
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

OneMoreScore · Anime & Comics
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A Ship of My Own

There was a knock on the door to our quarters, the girls quickly put on there hooded cloaks to hide there faces because they were brought on here under disguise but those disguises wore off 4 days ago so I have been bringing all of our meals to our cabin, I went and answered the door, it was the captain.

"We have arrived at Water, thank you for what you have done for us on this trip here is there anything else we can do for you?"

"Yeah there is a couple things we will need help with, will need someone to guide us to the area where we go to turn in bounty's and the place where the best shipwrights in Water 7 are currently at."

"Of course, its the least we could do for you and your friends here, will get you a guide and a ride to carry your valuables for you, though id you want we can buy those goods you got from those pirates off of you, at a fair price you know."

"How much exactly?"

"How about 200? (200,000)"

"Nah you and I both know that its worth more than 300 altogether (300,000)"


"Higher 290"


"You can do better than that 275"

"250! And that's my final offer!" the captain said gnashing his teeth in anger.

"Hmmmm, well I am making a loss but oh well, you got yourself a deal."

Negotiation/Persuasion Lvl. Up!

Negotiation: Lvl. 15, Max at 50, Can cut deals with people so long as its strongly in their favor.

Persuasion: Lvl. 15, Max at 50, With the proper incentive you can get people that are slightly weaker than you physically to listen to what you say.

*sigh* "Thank you for your patronage, will put the money with the rest in the Bull that will be used to get you to your destinations."

"Bull? Like a cow?"

"Yes, but its a sea cow that tows boats around Water 7 to get from one place to another."

"Oh ok well lead us to our ride then." after I finished talking with him I followed him while the girls followed after me while still hidden under their cloaks, but as we about to get to the station and issue occurred.

"Sorry captain, we tried to get a Bull but there all currently in use, There is Old One Eye but with Jim passing away recently no one can ride him without being kicked off his back and with him biting anyone who rides him." the guide stated with a sad look on his face, he felt terrible that he couldn't do his job properly because there were no rides available.

"Old One Eye?"

"He's a fierce old Rabuka Bull, just imagine a mix between a sea shark and a seal that's a Rabuka Bull, there larger than normal bulls and can carry even more on them cause of there size but there hard to control, He was only ever tamed by Jim who could pilot him around with ease, but now he's gone and cause of that no one can control Old One Eye." (Guide)

"Let me see if I can get it to listen to me, after all I'm great with fish" I say with a grin on my face

*Sweats* "Well you heard him! Bring him to Old One Eye." (Capt.)

So with that the guide lead us to the Rabuka Bull pens, all but one pen was empty, the last pen held a large white, one eyed Rabuka Bull called Old One Eye, when we arrived he began to growl and thrash about in his pen seemingly pissed that we were annoying it just by being there.

".... I don't have time to deal with this the slow way, so were doing this the hard and fast way." so without a second thought I jumped and landed on his head and quickly placing my palm on his head.

One Eye wanted to kick this trespasser off of him but then he started to feel a gentle wave of heat pass through his body that was extremely comfortable and slowly he began to calm down and relax.

"Does it feel good?" One Eye nodded and began to pant like a dog. "Good, now I can do this for you for the rest of the time we use you here in Water 7 does that sound good?" *nods* "Good, alright saddle him up and put our luggage on board as well, oh and just get me a map of Water 7 I think we'll be able to get to where we want without a guide."

The Captain just nods with a shocked look on his face, while the guide gets all depressed and plays in the corner of the room by himself.

After a short amount of time One Eye was all saddled up and ready to go with all our luggage in the back, I helped the girls on and waved goodbye to the captain as we headed off first for the bounty office, after getting well and enough away the girls decided to take off there cloaks.

