
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

OneMoreScore · Anime & Comics
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151 Chs

*Title at the End*

After rinsing and drying off her hair I decided to change her hairstyle up from the regular water spout look to a more normal looking bun hairstyle, after I finished the styling I handed her a hand mirror to look at her new appearance.

"Hmmm, I like it, I think it suits me pretty well, what do you think?"

"Of course it suits you, now all we need is some half rimmed glasses and you in a business suit and heels and you'll look like a proper but serious looking business woman." I say with a gentle smile.

"Oooh you and your sweet mouth." she said with a bashful look as she began t o fidget around like a school girl in front of her crush.

"Oh is that just a complement, or do you want to have a taste?" I say as I put myself within kissing distance of her.

"Mmmmm, both." she says and brings me to her mouth and we begin to roughly make out as our tongues between each other, I'd would go further with her but unless I get the ok from her the most I can do is this.

We go at this tongue wrestling before she pulls me away from her mouth to catch her breath.

*Pant* *Pant* "Wow.... that was pretty intense..... are you sure your just a 10 year old kid?"

"My previous owner wanted to raise me into her own personal sex slave, but she got very ill and her husband didn't having male slaves so I was sold off and not long later sold to you."

*That's a load of shit I just made up it's cause I have the Kama Sutra imprinted in my brain that I know how to please every type of woman* I think to myself while still smiling gently at her.

"Ahh I see that would make sense then, since all the boys I've had before weren't experienced at all I end up getting bored of them within a few months and go get new ones, now it seems I found my perfect boytoy" she said with an enamored but also hungry look on her face

"I aim to please"

"And so you shall, though that will have to wait till a later date, because for now were done for the day, go back to your cell and rest up for tomorrow."

"Yes Mistress." I get up and start to head back to go change.

"Oh and by the way if you need something don't hesitate to ask I'd hate for you to feel like I don't care about you since your the only one who's willing to please me unlike my stupid, pig brained, husband." she says with a frown when she thinks about him, but then returns a smile while looking at me.

"Oh alright, well I do have a small favor to ask then."

"What do you need?"

"Can you get me a censor and some sleeping powder to use in it because lately I've been some really bad cases of insomnia and I can't get any real good sleep for awhile now. I think its all the torture that I have been hearing just in tell recently."

*Man my acting is top notch I should get a Best actor reward or something like that*

"Ohhh well that's an easy fix because I have the same problem sometimes as well, Just look in the bottom drawer by the closet the censor should be in there with some sleeping powder in it."

I then go over to the drawer and open it to see the tin censor with a package labeled as sleeping powder right next to it, I take them and turn and bow to my Mistress and head back to return to my cell

*Another thing for my escape off my list, now all I need is five more things, the guard rotations, a map of the city, a ship manifest of where there coming and going to, and obviously a ship and a Log Pose and I can start my escape*

But I know that I need to be patient plus I only have slightly less than 2 years to get all the things necessary to get out of here so I have time.

*I better get back into the battlefield and train some more I'm getting closer to the Lvl. cap then when I finally get out of here I can evolve to my next form.*




3 months later

over the past three months several things have happened to me, one was that over the nights I noticed that during the night of the new moon when the night was at it's darkest that I realized there wasn't any sound of guards patrolling the grounds of the manor, I saw this happen 3 times so I had to ask why that is and told me that it was to save on torches because they're family doesn't like to waste money on unnecessary things and like to spend it on the important things like food, clothes, jewelry and more slaves.

*Man this family is just dumb, I know world nobles don't believe slaves will ever hope of escaping from here but come on its like these guys are just begging for slaves to try and escape*

The next thing I needed to get is a map of the city, which I got lucky as a few weeks ago I was sent on a shopping trip by myself with a few other slaves following me to carry the luggage, at the time my mistress handed me a map of the city so I would know where I was going, though after I got back I had to hand it back to her. good thing the system has a camera function so I have the whole map memorized in my head.

*Looks like I'm gonna have to take Red Port back to Paradise as it seems that's where the current Pirate emperors were not located at because they had all taken territory in the New World for themselves, The New World was too dangerous for me, hell all of the Grand Line is to dangerous for me right now, But Paradise is significantly less dangerous in my opinion.*

"..... The Big Ma Pirates huh?.... I wonder if I'll make my family big like hers...." I say as I stare at the ceiling in my cell.

Suddenly I hear a rush of foot steps toward my cell, "Alright get up kid and hurry over to the Mistress she seems pissed off at something, so go over and clam her." the guard says with a worried expression.

I get up and massage my head, *Sigh* "Let me guess her husband did something right?" I say with a tired look.


*Sigh* "Alright I'll see her now" I then stand up and exit my cell and start walking to her room, as I get closer I can hear the sound of stuff being thrown and things being broken as I enter her room I end up having to react quickly and grab a Den Den Mushi that was being thrown at my face.

