
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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145 Chs

Sky Island

"White sea?"

"We finally made it!" I observed the large water like clouds that were forming a path stretching a few kilometers forward.

"What now?" just as Diana asked, a large rock lobster appeared under the ship "What the hell?!" he proceeded to carry the ship on top of his back and started swimming at incredible speed "A lobster?!".


"Should I knock him down?!" Ian asked, standing on the edge of the ship ready to jump off.

"Don't be stupid, how would you get back?" Calvin grabbed him from his back collar and dragged him back.

"Be patient we're almost there" I informed them.

After a few minutes we arrived after the lobster tossed us up again and the ship finally landed on the fluffy cloudy surface.

"That damn lobster! I sh-" Ian stopped mid-sentence when his eyes fell upon the breathtaking view Infront of him.

"T-There's an Island!" Yamamoto exclaimed.

"This is…Sky Island" Ken muttered.

Everybody froze and their place for moment, witnessing the unbelievable view.

'This is…it looks so much better in real life!' I stopped to enjoy the view for a moment.

"Alright, let's go!" I immediately jumped off the ship "Are you guys coming?" I asked them, everyone went back to their senses when they heard me and proceeded to do the same.

"The ground is solid…" Calvin commented while kicking it with his feet.

"This is strange, I thought we would fall off" Ian said on his knees checking the white fluffy surface before he changed his gaze when he noticed some people approaching us "Someone is coming"

Around Twenty people dressed up in all white followed by a strange pink bird where walking in our direction. Some of them were carrying weapons, spears precisely.

"Those are…" Ken observed the incoming people.

"ANGELS!!" Ian screamed in disbelief.

"Pfftt…HAHAHAHAHA!!" hearing that, I couldn't help myself but burst into laughter "Phiew!…Those are not angels, they are Skypieans" I stated. When they got close enough to us, I was able to recognize the one leading them.

He was an old man of average height with long white hair, mustache, and beard. He was wearing a long white outfit with a yellow cloak, and unlike the other ones he didn't have any wings.

When they arrived, they kept their distance away from us before the man leading started speaking.

"Welcome, all the way from the Blue Sea" he said, he was Gan Fall the god of Skypiea.


"-Heso!" The people behind him also greeted us afterwards.

"They seem friendly" Calvin said to me.

"Ah…" I took a few steps forward before I spoke to him "Hello there! we came here to visit the Sky Island" I said with a friendly smile.

"I'm Gan Fall, you're welcome here as long as you don't cause trouble, blue sea dwellers" he said introducing himself.

"I'm Ashen and this is my crew!" I proceeded to introduce myself and the crew as well.

"Now that we finished the introductions, follow me I'll show you around" He turned back and said "It's not every day that we get visitors like you up here"

Gan Fall proceeded to take us in a quick tour around the town.

"…You may stay in this place along with your crew" Gan pointed with his hand to a small building ahead of us "If you need anything you could ask the guards around the town, they'll make sure to attend your needs if they can"


"Well then, I will be taking my leave" He nodded with his head and left after that.

We proceeded to go in and take some rest first. Fortunately, the building had multiple rooms next to each other, so everyone could have their own privacy.

"Well everyone, have a good rest. We have a long day ahead of us" I said to them, then I entered one of the rooms.

"Man, I'm beat!" I immediately jumped on the bed. I kept thinking for a while before I was finally able to fall asleep.

"Ashen, you don't have to worry about anything…Just focus on your school"

"What are you saying?! Are you involved in that gang shit again?!"

"You know moms' medication is expensive"

"That's why I told you I'll drop out and find a job!"

"Stop being stubborn!"

"I'm sick of having to visit you every time you go to jail"


"!!!...A dream?" When I woke, I was in bed covered in sweat 'Why did I have to dream about that stupid brother of mine?'

'Come to think of it, I got so preoccupied in this new life that I forgot about my life on earth' I thought, as I kept recalling past memories 'I wonder how everyone is doing back on earth?' I started feeling nostalgic a bit.

