
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

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151 Chs

Beast, Meet Monster Pt. 2 (Long Chapter)

"My turn…" I say as I propel myself forward towards the two siblings sending out a flurry of blows leaving barely enough room to dodge my attacks that were getting harder to dodge as time went on.

They had to also fight back so they sent out punches and kicks whenever I was preoccupied with the other and then Ulti started to try and attack me with a Morningstar, which gave me an idea as I had her to my back while I fought her brother on my front.

Seeing a few seconds in the future of how she would attack so both me and Page One grappled at each other's heads holding us in place, seeing this as an opening she started to wind up a batters swing to the side of my exposed back.

Seeing this happen already I just move his head downwards and to my side just as she had already committed to the attack smashing her Morningstar full force into her brothers skull making his eyes roll back into his head.

Just as they are both stunned I use this to my advantage by grabbing his tail and spinning him and slamming him straight into his sister sending them both crashing into the wall.

Since he wasn't expecting to get a full force Morningstar to the skull and to be thrown around like a rag doll Page One was out of commission for the time being as he slowly returned to his human form as his sister worriedly cradled him.

(A/N this is a 14 year old Page One who hasnt full mastered his full dinosaur form yet so he's a bit weaker than his future self, same with Ulti but since her main thing is headbutts and Morningstar attacks she's has it a bit easier when it comes to getting stronger.)

"You! Your gonna pay for that!" She says as she launches a full force headbutt at me again which I just rank but instead of pulling back or letting her get back I grab both of her horns and hold her tightly in place.

"I like feisty girls you know? But let's see who's more hard headed huh?" I say as I do something that if you were not as strong as me would be absolutely stupid as I began to repeatedly headbutt her over and over again, and over time her forehead was starting to bruise and bleed as I kept going, though I wasn't feeling much better but I ignored the bad headache I was having to keep going.

Sure she wasn't just let me get away with it for free as she kept issuing her sharpened claws to attack my chest but with how durable I was even without armament haki covering my chest she was only leaving scratch marks at best.

But I honestly couldn't keep going and let her go with us both clutching our heads, and me drinking a cure just to make the pain go away.

"Well your skull is stronger than I thought…. I was planning to knock you out that way so I wouldn't have to use this technique on you, but since you won't go down your leaving me no choice, try not to hate me for doing this…" I say as I take a rather open stance with my hands taking on a claw shape.

"You made me hurt my little Page-tan! And you think you can beat me in a head butting contest you have another thing coming! Now sit still so I can beat in your skull you asshole!!!!" She says as she grabs her Morningstar and unleashes a full force attack on me.

I just sigh as I parry it by hitting the long handles center of gravity making her lose her grip and sending it flying while I intensely look at her body and see all of her pressure points before unleashing a flurry of fingers jabs that deaden her arms making them temporarily useless before hitting the joints in her hips to make her lose balance before I unleash the coup de grace on her stomach pressure points giving her massive pain and pleasure leaving her curled up like a ball as she had to bite her tongue to keep herself from moaning as she rolled off to the side of the room to try to calm down and be done for this fight.

"….. expect the unexpected." I say before cracking my neck and looking at the remaining 4.

"Now then who's next? Hmmm how about pink hair and green hair? You two looking like your itching for a fight, though I guess I should ask your names first."

"Who's-Who…" "Sasaki…" they both say as they pull out there blades and hold them in a defensive position as they also go into hybrid form to battle against me.

I just grin and answer them in kind as I click my blade out of its sheath, "let's just hope that you two can last longer against my blade compared to the rest…." I say as I take on a ready to strike position waiting for the right moment to attack.

It went absolutely silent as we all went into full concentration mode all the way till…


We then all launched at each other as we unleashed a flurry of blows upon one another with me deflecting there attacks while Who's-Who dodging and Sasaki just using his hardened body to defend himself while he keeps using his katana to try and cut at me.

It went on for awhile until we a jumped back from each other with them having some cuts and wounds on them while I had I few scratches here and there, "Alright let's see if you two can take this then Judgement…" hearing that they up's there defenses to there max as they guarded themselves.

"… Space cutter." I say as I attack them at such speed that they were being cut up from all directions that space itself was being cut apart causing them to be frozen in place as they received several hundred hits being unable to defend before finally returning to my original position and putting my blade back in its sheath shattering the broken space around us like glass while sending them both flying while bloody wounds covered there bodies.

