
One Piece: Bloodmoon's Conquest

In the treacherous world of One Piece, where pirates roam the seas in search of untold treasures and ultimate power, a new darkness emerges. Odin Bloodmoon, born with an innate understanding of the world's plot, wields a sinister system that rewards him for every plot character he slays. As he carves a path of destruction and domination, his legend grows, casting a shadow over the very essence of evil. Will anyone dare to stand against the tyrant who seeks to rewrite the very fabric of fate?

Ethan_Storm · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


As Kong and Odin entered the office at Marineford, they were greeted by the presence of Fleet Admiral Hector and the two other admirals, along with Karp, Sengoku, Zephyr, and Tsuru. Odin couldn't help but feel a sense of awe in the presence of such esteemed figures of the navy.

Karp's eyes lingered on Odin as he spoke, noting his youth with a hint of surprise. "So this is the disciple of Admiral Kong," he remarked, his tone filled with curiosity.

Sengoku nodded in agreement, his expression thoughtful. "He looks young," he observed, his eyes studying Odin intently.

Zephyr, ever the stoic figure, merely grunted in acknowledgment, his gaze assessing Odin with a silent intensity.

But it was Tsuru who approached Odin with a gentle smile, her hand coming to rest on his chest. "You're quite tall for your age," she remarked, her voice warm with approval. "Your height is already larger than mine."

Odin glanced down at Tsuru, a sense of pride swelling within him. Thanks to his Buccaneer Bloodline, he had inherited traits that set him apart from others, including his impressive stature.

As Fleet Admiral Hector outlined the plan, Odin listened intently, his senses sharp and his resolve unwavering. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily upon him as he understood the magnitude of the task ahead.

Surrounded by the navy's most formidable leaders, Hector emphasized the importance of stealth and precision in the operation. With Silver Siren and Blackheart planning to attack the World Government and having already committed unspeakable atrocities, there was no room for error.

"It's imperative that we act swiftly and decisively," Hector declared, his voice carrying the weight of command. "We must stop the execution of the Celestial Dragons and apprehend Silver Siren and Blackheart before they can carry out their nefarious plans."

Odin felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through him as he absorbed the details of the mission. Skeleton Island, the stronghold of the enemy, would be the battleground where justice would be served.

As Hector laid out the roles and responsibilities of each member of the task force, Odin's determination only grew stronger. Alongside Orion, Magnus, Kong, Karp, Sengoku, Zephyr, Tsuru, and the assembled vice admirals, he would play a crucial role in bringing down the two pirate kings.

With the fate of the navy and the safety of the world hanging in the balance, Odin steeled himself for the battle ahead.

Under Hector's command, Orion was designated as the captain of the mission, his experience and leadership qualities making him the perfect choice to lead the assault on Skeleton Island.

With Hector's final orders ringing in their ears, Odin and his fellow soldiers wasted no time. They swiftly boarded the waiting ships, their hearts pounding with anticipation and determination.

As the ships set sail towards their destination, Odin stood on deck, his eyes fixed on the horizon. The sea stretched out before him, a vast expanse of possibility and danger.

Around him, the crew prepared for battle, their faces set in grim determination as they readied their weapons and steeled themselves for the fight ahead.

Odin felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through him, his muscles coiled with tension as he mentally prepared himself for the coming conflict. He knew that the battle ahead would be fierce and unforgiving, but he was ready to face whatever challenges awaited him.

As Kong began to elucidate the devil fruits wielded by their comrades, Odin's curiosity piqued. Each fruit held its own unique power, a testament to the diverse abilities of those who bore them.

"Tsuru possesses the Wash-Wash Fruit," Kong explained, his voice steady and authoritative. "With it, she has the ability to cleanse and purify anything she touches, making her a formidable asset in both combat and logistics."

Turning his attention to Sengoku, Kong continued, "Sengoku wields the mythical beast Buddha Fruit. This ancient power grants him the ability to transform into a massive, godlike figure, imbued with the strength and wisdom of the legendary Buddha."

Next, Kong gestured towards Orion. "Orion possesses the mythical beast Griffin Fruit. This majestic creature grants him the power of flight and the strength of a lion, making him a formidable aerial combatant."

Moving on to Magnus, Kong explained, "Magnus commands the mythical beast Cerberus Fruit. With it, he gains the abilities of the fearsome three-headed hound of myth, allowing him to unleash devastating attacks and strike fear into the hearts of his enemies."

