
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

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Are you not Entertained? Pt. 2

"Today we will start off with a game of Poker (Texas Hold'em) with both me and Vargas participating in this game of ours, and remember folks this is a high stakes game after all, buy in is minimum 250,000,000 million berries, and max being 1 billion." Gild says before placing his own personal bet of 1 billion.

I also handed over to Dice my own personal bet of 1 billion as well, I was rolling in money now so it wasn't that much of an issue to put out a billion, plus Gild has hit his peak with all his businesses that he owned over 20% of the worlds wealth himself, and I'm getting a cut of his profits due to being the co-owner after all.

Not wanting to be out done Micheal put out 1 billion while Shelly and Adela only put out 500 million each, though Micheal still didn't want to be out done, "Lucci, Kalifa, you also join and put out 1 billion each from my accounts, Firebrand one way or another I'm kicking your ass in this game!" Micheal says with a look of absolute determination.

I just smirk at that comment, "You can try, but if Lady Luck isn't on your side then you'll lose everything you have offered here." I say before leaning back in my chair not taking his threat seriously.

This just pisses him off more as he and the rest of them take there seats, "Seems the deck is stacked in there favor Gild 5 v 2 is hardly what I call fair." I say while shaking my head.

Gild just nods, "Seems like it is, but luck is a big game changer here after all.." he says with a nod while Baccarat hands drinks to everyone though being the only one to personally hand in hand give Micheal his drink, touching him in the process before she just sexy winks at him before giving the rest of the drinks to everyone else.

While Micheal was looking at her with Lust I was just grinning internally, *Hook, Line and Sinker, that's 1 now 4 more to go* and soon enough Dice shuffles the deck before dealing everyone there cards.

Mine of course are good, it wasn't a pair or anything but he gave me specifically an Ace and a Jack, a Blackjack, if we were playing that game I would have already won, but based on Micheals face his cards were shit, and with that look on his face they were garbage, this also tells me he's a terrible poker player if he can't even mask his emotions like me and Gild can, Though Lucci and Kalifa are good at masking there emotions as they weren't giving anything away either but both Shelly and Adela seemed neutral, either there cards were ok, or they don't know if there cards are good or not, maybe both in all honesty.

And when we all placed our bets as this was a high stakes game with a minimum bet no matter if you fold is 10 million, we weren't doing it the traditional way either in a sense that only 2 players have to place both a Big and Small bet, more specifically we did this because it both makes the game faster as well as forces everyone to either win or lose some money each match.

Though when I bumped up the stakes to 25 mil the rest called the bet except Micheal who folded instantly, soon after the match went on with the first round going to me.

And then the matches continued with most being in both mine and Gilds favor, though some of the others would win from time to time, that started to happen less Baccarat went to work.

She had no real issue with getting the other Celestial Dragon women as I decided to use my charm to distract them slightly to make Baccarat touching them go unnoticed.

But as for Lucci and Kalifa that was a bit trickier as it was hard for her to make it look like she naturally touched them, so she had to make accidents actually happen like say her tripping and spilling there drinks on them.

She just had enough time to try to clean Lucci but he just slapped her hands away and began to clean himself off, but that's all she needed to do, while she also tried to help Kalifa who accepted a bit before she decided to use her devil fruit power to make soap bubbles appear to clean herself off as well, but she was already touched so that was 5 for 5 so this was game, set, match for these 5.

And with that the matches went on with most of the time they had bad hands, though every so often we had someone clearly be given a better hand than us to have a chance at winning some money for themselves, but both me and Gild would bluff them hard enough to force them to fold making us win in the end, by this point they were really low on money.

This pissed Micheal off enough to start beating up one of his slaves he had brought, seeing that I looked over at Issho who had a grin look on his face as he was listening in on everything that was happening.

"Gaaaah!! That's it! I'm making one final bet! Winner take all! I'm placing the heavenly tribute as my collateral!" Micheal shouts out loud.

"But sir isn't tha-"


Micheal wasn't taking no for an answer as he shot the guard that was with them in the head, "SHUT UP YOU WORTHLESS MONGREL!!! You don't get to say what I can and can't do! Now does anyone else have any objections?!?!" He shouts to the rest of the guards and slaves looking on at him, even the other celestial dragons were intimidated a bit by him for what he was doing.

"Saint Micheal on top of what he is betting on total equals up to 5.1 billion, seems like I'll have to hop on board as well." I say as I take my current 2 billon and add an additional 3.1 billion to match his bet, while Gild did the same, though this was basically all the money I owned, both me and Gild were going to win either way but it's best to up the stakes after all.

And as soon as we showed off our cards for the last time it was clear who won this game, it was Gild, the cards Micheal had were an Ace and a King, I had 2 Aces, where as Gild had a Jack and 10 of Spades, he won through an Ace high Royal Flush as Dice had placed the last Ace, a King and a Queen all in the Spade suit, Micheal had 2 pair I had 3 of a kind and Gild had a Ace High Royal Flush making him win the main pot where as I won the side pot with me getting all my money back while Gild got all the money Micheal had left leaving him devastated.

"No! Dammit! You-You Cheated! I know one of you cheated!" He shouts enraged at losing all the money including his heavenly tribute he needs to bring back to Mary Genoise.

