
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

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151 Chs

A Battle Between Fire & Lightning

As Robins group reached the beanstalk they began to climb down with the help of Robin's power making a ladder for with her arms to help them go down the beanstalk safely.

And when they reach the bottom they are amazed by the site, unlike the ruins up above there was a fully fleshed out city down below, back in its hay day it would have been a sight to behold but now it lays crumbling in moss covered ruins.

"This place must have been beautiful when it was still inhabited…" (Robin)

"*sniff sniff* you smell that?"(Nami)

"Smell what?" (Nojiko)

"I smell money! Lots and lots of money!" She says as she dashes down to the buildings after reaching the bottom of the beanstalk, she then begins to smell the walls of the city, before she rubs away the moss and dirt covering the walls to see that it was made of pure gold.

"OOOOOOO!!!! WERE RICH! WERE FILTHY STINKING RICH!" She shouts as she goes from one building to another uncovering that all of the buildings down here are at least on there outer layer made out of gold.

"….. it really was true… a city made out of gold…" Theo says in shock in seeing that the city was completely made out of gold.

"Let's just hope when they come back and see this they can leave the city intact, I don't like seeing history destroyed if we can help it." Robin says as she just proceeds deeper into the city after taking the compass Nami dropped in her glee.

"Now where is that Polyglyph…" she says as she goes deeper into the city while Theo watches over Nami and Nojiko.

Going deep into the city Robin came across a stele, not a Polyglyph but still written in the ancient language.

"This isn't the Polyglyph….. but maybe if I decipher it it'll lead me to the true one." She says as she begins to study the stele to find the true location of the Polyglyph.


Currently flying up the beanstalk.

As my group was heading up I could feel a build up of electricity in the air as both me and Owen dodge just in time to see a bolt of lightning go right past us.

I look up and see a build up of lightning in the sky before it begins to rain down on us causing us to dodge constantly while we kept getting closer to the clouds making it harder and harder to dodge until both me and Owen with Perona and Baby 5 hanging onto us for dear life have to use our flames to shield us from the lightning that we can't dodge anymore due to its proximity to us.

But it doesn't last long as after we fully pass through the clouds we finally reach Enel's shrine and see the rather tall long eared fellow just laying on his side with one hand raised as he lazily sent bolts of lightning at us until we reached the top.

"Ahh, so you finally showed up. Did you enjoy dealing with my devout priests as they tested your skills?" He says while he scratches his side before grabbing some grapes and eating them all lazy like.

"Tch, just some brat claiming to be a god just because he can summon lightning." (Owen)

Instantly after that's said a lightning bolt shoots at him which he deftly blocks with his blade, but it travels up his arm a bit making him lose a bit of feeling in his arm, making the old man switch hands while he shakes off the numbness in his other one.

"Watch your tongue mortal! You speak before a God! I'm not just some mere mortal!" He says as his face shifts from his lazy look to a slightly serious and mad look.

"Alright guys stand back I can handle a false god after all." I say as I approach him while materializing my armor and flaming wings.

"Oh? Your approaching me? Instead of running away in fear of my powers you approach me Enel?" He says as he stands up letting his lightning wrap around his body before grabbing his Bo Staff and pointing it at me.

"I can't cut you down without getting closer to you now can I?" I say as I brandish my Dandelga wreathed in flames as I get closer to him.

"Oh ho, then come as close as you like." He says as he raises his hand motions to me to bring it on as he approaches me as well.

We then get closer and closer until…


I went for a slash at him but with his heightened speed due to his lightning he easily blocked it before defecting my blade leaving me wide open to receive a hit with his staff to the side of my chest sending lightning coursing through me but blocking most of the pain with my armament haki I leap back and take a more defensive stance.

"Too Slow! Too Slow! With my powers your to slow to fight against me mortal!" He says before spinning his staff and then implanting it into the ground.

"Tch, it's just a slight bruise, your staff barely did any damage to me, you maybe faster than me, but I can already tell that I'm both more durable and stronger than you Enel." I say as I crack my neck before I keep approaching him sending blades of flames at him in the process.

Though for Enel he can easily dodge my attacks while attacking back at me in a back and forth battle of attrition.

I was actually get a hit on him but he turned his lower half of his body into electricity and entered his Bo Staff to dodge my attack.

"You fool! My power is most supreme! No matter what you do you cant hurt me even if I let you!" He says before restoring himself to his previous form.

"Hoo? Using your powers to dodge Huh? Better get serious then." I say as my blade takes on a more darker hue as I cover it in my armament haki.

*His Mantra…. He is infusing it directly into his blade?…. I feel it would be dangerous to be hit by that blade now.*

Enel decided to use more long distance attacks.

"20,000,000 Vari!" He says as he throws his staff in the air before pointing both of his index fingers at me and sending a rather large bolt of lightning at me that forces me to block with my blade as it forces me to slide back from the attack.

Before the smoke settles I lunge out of the dust and fog and attack him but he just barely dodges and leaves a skin deep cut across his chest making him bleed.