(A/N it's the original Judgement Cut)

I then go to look at them, but if they are one thing is that they are tenacious even if absolutely covered in wounds and bleeding everywhere they still got up ready to fight but clearly they were on there last bits of energy though.

"I will applaud you two, anyone who has ever been attacked by my Judgment Cut would be dead or dying by now, but you two still stand….. question is do you really want a second go around?" I say seeing how messed up they were from it all, they were about to say something before a bit of smoke passed by there faces making them fall to there knees.

"Maria!.... You.... Bitch..." Who's-Who says before he and Sasaki fall down unconscious.

"Now now boys, you need to know when to give up, anymore than this and he would kill you two so how about you two rest for the time being." She says while she smokes from her pipe and the smoke seems laced with a kind of knock out kind of mist to keep them out cold.

"So Maria is it? I get the feeling you don't want to fight if you don't have too, plus unless I have too I don't like attacking beauty's if I can help it."

"My my such a charmer, though then again what about little Ulti here?" She says pointing to still curled up in a ball and squirming about on the floor Ulti.

"Hmm… I won't go into specifics but let's just say I'm letting her feel the pain and pleasure of being a woman…" I say with a smirk at the balled up Ulti who looked back at me with burning flames of vengeance in her eyes.

"Oh ho ho ho! My my! You really are a devil if your forcing her to feel that constantly, Mmmm I'll take the rest of them out of here besides her and come by my brothel I'd love to have a more private chat with you." She says as she picks up all 3 of the guys and walking out of the room only leaving a still curled up Ulti, me and my last opponent Kaidou's son.

"Hmmm this entire time you've been completely silent watching my every move, I wonder… do you think your prepared enough to fight me?"

He stays absolutely silent as he stands up and grabs his large kanabou and hoists it over his shoulder, "Eagle…. I will admit I am a fan of your sense of true justice, but now you face me Kousuki Oden, the son of Kaidou himself, and unlike the rest of them I'm not gonna go down that easily!" He says while pointing his Kanabou at me.

"Oden huh? Well Oden let's see if your bark is just as bad as your bite…" I say as I unsheathe my blade and point it back at him as we launch at each other causing black lightning to spark with each clash.

"Hmph well you take one thing from your dad his immense strength!" I say as my arms were getting a bit numb from all of the hits on our weapons have been causing me, then again probably all of the previous damage from earlier fights might be starting to pile up inside of me.

"Grrr don't compare me to that gorilla of a man!" He says as he fights more furiously just at the thought of being compared to his father.

"Your getting sloppy!" I say as I hit him hard with my blade across his face causing the lower half of the Hanya mask to break.

"What? Does father and son have some bad blood between each other?" I say as I twirl my blade while he is holding onto his shattered mask.

He then grips his mask hard before throwing it and the wig he(?) was wearing showing that he was actually a she all along, "That bastard of a father has had me locked up most of my life and beating me throughout my childhood just because I idolized the man he once called his enemy, the original Kouzuki Oden!" She says enraged at the thought of it all.

"Ahh that's where I heard that name from before, he was one of the guys who traveled with Gol D. Roger back in the day right? I heard about him and how he died as well…. Though from all the information I heard about him, besides the bullshit intel from Orochi and the rest of Wano was that he was nice, brash, gullible and stupid as well….. he was probably a good lord but in my personal opinion he probably would have been a terrible shogun if he lived in the end."

"AHH?!? Are you making fun of my idol?!" She says as she launches at me as I hold her heavy attack back with my blade.

"No no, I just have a wide information network that tells me everything about someone for the right price and I believe only reliable resources and those resources tell me a lot about his life all the way to his death, and I say he would be a terrible shogun is that you should never trust your enemies to keep there word, especially if said enemy wasn't even born in Wano and has no sense of honor like the samurai that grow up there, but the bushido code has deteriorated since Orochi has decided to take control so that may as well be a foreign concept to the people of Wano now…"

"Maybe he was, but he wanted to see his people free with the borders opened so that anyone can go out and see the world, and I want the same thing but my father wants the borders closed so we won't get along no matter what!" She says as we keep talking in between blows.