"OOOOO THE INSUFERABLE INGRATE OF A MAN!!!! WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS HUH!?!?!?!!? I don't usually care that he go's off and parties all the time, or if he even sleeps with other women, no that's not enough to irritate me, what he did this time is that he's going off to one of the auctions to, BUY SOME LITTLE GIRLS SO HE CAN RAISE THEM INTO HIS NEW PERSONAL WIVES WHEN THEY GROW UP!?!?!?!?!?!!!!" She was hyper ventilating with her hair and make-up in a mess as she was screaming about her dead beat husband, I gentle closed the door and after she was finished screaming I came from behind and put my hands on her shoulders and started massaging which spooked her since she didn't notice me coming in.

"!!! Muuu, don't scare me like that Vargas..." She said with a creeping blush on her face as she looked embarrassed

"Mmmm you look cute with that look on your face, Mary." I say as I keep massaging her shoulders, she shuddered and got all fidgety at calling her by her real name, it was about a month a ago that we started to calling each other by our first names which she found to be more intimate than all of the other sexual stuff we have done with each other, so far we haven't crossed the line but we have done everything in-between.

As I was trying to calm her down some more then suddenly the quest screen pulled up in front of me with the bonus objective flashing with the text changing based on the now new current situation.

Bonus Objective Updated: Your master is planning to buy some young girls, these girls are gonna have a big impact on the world in the future so save them to change their tragic fate to live for a better tomorrow!

*Wow that's the most cheesiest line I've ever heard the system give me for a quest objective* as I think these thoughts my head starts to hurt and I have to stop massaging Mary to grab my head in pain on the level of a major migraine

Sys: I'd advise the host to not make fun of the system or I will have to strip you of your rights to the system for a day.....

"Are you ok? Is it because of me? Was I yelling to loud?" Mary says while giving me a worried look

"No no it's not your fault my head just hurts is all" I say as I massage my head as I internally apologize to the system, which it forgives me and takes away the pain from my head, but since I can do the bonus objective now that means I'm very close to setting my plan into motion and getting out of here.

"Ooooh wait a minute I have a great idea that will really piss him off." I say with an evil looking grin on my face.

she shivered when she saw my grin, "Muuu, your thinking of doing something naughty aren't you?"

"Yes I am, but I know you love it when I toy with you." I say as I go and start kissing her neck from the side as I keep massaging her from behind.

"Mmmmmm.... and what do you want to do you naughty boy." she says as a blush slowly creeps down from her cheeks to her neck.

"Well besides having fun with you on the bed over there, I'm thinking of screwing him out of those new slave girls he plans to buy."

"Oh and how do you plan to do that?"

"I know that he's to lazy to go pick them up himself so he'll send guards to grab them from the auction house and knowing those pigs will likely want to play with the merchandise, I think it would be better to send me instead."

"But why though?"

"Well what if I made them fall for me, I mean I'm of similar age to them right, and not to sound like a narcissist or anything but out of all the guys living here I'm probably the best looking after all" I say as I turn away from her and grin, if this was manga I'd think my nose would be getting longer after grinning like an idiot by stroking my own ego.

"Alright, Alright fine I guess I should let this heartthrob that you are out to pasture and hunt down other women just to piss my husband off." she says while chucking at my stupid antics. "Just let me write a letter that says your picking up the slaves under my orders, here I'll even put our family stamp to make it official" she says as she writes up the letter and stamps it with her family seal.

I then take the letter and kiss her on the cheek, "Your the best honey, after I'm done dealing with all this I'll come back and give you your weekly full body spa treatment, ok?"

"Ok, Now go out there and go screw over my dead beat husband for me." she says as she removes my slave collar, "Slaves can't go grab slaves from the auction house so you'll be going there as a servant of our household understood?"

"Yes Ma'am" I say as I give her a salute with a grin on my face and then turn about face and start to head out the residence, as I walk to the gate I pull out the letter and show it to the guards, after they look at and see that its real as well as double checking with the Mary that it's real they hand it back and let me out.

After about a 10 minute walk I arrive at the auction house, currently I was wearing my 3 piece suit, tie and leather shoes combo while also wearing black circled rimmed shades and fedora. Obviously to the auction house I wasn't a noble but was likely some servant here to pick up some slaves. I show them the card with the stamp on it to them and they lead me back to one of the slave pens in back to pick up the three young girls.

"These three are sisters even though they don't look anything alike they are definitely sisters."

"I trust your words the auction house wouldn't tarnish their reputation by trying to mess with the nobles." I say as I look at the clipboard with there names on them.

Boa Hancock, Female, Age 12 years old

Boa Sandersonia, Female, Age 11 years old

Boa Marigold, Female, Age 10 years old

Title: Enter the Snake Princesses

2300+ words for this one

Now before people get on me for getting the ages wrong for when they got enslaved let me clarify that Oda said that Marigold was 13-14 years old when she escaped from slavery thanks to Fisher setting the city ablaze that means Sandersonia was 14-15 and Hancock was 15-16 years old when they escaped but it says Hancock was 7 when she was enslaved and her being the oldest means she was 11 years old when they escaped 4 years later and with Marigold being the youngest she'd be 9 when they escaped but as you can see 9 doesn't equal 13 so i had to take it into my hands to alter the time line a bit and yes if you can't tell this story takes place roughly 16-17 years prior to the start of the original series.

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