
One Piece: Bloodmoon's Conquest

In the treacherous world of One Piece, where pirates roam the seas in search of untold treasures and ultimate power, a new darkness emerges. Odin Bloodmoon, born with an innate understanding of the world's plot, wields a sinister system that rewards him for every plot character he slays. As he carves a path of destruction and domination, his legend grows, casting a shadow over the very essence of evil. Will anyone dare to stand against the tyrant who seeks to rewrite the very fabric of fate?

Ethan_Storm · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

One Piece

Perched atop a rugged outcrop in the heart of Barbarian Island, a land where the populace is a formidable mix of untamed beasts and ferocious barbarians, a solitary figure found solace amidst the chaos. With each passing day, as the sun dipped beneath the horizon and cast its golden glow upon the tumultuous sea, the child, now grown, would settle into his sacred spot, a ritual etched into the very fabric of his existence.

As the salty breeze whispered secrets of distant lands, the child-turned-man would let his gaze wander across the vast expanse of water that stretched out before him, a canvas of endless possibilities. With a wistful sigh, he'd murmur to the waves, each word tinged with the weight of a decade's worth of memories, "It's been ten years since fate delivered me unto the shores of One Piece."

Odin's voice broke the silence of Barbarian Island, resonating amidst the rugged landscape. "Rocks," he murmured, his eyes fixed on the distant horizon where the sea met the sky. "I've seen him in the newspapers, but he's not yet at his peak. Whitebeard, Shiki, Big Mom, and Kaido haven't joined him yet."


[Lottery System]

Odin's heart raced with excitement as the familiar chime of the lottery system rang out once more. With eager anticipation, he leaned in closer, his eyes ablaze with curiosity and determination.

"Happy 10th birthday, host," the system's voice resonated within Odin's mind, a greeting tinged with digital warmth. "Since you have successfully survived 10 years in One Piece, I am now online."

Odin's jubilant laughter filled the air as he danced with joy, his mind buzzing with possibilities. "What's your function?" he exclaimed eagerly, his voice echoing with anticipation.

The system responded without hesitation, its tone tinged with the promise of power. "Host, as long as you kill a plot character, I will give you a lottery."

A furrow formed between Odin's brows as he pondered the implications of the system's words. "But how?" he questioned, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "All plot characters in this era are strong. How am I supposed to kill them? I can't take on Rocks, Whitebeard, or Shiki with my small hands."


[Novice package distribution....]

[1. Buccaneer Bloodline]

[2. Venom Symbiote]

[3. Total Concentration Breathing]

As the familiar chime of the system rang out once more, Odin's anticipation peaked, his heart pounding with excitement. With a rush of energy, the novice package distribution began, and he watched with bated breath as the contents were revealed.

"1. Buccaneer Bloodline," the system announced, and Odin felt a surge of power course through his veins. His body quivered with newfound strength as his muscles expanded, his bones grew denser, and his stature increased.

"2. Venom Symbiote," the system continued, and Odin's senses sharpened as a mysterious symbiotic force enveloped him. With each heartbeat, he could feel the symbiote pulsating within him, a potent ally waiting to be unleashed.

"3. Total Concentration Breathing," the system declared, and Odin's lungs expanded with newfound capacity. Each breath he took filled him with a sense of clarity and focus, as if the very air itself was charged with potential.

With newfound strength coursing through his veins, Odin's confidence soared to new heights. Standing amidst the rugged terrain of Barbarian Island, he gazed upon the world with a steely determination, his eyes ablaze with the fire of ambition.

"Now I am worthy to be a top player," Odin declared, his voice ringing out with conviction. With a nod of gratitude towards the system, he acknowledged its role in his transformation. "Thank you, system," he said, his words echoing across the landscape.

As he approached a towering rock formation, Odin's muscles tensed with anticipation. With a primal roar, he unleashed a devastating punch, shattering the rock into countless fragments. A smirk played across his lips as he marveled at his own strength, a testament to the power that now coursed through his veins.

Enveloping himself in the dark embrace of the Venom Symbiote, Odin's form seemed to shift and warp, becoming one with the shadows themselves. With a sense of invincibility pulsating within him, he turned his attention to an even larger rock, a behemoth ten times his size.

With a thunderous crack, Odin's fist collided with the massive stone, reducing it to naught but dust in an instant. As he stood amidst the rubble, a sinister laughter bubbled forth from his lips, the visage of Venom twisting his features into a wicked grin.

With eyes gleaming with malice and teeth bared in a feral snarl, Odin embraced the darkness within him, ready to conquer whatever challenges lay ahead on his path to dominance in the world of One Piece.

As the barbarians approached, their eyes wide with fear at the sight of the towering black figure before them, Odin felt a pang of pity stir within him. These were his fellow inhabitants of Barbarian Island, yet their fear rendered them blind to the truth of his intentions. With a heavy sigh, he watched as they scattered, their panicked cries fading into the distance.

With a determined resolve, Odin summoned forth the power of the Venom Symbiote once more, his form shifting and contorting as wings unfurled from his back. With a mighty beat of his newfound appendages, he lifted himself into the air, soaring over the rugged landscape of the island.

With one final glance back at the place that had been his home for so long, Odin felt a twinge of sadness wash over him. He had never truly belonged here, his existence marked by solitude and survival from a tender age. His parents, taken from him by the savage beasts that roamed the island, had left him to fend for himself at a mere six years old.

But Odin was no stranger to hardship. With a heart forged in the fires of adversity, he had learned to adapt, to survive by any means necessary. And now, as he soared through the skies, leaving Barbarian Island behind him, he knew that his destiny lay beyond the horizon, in a world ripe for conquest and domination. With the wind at his back and the darkness of Venom coursing through his veins, he set forth on his journey, a lone predator in search of his rightful place at the top of the food chain.