"Maybe you have a point, but maybe he has a point as well, me personally I believe Wano will be opened to the rest of the world, but it won't be anytime soon because the second that's done both me and Kaidou both believe that the WG will just swoop in and do a hostile take over of Wano for themselves, and I know this because I have spy's working within the marines and that's just some intel that I've heard, not to mention the precious resources that Wano owns that they would do anything to get at it for themselves, heck there's even records from about 300 years ago saying that the WG tried to do that in the past but because of how Wano is structured they lost terribly and haven't attacked since, so the second the boarders are open to the rest of the world they would swoop in full force with everything they got to take it for themselves and those FUCKING CELESTIAL DRAGONS!!!!" I say enraged at the mere thought of that as I send her flying back and into a wall making her cough up blood before pulling herself out of the wall and falling to her knees.

"*Cough Cough* Then when? When will Wano be free to see the world?" She asks the question she has always been wondering all her life.

"…. When those bastards house of cards comes crumbling down and…" I say as I approach her while lifting up her chin with my blade, "… When I destroy the Red Line and Reverse mountain connecting both sides of the Grand Line to each other."

"!!!" (Yamato)

"!!!" (Ulti)

I then put my sword away and walk over to the still down Ulti and undo the constant state of pleasure and pain on her, letting her finally relax but to tired for her to get up as I turn back to Oden.

"Now I ask you this, would you be completely fine with opening Wano to the world if it would near instantly be attacked by the full might of the World Government?"

She went silent as she didn't know how to answer that question in all honesty.

"Think about it, but now I think I should go face the last of his crew now." I say as I begin to walk away before stopping and turning towards her, "By the way, what's your true name? I know you took on his name but what is the name you were born with?"

"…. I am Oden….. But when I was born I was called Yamato…."

"Well then Yamato think about it long and hard, but I will say this that within our lifetime Wano will definitely be opened to the rest of the world…" I say as I leave her and Ulti as I head off toward the true main event.

All she does as she is left to herself, and Ulti, with her thoughts.

After going through several hallways I came upon a massive open space where Kaidou and his 3 All-Stars was waiting for me.

"So you finally showed up Eagle…. So how was the rest of my crew and my son that you met so far?" Kaidou says while looking down from his seat from above to the arena below.

"Ehh they weren't that bad for a crew though the what, Tobiroppo were the only real ones I had to put a bit of effort into before coming here, and your son as well I can see where 'he' gets his strength from, but 'he' really hates your guts it seems." I say as I stretch myself out and crack my neck as I loosen up.

"Hmph, if he didn't keep looking up to Oden all the time I wouldn't need to keep him locked up in his cell."

"Well I'm not here to judge on your family life, but enough about that I think I'm keeping your men waiting long enough, question is who's first?"

"Well Jack since your the new guy out of us 3 I think it should only be fair that you sacrifice your self for the greater good." Says the rather large and fat fellow with a rather long ponytail.

"What makes you think I'll just lose that easily Ahh?!? I'll show you both and Commander Kaidou why I deserve my rank as an All-Star." Jack says as he pulls out two sickle shaped Katanas and crossing them in front of himself, "Show me why the world is so afraid of you Blood Eagle!"

"Heh then let me ask you this then…" I say as I release my conquers haki at a somewhat close level to Kaidou's conquers haki causing the entire area to shake as I pull out my blade and point it at him, "…. Shall I get really serious then? Because everyone else hasn't even got me genuinely serious yet, though I don't think you can handle me getting serious." I say as I point my blade at him.

This enraged him has he sends a sweeping cut across the ground leaving a large ditch in the floor, "DON'T YOU DARE LOOK DOWN ON ME!! IF YOU HAVE BEEN HOLDING BACK ALL THIS TIME THEN YOU BETTER GO ALL OUT WITH ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!"

"…. Heh well you asked for it…" I say as I stab my blade into the ground as I open my arms wide, feeling all the heat and flames in all of Onigashima converging on him caused King to slowly step back and ready himself for anything as even the flames he generates naturally were being pulled towards Eagle congregating into a massive ball of flames.

I'm obviously showboating as I could just instantly transform but let me have this moment ok? And lucky for me they were either waiting to see what happens next or were cautious as they may have no clue would happen to them if they interrupted me.

As the fiery egg is absolutely filled up it all converged on myself as a mask covers my face with my skin turning charred black with six flaming arms coming out of my back with all 7 of my free hands producing a blade of pure flames.

"Fire God: Kagutsuchi…" I then lift up my real blade and point it at the now nervous Jack, "…. Here I come…"

And as soon as I say that I'm already on top of him giving him almost no time to defend as I start to attack him with only his blades and haki and his mammoth constitution to help him defend from my onslaught.

But since he is the newest and the weakest of the All-Stars it didn't take him long to constantly be on the defensive as he had to back away from the onslaught till finally both his swords broke.

