon after we take down Crocodile, alright you know your missions now get to it!"

"Yes Boss!" They all say before they head off to do there jobs.




The next day, Crocodiles meeting room.

After everyone had finally arrived and taken there seats Mr. 0 (Crocodile) entered the room together with Miss All Sunday (Robin) and Mr. 0.5 (Kuda), the others that were at the meeting were Mr. 5 (Gem), Miss Valentine (Mikita), Mr. 1 (Daz Bonez, 21), Miss Double Finger (Zala), Mr. 2 Bon Kurei (Betham, 22), Mr. 3 (Galdino, 27), Mr. 4 (Babe, 20) and Miss Merry Christmas (Drophy, 41) were the only members that were invited to this meeting.

(A/N Miss Golden Week was 16 before the time skip so she would be 8 right now, too young to join the Baroque works.)

"Mr. 0 I still can't understand why you'd let these 2 brats into our upper ranks so easily!" (Galdino)

"Shut your Mouth 3! are you seriously questioning the boss again on this decision? I thought we already had this whole conversation already! Why do you keep bringing this up all the time!" (Betham)

"Ahh!? What was that you q-" (Galdino)

But before he could finish that statement something was thrown towards him and wrapped around his neck, it was a chain coming right out of Mr. 0.5 sleeve before pulling Mr. 3 towards him before getting a straight jab to his face and sending him careening into the opposite wall where he held his face in pain as he lay there on the floor.

Mr. 0.5 then retracted his chains and then pulled out the main chair for Mr. 0, "Thank you Mr. 0.5 now then ladies and gentlemen lets get this meeting started, the name of this task we have for us is what I'm calling Operation Utopia."

"First, I won the hearts of the people of Alabasta through the use of public appearances as one of the Eight Warlords of the Sea, becoming a hero to the people by rounding up invading pirates. But no one realized I was the one who had those pirates attack Alabasta just so I could win the country and most importantly the kings admiration, this step has so far already been completed."

"Next, We, The Baroque Works, would secretly use Dance Powder to cause the capital to have abnormally high amounts of rain while the rest of the country suffered endless drought. The people won't suspect a thing until they notice that other cities were getting below normal rainfall as well, This is where we have gotten up to at this point."

"Then, will have agents later bring a shipment of Dance Powder into the country and once in the middle of the town of Nanohana, we will fake an accident with the delivery cart, causing the citizens to discover the powder. When they question us, the agents will say it was a delivery for the king, making them suspect that their monarch was behind the drought."

"We will then have several of our men join the royal guard, thus allowing us to smuggle large amounts of Dance Powder into the palace. When the powder is found, the people will be pushed into thinking that the king was behind the lack of rain. And this will start the people into wanting to rebel against there king for causing the rest of the country to fall into a drought, and when the rebels start to form will even have our members infiltrate there ranks to incite the people even more into rebelling."

"Now pay attention this is the important part, First, Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas will sneak into the royal palace and kidnap the king of Alabasta. Afterwards, Mr. 2 using your Devil Fruit power you'll transform into a lookalike of the king and announced to the people of Nanohana that he had used the powder. We will also make sure that the time of the fake Cobra's appearance and the time of the real Cobra's disappearance lined up with how long it would have taken Cobra to travel to the town. In addition to confessing to causing the drought, the fake Cobra pointed out that the possession and use of Dance Powder was illegal; so to cover his tracks, everyone in the town would have to be killed."

"Just when the fake royal soldiers had finished setting the town on fire, a large ship will crash into the shore, causing it to jump out of the sea and land in town, courtesy of Mr. 1 and Miss Double Finger. Mr. 2 and the fake soldiers will use this as a distraction in which to make their escape. The citizens, fooled by Mr. 2's deception, will decide to ally with the rebel army and take up arms against the king. Since I'm guessing they won't have enough weapons for everyone the ship we launch into town will be loaded with weapons, enough to outfit a whole army."

"This will in turn cause the now fully armed rebel army to march on the capital, and when they reach the gates to the capital, one of our men disguised as royal guards will shoot a cannon at the rebels, fully inciting the civil war to happen, once the fighting reaches its climax and the maximum number of royal soldiers and rebel soldiers were all gathered in one place, I will arrange for a bomb with a five kilometer blast radius to be shot into the center of the battlefield, killing all the rebels and royal soldiers in one fell swoop. Once both armies were eliminated, it would be simple for Baroque Works to take over the country."

"And before we kill the king and fully take over the country I will personally question him as to the where abouts of one of the three ancient weapons of destruction is located, Uranus, and when I get my hands on it I'll unite all the pirates on this side of the Grand Line under my banner and then I'll be a true threat that will make the World Government tremble before me!" (Crocodile)

(A/N I know its originally Pluton, but I'm doing this slight change so that it makes sense later down the line ok?)




2 days later, MarineFord, Sengoku's Office.

