
One Piece: Bone Demon (Hone no Akuma)

Dante, a 24-year-old college graduate, wakes up on the small island of Nirena in South Blue in the world of One Piece after a night of heavy drinking. Thrust into a reality of pirates and marines and armed with the extraordinary powers of the Bone Devil Fruit, he trains to increase his strength. And embodying the Will of D, he decides to amass a crew to roam the world as a free man. Whether he will be a force for good or bad remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: Dante's arrival will change everything. _________ Release Schedule: 1 chapter per day Bonus chapter: 1 chapter every 200 Power Stones READ THE INFO CHAPTER FOR PICTURES OF THE CHARACTERS. *Constructive criticism is appreciated. *I will keep publishing if you guys like it. *Exclusive thanks to Alittlepiggy33 the author of "Re:life with karmic gacha", for recommending my fic on his.

Berserk_Asura · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Ch-23: The Warehouse

Mamizu Island, South Blue

The sun was setting, casting long shadows across Mamizu Island. In a few hours, night would fall, and someone from the Donquixote family would arrive. The air was thick with tension.

We stood on the deck, conversing with the bounty hunter we had just rescued. He introduced himself as Doran. He recounted his story, his voice tinged with frustration and exhaustion. "I've been on this island for a few days, trying to track down and capture a pirate. Things got out of hand, and I had to kill him."

Kosuke narrowed his eyes. "And why would Skullcrusher Flint chase you all over the island for that?"

Doran hesitated, his gaze flickering to the ground. "I saw something I shouldn't have. There's a heavily guarded warehouse. I tried to sneak in to see what Flint was hiding, but I got caught. That's when they started chasing me."

I stepped forward, my tone serious. "Can you show us this warehouse?"

Doran looked uncertain, fear flashing in his eyes. "I'll take you there, but you have to keep me safe."

I studied him closely, using my Haki to sense any deceit. "Are you planning to betray us?"

Doran shook his head, his voice firm. "I promised to serve the person who saves me loyally. I plan on keeping that promise."

I sensed a bit of hesitation in his words, but I could tell he had no immediate plans to betray us. "Alright, we'll keep you safe. Lucy, stay aboard Fury and prepare medical supplies in case any of us get injured."

Lucy nodded, her face set with determination. "Be careful out there."

"Meanwhile, let's talk to Flint, see if he's willing to share what he's got in that warehouse?"

We descended to the lower decks where the captured pirates, including Flint, were caged. The air was thick with the smell of salt and sweat. Flint was chained, his massive frame barely fitting within the confines of the iron bars.

I stepped forward, my voice echoing in the dimly lit hold. "Flint, we need answers. What's in that warehouse?"

Flint looked up, blood trickling from a cut on his forehead. His eyes were defiant, filled with a mixture of pain and dark amusement. "You think you can scare me?" he growled.

Hiro leaned in, his voice cold. "We can make this easy or hard, Flint. Just tell us what we need to know."

Flint spat blood onto the floor. "Whatever you can do to me, Joker will do a hundred times worse."

Kosuke, unable to contain his anger, slammed a fist against the bars. "Dammit, Flint! Just talk!"

Flint's laughter was a rough, choking sound. "You don't understand. You have no idea who you're dealing with."

I stepped closer, the shadows of the hold deepening the lines on my face. "Maybe not, but we have to try. What's so valuable in that warehouse?"

Flint's gaze locked onto mine, and for a moment, I saw a flicker of fear. "If I tell you, I'm dead. Joker's wrath... it's beyond anything you can imagine."

We beat him to near death, but Flint held out, refusing to say another word. His resilience spoke volumes about the terror that Joker inspired.

Kosuke shook his head in frustration. "We're wasting time."

I just sighed, "Alright, we will go see it for ourselves."

We left the hold, Flint's final words lingered in the air, a chilling reminder of the danger we were stepping into.


With the plan set, Kosuke, Hiro, Suleiman, Doran, and I made our way towards the warehouse. As we moved through the shadows of the island, the urgency of the moment intensified. The implications of Joker's involvement loomed over us, and I knew this night was far from over.

After an hour of trekking through the island and the woods, we were finally near the location of the warehouse.

Just as we were walking, Doran froze, pointing towards a dimly lit building surrounded by armed guards. "That's the place," he whispered.

Kosuke clenched his fists, his eyes scanning the perimeter. "What's inside?"

Doran's face paled. "I don't know, but whatever it is, it's important enough for Flint to protect it with his life."

I activated my Observation Haki, scanning the pirates and the warehouse. My senses extended, seeking any hidden threats. Except for the guards posted outside, the warehouse seemed empty. But what could warrant a personal visit from someone in the Donquixote family?

I ran through a few theories in my mind. Perhaps it was a powerful Devil Fruit, one Flint didn't recognize but Doflamingo did, thanks to his knowledge from the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia. Or maybe Flint was wise enough not to keep it for himself, knowing he couldn't hide from Joker's reach.

Seeing how Flint had refused to talk even after we nearly beat him to death, I leaned toward the latter hypothesis. Another possibility was that it could be something intended for Caesar Clown's experiments.

I sighed, realizing we wouldn't know until we investigated the warehouse. "How do we proceed, Dante?" Kosuke's voice broke through my thoughts, his eyes steady and focused.

"Hmm, Suleiman, do you think they know that you don't work for them anymore?" I asked, turning to face him.