'Shit! Now that I think about it, if I died then they most have went through my stuff…Cillian, I hope you didn't search my hard drive!'

"Man, I feel a sudden urge to play Skyrim" I stayed on the bed for a while before I shook my head and got up.

"I should get ready…" I got off my bed, put on some clothes and left after that. I went to get a breakfast on a near restaurant in Lovely Street and waited for everyone to wake up.

We are currently on Angel Island, but I'm planning to visit the upper yard before I go to Birka 'I want to see it…The city of gold'

Calvin arrived after me and we ate together before we went to training.

I'm currently half sunk in water, dodging Calvin's attacks while blindfolded. Since the Sea Clouds still contains water in them, I can't use my devil fruit powers.


'Try to use your six sense…Every attack has an intent…and a hint' I was trying to concentrate and fell the presence of the things around me 'Feel Calvin's presence and intent'.




'I can see it coming!'


'I can see his exact location! His next attack!'


I kept dodging his movement without getting hit.


"Nice one, Captain!" Calvin bro-handshacked me with a wide grin.

"Thanks!" I clenched my fist in satisfaction 'Now I must hone both types of Haki in real battles. The next thing I will need after that is conquerors'

"I think it's time to move" he told me. After everyone gathered up, we decided to move out immediately.

"Let's go!"

"Hey, what kind of training was that?" Ian asked.

"I'll tell you if you teach me how to train in Hasshoken martial art"

"I'll show you if you let me fight you!" Ian said excitedly "I've been wanting a rematch since the last time!"

"It's a deal then?"

"*Hand Slap*…Deal!" He declared.

"Do you only think about fighting, blockhead?" Diana asked him.

"Do you only know how to nag, witch?"

"The hell did you call me brat?"

"What? Do you want to fight?"

'Sigh…This two never get along' I sigh internally as I watched the two of them from behind.

"You really get along well, you two" Ken said to them.

"Did you hit your head old man?!" x2

"Hahaha, did I say something wrong?"

After we grouped up I went to ask a random guard who was patrolling around the town to show us the way to the upper yard, he was hesitant at first, warning us about how dangerous it is, and about the Shandians attacks. But I kept insisting until he gave up and showed me the way.

A few hours later,

[Upper Yard],

We are currently walking through the forest of the Upper Yard, it was like we were reduced to mere ant in comparison to its overgrown trees and plants.

"This looks different" Diana commented "It looks more like a normal island, but not quite normal at the same time" she was observing the surrounding in confusion.

"The trees are so huge!" Yamamoto exclaimed.

"It's because it's not a sky island" I stated.

"But…It's in the sky?" Ken was confused at my statement.

"This place used to be a part of Jaya until it was pushed up by the Knock Up Stream" I stated.

"You mean that the Knock Up Stream can lift an entire island?" They look surprised at my statement.

"But how do you know all of this?"

"I have once visited Ohara and managed to learn some things from there" I said.

'That was the worst lie I could come up with' I thought as I proceeded to tell them more about it "Anyway, we are here to see the ancient city, Shandora. It's also called the City of Gold"

"The City of Gold?" Ian became interested on the sudden "I-Is it really made of gold?"

"Ah…Pure gold"

"Pure Gold?!!" x4.

"Come to think of it, Ashen you've been carrying that huge barrel on your back" Calvin pointed out "Don't tell me…"

"I'm going to melt the gold and take it with me!" I declared loudly, "We are going to be rich…Zehahahaha!!!" I couldn't help myself from doing the Blackbeard laugh at this evil plan.

"You're a genius Captain!! With your fire power you could easily melt the gold!" Yamamoto said excitedly.

"isn't that basically stealing?" Ken said nervously.

"Do you have amnesia old man? We are pirates, I'll melt down the whole fucking city if I have!" Unfortunately, I can't.

After a few minutes later we finally arrived.

'Pure gold here I come!'