"How were you able to calm down this big guy?" (Hancock)

"I gently sent heat through his body to give the feeling of getting a warm massage all over him" I say as I pat One Eye's big head, it begins to wiggle all happy like, "Hey keep it steady! Or I'm not gonna give your a heat massage anymore." One Eye instantly stops messing around after that and starts to move normally

".... It must feel really good" (Sonia)

"If you girls want I can give you a massage later if you want."

"...." They all blush really hard when I said that, fortunately I was facing away from them looking at the map so I didn't see their cute blushing faces, after awhile we finally arrived at the bounty office I went in by myself to turn in the bounty on the White Shark pirates crew by showing them Jacks head and their ships Jolly Roger to the receptionist. Everything was going fine and all they asked from me who the name the check should be written too

"Vargas, Firebrand Vargas"

after everything was written and the bounty filed away as claimed I received my check worth 150 Million Berry, with a huge grin on my face I left the bounty office to head back to O.E when I notice a few assholes harassing my friends, I didn't feel like dealing with this the usual way of lighting them on fire so I just kicked them down into the waterway before getting on and heading off towards the bank to cash my check.

"I'm proud of you Hancock." I say with a gentle smile on my face while looking at her

"What do you mean by that?" (Hancock)

"You actually used your head and didn't blow your cover by petrifying those assholes earlier."

"But of course! after all how can... WAIT A MINUTE YOUR MAKING FUN OF ME AREN'T YOU!!!!" she starts yelling at me after finally realizing I was making fun of her for always being too hot headed, don't get me wrong I'm hot headed too but I can realize when its ok to be hot headed or when you need to be calm, but for Hancock she's more likely to blow her top at the slightest thing

*Sigh* "It's fun being with you girls, lets enjoy it while it lasts." I say with a smile filled with melancholy

"What do you mean by that?" (Sonia)

"Well I mean when we finally get back Amazon Lily it will be where we part ways because from what you've girls told me men are forbidden from going there under threat of execution, I know they won't do that but I feel like after a few days they'll force me to leave the island and that will be the last you guys will see of me....." actually thinking about that I'll have to separate from my first real friends made me sad on the inside, but I wouldn't cry because of this, even if I really wanted to.

"....." (Marie)

"....." (Sonia)

"..... No...." (Hancock)

*Sigh* "I'm Sor-" But suddenly Hancock cuts me off by hugging me from behind

"NO I REFUSE TO BE APART FROM YOU!!!! WE'VE BEEN THROUGH TO MUCH TOGETHER! YOU SAVED US! I WON'T LET THOSE DUMB OLD TRADITIONS SEPARATE US!" She shouts at the top of her lungs attracting the attention of all nearby that were all started to whisper things that if I heard them clearly I would have spat out blood from it all.

Then all three hugged me from behind and started to cry into the back of my shirt, I was trembling with both happy and sad emotions now and with a burning spirit that would do any and all challenges in my way just to make these girls happy from now and into the future.

"I won't go anywhere, whatever challenges they throw at me to approve of my stay on Amazon Lily I'll do them without hesitation, but before we worry about that lets cash this check and then go to dock 1 where all the shipwrights are at to build us a ship to bring us to Amazon Lily" I say as I grab all the hands wrapped around me and sandwich them between my own hands as I make this promise to them, there still crying just a lot less as they nod into my back as they hear my declaration at what I'm gonna do in the near future.

After getting that out of the way and getting the check cashed we head over towards dock 1 to find a shipwright that will be willing to build us a ship, but when we got there we saw many different kinds of ships being made, both big and small and in the center of it all a large workshop with the title of Old Tom's Workshop, printed on the front of it.

"I can't believe were standing in front of THE workshop that helped make Gold D. Rogers ship." Hancock said in awe

"Well lets hope their not to busy to help make a ship for us." I say as I push the door open to see two men arguing over something, one wearing a tropical looking shirt and shorts with a blue hair in a type of pompadour hairstyle, the other man was wearing a black shirt with pants and boots while wearing something similar to a white turban over his head.

