
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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145 Chs

Time Skip

It has been a little less than a year and a half since we arrived at this island, and we have spent every little second of it training and pushing our bodies to the limit. The extreme environment of this place together with the dangerous wildlife, helped us improve faster.

On the contrary to what we thought at first, the island didn't have one climate, but the seasons kept changing almost every month, which made adapting to the weather very difficult. It was similar to the island where Luffy trained on, in the time skip.

The size of the island is also humongous, and it's filled with hundreds of stupidly strong beasts, which I forced everyone to fight on a daily basis.

Until this point my Rokushiki training was a success, I managed to acquire Kami-e about eight months ago, thus making me possess all the six techniques. The way I trained it is by relaxing my muscles and constantly dodging attacks.

After that, I focused on enhancing all of them to reach a mastery level so I could finally learn Rokuogan.

I also managed to develop my devil fruit power to the point that I could confidently say that I'm nearly as strong as Ace, if we exclude Haki.

As for the Haki training, it wasn't as good as imagined. After all this time I only managed to use the Invisible Armament a few times unintentionally. It was at a very basic level, but still able to hurt those tough beasts.

The bad news is, I didn't make any progress on Observation Haki since I was focusing more on Armament. The other problem I faced while training Observation is that there is nobody who can hit me, since I'm a logia I need someone who can use Haki in order for the training to be more effective.

'It's not like I have Luffy's talent or a legendary teacher…' I was a little frustrated by the slow progress, but it was understandable since I don't have someone to guide me the right way. Instead, I'm just working hard and doing what I think is right.

"Hahaha…what am I getting worked up for? I have just started my journey…I still a have plenty of time to get stronger" I shook my head as I tried to get rid of the negative thoughts.

"It's time to leave this place" I originally planned to only stay for a few months, but it wasn't enough time for me to awaken my Haki, so I had to prolong our stay for a little longer.

I quickly made my way back to the place where we were staying. Calvin and Diana were just sitting around waiting for me, while Ken already went out to prepare the ship for our departure.

"You're back…" Calvin got on his feet "We are finally leaving, huh?"


"I can't imagine how you lived for a year like this on that island back in east blue" He said to me then added "I would've lost my mind if I were you" he stated.

"I would have gone mad without my best friend Wilson" I said jokingly, then I turned my attention to Diana who looked in a deplorable condition "How long are you going to sit there?" I asked.

"Begone demon…" she replied with a low voice without looking at me, her eyes looked lifeless.

"Hmph…You seem to lack a bit of discipline…" I took a few steps back" Maybe sparring with 15 meters tall gorilla will do the work" I had a twisted smile on my face when I said that.

When she heard that, her face instantly turned ugly, and she started sweating "I'm okay! Let's go!" She hastily got on her feet without wasting any second and went running after Calvin.

'Maybe the training was too harsh' I scratched my head thinking about it, then I made my way to the ship.

"Boss! We are ready to leave!" Ken shouted at my direction when he saw me coming.

"Alright let's go!" I gave order and we immediately sailed out.

"The weather looks good. I hope we don't get swept by a storm this time" Diana uttered while she was leaning on the ship's mizzenmast cleaning her rifle.

"Doesn't matter. We will keep moving toward our destination" I told everyone.

A few days later,

The sea was calm, and our travel was smooth until this point.

Unexpectedly, we saw a large vessel appearing from a distance.

"Boss! We got someone on our tail!" Ken informed me, then I proceeded to grab the spyglass to check who it was. I was a little bit surprised when I saw the marine flag.


"I'm itching for a real fight, since we've been stuck on that shit island for so long" Calvin said with a smirk "I hope I meet someone who can entertain me"

"All you guys think about is fighting" Diana said with a bored face.

"No, let's just ignore them"

"That's not like you" Calvin looked disappointed since we aren't going to fight.

"We don't know who is in that ship. Plus, we are already close to our destination, so let's just keep moving" Ken nodded in understanding and kept steering the ship forward.

A few hours later we finally reached our goal. Nishi Land, an archipelago with Nishi Island in its center, and a several subsidiary islands arranged around it.

We decided to land on the nearest one to us. When we arrived, we docked and tried to make our way to town like we usually do, but we were stopped by a few people before we could leave the port.

They were dressed up elegantly, each one of them was wearing an all-black pinstriped suit with a tie, and a Fedoras hat which has a soft brim and indented crown.

"Halt!" Said one of them, as they were approaching us "What business do you have here?!" He asked while he examined us from a distance.

"It's none of your business" I responded while putting my hand on my pistol trying to intimidate him, he looked at me calmly before he changed his gaze toward our ship.

When he saw the pirate flag, he turned to me and said "Pirates are not welcomed here"

"Pirates are not welcomed anywhere" I said, then I left without paying any more attention to them, and the crew also followed me after that.

"Inaki family is in charge of this place…" I stopped for a moment then I turned my head toward him. He showed me the back of his hand which had a blue tattoo on it "Keep that in mind while you're here" he said then he left with the others.

"Is this place run by a mob boss?" Diana commented on what happened.

"We'll see about that"

'Though they had Asian features, maybe yakuza or triads' I thought.

[Somewhere in Nishi Land],

"Young Master, we have a new report" A fierce looking man with a neck tattoo said respectfully.

"What is it?" A tall good-looking man wearing a refined suit responded.

"A group of pirates landed on Chi Island" the man reported.

"Pirates pass by all the time, it's not a big problem as long as they don't cause troubles"

"We did some research about them, and they turned out to be a quite dangerous group" The man stated.

"Well, let's assign a few men to keep an eye on them in case"

"Actually…Your youngest brother Ian already went after them…" The man said hesitantly.

"What?!" The young master face slapped himself "That reckless bastard is going to get himself killed one day!" he seemed angry at first, but he quickly calmed down "Sigh!...Send some people after him before he causes some serious problem, and in the meantime tell father that I'll be visiting to discuss our next plan"

"Alright, I'll inform Master Kai as soon as I get back" The man bowed in understanding.

"If you don't have anything else you could leave"

"Actually, there is something else…"


"A marine ship was spotted docking in the main Island, according to the report, the one in charge is Rear Admiral"

"A Rear Admiral?!" The young master looked shocked "What are they planning to do here?..."