
One Piece : Black dog

Ten years prior to the war of Summit at Marineford, a young boy was saved by Admiral Akainu(red dog) of the Marine from pirates. After his rescue, the boy joined the Marine and followed into his hero's steps. He also adopted the admiral's motto of Absolute Justice. Follow the adventure of this boy as he hunts down pirates and gains the epithet of Kuroinu. While becoming the most ruthless member of the Marine under the Fleet-admiral Sakazuki's command . Disclamer : I don't own One Piece and the series' characters.

akatsuya · Anime & Comics
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Information Sheet #1

Note these information are taken from the 'One Piece Wiki'. The links are as follows:










What is the World Government?

The World Government is a global regime which has ruled the world for over 800 years since it was founded by an alliance of 20 different kingdoms. It has since vastly grown in influence and now spans across more than 170 of the world's civilized countries.


What are the Marines?

The Marines are the World Government's military sea force, tasked with law enforcement, international security, and military operations. They are present in all the seas around the world, as evidenced by their branch offices. However, the main focus of their assets is on the far more dangerous Grand Line.



The duty of the Marines is to maintain a law and order throughout the world and impose the will and might of the World Government. The main purpose of the Marines is bringing any criminal to justice, with a particular focus on capturing pirates.



They use justice as their constituted policy to manage a world that is made almost entirely of ocean much easier. They are generally divided between those who support Moral Justice and those who support Absolute Justice, with the latter being the code of conduct for the Marines as a central doctrine.

Moral Justice:

This sense of justice is often fundamentally tied to their character and reflects heavily in their actions.

Absolute Justice:

Supporters of Absolute Justice believe that the eradication of all evil and illegal activities and the prosecution of those who violate the government's laws is the highest priority, even if it requires sacrificing innocent lives or engaging in immoral acts, since the end justifies the means.


Rank System:

The Marines can be divided into two basic categories: Officers and Infantry. The officers hold a position of leadership while the infantry carry out the officers orders. A Marine force will usually consist of one or two officers and multiple infantry soldiers.

Commanding Marines often work in pairs, with one superior officer and a second-in-command, or a subordinate who is of a lower rank. These partnerships may remain even during promotions, with both Marines advancing in rank together. In the pair, the higher ranked officer will give the orders to those under their command, while the other acts as an advisor or information gatherer while ensuring their partner's command is undertaken by the subordinates.

Commissioned Marine Officers:

Fleet Admiral: It is the highest Marine rank, and is the commander of the entire organization. It is just above admiral but below the World Government Commander-in-Chief and the Five Elders.

Admiral: It is the second highest rank in the Marines. There are only three Marines who hold this title at any given time, and they are crowned as the World Government's "Greatest Military Powers", as each of them possess deadly combat abilities.

Vice Admiral: It is the third highest rank in the Marines. These officers can have varying duties and amounts of authority.

Rear Admiral: It is the fourth highest rank in the Marines. As the lowest of the Admiral ranks, they have the least amount of authority, yet they still have full command over any and all lower ranking marines. Despite being the lowest admiral rank, they are still known for being powerful fighters, and in some rare cases, rear admirals of high-enough caliber and reputation are given additional responsibility and authority, in the case of the rear admirals assigned directly to marine headquarters.

Commodore: It is the fifth highest rank in the Marines. Commodores have command over any marines of lower rank and are tasked with authoritative matters too important for a marine of captain rank to handle.

Captain: It is the sixth highest rank in the Marines. One of the duties that a Marine captain could have is to be the commander of one of the several Marine branches established on the islands around the world. In addition, a captain is often seen navigating the seas in order to capture pirates and keep order, in these cases, the captain is the leader of the ship, as long as there are no higher-ranking Marines on board. A Marine captain is considered a strong Marine officer whose experience and battle performance are forces to be reckoned with. Most of the several Marine captains seen in the series are powerful fighters with Devil Fruit powers, high combat skills or considerable tactical knowledge.

Commander: It is the seventh highest rank in the Marines.

Lieutenant Commander: It is the eighth highest rank in the Marines.