Undaunted he quickly took on his full Mammoth form and started to attack me with both his trucks and tusks that were able to push me back do to being slightly surprised at his transformation, but it was only slightly surprised as I began to dodge and weave his attacks before hitting his tusk with the full force of my blade that I cut it off before taking it and spearing it through the side of his body coming out the other side skewering him whole making him collapse from the pain and losing consciousness.

I guess luckily for him that Tho and Florence were already done treating everyone else and had just arrived to see that, "….. Boss you don't make my job easy do you? Your gonna have to pay me over time for all of this…" he says as he cracks his neck before going over to try and help Jack.

"Hmph, serves him right, but I'm not gonna be as easy as he was Eagle, Queen of the Beast Pirates has plenty of ways to fight back." He says as he pulls out a rather large Minigun.

"Well lucky for you that I am getting a bit tired of keeping up this form so instead I'll borrow one of my crew members weapons, I say as I look at Theo who also brought Czorag's Minigun just in case I needed any fire power as he rolled it over to me in its deactivated canister form before returning to my default state and activated the Minigun and pointing it at Queen.

"Oh so you want to make this a huge gun fight huh? Well if it's a show you want then it's a show you'll get!" He shouts as he changes into a fully decked out brachiosaurus with laser cannons, dual Gatling guns, middle launchers, you name a type of heavy weapon of any kind he had it aiming at me.

And waisted no time he began to fire everything at me forcing me to dodge and weave with a full body armament haki covering me as I fire back my plasma Minigun at him as well, it does some damage to him but his hide is thick, really only the areas where his weapons are sticking out everywhere that I could do any real damage but he would quickly just drop the dead weight and replace it with a new part.

It went on like that for awhile of me breaking his weapons just to have him replace them, "How about you take a dose of some chemical weapons Eagle!" He says as he tosses a gas bomb at me that I try to destroy before reaching me, which I do but me shooting it still made it explode but it effected both of us instead of just me.

"Ugh dammit! I got caught up in it as well!" Queen says as he starts to return to a hybrid form as he begins to hack and cough as he searches for his antidote, i as well start to feel extremely Ill as I start to sweat profusely as my eyes and nose start to bleed in response as well.

This just overall pisses me off to the extreme as I pull out my blade and used my flames to get to the fat fuck near instantly as I chopped off his mechanical arm in the process.

"W-WHAT!?!" He says completely surprised that I'm still fine and not incapacitated from the Mummy virus coursing through my system like it should do to anyone else, instead it just really pissed me off as I took his detached robo arm and started to beat the every living shit out of him with it forcing him to fall onto his back while he try's to defend with he only good arm from the beating I was giving him.

But he could only last so long while getting more and more sick without an antidote as this was his new virus he had just made so he hadn't developed an immunity for it yet that he soon was out of commission as well just like Jack.

Seeing him completely down for the count I slowly got off of him as the virus ravaged my body more making me cough up blood, but Theo was already finished healing Jack as he came over and injected a cure all into me that within minutes got the last of the virus out of me by making me cough up some blackened blood.

After that Theo went to work on Queen as I made my way over to King, "So your the 2nd strongest right next to Kaidou huh?"

"… Yes, and let me say I expect no less than you going all out on me Eagle, I want to taste your skills for myself… and that I won't lose." King says with sheer confidence.

"Are you sure about that, because when I took on that form earlier and stole your flames I actually saw you looking slightly… weaker to me with your flames put out…. Say you wouldn't be a pure blooded Lunarian would you?" I say as I point my blade at him.

Even though his mask is completely covering his face he arm holding on his sheath shook a little, "… What do you know about the Lunarians?… wait I just realized something, that form of yours, you take in external and internal heat to make that fire god form of yours, Devil fruits don't do that so that ability is a natural born ability of yours now isn't it?" He says as he deduces from everything that he has saw so far.

"… No I'm actually a descendant of a tribe of Fire Warriors, supposedly our ancestors were Lunarians but they began to intermingle with humans so only a few of us are born with innate abilities over fire now…. That was until the CD's ordered to have more exotic tribes to be captured and enslaved for there entertainment, I was one of the test subjects that they researched but me and two others worked together to escape and destroy that facility, burning everything there after all we were the only ones that weren't turned into fucking vegetables from there sick and twisted experiments so we burned all evidence and swore to burn down the WG, the CD's and the Marines until they no longer exist…" I say as I give a rather realistic but complete bullshit back story, and he buys it.