He pondered for a moment before responding, "When I reached you, there were no pirates around, and it's not been long since I joined you. So, no, I don't think they know."

I grinned at him, a plan forming in my mind. "You know what to do."

Suleiman returned my smile. "I do."

He stood up and began walking towards the warehouse. I followed closely, with Kosuke and Hiro right behind. Doran remained seated, a look of confusion etched on his face. "Hey, hey, what is going on? Don't you see there's a mob of pirates standing guard? Are you guys going to fight?"

We ignored him, continuing our approach. Doran quickly got up and trailed behind us, reaching me and whispering urgently, "Hey, tell me something!"

I looked at him, my smile reassuring. "Just follow us and don't worry. Smile and wave."

As we approached the warehouse, the guards straightened up, eyeing us suspiciously. Suleiman walked confidently, his posture relaxed but alert. I kept my senses sharp, ready to react to any sudden movements.

"Evening," Suleiman greeted the guards, his voice casual. "Got some new orders from Flint. These guys were sent by the boss. They're newly hired mercenaries, here to check out the warehouse."

The guards exchanged glances, one of them narrowing his eyes. "Boss Flint sent you? Didn't hear anything about new hires."

Suleiman shrugged, a smirk playing on his lips. "You know how it is. Orders from above. Just following through."

The guard hesitated, then nodded reluctantly. "Alright, but make it quick. We don't want any trouble."

"Trouble? Us? Never," Suleiman replied smoothly, waving a hand dismissively.

We moved past the guards, entering the dimly lit warehouse. The tension in the air was palpable, every step echoing in the silence. My heart pounded, anticipation and adrenaline surging through me.

"What do you think we'll find in here?" Kosuke whispered, his eyes scanning the room.

"Something worth protecting with Flint's life," I murmured, my gaze locking onto a small ornate chest atop a pile of crates.

I approached the chest, curiosity gnawing at me. Using my bone powers, I manipulated the keylock, bones sliding into the mechanism and twisting with a faint click. The lid creaked open, revealing a fruit with swirling patterns. In the dim light, I couldn't make out its color, but the shape was unmistakable.

"What do you think this is?" Hiro whispered, leaning closer to get a better look.

I shook my head. "Not sure what type it is. But it's a Devil Fruit for sure."

As I pondered the significance of the fruit, a rustling sound broke the silence. I turned swiftly, the sound was coming from a pile of crates.

Kosuke and I activated our Observation Haki again, but found nothing unusual. Another faint metallic rustling followed by a soft squawk echoed through the space.

"What was that?" Kosuke muttered, his eyes scanning the room.

"I don't know, but we need to find out," I replied, pocketing the Devil Fruit. We moved cautiously, prying open crates one by one.

In one of the crates, we found a creature chained with heavy metal chains. Its wings were large and majestic, feathers a mesmerizing blend of vibrant gold and deep brown. The creature's lion-like body was marred by the cruel marks of captivity. It was a griffin, and it looked weak, its eyes pleading and full of a sorrow that pierced my heart.

"Why couldn't I sense it with my Haki?" I wondered silently, confused. Maybe it had Haki-resistant properties, which just added another layer to the mystery.

Kosuke knelt beside the griffin, his brow furrowed as he examined the chains. "We need to get it out of here," he said, his voice low but urgent. "Whatever Flint was protecting, this has to be part of it."

The griffin's weak squawks tugged at my heart, a sound so full of desperation that it left an ache in my chest. "Let's free it and find out what Joker wants with this creature," I said, determination hardening my voice.

Suleiman stepped forward, his face etched with concern. "We have to be careful. Those chains look like they're designed to suppress its abilities," he warned, his eyes scanning the restraints.

Hiro nodded, his gaze intense as he examined the chains. "These are no ordinary restraints," he murmured. "Whoever put these on knew exactly what they were dealing with."

I focused my Devil Fruit powers, my fingers trembling slightly as a bone emerged and formed a delicate, precise tool to pick the locks on the chains. Each click of the lock releasing echoed through the silent warehouse, amplifying the tension that hung thick in the air. Every second felt like an eternity, each movement of my hand a battle against the weight of what these chains represented.

As the final chain fell away, the griffin stretched its wings weakly, a soft, grateful squawk escaping its beak. The sound was fragile, yet it carried a sense of relief that washed over me like a wave.

Its true size was finally revealed when it got up. Its wings spanned 30 feet from one end to the other, and it towered over us with its 10-foot height. The griffin lowered its head, almost bowing gratefully towards us.

Kosuke gently patted the griffin's head, his touch tender. "You're safe now. We'll get you out of here," he said softly, his voice a soothing balm to the creature's evident pain.

Suddenly, Suleiman's eyes widened, his hand shooting up to gesture for silence. Footsteps echoed from outside the warehouse, each step sending a jolt of adrenaline through me. We exchanged quick, tense glances, our hearts pounding in unison.

"Someone's coming," Hiro whispered urgently, his voice barely more than a breath.

We moved swiftly, hiding the griffin behind the crates. The air was thick with suspense as the door creaked open, the sound grating against my nerves.

A figure stepped into the dim light, and we held our breath, the anticipation hanging over us like a storm about to break.


A/N: I need someone who can proofread and suggest me how to improve my writing. It's better if you're an author...

Comment your discord Id on this paragraph and I will add you, thanks.