Lieutenant: It is the ninth highest rank in the Marines.

Lieutenant Junior Grade: It is the tenth highest rank in the Marines.

Ensign: It is the eleventh highest rank in the Marines, and the lowest and last rank within commissioned officers. This is the lowest rank given permission to wear the kanji "Justice" on the backs of their clothing.

Infantry and Sailor Division:

Warrant Officer: It is the twelfth highest rank in the Marines, and the highest amongst the Infantry and Sailor Division. There are no known characters who hold this title.

Master Chief Petty Officer: It is the thirteenth highest rank in the Marines.

Chief Petty Officer: It is the fourteenth highest rank in the Marines.

Petty Officer: It is the fifteenth highest rank in the Marines. There are no known characters who hold this title. Once a Marine rises to this rank, he or she is allowed to wear many different uniforms or even civil clothes. However, many petty officers prefer to appear "sailor-like" and continue wearing the traditional uniform.

Seaman First Class: It is the sixteenth highest rank in the Marines.

Seaman Apprentice: It is the seventeenth highest rank in the Marines. There are no known characters who hold this title.

Seaman Recruit: It is the eighteenth highest rank in the Marines.

Chore Boy: It is the nineteenth highest, or more specifically, the lowest rank, in the Marines. Chore boys have no official uniform besides a white Marine shirt without decoration and blue Marine trousers.

Support Staff:

Among the rank and file are others who keep the Marines running in a non-combative capacity.

Inspector General: It is a special rank which has the duty of detecting and investigating instances of maladministration, corruption, or defection in the Marine organization.

Instructor: It is a special rank which has the duty of training Marine recruits to become strong and rise in rank. So far, resigned Marines of high prestige are requested to remain as instructors for the future generation.

Cook: Cooks handle the preparation of meals meals for the soldiers, making them essential. Some bases are also known to have waitresses who serve the food to the soldiers.

Doctor: Doctors are help the soldiers to recover after a fight.

Scientist: Scientists developed weapons, enhancement drugs, and other inventions so that the Marines can more easily take down criminals.

Shipwright: Shipwrights build and repair ships for the Marines to sail.

Custodian: Custodians handle the cleaning on Marine bases and ships, much like chore boys, but unable to rise in rank due to not actually being Marines.


What is a pirate?

A pirate is, broadly speaking, any professional criminal that operates wholly or partially on the world's seas, especially people conducting robbery by ship. In most, if not all, cases they lead or belong to a group of like-minded criminals, known as a crew.


Virtually all pirates exist as part of a pirate crew, comprising of other pirates willing to operate under the same Jolly Roger. A crew is typically led by a single Captain, who makes (or at least has final authority on) all major actions taken by the crew. The Captain often possesses the highest combat ability and notoriety out of anyone in the crew.

Other positions common to pirate crews include:

A First Mate or Vice-Captain, who advises the captain, relays orders to the rest of the crew, and usually assumes authority in the captain's absence. Officers, usually seen in a larger pirate crew, officers are a select few elite combatants who command the lower ranked members of the crew.In some crews, the officer position is further divided into regular officer and top officers. The top officers are stronger and hold authority over the lower ranked regular officers.

Combatants, who specialize in fighting and, depending on the crew's size and focus, may or may not have other skills.

Combatant types include:

Swordsmen, who specialize in using swords for combat.

Snipers, who specialize in using ranged weapons, such as firearms, a slingshot, or a bow and arrow.

Martial Artists, who specialize in utilizing their own bodies for combat, using punches, kicks, and other melee attack.

Navigators, who are in charge of keeping their crew on course to their next destination.

Cooks, whose purpose is to prepare meals to keep the crew fed.

Doctors, whose purpose is to keep their crew mates healthy, treating illnesses with medicine and bandaging their wounds.

Shipwrights, who are in charge of maintaining repairs of the crew's ship.

Helmsmen, who steer their ships wheel in accordance with the guidelines of the Navigator.

Musicians, who specialize in playing music to keep the crew entertained.