"Cheated? Well if you think we cheated will prove our innocence, Dice, let them all look around the table, let them look at the deck, and we will even roll up our sleeves to show you that we aren't lying." Gild says as he gives them the all clear to look around the gamblers table.

And with all the guards and the CP9 members all looked around the table, at the deck and even at our sleeves and they truly found nothing wrong at all.

Though as they were doing that I was expecting Saint Micheal to do something both stupid and drastic so I turned on my recorder Mushi inside my coat pocket.

Which was a smart move, because as he was getting all pissed off he suddenly had a bright idea and began to laugh, "Hahaha! Why didn't I think that before! It doesn't matter that we lost we're the only ones who know that played this game, so it never happened! Now give us both the heavenly tribute and our money back!" He says threateningly as he points his gun at me.

I just smirk, "are you absolutely sure about saying that this legitimate game that we played and you betted on with the Heavenly Tribute that we gave you but gambled away to us, that you personally want to steal back from us?"

"Pfft, it's not stealing when everyone here is on my side, now hand over the Heavenly Tribute…." He says as he keeps pointing his gun at me and is itching to use it on me.

I just smiled before I pulled out my recorder mushi and played back everything he said to his shock, "Now I wonder what Sengoku and the Five Elders will think when they hear about this?"

This caused him to sweat hard, the five elders are known to be both lenient and harsh on celestial dragons that do things that could make the government look bad, especially when evidence is involved, so he decided to be drastic about it, "Lucci! Get that recorder!"

And with that, Lucci was instantly going for the recorder, he was fast, very fast even for most, but slow for me as I easily put it back in my coat pocket before grabbing his still reaching hand and twisting it behind his back before slamming his face into the table and placing my gun against his skull.

"I wouldn't move if I were you, I might just end up killing him you know?" I say to the rest of CP9 who were stopped because I was holding Lucci hostage.

Now things were in a rather precarious situation but I was the one with the gun and the hostage now, "So this either goes one of three ways, one is you get off this ship and leave the heavenly tribute here, option two I call up Sengoku and you can have a chat with the 5 Elders, or three I call someone else that for your sakes I don't call up, or else you'll wish you had just left…." I say as I hold my grip even tighter with my gun to the back of his head even more as I use him as a perfect shield for me.

"And who would that be?" Micheal says with a sneer as he's debating just calling an Admiral here to help.

"The one you have nightmares about of course, because he would just love to meet you three you know?" And hearing that everyone's faces paled at the thought of you know who showing up.

This officially scared him shitless that I would call Eagle here to deal with them, "F-Fine! Keep your stupid Tribute! Men! Let's get the hell out of here!" He says as he and the other two begin to run away while the guards and CP9 chased after them.

I then push Lucci off of me who just glares for a second before picking his top hat back up again and chases after them at great speeds before they all disappear.

"Well that could have gone better, but hey we got the heavenly tribute back right?" I say with a grin, which everyone else was happy about, but Gild just comes up and whispers softly to me.

"Your going to take care of this right?" As he was insinuating me going out and killing them personally as Eagle.

"Don't worry, I have got everything under control." I say with a grin as I already knew what was to come.



*Flash Forwards*

Sometime later on the Celestial Dragons Ship, everyone who was at the casino was here with all the dragons both scared and for Micheal pissed off as he paced back and forth.

But then a mysterious black fog covered the ship that made it near impossible to see for anyone inside to see outside and vice versa.

And when the fog settled, the ship was all quiet as that there was nobody left on it except three headless corpses of the Celestial Dragons holding there severed heads in shock and horror stricken on there face at the time of there death.

As for what happened to the rest, well let's just say that Sadi-Chan had a very fun day having some new prisoners to both torture and break.

It wouldn't be until a few days later that the ship would end up marooned on an island where the people reported what had happened to the three celestial dragons to the marines which quickly went up the chain to bring on a full blown investigation as to what had happened to them.



*In the Present*

"So what is your opinion on our great and mighty nobles who rule over all?" I ask as I stand by Issho.

He just looks at me, before looking at where the dead guards body was being dragged off to before sighing.

"It pains me to see the corruption and incompetence of those who wield power in this world, and how they abuse there power…. Something must change for this world to ever get better…" he says with a rather saddened look on his face.

"Well either the world will change for the better gradually, or those with enough strength with change it themselves, and with the way the world is going, the later is more likely than the former.

Hearing this he just sighs again at the thought before getting up and beginning to walk away, "It saddens me how many lives will be lost in the inevitable war to come…" he says before finally leaving the Casino all together.

And with him leaving I received a secret quest that I ended up completing.

Secret Quest: Morals in a Moral less World Complete!

Objectives- Convince Issho other wise known as Fugitora and one of the next people to be one of this worlds Admirals to decide it to not be worth it for him to join the Marines like he initially was going to in the near future.

Rewards- a copy of the Zushi Zushi No Mi Devil Fruit.

*huh… so he was going to be a future admiral, and I just convinced him that it wasn't worth it to work for people that don't deserve his respect, well looks like I just got rid of a potential great enemy by making him not want to join the enemy's side.* I think to myself with a grin on my face as I think about whether I should keep this fruit to myself or give it over to someone else in my crew who doesn't already have devil fruit powers.

But because of our victory later on that night, after I had dealt with the nobles, me and Gild decided to party in celebration of taking all the money those nobles had, and that we did as we partied all the way till morning.