Iceburg, 21 "Like I said we have to all put most of our focus into the Train Project if were gonna keep Old Tom safe from the government, we should be focusing on the proper fuel to power this Train they want us to build."

Franky, 17 "And I want to work on something else for a change, we've been working nonstop off and on this project for 5 years already even though we have the body made finally we still have no clue what we should use to power this thing up to get it running and even after that we'd need to get started on building the tracks from here to Enies Lobby as well."

They were still arguing but I went around them to the front counter to meet the man himself Old Tom.

"Welcome to my shop what can I do for you today?" (Tom)

"I'd like a small Caravel built for us, with at least enough sleeping space for 4 people, made of Hardwood Red Mahogany, with 2 cannons on each side on the decks, and whatever bare minimum requirements are needed for it to be a proper vessel ready for the seas."

"Hoooo? Well it seems you know somethings about ships for a kid your age, Lucky for you we just got a large shipment of Mahogany just recently, and making a ship of that size would only take 4 days usually, but with how my apprentice's are arguing all the time about the train were building, we've just got to figure out this power problem then we can focus on other things but until then we'll only be able to slowly work on other projects so it might take a week or two for us to get your ship built." Tom said to me sadly

"Hmmm that is an issue cause we can't wait that long we need to leave as soon as possible....." I Had to think of a way to figure this problem out but I know nothing of how old trains were built, but then I suddenly remembered my secret bonus reward

Secret Bonus Reward: 5 free items from the Multiverse Shop of grade 5 rarity or less.

I hate the idea of wasting a part of the reward for something like this but to get on our way even faster and make the girls happy I'll do it, I looked up schematics for steam powered trains and the best one was a 3 star schematic that was simple in design that even a child would understand so I used one of my free tickets to purchase the design that was imprinted into my brain.

"Do you guys have any idea what fuel you'd use to power it yet?"

"No we just got to this part of the train we've already made all the train cars but we need an idea for the front that will keep track of all the power and how it will be controlled."

"You got a pen and some paper?"

"Sure, here you go... Wait you can't be..."

"Yes I am I'm drawing up a blueprint as a possible idea of how to build your train engine, if you think that its even possible for it too work as the engine for your train then I want you to promise me to focus on making our ship first."

"If it is even remotely possible for it to work I promise on my honor as a shipwright that we'll focus on your Caravel first and fore most."

"HA!?!?! You believe that this kid can draw us up a schematic for the trains engine just like that????" (Franky)

"Well it's better than nothing, plus having an outside perspective on this might help." (Iceburg)

"We have nothing to lose even if he is wrong we still have 5 more years to finish the project before my time is up." (Tom)

While they question my ability to make a proper schematic I finally start putting the finishing touches on my drawn schematic. "There this should be good and simple enough of a drawing to understand, plus I even put in the names for the specific parts and where there located on the train engine." I then hand the schematic over to Tom to have a look at

(Schematic- https://www.trains.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/steam_diagram.jpg)

"Using Coal to heat up water to cause steam, and using the steam to push the pistons forward to make the train to start to move... I dunno if we can get this to work right with what we have here since we currently don't have coal to use even if we made this right but, just by looking at this if its made correctly and we have the proper fuel this steam engine design should just work for us. Okay you convinced me kid will work on your ship first and foremost and in 4 days time will have your ship ready to sail, and I will cut you a deal for helping us out and you only need to pay half price for the ship so that will be 500,000 Berrys, You want to pay now or later?"

"I will pay now let me just go grab the money from my ride."

After heading back to O.E and grabbing the money I came back and payed Tom to build my ship.

Now in 4 days time I'll have a ship of my own.

I've thought about it long and hard and I have decided to open a discord server for this story and all future stories I make down the line so here is the link to my new server and yes since this is story has a lot of sex scenes, and I mean a LOT, later down the line when he's slightly older I've added a NSFW section on my discord for those that are intrested, that is so long as you have the proper role to view those channels if your just going on the server to talk about the story and other things, you won't see that stuff if you don't want too.


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