
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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The 2 Years Time Skip

After the Marineford War, the world witnessed major changes. First and foremost is Whitebeard's territories becoming the target of many pirates, on top of them is Blackbeard who used his knowledge to take over his territory and expand his influence.

Fleet Admiral Sengoku resigned from his position two weeks after the war, and due to the fact that the only Admiral left was Akainu, he was the one replacing him.

After that, under orders of Fleet Admiral Sakazuki the Marine Headquarters was moved to the New World replacing G-1 Marine Base which is now known as the New Marineford. Though the marines managed to defeat the Whitebeard Pirates, but after the arrival of Yonko Ashen and Shiki they lost two Admirals and they were weakened severely.

The marines recognized the threat of the Yonko to them and increased the number of seats for Admiral position to 4 instead of 3. During the next two years they recruited two new Admirals, while two others were promoted from the Vice-Admiral position.

The new Admirals are…

[Admiral Issho – Code Name: Fujitora (Literally means Wisteria Tiger)]

[Admiral Aramaki – Code Name: Ryokugyu (Literally means Green Bull)]

[Admiral Gion – Code Name: Momousagi (Literally means Pink Rabbit)]

[Admiral Julius – Code Name: Murasakihyō (Literally means Purple Leopard)]

Shortly after the war, the supernova, Capone Bege, Jewlry Bonney, Basil Hawkins, Scratchmen Appo, Eustass Kid, Killer, X Drake and Trafalgar Law with the exception of Luffy and Zoro sailed to the New World. The World Government also labelled them as the Worst Generation for their actions in Sabaody Archipelago along with two non-rookies, Blackbeard and Emma Helios because of their actions in Marineford war.

Shiki and Blackbeard were considered the top candidate to replace Whitebeard among the Four Emperors following the latter's death, and Blackbeard would do so in a year after conquering much of his old captain's territory and thoroughly defeating the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates in the Payback War.

The Supernovas also became involved with the Four Emperors in various manners. Kid and Killer launched attacks on the Red Hair Pirates, with Kid losing one of his arms in a battle with him. Bege and Apoo each invaded Ashen's territory, and Bege joined the Ashen Pirates as a subordinate crew while Appo was defeated but managed to flee with serious injuries. Drake joined the Beasts Pirates after invading one of Kaidou's favorite islands, and quickly rose up the ranks to become a member of the crew's Tobiroppo; Apoo also secretly joined the Beasts Pirates as an informant.

The New World, near the Territory of Yonko Ashen…

Two pirate ships can be seen in the sea, the first one is The Fire Tank Pirates' ship, the Nostra Castello. It has a fortress theme, having a castle instead of a cabin and equipped with cannons even on the figurehead.

While the second ship resembles the infamous Sword of Xebec but with a different figure head, the figure has a potbellied, Raijin-esque lightning figure that resembles the God of Thunder move performed by the captain of the ship, Enel.

"The enemy ship is approaching from behind-rero!" Vito informed his captain Bege who had a serious look on his face.

"Here they come!" Bege said while glancing at the ship. Enel was sitting cross-legged on top of it while eating an apple.

[One of the 'Demonic Captains', captain of the second ship – 'God of Thunder' Enel, Dead or Alive 1.815.000.000 Berries]

"We have the enemy ship on range!" One of Enel's men informed him.

Enel calmly gave orders "*Munch*-*Munch*…*Gulp*…Alright, start firing"

*CANNON-SHOT*-*CANNON-SHOT* Immediately after that the ship started firing at Fire Tank Pirates'.

"Bring the ship about quickly! Prepare the bow chaser!" Bege gave order and the ship quickly turned towards the enemy aiming at them.

"Fire-rero!" Vito ordered and dozens of cannon shots were fired back, though they missed most of them.

"Not bad for a bunch of rookies…" Enel said as he picked up his golden staff and got his feet.

"Enel-san…" Without a noticed Enel used his lightning power with Soru appearing on top of the Bege's ships in the lightning speed.

"Father! Look up there!" One of Bege's men pointed at the flying Enel.

"When did he?--"

Enel sent a powerful beam of lightning downwards targeting Bege and the rest of his men.

*BOOOOM* The attack knocked out all of Bege's men except Vito, Gotti.

As the dust settled Bege looked upwards again, but he didn't see Enel.

"It's already over." Enel said while already sitting on the ship's deck behind Bege and the others.

"Enel!" Bege looked shocked at his insane speed.

"Yahahaha!" Enel laughed loudly at their reaction.