"Hmph, some god if you can bleed all the same."

"GRRR! HOW DARE YOU!!! HOW DARE A MERE MORTAL INJURY ME!!! MAX 200,000,000 VARI!!!" He shouts as he points his staff at me as he pours all of his energy into his staff sending a bolt of lightning the size of a large boulder straight at me.

"MAX HAKI DEFENSE!!!" I shout as I surround my body with haki as I defend myself as best as possible as the 200,000,000 volts of electricity go straight through my body sending me smashing into his shrine burying me under rubble.

"KID!" (Owen)

"BIG BRO!" (Perona)

"VARGAS!" (Baby 5)

They all shout as they try to approach me before Enel makes a wall of electricity.

"Of course a mere mortal is no match for me! Because I En-" but before he could finish he instantly got a fist straight to his face sending him tumbling straight into the dirt.

"Now you truly pissed me off electric boy!" I say as I jump onto him and begin to wail on him with my fists.

"Brave Burst! Flaming Gatling Gun!" I say as I begin to hit him at incredible speeds.

It goes on for awhile but he's still able to keep consciousness before I can take him out he pushes me off and uses his powers to get away from me.

He was beaten and bruised all over with blood coming out of his nose and mouth, but his eyes were bloodshot and he was absolutely pissed.

"THATS IT!!!! NOW YOU DIE!!!! MAX 200,000,000 VARI AMARU FORM!" He shouts as he suddenly takes all of his electricity that he can generate and takes it inside of his own body and takes on a brand new form making him as large as a giant surrounded in electricity and turning his staff into a trident.


*Ahh shit! I have to think of something… wait if he can take on a form like that with his electricity can I do the same thing with my flames? But I don't have enough energy on my own to make this…. But if I sacrifice all those Flame Metal units from the metal parades…. Damnit! Ahh this is gonna set me back a few months worth of experience I was saving up for my next evolution…..*

"FUCK IT! I'M GOING ALL OUT THEN I'M GIVING IT EVERYTHING I GOT!" I say as I begin to sacrifice all of the Flame Metal units I've been saving up, in return my body is covered in a cocoon of flames that are even hotter than lava itself making everyone even Enel had to back away from the sheer heat and it was even making the cloud holding Gods shrine up was starting to dissipate bit by bit from the sheer heat.

Not long later I emerge from my cocoon of flames taking on a new (temporary) form, my skin taking on an ash black type hue with six ethereal flaming arms out from my back and a mask that looks made out of a burning ash tree straight from its bark, my hair turned into pure flames with a necklace made of fiery runic stones with me only wearing an ashen skirt leaving my chest and feet bare of clothes, and my Dandelga taking its Katana form wreathed in flames.

"Flaming God Form: Kagutsuchi." I say as I aim my blade at him.

"BRING IT ON GOD OF FLAMES!" He says as he swings his trident at me but I easily defend against it.

"…. die." I say as I'm sick of his shit and just do one clean attack with my blade cutting through his weapon and through him using all my strength to take him down.

"I-IMPOSSIBLE!!!!! I-I'M A GOD!!! I CAN'T DIE!!!" He try's to defend himself but he couldn't block the attack at all as it cut through his form surrounding his true body before slicing his real body in half.

All the electricity faded and his split in half body was all that remained.

I then point at his corpse.

"There is only one reason why you lost Enel."

"Just one simple reason."

"You really pissed me off."

I say as I begin to walk away before falling to my knees and coughing up blood as I turn back to my normal form.

"Ugh shit! *cough cough* my body can't handle that form for that long…. Any longer and I would have broken apart…" I say as I cough up more blackened blood and decide to rest.

"Vargas! Big Bro!" Both Baby 5 and Perona jump on me worried about me wondering if I'm ok, though it seems there fighting each other trying to get my attention/affection.

"Girls I'm ok! I just need to rest a little." I say as I relax with a smile on my face as I hear the notification in my head.

System: Optional Secret Quest, Save Skypeia from Enel! Complete!

Rewards: 1 Crossover unit Roll, (Honorary) God of Skypeia, Gold of Shandoria.

(Honorary) God of Skypeia: You may not be the god the rules over Skypeia but because you have saved the Cloud Island of Skypeia for the people that were under Enel's tyranny that they adore and love you at the level of there true god Gan Fall.

*Well I actually prefer this as I don't really want to govern over anything if I can help it so the honorary title is fine by me.*

Gold of Shandora: You saved the island for both the native Skypians and Shandorians who have been in hiding for years, go to the city down below and ring the golden belfry to tell them that Shandora has been found once again, when they return they'll let you take as much gold from The City of Gold as you want while they rebuild their ancestral city, and possibly make you and honorary Shandorian as well.

*Sweet! The city of gold is real and the people of the city still exist too, seems they'll give me a lot of gold as thanks as well, looks like I should go find this bell.*

"Come on guys, let's go down this beanstalk and see this city that's below the clouds."