
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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145 Chs

The Ancient Weapons

Ascendance Valley's 3rd Island where Emma and the rest were having a major battle against the Marines Lead by Admiral Fujitora…

While the Giants, Dorry, Broggy, Kuro, Gin, Desire and the Seraphim took care of the Vice Admirals and the lower ranking Marine Officers, Emma, Shiryu, Van Augur and S-Demon fought Fujitora.

"Gravity Blade" with a simple sword swing Fujitora sent gravitational force downwards at Shiryu and Van Augur.

*BAAM* Shiryu was crushed down into the ground by the gravity force, creating a deep hole while Van Augur used his Warp-Warp fruit to teleport behind Fujitora and shot several bullets from his rifle.

Fujitora quickly used his sword to easily block them, but Van Augur's attack was just a distraction for Emma and S-Demon to him.

"Time Warp!" Using her Awakned power, Emma created a rift in the fabric of time, allowing her to teleport herself and S-Demon near Fujitora and both attacked him at the same time, swinging their swords and slashing him at the chest.

Fujitora managed to use his sword to block the attack in time, but he was still sent flying away, giving S-Demon the chance to strike him again. He used the Float-Float ability, the same one of Shiki to send two large boulders he made contact with before at Fujitora and crushed him from both sides.

Fujitora looked shaken from that attack and Shiryu took the chance to stab him from the back.

"…Puff…Although my invisibility power is useless against you, don't think you could take me down that easily…Fujitora" Shiryu calmly said while smoking a large cigar.

"It won't be easily to take you down after all" Fujitora said while holding his injury after escaping Shiryu's grasped, before he summoned a massive meteor down at their position.

When S-Demon saw that, he unleashed a strong flying slash, cutting it in half before Emma and Shiryu cut them further into small pieces after that.

The fight was intense, but after a few hours Emma and the rest emerged victorious marking the end of the Ascendance Valley War at last.

In the 2nd Island where Ashen and the main crew was…

"Alright let's wrapped this up, kill every member of the Red Hair Pirates without any exception!" Ashen gave orders to his crew, The Red Hair Pirates were far too dangerous to be left alive especially now that Ashen killed their captain and crew mates, the ones who survived would definitely come back in the future for revenge if he let them walk away.

Thus, the Red Hair Pirates were gathered together and executed one by one with a bullet in the head, and only Buggy and his crew were left alive. Buggy on the other hands wasn't that dangerous and Ashen easily intimidated him into joining him as a subordinate crew, which Buggy eventually accepted out of fear, and he also did that after seeing Mihawk allying with Ashen.

"Take the wounded back to the ship and treat them, don't let anyone else die here today!" Ashen walked around the battlefield helping the rest to carry the wounded back to the ships before he stumbled upon Ian who was lying on the ground unconscious and with a missing arm.

"Shit!!" When he saw him, Ashen quickly picked him up and his severed arm before he flew towards the ship and drop him inside, and then called the doctors in the crew after that.

"He lost a lot of blood, and his injuries are life threatening…replantation of his arm is also impossible, the area is too damaged!" One of the doctors stated while checking on Ian.

"It can't be helped then, just save his life!" Ashen said to the doctors amd stayed with them for a while before he left the operation room. Everyone was waiting outside and looked worried.

"How is he?" Calvin asked Ashen, he and Ian were very close friends.

"Not very good, it's also too late to attach his arm back…to be honest I expected a lot more casualties and devastating loss in this war, I'm really glad that none of you died…"

"Don't worry, you're stuck with us!" Enel said with a smile.

"Dying before achieving our goal is not an option" Moria added.

"Hahahaha! Let's have a big party with everyone after this, Ashen!" Yamato exclaimed in excitement while wrapping her arm around Ashen.

Although none of the officers died, but the number of casualties among the lower ranking crew members was a lot.

A few minutes later…

Ashen gave orders to prepare the ships to leave and waited for Shiki and Emma groups to call him back, before he and the rest noticed something strange by accident.

"Is that really what I think it is?" Enel questioned.

"Yes, that's the Ancient Weapon…"

"…Uranus!!" Ashen exclaimed, taken aback by the sudden appearance of an Ancient Weapon "They are really dead set on killing us here today"

A massive shadow of an object flying above the clouds could be seen. When Ashen saw that his facial expression instantly changed, and he immediately ordered everyone to get in the ships and sail as far away from the islands as possible before he called the others using a Den Den Mushi to warn them of what's coming.

"Purupurupuru… Purupurupuru… Purupu--*CLICK*"

<This is Shiki>

"It's me, Ashen!"

<Ohh, it looks like you won as well! As expected, Jihahaha!>

"It's not time for a chat, quickly take everyone and get the hell out of that island!!" Ashen said to Shiki in urgency.

<Hey, what the hell is going on?>

"Just do it I'll explain later!!"

<We already embarked and left the island's por--?!!!>

Before Shiki could finish his sentence, a massive object shrouded by clouds appeared on top of the Island where Shiki was, and in an instant a rain of lasers was fired down onto the island followed by a big explosion, unlike anything they ever seen before leaving everyone who was watching in state of shock and horror.