"You son of a…" Vito and Gotti were angry at his actions, and they attacked him at the same time.

Enel proceeded to calmly point both his index fingers at their foreheads and discharged a 100.000.000 Volt electricity shocking both of them at the same time and rendering them unconscious.

Bege looked shocked at that.

"I won't hurt you as long as you stay quiet. Understood?" Enel said with a menacing tone of voice.

Even Bege looked intimidated by that. After a moment of silence, Enel turned to Bege and spoke to him.

"Say, how about you join us? Ashen is always looking for strong people, although your buddy Appo from the worst generation got away from us last time I won't do the same mistake with you, so chose carefully" Enel gave Bege an offer.

During this time Ashen made sure to increase his army, recruiting more people and giving them SMILE fruit, he now has over 250 Gifters, people who ate the artificial fruits roughly the same number Kaido has, as well as over a 1000 zombie made by Moria's shadow power, Ashen even built an entire underground prison with hundreds of cells where he kept prisoners away from the sun light just for that.

The most notable ones are the following…

['Sword God' Shimotsuki Ryuma]

[Oars the Continent-Puller]

[Previous member of Rocks Pirates, Captain John]

[Previous member of Rocks Pirates, Wang Zhi]

[Previous member of Rocks Pirates, Silver-Axe]

[Previous Admiral of the Navy, Kuzan]

[Previous Admiral of the Navy, Borsalino]

[Previous Officer of Big Mom Pirates, Charlotte Perospero]

[Previous Officer of Big Mom Pirates, Charlotte Daifuku]

[Previous Officer of Big Mom Pirates, Charlotte Smoothie]

[Previous Officer of Big Mom Pirates, Charlotte Compote]

[Lodestar Island Dragon, Alduin] (Named after Alduin 'The World Eater' from Skyrim)

(Lol, this is reminding me of Solo Leveling 'Arise'…Anyway, let me know if I forgot someone, the Big Mom officer that Ian killer weren't found, Big Mom's body as well)

As for Shiki, with the help of Doctor Indigo he managed to create hundreds of mutated animals with the SIQ drug. He also built himself a fleet of ships.

A year later, the Strawhat Pirates appeared again in Sabaody Archipelago and entered the New World as well.

Kid, Appo and Basil Hawkins made an alliance to take down a Yonko but ended with the betrayal of Appo who was an informant of Kaido, Basil Hawkins chose to join Kaido in fear of his life, but Kid and his crew chose to fight back to the end and was eventually defeated and imprisoned back in Wano.

Shortly after that, Luffy and Law made an alliance and defeated the Warlord of The Sea Doflamingo and freeing the Kingdom of Dressrosa. Of course Ashen already knew that but it didn't matter to him, he didn't bother to save Doflamingo who was transported to Impel Down by Admiral Fujitora, Vice-Admiral Tsuru and Sengoku since the abolition of the Warlords System was going to happen soon, and without Punk Hazard and Dressrosa, Doflamingo won't be able to produce SMILE anymore and it also was the time for Ashen to move anyway.

Tough Kaido tried to save him by sending Jack to attack the ship that he was transported on, but he failed to do so with the presence of an Admiral.

Three months later the world Government announced the Levely, which consist of 50 of the world's leaders out of the over 170 nations affiliated with the World Government.

During the Levely, Nefertari Cobra and Riku Doldo III persuaded the other royals to vote for the dissolution of the Seven Warlords of the Sea system.

As royals gathered at Mary Geoise, the Revolutionary Army initiated their plan to declare war on the World Nobles with Sabo, Lindbergh, Karasu, and Morley infiltrating the holy land. They eventually clashed with Admiral Fujitora and Ryokugyu.

After the event, King Cobra was announced dead and Princess Vivi missing.

At the same time, the Strawhat Pirates, along with other members of the Worst Generation, Eustass Kid, Trafalgar Law and Emma Helios invaded Onigashima in an attempt to take down Yonko Kaido.


[The Island of Women – Amazon Lily, Calm Belt],

Dozens of Marine Ships could be seeing invading the island.

"The gates are down!!"

"We're under fire! The Kuja are resisting!!"

<Deploy the new Pacifistas! The Seraphims should be on the front lines!!> Orders were given.

"Still not ready to come out and face us, Hancock?" Vice Admiral Yamakaji asked while smoking a thick cigar with a smile.

<Get ready to record what happens!>


"Who is that?! I can't fight children!!" Marguerite said while looking at three children in the front line.

