
Chapter 27

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Chapter 27: I Want Her

Gion followed the group of Marines, his black eyes filled with confusion. After hearing about Darren's governance of the North Blue from Flying Squirrel, she constantly felt like the prosperity and excitement around her were part of a dream. In a daze, she recalled what 2 and Sister He once told her.

"Gion, as a Marine, we shoulder justice, but sometimes justice is quite weak in this sea."

"But why? Aren't we the most powerful military organization in the world?"

"It is true, but the sea is vast, and the light of the Seagull Flag of Justice cannot shine into every dark, dirty, and gloomy corner."

"You may not understand this now. It's a kind of luck but also a kind of misfortune."

Gion became distraught. Kake, who was next to her, also looked weak and even forgot to tend to the people. They soon arrived at a magnificent mansion, with its blue roof, white walls, and exquisite gardens. Poorly equipped militiamen had established a security line outside the courtyard, numbering in the hundreds.

"Damn trash! Can't you even do this little thing properly?!"

They heard a violent yell from the mansion, followed by the sound of objects being thrown. The frightened militiamen started kneeling on the ground from the front row, their faces turning pale. A man in a white silk dress and a glass cover on his head walked out haughtily. As he moved, the kneeling spread like ripples outward.

Shields Saint was fuming with anger. He had not expected to encounter the crazed Byrnndi Waldo on what was meant to be a joyous tour. What shocked him even more was that a lowly commoner dared attack the official ships of the World Government - including his own. The majority of the CP members who accompanied him had perished in a disastrous event, and a sea storm had left him stranded on this island. This was his most embarrassing moment ever.

"Damn it..."

With gritted teeth, the blond-haired Shields Saint cursed. Behind him, two CP members in black suits remained; his last two guards.

"Get out of my way!"

Feeling irritated, he kicked a kneeling militiaman out of the way. Looking up, he saw a Marine in a snow-white cloak approaching.

"Master Shields Saint, I am Flying Squirrel, the deputy chief of the North Blue 321 branch. I am under orders from Naval Headquarters to ensure your safety."

Flying Squirrel saluted with a stoic expression.

Saint glanced at him with disdain and sneered, "Oh, my sweet little Marine pet has arrived."

"Why is he a deputy base commander? Where is your boss?"

Flying Squirrel clenched his fist and quickly unclenched it, responding firmly, "The base commander is assigning security tasks to the city government. For now, the North Blue Marines will be responsible for your safety until the CP department's official ship arrives."

"Cut it out... I wouldn't expect much from you nursing home guards. At any rate, the CP department will be here in an hour or two, so you'll suffice for now."

Shield Saint spoke casually, seemingly indifferent to the displeased expression on Flying Squirrel's face, and turned to look elsewhere. When he noticed Gion, his eyes sparkled with excitement. His gaze, filled with greed and desire, made Gion uneasy. She found herself instinctively taking a step back.

"Wow, I didn't expect to find such beauty in the Marine," Shields-san said, examining Gion from head to toe with a predatory look. He clicked his tongue in apparent appreciation.

Flying Squirrel's expression darkened. Kake's pupils contracted, and he stepped forward, concern evident in his stance. They were well aware of the Celestial Dragons' notorious indulgences and the trouble it could mean if Shields-san were to take an interest in Gion.

"It's a pity that you're too old... If only you were younger, you could have been my young master, fallen for me, and become my eighteenth wife! Hahahahaha!!" Shields-san smirked at Gion, his eyes roving across her figure.

"Let's go out and have some fun. I've been suffocating in this dreadful place for days," he declared. He left the mansion with swagger, ignoring the Marines' disgusted looks.

"This despicable man... how dare he make such advances!" Kake muttered with a mixture of anger and indignation, adding, "Clearly, I am the one who deserves to be your husband!"

Gion rolled her eyes and loosened her grip on her knife handle, feeling a strange sense of relief. The Celestial Dragons were the world's nobility, wielding exceptional power, and attracting their attention could mean trouble and pressure for Sister He and the others.

"Let's go..." Flying Squirrel said grimly. "Major Gion, stay away from that man."

Gion nodded, silently hoping to avoid any further complications. Everyone quickly organized the Marine soldiers to follow the Celestial Dragons' entourage.

Led by the Celestial Saint, the powerful group moved down Bhatia Island's commercial street. The bustling area fell silent as they passed, with civilians kneeling en masse, their expressions terrified, too scared to come near.

The World Government, with its eight-hundred-year reign, inspired deep awe in the hearts of the common people who viewed the "Gods" of this world with fear.

In the midst of this tense atmosphere, a child's voice pierced the silence, clear and jarring. Gion's heart raced.

Kake and Flying Squirrel looked on, their bodies tensing with anxiety.

A little girl with black hair and a floral dress, carrying a large bouquet of flowers, smiled sweetly. She held out a rose to the man in the glass cover with her small hands.

"Uncle, do you want to buy some flowers?" she asked innocently.

Time seemed to freeze at that moment. Gion and the others watched in horror as a twisted smile slowly formed on Shields Saint's disfigured face. His eyes gleamed with intense greed and possessiveness, like a child spotting a new toy.

Gion and Kake tensed, bracing themselves as they watched the Celestial Dragon point his ring-laden, fat fingers at the innocent girl and say with a vile grin, "I want her!"

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