
One Piece:Blood and ashes

Akira is a young boy who finds himself stranded on a mysterious island in the New World after his parents' ship sinks. The villagers take him in and treat him like family, but one day they all turn up dead with their blood sucked out. Akira discovers that he is the one responsible, as he has gained the power of the Blood-Blood Fruit. Consumed by grief and guilt, Akira finds a way to control his power by staying around people with heightened emotions.

Haizel_1417 · Fantasy
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Bloodstained Memories

Akira felt the sun beat down on his face as he walked along the dirt path, his eyes fixed on the lush greenery that surrounded him.

He had been living on this isolated island for as long as he could remember, and it had become his home.

The villagers here were friendly and welcoming, and they had taken him in after he had been stranded on the island as a child.

They had become like family to him, and he couldn't imagine living anywhere else.As a child, he had been taken care of by the villagers, but as he grew older and developed a strong physique, he started going on hunts to the mountain to catch wild boars and sell them to Uncle Sam, who had the only restaurant in the entire village.

The village had no more than 600 people, and due to bad weather on the seas, no one had ever come back from the sea, so the villagers just stayed on the island. There were some books about fairy tales and some novels, but apart from that, there was no way to get to the outside world.

Akira was very happy here, being reincarnated into this world where he didn't have to chant that he had freedom, but in reality, there was no freedom at all.

All their thoughts were being manipulated right from their birth by giving them selected courses and syllabi to read. Up to primary and even middle school, it could be said to be okay to have that much general knowledge of all subjects, but after that, instead of upgrading their top skill to an upper level, they had to yet again upgrade other subjects again.

Akira was from a country with a feud with their neighboring country. Once out of curiosity, he checked the history books written by them, related them to his own, and then again from the internet and other English writers; it was all different. So what happened really? Manipulation, that's what they were being subjected to since long times.

Those people at the top only thought about power, for which they could do anything. Rather than being in that world, it was better to be in this sunshine world, where he didn't have to care about the future, just work a little, marry a beautiful wife, have children, and then die from old age or disease - no more politics, no manipulation, no keeping up with the trends to be a normie. Just be yourself, or that's what he thought.

But everything changed one fateful day when Akira returned from his hunt to find the entire village massacred. The sight of his beloved family and friends lying in pools of their own blood sent shivers down his spine.

It was only after he had examined the bodies that he realized what had happened. His blood had somehow awakened the power of the Blood Blood Fruit, which he had inherited from the previous owner. He had unconsciously used it to suck the life out of everyone in the village.

With his heart heavy and filled with sorrow, Akira retreated into solitude, consumed by his grief and the weight of his guilt.

The once-lively village that he had called home was now silent, with only the ghosts of his loved ones haunting the empty streets.

As he spent his days alone, the pain of his loss became a constant ache, a reminder of the horrific tragedy that had befallen his family and friends.

But fate had other plans for Akira, as he stumbled upon a cultivation manual that promised to help him control his powers.

The thought of being able to harness his abilities filled him with a glimmer of hope, a small light in the darkness that surrounded him.

As he delved into the manual's teachings, he learned that he needed to be around people with heightened emotions to keep his powers in check. Despite his fear of causing harm, Akira knew that he had to leave his isolation and seek out others to help him on his journey.

but before that he had to make sure that he has enough abilities to make sure he doesn't die in the outside world.

Akira spent nine years on the isolated island, honing his physical body and training his Haki abilities. The first few years were the toughest, as he had to learn everything by himself. He had to create his own training regimen and had no one to guide him or provide feedback. Every day was a struggle, and he would often collapse from exhaustion.

But he persevered, driven by the guilt of his past actions and a desire to control his powers. He knew that if he ever wanted to leave the island and integrate into society, he needed to master his abilities.

Akira began with basic physical training, focusing on strengthening his body and building endurance. He would run up and down the mountain, lifting heavy rocks and trees, and practicing various combat techniques. He even built a small gym from scratch, using materials he found on the island.

Once he felt that his body was strong enough, he turned his attention to Haki. He had read about it in books and knew that it was a powerful tool, but had no idea how to use it. He began with observation Haki, the ability to sense the presence of others and predict their movements.

At first, he could only sense things within a few meters of himself, but with each passing day, his range increased. He would sit for hours, meditating and focusing his senses, until he could cover the entire island. He would spend his days practicing and his nights pouring over books, learning all he could about Haki.

As his observation Haki improved, he turned his attention to armament Haki, the ability to harden one's body and imbue objects with Haki. This proved to be much more difficult than observation Haki, as it required not only physical strength but also mental focus.

Akira spent years perfecting his armament Haki, training with rocks and trees, and even fighting against imaginary opponents. He would punch and kick the air, visualizing his Haki hardening his fists and feet. He would spend hours standing under waterfalls, allowing the rushing water to pound against his body and harden his Haki.

Through years of tireless effort and dedication, Akira finally reached a level of Haki mastery that few could match. His observation Haki could sense everything on the island, even the slightest movement or sound. His armament Haki could harden his body to the point where he thought could deflect bullets and shatter rocks with a single punch.

Akira had been on the island for so long that he had honed his physical body and mastered his haki, but he had yet to fully explore the potential of his Blood-Blood fruit. It was a power that fascinated and frightened him at the same time. He had some ideas about how he could use it, but he had to be careful, as it was a power that could easily be abused.

One of his ideas was to control the blood flow of other people, which would give him complete control over their bodies. He could use this to make them do his bidding or even kill them. However, he knew that he needed to experiment with this power before he could use it effectively.

Another idea he had was to create a blood bomb in someone's heart that he could detonate at any time. This would be a deadly weapon, but again, he had to be careful, as it could easily backfire on him.

In order to fully explore the potential of his Blood-Blood fruit, he needed to do some experiments, which meant he had to drink blood every few days. He survived on the island by drinking animal blood, but he knew that he needed to experiment with human blood in order to fully understand the extent of his power.

He scoured for ideas on how to use his power, and he found some interesting possibilities. One idea was to use his blood to heal wounds or cure diseases. Another was to create weapons out of his blood, like swords or daggers. He even though about creating a blood tornado.

All of these possibilities fascinated Akira, and he couldn't wait to fully explore the potential of his Blood-Blood fruit. But he knew that he had to be careful, as his power could easily be abused and lead to disastrous consequences. He would need to experiment and practice in secret, until he was confident enough to use his power in the outside world.

As he stood on the shore, ready to leave the island, he felt a mix of emotions. He was proud of how far he had come, but also sad to leave the place that had been his home for so long. He knew that his journey was just beginning and that he had much to learn and experience in the outside world. But he was ready, confident in his abilities, and excited for what lay ahead.