Apprentices, recruited at a young age, who may be used for anything from unpleasant chores to open combat. Though the position carries little authority or respect in itself, it can serve as a valuable training ground for pirates to build skills or notoriety on.

Pets, animals who usually serve as entertaining companions, but can also be combatants depending on their abilities.

There are other positions on a pirate crew as well. They are less common and less obvious. Such positions include:

Scholars, who act as knowledge keepers for the crew, providing an intellectual perspective and information that most, if not all, other members of the crew are uneducated in.

Scholar types include:

Archaeologists, who specialize in the historical study of lost cultures and ancient ruins.

Pirate crews also tend to be named after the captain, whether directly (e.g. the Roger Pirates, the Krieg Pirates and the Barto Club) or through an epithet or personal motif (e.g. the Red Hair Pirates, the Straw Hat Pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Heart Pirates).

The exceptions are usually named after a common race or origin shared by all members (e.g. the Giant Warrior Pirates, the Kuja Pirates and the New Fish-Man Pirates) or else a deliberate communal theme (e.g. the Black Cat Pirates, the Sun Pirates and the Beasts Pirates).

Some pirate crews pledge themselves subordinate to another, more powerful crew. In practice, this means that the subordinate crews are loyal to the captain of a superordinate crew, but are usually free to act independently under their own captain. Examples of subordinate crews include the 43 subordinate crews of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the Bellamy Pirates under the Donquixote Pirates.


All but the newest (or poorest) of pirates sail on specialized ships that bear their corresponding Jolly Roger on the mainsail and/or flags; in most cases, the figurehead is also customized to reflect the captain's epithet or personal motif. Apart from this, a pirate ship may be of any size and equipped with any level of technology and weaponry, depending on the skills and materials available to—and ambitions of—its crew.


A sign of a pirate's threat is their ability to gain territory from a small island to a base over several villages. Often, to stay out of sight, they will keep their base hidden like the Kid and Fire Tank Pirates.

Seven Warlords:

The Seven Warlords of the Sea are a selection of pirates legally allied with the World Government. While not employees or officials per se, they are allowed to pursue most pirate activities without threat of arrest (their bounties being completely frozen), along with a number of other privileges. In return, they are expected to further the World Government's interests, mainly by giving over a share of their plunder (and, implicitly, limiting their targets to other pirates).

Warlords are recruited somewhat arbitrarily, but always with a focus on power and notoriety; as such, they are widely feared (and/or reviled as "government dogs") by most other pirates. Nevertheless, they vary widely in abilities, methodologies, and personalities, some operating alone while others maintain full crews and are even acknowledged as legitimate sovereigns.

Four Emperors:

The Four Emperors are a widely recognized group of four New World veterans who rose to prominence after the execution of Gol D. Roger and are widely regarded as the strongest pirate captains in the world. Of the five known pirates to hold this title, three were formerly members of the infamous Rocks crew.

There is a strong degree of overlap between the Four Emperors and those who are considered Great Pirates, with the original four all being known as such. As the strongest and most influential pirates in the world, a certain level of strength and prestige is needed to be recognized as an Emperor. The Four Emperors and their subordinates are considered one of the three great powers of the world, along with the Marines and (formerly) Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Pirates regarded as emperors are extremely powerful as combatants, captain notoriously strong (and often large) crews, and hold immense levels of influence over the goings on of the New World. Typically, emperors of the sea will hold territory; islands which they either have defacto rule over or are directly involved in the internal politics of. In addition to this it's not uncommon for pirates of this level to have other notable crews serving under their own as subordinates.

Pirate King:

The Pirate King is a title applied to the strongest pirate alive. Its latest—perhaps only—universally-acknowledged holder was Gol D. Roger, who inextricably linked it with the mythical treasure known as One Piece.


What is the Revolutionary Army?

The Revolutionary Army is an extremely powerful military organization, founded and led by Monkey D. Dragon.

They are the only force in the world that directly opposes the World Government and seek to dismantle it. They are particularly against the World Nobles of Mary Geoise who control and benefit from the corruption of the World Government.