"... will make the World Government tremble before me!" (Crocodile)

"....." (Sengoku)

"....." (Garp)

".... You guys want me to play it again?"

"*Sigh* No this has been the 5th time already Firebrand, no Vargas I think we've heard enough and seen enough evidence to convict Crocodile with, planning a rebellion, planning to usurp the throne, locating and using an ancient weapon against the government and possibly throwing the world into chaos, we, the marines, do thank you for your service in telling us of his plot.... the real question is why did you go through with this, I know that you have no care what so ever for the kingdom of Alabasta so why?"

"Lets just say I'm a delegator of someone with some specific views on justice....."

Sengoku begins to massage his head after he hears that comment of mine, "And why would HE care exactly?"

"Beats me, but I get the feeling just based upon his personality he doesn't like tyrants, and those who enjoy fucking the world up with there supposed authority."

"... I'll relay this info to the five elders and see what they want to do with this information…" he says as he begins to walk away.

"Oh and I know that you guys have your pride and all that to keep, well what little bit remains, but tell them this that if they want me to just take him out and make it look like a fight between 2 pirates and all of this just disappearing with his death then that is an option as well." I say as I get up and leave before him.

Sengoku just clenches and unclenches his hand before he just sighs and go's to the communication room to call the 5 elders about this incident.



A few days later on Amazon Lily.

I had decided to wait till I got home to turn in my quest saying I completed the second part of the Alabasta Saga quest.

Alabasta Saga Part 2 complete!

Calculating score..... Rank SSS achieved!

Rewards: Crossover summons unlocked, ??? ??????? ?? ???????? -> The Chalice of Eternity + 1 free usage, Conquerors Haki (Beginner) and 3 ultra rare unit rolls and 1 Legendary item roll.

"Wow this stuff is amazing…. The chalice of eternity what does it do?"

System: "The Chalice of Eternity, it's waters are said to bring one back to their prime and eternal youth, you won't die of age or poisoning and would live young forever, the cost though is the life force of other living things to refill its waters, and the stronger the being wishing to use this cup is the steeper the price, but since the host has the frontier they may use units meant for being sold or fusion to refill the cup if you don't want to use the life force of your enemies instead."

"Hmmmm so eternal youth but at the cost of either slowing down all of our strengthening or me going out and slaughtering countless amounts of people just to refill the cup…."

System: "please note it would take roughly 100,000 souls of an average humans just to refill the cup, or 10,000 sea kings, or 1,000 giants due to there longevity."

"Hmmmm I'll have to honestly think about this because mass murder for eternal youth is tempting, but at the same time I'm not a monster, then again it could be 100,000 pirates that I'm killing, but I don't know if there are even that man pirate crews in all the seas combined and I don't want to really bring the giants or sea kings to extinction just because of my want for eternal life for me and my family…. I'll think about it later."

So then I looked over the new crossover summons I unlocked.

Systems: "the crossover unit summoning, people from worlds outside both your world and the frontier can be summoned to this world to aid you on your journeys, selection is limited though to only a few specific worlds unfortunately, but all units summoned are considered some of the strongest, sacrifice 3 Ultra rare rolls for 1 Crossover roll."

"Ok I guess that's cool, I'll be able to summon other hero's from new worlds here if I want to and I also unlocked conquers haki…. But why does it say beginner?"

System: "Conquerors Haki Beginners, host was not naturally born with Conquerors Haki due to your birth situation, but because you have risen above what you were and killed all your suppressors the system and the world has noticed your efforts and has given you entry level conquers haki, you can't train it to make it stronger unfortunately but it can be strengthened by completing major quests down the line, beginners will let you suppress and knock out those much weaker than you, though it won't give you an edge over those stronger than you or those who naturally have conquers haki."

"Well… at least it's good for something I guess, now let's see what this legendary roll will be?" After it spins for awhile it finally comes to a stop and lands on, Body of a Dragon King.

Description: Dragons King Body, it can be broken down into dragon leather, dragon bones, Dragons heart, Dragoncite and the 5 colored neck jewel, Dragon leather and bones used for armor and weapons or if user wants to strengthen both your armor and your blade Dandelga, a Dragons heart to be used to strengthen your body or a gift for someone who needs it, Dragoncite to be used in fusion to exponentially increase strength and the 5 colored neck jewel can be used as a dowery or be sold for money.

"Hmm this will be useful I'll use the leather and bones to upgrade my equipment, and I'll just hold onto the rest of this stuff for later use, but now I think it's time I have a chat between both Zala and Hancock."

Alabasta Saga Final Pt. Start!

Objective: Take down Crocodile! Even though the government is going to take him in, to get even more rewards take him in personally and bury the polyglyph with the location and blueprints to Uranus so no one else will ever find or build it.

Rewards: Will be based on completion rate from C to S in grade.

"Well… I guess that will have to wait till I bring him in then, I better talk to Robin about burying the Polygylph, though of course at least after I use the camera function of the system to remember everything about it for Robin to study about…"