Finally, Kong turned to himself. "As for me, I possess the mythical beast Red Kong Fruit. This ancient power grants me the strength and ferocity of the mighty gorilla, allowing me to crush my foes with unmatched power and tenacity."

As Kong delved into the devil fruits wielded by their adversaries, Odin's mind raced with the implications of their powers. The mythical beast Yeti Fruit granted Blackheart the strength and resilience of the legendary snow creature, while the mythical beast Siren Fruit bestowed upon Silver Siren the enchanting allure and deadly melodies of the mythical sirens.

But it wasn't just Blackheart and Silver Siren who posed a threat. Each of them commanded a trio of formidable nobles, each with their own devil fruit powers.

"Under Blackheart's command, there's Bloodfang with the Blood Fruit, Morgan with the Metal Fruit, and Redbeard with the Magma Fruit," Kong explained, his voice tinged with warning. "Each of them possesses powers that can wreak havoc on the battlefield, so we must remain vigilant."

Turning his attention to Silver Siren's allies, Kong continued, "Reynold wields the mythical beast Phoenix Fruit, granting him control over fire and rebirth. Cutlas possesses the Sand-Sand Fruit, allowing him to manipulate and control sand with deadly precision. And Bill has the Poison Fruit, capable of unleashing deadly toxins with a mere touch."

Odin listened intently, his mind racing with strategies to counter their opponents' devil fruit abilities. The battlefield would be fraught with danger, and every member of their team would need to be at the top of their game if they were to emerge victorious.

As Orion took charge and outlined their strategy, Odin felt a surge of determination coursing through him. This was their moment to shine, their chance to strike a decisive blow against their enemies and bring justice to those who threatened the peace of the world.

"I'll battle Blackheart," Orion declared, his voice firm and resolute. "Magnus, you take on Siren."

Magnus nodded in agreement, his expression determined. "Leave Siren to me," he affirmed, his eyes blazing with resolve.

Kong stepped forward, his formidable presence commanding attention. "I'll back you two up," he stated, his voice filled with confidence. "And I'll take on Reynold and Bloodfang."

As Karp and Zephyr stepped forward, their determination mirrored in their eyes, Odin felt a surge of confidence in their team's unity and strength.

"Leave Morgan to me," Karp asserted, his voice steady and resolute. With his years of experience and skill in combat, he was more than capable of facing the formidable noble.

Zephyr nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on the horizon with steely resolve. "I'll take on Redbeard," he declared, his voice calm but firm. As a seasoned veteran of the navy, he was well-equipped to handle the challenges posed by Redbeard's formidable powers.

Sengoku stepped forward next, his expression determined. "Leave Cutlass to me," he stated firmly. With his strategic mind and formidable abilities, he was more than prepared to face the deadly adversary head-on.

Tsuru joined the ranks, her presence a reassuring presence amidst the tension of the impending battle. "I'll take on Bill," she affirmed, her voice filled with quiet confidence. With her mastery of strategy and combat, she was more than capable of holding her own against the poison-wielding noble.

As the roles were assigned and their objectives clear, Orion spoke up once more, a hint of determination in his voice. "Hey, at least leave one for me," he joked, a playful grin spreading across his face. Though his words were light-hearted, Odin could sense the fierce determination burning within him, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Their opponents' awakened devil fruits added an extra layer of challenge to an already daunting task.

With a determined nod, Odin accepted his role without hesitation. "I'll back them up," he affirmed, his voice steady and resolute. Despite the pressure mounting against them, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Orion outlined the formidable forces they would be facing, Odin's resolve hardened. The odds were stacked against them, but he knew that they could not afford to falter in the face of such a formidable adversary.

"Blackheart's team consists of 100 giants, all wielding haki," Orion explained, his voice grim. "And Siren's forces include 1000 fishmen, proficient in both haki and fishmen karate."

The gravity of the situation hung heavy in the air as Odin absorbed the information. The sheer numbers and expertise of their opponents presented a formidable challenge, one that would test their strength, skill, and resolve to the limit.

With a sense of determination burning within him, Odin steeled himself for the battle ahead. He knew that they could not afford to underestimate their adversaries, nor could they allow themselves to be overwhelmed by the enormity of the task before them.