"The chapter of overwhelming strength…!! Also…Isn't that…?!" Seat Pea pointed at the Seraphim that resembles Hancock as a child, but with the same hairstyle and earrings as the adult Hancock, and is also significantly larger in size, before she fired laser from her palm.

In the sea the Navy ships noticed another warship approaching the island.

"Warship spotted!! Watch the stern!!" A navy soldier informed everyone while looking with the spy glass.

"Huh? WHAT THE-?"

<Attention!! report from the shore!! Pirates Incoming!!>

The Warship was finally recognized as Blackbeard's ship.

<An Emperor's crew is here!! It's the Blackbeard Pirates!!>

Immediately after that, a massive seaquake hit Navy fleet causing huge waves to be generated.

<It's a seaquake!! The Sea Kings will notice us!!>

"Zehahahaha!!" Blackbeard was standing on top of his ship with a bottle of sake in his hand. Standing behind him is Vasco Shot, Catarina Devon and Charlotte Oven.

"Zehahaha! I've come for the Pirate Empress!!...I won't let a power like hers fall into the Navy's clutches!!" Blackbeard declared.

"Hehehe, that Hancock…what a gorgeous face…her head will make a wonderful trophy after I wring her neck!" Devon said.

"Hang on!! Don'tcha think we could…have more fun with her if we took her alive" Vasco Shot said getting excited at the thought of that.

"Get a hold of yourselves you bunch of morons, if you feel lust for her, she will turn you to stones" Oven said to Vasco Shot and Devon.

"You can have your way with her after we take her power" Blackbeard told them, his eyes fixed on the island, before he landed.

The moment he stepped foot on the island he moved his hand back and punched the air, cracking and sending a massive earthquake towards the Navy soldiers.


*KA-BOOOM* the attack took out dozens of soldiers.

"I'm not here for you fleas!!...Get out here. Boa Hancock!!"

"I can't say I'm surprised. We expected other pirates to want a piece of the former Warlord!!" Captain Koby stated, he was also present.

After that, Blackbeard's crew also landed and started engaging with the Navy on land, but the situation didn't look good for them.

"Commodore Teach!! Save us!!"

"Nothing phases this thing!!" dozens of his crew members screamed at his direction.

"Huh?" When Blackbeard turned to them he was shocked at what he saw "Wait…you're kidding!! White hair, brown skin…and black wings?!"

"You guys aren't serious? These two kids took all of you down?!" Blackbeard said while looking at them, one of them resembled Mihawk as a child, but is significantly larger in size and the other one resembles Katakuri as a child as well.

"PX…?!" as Blackbeard questioned, S-Hawk sent a flying sword slash towards him while S-Panther tightly twisted his mochi arm and then untwisted it while thrusting his trident forward, creating a very powerful drilling stab.

"Don't tell me…They are Pacifistas?!" Blackbeard managed to dodge them, as S-Hawk flying slash cut a mountain in half.

"Why does he look like and have brother Katakuri's power?!!" Oven looked in complete shock.

"Damn it!! Pacifistas brats!! What the hell is going on?!" Blackbeard questioned as his forehead veins bulged in anger, before S-Hawk and S-Panther attacked him again.

"Black Hole!!"

Near them, Boa Hancock moved on the Navy and Blackbeard Pirates using her devil fruit to turn them into stones.

"Slave Arrow!!"

"Hey, stop it Pacifista! You'll smash the people who've been turned to status. STOP RIGHT NOW!! That's an order!" Koby tried to stop the Pacifistas before Blackbeard showed up near him and Hancock.

"Zehahaha!! I see they don't call you Empress for nothing!" Blackbeard said while squeezing her throat, all of his officers except Oven who was careful turned into stones "I've had my eyes …on your power for quite a while!!"

"FEH!! My beauty is what. Makes this power formidable!!" Hancock said in arrogance while trying to break free from Blackbeard's hold "If you kill me, all your little friends will remain status forever. Whoever inherit my power won't be able to release them!!"

While Blackbeard was busy with Hancock a figure suddenly appeared on the island.

"I knew the Navy would lay siege to the island…but I didn't think the terrain here would get devastated" the figure said.

"D-Dark King Rayleigh?!"

[The Pirate King's Right Hand "Dark King" Silvers Rayleigh]

"Whitebeard's old apprentice, huh…it's immature to admit this, but I really don't like you" Rayleigh said to him while holding his sword. Blackbeard looked very intimidated by his presence.

"Hancock, release everybody that's been turned to stone. I will ensure this de-escalates without issue" Rayleigh said with a commanding voice "Then the invaders will leave the island…I won't allow any funny business"