
One Piece Beginning Enslave The Celestial Dragons And Rob Nami Robin

Story of: At the beginning, enslave the Celestial Dragons and rob Nami Robin. [System + Time Travel + Multiple Heroines + Multiple Fruits + Non-Invincible + Imperial Garden + Positive Protagonist] (If you don’t like it, enter with caution!) Lin Yu traveled through the world of pirates and received a pirate devil fruit presented by the system at the beginning. As long as you recruit special crew members, you can get benefits, and if you form a bond with them, you can gain the other party's abilities. In this way, Lin Yu's road to becoming the king of Mariejoia began. 【Ding! Successfully formed a bond with Vinsmoke Reiju and gained the opponent's ability: Bloodline Factor Transformer] [Ding! Successfully formed a bond with Robin and obtained the opponent's ability: Blossom Fruit] Sengoku: Bastard Lin Yu, return Tina and Gion. Kaido: Kid, put down Runti Yamato! Auntie: Katakuri, where is Smoothie? Daughter Kingdom: Hey, where is the Empress? Lin Yu sat high on the Void Throne, looking down at the world. "I'm the king of the world. Isn't it reasonable to have three palaces and six courtyards?" [System + Time Travel + Multiple Heroines + Multiple Fruits + Non-Invincible + Royal Garden + Protagonist Favored] (Enter with caution if you don’t like it!) Lin Yu travels through the world of pirates and gets a pirate devil fruit from the system at the beginning. As long as he recruits special crew members, he can get benefits, and if he bonds with them, he can gain the other party’s abilities. In this way, Lin Yu’s road to becoming the king of Mariejoia began. 【Ding! Successfully formed a bond with Vinsmoke Reiju and gained the opponent’s ability: blood factor transformer] 【Ding! Successfully formed a bond with Robin and obtained the opponent’s ability: Flower Fruit] Warring States Period: Damn Lin Yu, give Tina and Gion back. Kaido: Kid, put down Runti Yamato! Auntie: Katakuri, where is Smoothie? Daughter Kingdom: Hey, where is the Empress? Lin Yu sat high on the Void Throne, looking down at the world. “I’m the king of the world. Isn’t it reasonable to have three palaces and six courtyards?”

Big_Eve · Anime & Comics
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204 Chs

Chapter 118

The aunt Lingling that everyone wants

Hearing Lin Yu ask himself to help him resolve it.

Tina's pretty face turned red. After being educated for so long, she could naturally understand what Lin Yu meant by 'resolve'.

"Seeing that you trust Tina so much today, Tina will help you."

Tina stood up from the recliner, pressed her hand on Lin Yu's chest, and gave him a charming look.

Lin Yu's unconditional trust in her today moved Tina very much.

Then, Tina picked up a bottle of wine from the side, took a sip, and then kissed Lin Yu.

Just when Tina was about to take further action, the small phone bug on Lin Yu's wrist rang.

"Master, you're ready."

When she heard Xia Lulia's voice on the phone, Tina's eyes widened, she glared at Lin Yu, and said in shock: "Did

you really snatch a woman today?"

Lin Yu was on the phone today. When Zhong called someone else's wife, Tina also heard it at the time.

As a result, she didn't expect that Lin Yu actually snatched one back.

"Send it to Tina's room."

With a casual command, Lin Yu turned off the phone, looked at Tina and smiled: "She has pink hair like you." Hearing Lin Yu

ask Xia Lulia to send the person away When she came to her room, Tina's pretty face instantly turned red with embarrassment.

This reminded her of the night she had just followed Lin Yu.

At that time, she was also with Reiju…

and Reiju also had pink hair…

how much did this person like pink hair! ! !

Just when Tina was thinking wildly, Bonnie was already pushed into the room by Anna and Shalulia.

Bonnie, who was originally pushed into the room by Anna and Shalulia, was still a little uneasy.

But after seeing that besides Lin Yu, there was another woman in the room.

Bonnie was stunned.

'This bastard actually wants me to cooperate with others…'

Bonnie thought in shock when she saw Tina, who had pink hair like her and a pretty blushing face.

After taking a look at Bonnie's cool dress, Lin Yu smiled with satisfaction.

Coming to Bonnie, Lin Yu said:

"Qiao Ellie Bonnie, are you willing to join my pirate group and become my subordinate?"

Bonnie turned her head to the side and said with an unhappy face: "I do. ."

[Ding! Qiao Ellie Bonnie joins the group, please choose Bonnie's…]

After taking a look at the prompt in front of him, Lin Yu turned to look at Tina and said with a smile:

"Tina, how did Reijiu teach you? Please teach Bonnie."

