
Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: The Sea of ​​Chaos, Fallen Marine

Darren awoke on a large, soft bed. With a distinguished nose, deep-set eyes like stars, and short black hair emphasizing his rebellious spirit, his appearance was striking. As he stood from the bed, the numerous scars crisscrossing his muscular torso spoke of countless battles. Despite the wounds, his aesthetics remained undiminished.

"Master Darren, are you awake?" came a soft, lilting voice from beneath the quilt. A delicate yet mature face emerged, accompanied by a curvaceous figure vaguely outlined beneath the covers. Her moist eyes, full of charm, rested on the tall figure by the window, her look conveying the contentment of a woman thoroughly enchanted.

She had never encountered a man quite like him—wild, commanding, and free-spirited. Despite it being her first experience with a man—her husband preferring his own sex—Darren had given her a night of unimaginable pleasure.

Approaching the windowsill, Darren selected a fine cigar from the crystal coffee table and lit it, taking a deep drag before smiling and saying, "Go back to sleep, honey."

Although he used the term 'honey,' she was merely one in a long line of conquests for Darren, soon to be forgotten. Yet, he had to admit, the noblewoman had been a delightful encounter.

After slipping into a loose white shirt, leaving it open at the chest, Darren poured himself a glass of whiskey, picked up the latest newspaper, and began to read while sipping his drink.

"Great pirate 'World Destroyer' Byrnndi Waldo sinks World Government official ship, Celestial Dragons offer 200 million Baileys' bounty! The World Pirates now a prime threat to the government!"

"Great pirate Roger sets sail again! Latest sightings in the weakest East Blue!"

"Great pirate Golden Lion Shiki recruits soldiers in the New World, aiming to assemble the world's largest pirate fleet!"

"Big pirates Kaido and Charlotte Linlin's clash in the New World obliterates a small island!"

Headline after shocking headline flicked past Darren's eyes, causing him to squint in contemplation. "It's quite an active time," he mused.

He closed the newspaper, took another sip of whiskey, and lit his luxury, gold-embellished cigar. The robust tobacco smoke stung his throat, sharpening his senses and sending him into deep thought.

Indeed, Darren was a time traveler, but unlike others with systems or cheats, his sole advantage lay in an enhanced awareness and control over his own abilities following soul fusion. He had arrived in this pirate-ridden world five years prior, having climbed the ranks from a lowly marine private.

Though outside the Grand Line, North Blue was the most chaotic, lawless, and tainted of all the seas. Unlike the "weakest sea" East Blue, it knew no peace; it lacked West Blue's prosperous trade and wealth; nor did it offer the stability of sparsely populated South Blue. North Blue was besieged by mafia skirmishes, underground conflicts, endless kingdom wars, and rampant piracy, making it a nightmarish zone for the Marines to maintain order.

From a mere sailor to commander of Branch 321, Darren was on the cusp of receiving a commendation medal. His journey was marked by narrow escapes and intricate webs of deceit, with scars to prove every encounter. These experiences fostered his hedonistic approach to life, for he was all too aware of the struggles he had faced.

After all, it was the year 1492 in the Sea Circle Calendar. The God Valley incident had concluded years ago, leaving a world in disarray—

Roger had not yet completed his grand voyage to become the legendary One Piece; Golden Lion had not surrendered at Marineford and was still pursuing his ambitions; Whitebeard continued to welcome new members to his ranks, his blond mane radiating strength; Kaido had not become known as the "kind teacher" from future tales and was still seeking out Marines in his suicidal escapades; Charlotte Linlin had yet to transform into the imposing BIG·MOM and was still searching the seas for a worthy partner; Shanks was a mere apprentice, with Buggy far from becoming a king and Luffy not yet born.

In this era of unfettered piracy, there was no balance dictated by Four Emperors or a system of Seven Warlords of the Sea—only chaos and conflict reigned supreme.

In this era of grand pirates and formidable heroes roaming the world, the Marine profession, praised as refined and robust by countless seasoned travelers, demands its members to risk their lives.

Darren knew he could perish in battle at any moment, and therefore, he resolved to lead a better life. Having journeyed through time, his desire was to live joyously. Even as a Marine, he refused to endure hardship. His philosophy was to savor the finest wine, smoke the strongest cigarettes, and adore the most beautiful women. Fame and reputation were inconsequential to him; as a Marine, not a pirate, such notions held little value. His previous superiors, Borsolino and Sakazuki from North Blue, had climbed the ranks to nearly becoming Marine Admirals, not by their reputations but through their achievements.

Despite his penchant for indulgence, Darren's approach to enhancing his cultivation and strength was as discerning as his taste in women. Breathing deeply and focusing intently, he delved into sensing his body, bringing forth a unique talent from soul fusion—a result of his time travel. After extensive experimentation, he devised a "personal attribute table," representing his abilities in numerical values for easier analysis and comparison to the estimable Admiral Sengoku.

The attributes were as follows:

Physique: 58.103

Strength: 53.831

Velocity: 57.539

Fruit: 71.345

Physique indicated defense, vitality, and endurance. Strength measured raw power and explosive force. Velocity denoted speed and acceleration, while Fruit reflected his mastery over the Devil Fruit.

For context, the benchmark of 100 in physical fitness was the peak Kaido of the Beasts. Darren surmised that Kaido's points would be near 90.

"My physical strength has increased by 0.03," Darren noted with a satisfied smile. His recent realization was validated—physical intimacy had a refreshing effect, bolstering his strength, a phenomenon backed by his pre-time travel physiological knowledge.

Although the increment was minuscule, he believed in steady progress. Thus, Darren harnessed his "talent" to continuously enhance his capabilities through exact body perception and data-like feedback.

Suddenly, the tranquility was shattered by a sword's gleam slicing through the door. Gion, a statuesque figure with ebony hair, stormed in, fury etched on her face. Holding her renowned golden sword, she directed her ire toward Darren. "Rear Admiral Darren, to engage in such ludicrous behavior at the Marine Base is reprehensible!"

Gion's gaze hardened at the sight of a woman concealed beneath the bedcovers, shivering with fright. "This is the governor's wife from the Kingdom of Yadis!" she exclaimed, stunning Kaki, who stood behind her.

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