
One Piece: Biggest Scum in Marine History

At the Marine internal hearing, Marine executives conducted serious questioning on Marine's "scum" and North Blue Admiral Darren. "You have inappropriate relationships with royal princesses and noble ladies from many countries in the North Blue?" "I care about the people." Marine senior management:...... "Then how do you explain the ridiculously high pay for soldiers in the North Blue Marine you lead?" "Otherwise, relying on the salary from the headquarters, you will let others work for you?" Marine senior management: (ーー゛) "Why does the North Blue fleet possess Germa technology?" "Military-civilian cooperation, Germa 66 was inspired by my justice." Marine senior management: ( ̄o ̄) "How do you explain the unnatural deaths of Celestial Dragons in North Blue?" "Oh, it was a shipwreck... It's so unfortunate and I'm personally deeply sorry." Marine senior management: (‧_‧?) "Last question, how would you describe yourself?" Hearing this, Darren, who was the highest officer of Marine North Blue at the time, bit his cigar and smiled calmly: "I smoke, I drink, I'm greedy, I'm lustful, I fight for power, I cheat, I do everything, but I'm a good Marine." Marine senior executive:? ? ? Garp: The fucking old man can't take it anymore, Sengoku, don't stop me, I'm going to beat this kid up! ! Well, this is the story of a rebellious, depraved Marine scum.

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109 Chs

Chapter 81

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Chapter 81: Command

The silence enveloped the cabin of the warship. Borsolino stopped his nail-picking and raised his head, a playful smile forming at the corner of his mouth.

This guy Darren... Just straight up asking for power from the Admiral of the Headquarters!

"Darren, you want to take command of this mission?" Sengoku suddenly frowned; his expression grew serious.

"Yes, Admiral Sengoku," Colonel Marine answered without hesitation, his voice firm with confidence. "The situation in the North Blue is complex. I understand the routes, the distribution of towns, and troop deployments in the waters near our target island thoroughly. I arranged this transaction, so I have every right to see it through. The most important point is that the North Blue fleet will serve as the main force for the Marines, and under my combat command, we can maximize their combat capabilities."

Darren knew he couldn't retreat at this pivotal moment. Having spent many years in the North Blue, he had learned that power and status must often be fought for.

Making the right request at the right time... Sometimes, to win your superiors' respect, you need to challenge their authority.

When Sengoku heard Darren's argument, a spark flickered deep in his eyes.

"Do you understand the strength of Byrnndi Waldo?" he inquired suddenly.

"Admiral Sengoku, I am well aware," Darren responded. "Byrnndi Waldo has a reputation akin to Roger and Whitebeard. His power is not to be underestimated, but war is not decided solely by combat strength."

Sengoku, contemplating Darren's words, posed another question, "Are you aware of the severe punishment you'll face if you fail? It could ruin your political career in the Marines."

"Admiral Sengoku, I am fully aware," Darren reassured him. "If the mission fails, I am ready to accept all consequent punishments."

Seeing the determination in Darren's eyes, the glint in Sengoku's own eyes shone even brighter. He glanced at Borsolino, asking for his input.

Borsolino stroked his stubble and pondered for a moment before saying, "I think it wouldn't hurt to let Colonel Darren try. Since his appointment as North Blue Admiral, his performance, whether in governance or military aptitude, has been exemplary..."

Borsolino's endorsement dissolved any lingering hesitation in Sengoku's mind.

Indeed, had it been any other Marine general, Sengoku would never consider relinquishing command for such a crucial mission against Byrnndi Waldo. But Darren was different. His resume and service demonstrated that, despite lacking formal officer training, his military acumen and cunning were exceptional among the Marines.

Above all, Darren's bravery set him apart. He was ready to lead his fleet against Byrnndi Waldo, a testament to valor not all would display.

"In that case, I will temporarily grant you command of this mission," Sengoku decided after a moment of deep thought. "But understand that the battlefield is unpredictable. If an unexpected situation arises, I will take back command and direct the battle myself."

"No problem, Admiral Sengoku."

On the other side of the phone bug, Darren stood on the prow of a warship, holding the phone bug. Behind him, the wide cloak of justice fluttered with the strong wind. His half-closed eyes revealed a hint of a smile.

He slowly stowed the military phone bug and looked over the sea at the port. Warships sailed at a steady pace from the open sea of Branch 321 into the naval port's harbor, forming an arrow-shaped fleet formation on his command.

On the military port's land, Marines armed with live ammunition were busily executing tasks assigned by their superiors, serious expressions on their faces as they loaded boxes of military supplies onto the warship.

Soldiers at all levels performed their duties in silence, cleaning and maintaining the dark gun barrels on the warship and preparing for the expedition with focus.

"Old man Sengoku really agreed?" A voice of astonishment sounded behind Darren. He turned to see Kake's face filled with disbelief. "Such an important operation as the crusade against the great pirate Byrnndi Valdo... and he actually gave you the command?"

Darren smiled, lit a cigar, and winked at Gage, "The department still knows how to respect and cultivate talent."

"Damn!! Why isn't it me!!" Kake gritted his teeth and murmured in frustration.

For him, seeing Darren gain power was worse than a death sentence. That was Byrnndi Waldo—a legendary pirate with a bounty of 400 million Baileys. Over the years, many high-level combat forces from Naval Headquarters, including the former Marine Admiral Black Arm Zephyr, current Admiral Sengoku, and Vice Admiral Garp, had launched multiple crusades against him.

Now, after successfully blockading the entrance to the Grand Line and trapping Byrnndi Valdo in the North Blue, it was the perfect chance to deal with him once and for all. And this opportunity had fallen into Darren's hands.

"Darren, are you sure you want to lead this operation? Byrnndi Valdo isn't like the other North Blue pirates," Gion said, worry etching her features.

Darren glanced at her and answered confidently, "Don't worry about me. You know what they say about villains living long lives."

Gion clenched her jaw and responded icily, "I'm not worried about you! I'm concerned that a mistake in your command could lead to the destruction of the North Blue fleet, all because of Byrnndi Waldo's 'world-ending' power."

"...then all the hard work the Admiral Sengoku put in would be for nothing."

Darren shrugged dismissively. "Who can say with these things? That's Byrnndi Waldo, after all. Any commander might fail the mission."

"Of course, if you're confident, Gion, I can hand over the command to you. How about it?"

Gion bit her lip and fell silent. The North Blue fleet wouldn't follow her orders, and most importantly, she lacked confidence in facing the Ward Pirates led by Byrnndi Valdo. The power of the Momo fruit was enough to make anyone despair; it wasn't something that military commands, troop formations, or strategic guidelines could solve.

With this in mind, she couldn't help but look deeply at Darren's profile. He gazed at the distant sea with a calm smile on his lips. Could it be that he had a way to handle Byrnndi Waldo?

Curiosity crept into Gion's thoughts.