What is a bounty?

A bounty is a reward, usually monetary, promised for the accomplishment of a certain task. In many contexts, and particularly the world of One Piece, it refers to the sum of money awarded for the capture (and/or death) of pirates, bandits and other criminals.


What are devil fruits?

Devil Fruits are mysterious, distinctive fruits scattered throughout the world, known for granting their eaters permanent superhuman powers and an equally permanent inability to swim.

As a whole, Devil Fruits encompass hundreds of different powers, from the (apparently) mundane to the inherently mass-destructive. These fruits are broadly grouped into three classes: Paramecia, which offers a vast array of strange abilities; Zoan, which allows users to transform into animals or animal hybrids; and Logia, which grants users the power to become and control natural elements.


What is the Rokushiki?

Rokushiki is the main style of combat for the World Government's agents, and consists of six basic techniques, and a secret seventh technique that only a true master of Rokushiki can achieve.

What are the six basic techniques of the Rokushiki?

Geppo: It allows users to push themselves off the air itself with superhumanly strong kicks, allowing them to travel through and remain in midair for an extended period of time.

Tekkai: It hardens the users' muscles to the level of iron, allowing them to withstand and effectively nullify any damage they might have taken from attacks.

Rankyaku: It is a powerful projectile technique, in which the users start by kicking at very high speeds and strength, which results in a sharp compressed blade of wind or "Sickle Wind" that can slice through objects and greatly damage a human body.

Soru: It allows the users to move at extremely high speeds in order to avoid attacks, as well as to attack at higher speeds and with greater power.

Shigan: It is a close-quarter combat technique, in which the user pushes their finger into a certain target at a very high speed, leaving a wound similar to a bullet wound.

Kami-e: It allows users to make their body extraordinarily flexible in order to avoid any attacks, float, and bend their body like a piece of paper.

What is the secret seventh technique?

Rokuogan: It is the ultimate attack of the Rokushiki style. Only those who have absolute mastery of the other six skills can have access to this seventh technique.


What is Haki?

Haki is a mysterious power that allows the user to utilize their own spiritual energy for various purposes.

It can be used to sense people's spiritual energy and predict their actions, give the user a protective coating of spiritual energy, and, for a certain group of "chosen ones", overpower the willpower of others.

All living beings in the world are capable of learning Haki; however, most people do not notice it or fail to awaken it

What are the three types of Haki?

~Kenbunshoku Haki (Observation Haki), which gives the user a sixth sense of the world around them, allowing them to sense the presence, strength, and emotions of other people. It also grants limited precognitive abilities, allowing the user to sense their opponents intentions and predict their actions and attacks before they happen. An advanced level of Kenbunshoku allows the user to actually foresee a short period into the future.

~Busoshoku Haki (Armament Haki), which allows the user to use their own spiritual energy as armor to defend against attacks, as well as make their own attacks more potent. It can also be used to bypass Devil Fruit defenses, such as Logia intangibility. A person can apply the armament to a section of their body, over their entire body, and even imbue it onto their weapons.

An advanced level of Busoshoku allows the user to emit the armament a short distance without a medium. A higher grade of advanced Busoshoku allows the user to make the emitted armament flow into a target's body and destroy it from the inside out.

~Haoshoku Haki (Conqueror's Haki), which grants the user the ability to unleash their own willpower to overpower the will of others. This results in victims being mentally overwhelmed by the user, with particularly weak-willed foes instantly losing consciousness. Haoshoku is a rare form of Haki that only one in several million people are born with the ability to use.

An advanced level of Haoshoku allows the user infuse their conquering spirit into their weapons and physical attacks, greatly augmenting their power. Only a small handful of the most powerful Haoshoku users are able to achieve this. Most people who can use Haki tend to have one type that they are better at, and, as a result, focus on training and fighting with that type primarily. However, a person can improve their abilities with all the types of Haki, it just requires more work.

Each type of Haki has levels of usage, so even two proficient users might not be of equal strength. Furthermore, it is possible to use at least two types of Haki simultaneously