"….. And who were the other two?"

"… Firebrand Vargas and his 2nd in command the old man that looked over us both when we were kids Owen, we are the only surviving members of our tribe…. I guess that would make us distantly related if your a pure blooded Lunarian."

"Hmm I see, I guess that's why you don't have the wings like a normal Lunarian if only your ancestors were pure blooded Lunarians…" he says as he pulls off his mask to reveal his face underneath and places it off to the side.

"I don't plan on losing, but I'm just glad to know that some of my tribe, even if distantly related to me even, is still alive and well, I'm only going to attack once putting all my might into this strike, let's end this in one attack.." he says as he covers his blade in flames, I instantly return to my Kagutsuchi form as I do the same and channel all my flames into my blade ready to attack, but before That I look up at Kaidou.

"If he does lose to me, I hope you don't think any less of this dedicated soldier of yours and don't hold it against him, I'd hate it if you think less of a man who calls him your taught hand losing to a emperor after all."

"I won't, he's my first true crew mate, if he loses it will just means that he still has to gain more strength and that he just has to try harder, so go King! Show him everything you got, win or lose I still find you a valuable ally and close confidant…" he says as he takes a swig from his gourd before putting it down and giving this fight his full attention.

King just smiles, "Yes Commander!… And thank you Eagle, Now here I Come!" He says as he takes all the heat in his body leaving him with nothing left before unleashing it all taking on the form of a gigantic flaming dragon made of fire and lava that came crashing down on me.

Anyone else heat with this would be completely incinerated, but being completely immune to fire and Lava that the only thing it was doing was forcing me with the sheer tidal wave of lava crashing against me, I may be immune to fire damage but lava is also molten rock so it launched at me like this was hurting a lot that I had to slowly walk through the barrage of lava until getting close to him as he used up the last of his fire in him leaving him momentarily vulnerable as I cleaved the last bit of it out of the way as I did a flying spin to chop down on him with 7 of my arms forcing him to block from above.

But he realized to late that those were only my flame blades where my real sword was- *STAB* in his unguarded area of his stomach that he was stabbed right though straight into his gut before twisting it and slicing out the nearest side of his body leaving a large bloody wound forcing him to push me back as he takes a knee and clutches his left side trying to stop the bleeding.

He then stabs his blade into the ground, "…. I have lost, you didn't even-" he was about to go on but I begin to cough up a lot of blood from all that tidal wave attack of lava and magma sent my way, "What you thought that move didn't do anything to me? No King that hurt like a bitch but I can just hold back internal injuries for a bit is all." I say as I deactivate Kagutsuchi form and just sit down exhausted from all the fighting I've been through today.

"…. Even so I still lost…. I failed to keep my promise to my Commander…. If an all out attack only injured you a bit I-"

I just get up and stand in front of him and look him in the eyes, "I'll be honest with you had we fought 4 years ago you or maybe even Queen would have been able to kick my ass but I've been training nearly all my life, besides the time I was a test subject I've been training nonstop, and I don't use my abilities as a crutch like you have, you've to much focus on your flames you need to put more focus on other things so that when you fight your next opponent that you have no weaknesses for them to exploit, next time you face a worthy opponent find a way to cover your huge weakness when your flames go out." I say before I begin to walk passed him towards the stairs leading to Kaidou's throne.

"Theo go heal him up, It's time me and Kaidou have a nice long talk.." I say while still clutching my side as my internals took a tumble from that attack from King.

Not looking back to see if Theo heard me I ascended the steps all the way to Kaidou as I stand before him.

"Hello Beast, Meet Monster…. Now I think it's time we have a nice long chat…"

"Hmph, I guess you do deserve the title after all, but know this I'm the strongest beast in the world kid, don't forget that."

"Sure old man, when I'm strong enough maybe I'll fight you myself for that title…. But not now cause I could really use a drink… You mind sharing a drink with me?"

"Heh, come with me brat… we have things to talk about…" he says as he stands up and walks towards his private drinking room as I follow after him.

(A/N I look at the power scaling of the All-Stars like this Jack<Queen<King=<Katakuri<2nd evo Katakuri, and with him training with Katakuri at his 2nd evo for the pass 4 years or so he has all the strength necessary to beat especially when he's at max level Flame Legend Vargas which is similar to 2nd Evo Katakuri in strength.)

Yeah had I decided to just make it one giant chapter it would have been nearly 9000 words

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