The island was vaporized in an instant without a trace.

Luckily Shiki and the rest already sailed away from the island before it was destroyed.

"Hoi hoi, yo've got to be kidding me! The island was wiped out…with one attack?!!" Shiki looked shocked at what he saw, but already concluded that it was the Ancient Weapon Uranus that the World Government possess.

"Don't worry Shiki-san, the probability of our death today is…0%..." Hawkins calmly said while reading the signs of the Tarot Cards.

"Muhahaha! What a magnificent weapon, I wonder how it works!" Queen looked excited upon witnessing that unlike everyone else.

"We were lucky this time, Kid. If we left a few minutes later, we would have been wiped out along with the island" Killer said while standing next to Kid on top of the Victoria Punk.

"Those bastards are going around and destroying islands without a care, were they trying to kill their own men as well?!" Kid questioned.

"Haaa!! That was scary captain!" Bepo said to Law while sighing in relief, their submarine the Polar Tang was still floating on the surface of the sea.

"In the face of a weapon like that no person can win" Law commented.

Uranus didn't stop there and immediately flew on top of the other two islands destroying them in an instant as well, before it disappeared in the clouds.

Back at the Sword of Xebec, Ashen was extremely furious at the World Government actions.

"What are we going to do now?" Calvin asked him.

"I'll return this back to them ten-folds, we're going to Wano right away…York should be done recreating the energy source that we need to power Pluton" Ashen reunited with Shiki and the others before sailing to Wano.

A few days later they manage to make it there without any trouble and without wasting any more time, Ashen searched for Momonuske and took him as a hostage and made him summon Zunesha to open Wano's borders, revealing the Ancient Weapon Pluton.

Using Shiki's ability, it was very easy to transport the colossal ship to the island where York's lab was built, and after a few days of work she managed to fix it and power it up with the energy source of the Ancient Kingdom that she managed to recreat and it's now up and running.

Ian's life was also saved but he is now a one-armed man. As for Shiki's ear, it was successfully stitched back and healed.

A Week later…

[New World, Marine HQ near the Red Line – New Marineford]


<Attention! Enemy ships incoming!>

<Enemy ships incoming!>

"Sakazuki-san! The Ashen Pirates and Golden Lion Pirates have appeared near the HQ!" An officer informed Fleet Admiral Sakazuki.

"The Ashen Pirates you say? Are they officially declaring war against the World Government?! What is that demon planning?!" Sakazuki question as he got up from his desk "I guess I have no choice but to deal with them myself, those useless Admirals are not up to the task!"

After the War in Ascendance Valley, Ashen left the World Government in uncertainty about his next target so in order to be ready for an attack at Mary Geoise they summoned Admiral Julius while Admiral Chaton stayed in the HQ in case it was attacked.

A few minutes later…near the island's shores…

"Fleet Admiral Sakazuki-san! We have spotted a weird ship among the enemy fleet!" An officer informed him.

"What do you mean by a weird ship?"

"I-Its size is and the way it looks are not that of a normal ship!"

Sakazuki was confused at the officer's words, but their conversation was quickly interrupted by the ringing of the Den Den Mushi.

"This is Sakazuki, now is not a good time, if you have anything to say saving for later"

<We received the reports. You are to gather the fleet and leave the island at once!!>

One of the Elders ordered he was in a state of panic, Sakazuki's veins bulged from anger as he clenched the Den Den Muchi tightly, he didn't like the idea of the Elders telling him what to do, specially running away from pirates.

"Don't go joking around! How much do you want us to be humiliated, this is our chance to finally take them down for good!"

<It's an order! You are facing the Ancient Weapon Pluton! You are to leave the island at once!!>


Water near the Marine HQ…

A massive fleet of pirate ships could be seen surrounding the island, but the one that stood out the most is a colossal ship that was the size of a small island. It was the Ancient Weapon Pluton sailing in the vanguard along with the 'Sword of Xebec' and the 'Island Ship', its size alone was enough to cast fear in the heart of the enemies.

Pluton is ancient and colossal warship of unparalleled power. With an indestructible hull adorned with intricate carvings and rows of formidable cannons, it possesses the ability to unleash devastating firepower. At its core lies the Ancient Weapons System, enabling Pluton to focus its destructive might on a single target, obliterating entire islands with a cataclysmic blast.

Ashen was inside Pluton along with York, Franky, Queen and the scientific team that was controlling it.

"Are you sure about this?" York asked Ashen.

"Yeah, those fuckers didn't hesitate to blast the fuck out of us….do it!" Ashen gave York the order, and Pluton's main canon that is located in the front of the ship was aimed at the island and all the energy was focused into it, before it fired cataclysmic blast that wiped out the New Marineford and everyone that was present there.

*KA-BOOOOM* The explosion and the aftershock were so strong that it pushed the ships back.

"Jiahahaha!! I love this weapon!" Shiki watched the destruction of the New Marineford in satisfaction.

"…" Ashen watched the scene in silence, before he spoke to everyone through a Den Den Muchi speaker.

"We're changing our destination…It's time invade Mary Geoise!"