Tina: "…"

Bonnie: "…"

early the next morning.

All Nations, Cake Island.

Charlotte Perospero, the eldest son of Aunt Lingling, came to Aunt Lingling who was having breakfast, held up a phone and said respectfully: "

Mom, Katakuri wants to talk to you, saying that he has something to talk to you about. Discuss."


Aunt Lingling raised her head from the dining table filled with food and glanced at her eldest son, Perospero.

"Has Katakuri already caught the God-killer Lin Yu?"

Thinking of this, Aunt Lingling picked up the phone bug in Perospero's hand and said,

"Katakuri, you have caught it." God-killer Lin Yu?"

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Katakuri's voice came from the phone bug that turned into him:

"Sorry, mom, something happened."

"Huh? Something happened?" Aunt Lingling's voice began became sharp.

God Killer Lin Yu's flying ship technology is the key to her seizing the throne of the Pirate King, and she does not allow any changes to occur.

Katakuri's voice continued to come from the phone bug:

"We have already seen the God Killer Lin Yu, but because his ship is too fast, our egg tart ship can't catch up at all…"

Chase Not on?

Halfway through hearing this, Aunt Lingling frowned.

The egg tart boat she gave a soul can sail as fast as a naval warship, but it can't catch up? ? ?

However, Aunt Lingling did not interrupt Katakuri, but listened patiently to what he had to say.

Then, she heard Katakuri say on the phone bug:

"The God Killer Lin Yu has taken a liking to Smoothie and wants to marry you." "

If mother agrees, he will transfer the flying ship's I offer my skills."

"Falling in on Smoothie?" After hearing Katakuri's words, aunt Lingling froze on the spot and blinked.

She originally wanted to capture the handsome Lin Yu as her husband for a few months…but the other party fell in love with Smoothie…

deceiving my mother no longer young?


When the children around Aunt Lingling heard Katakuri's words, they were all stunned and looked shocked.

They didn't expect that God Killer Lin Yu was so courageous that he actually wanted to marry with their BIGMOM pirates, and the marriage partner was actually Smooth… The

current four dessert generals were blamed two years later Charlotte Snag, who was defeated by Monk Urji, said in astonishment: "The God Killer Lin Yu actually fell in love with Sister Smoothie?"

Smoothie is one of the four dessert generals of the BIGMOM Pirates. Second only to Katakuri.

"It's just technical information about flying ships. How dare he, Lin Yu, think about it?"

After quickly recovering from the shock, Aunt Lingling roared at the phone bug, with a sharp and harsh voice.

Smoothie is one of her four dessert generals, and is an important combat force and pillar of the BIGMOM Pirates.

Lin Yu must be too courageous to exchange for the general star Simuji with only the design drawings and information of the flying ship.

Katakuri had already anticipated Auntie's anger. He continued unhurriedly:

"Mom, Lin Yu has caught Laura. If mother agrees, he can trade Laura for Smoothie."

"Lola ." …" Hearing this, Aunt Lingling was stunned again.

Laura is the unfilial daughter of her aunt Lingling who was favored by the prince of the Giant Kingdom.

It is an important prop for the marriage between the BIGMOM Pirates and the world's most powerful country, the Giant Country.

But now, she was caught by Lin Yu and exchanged it for Smoothie…

Perospero and Snag next to her. Garret and others also looked shocked, and they all turned to look at their mother, wanting to know what decision she made.

Aunt Lingling said to the phone bug:

"Katakuri, isn't there a way to catch Lin Yu?"

As the four emperors of the new world, whether it is information on flying ships, Laura, or Smoothie, Aunt Lingling Want them all! ! !

Katakuri said in the phone bug: "The God Killer Lin Yu is very cautious, has the ability to camouflage and fly, and the ship sails extremely fast." "Unless we set up a

trap and ambush, we have no certainty of catching the opponent. "

Perospero, who was beside Aunt Lingling, suggested: "How about using marriage and engagement as an excuse to trick him into coming to all nations?"

Katakuri frowned when he heard his elder brother's words.

Since Lin Yu even knows about Laura and the Prince of the Giant Kingdom, he probably also knows the situation of their BIGMOM pirates very well.

Although Katakuri had not met Lin Yu before, the woman in professional attire relayed the information throughout the process.

But judging from Lin Yu's cautious behavior disguised as a chamber of commerce.

Katakuri felt that this kind of trap could only deceive fools, but the other party would probably not fall for it.

And once the other party sees through it, I am afraid that I will become passive.

It is very likely that the other party will take the opportunity to blackmail you or the lion will open his mouth…