
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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145 Chs

Logue Town (2)

"IT'S HER!!" Someone shouted at our direction.

"We've been searching for you, all over the town!" A man said. He was holding a long sword and wearing a tricorn.

"IT'S THAT BITCH!!" A muscular bald man shouted while approaching us, he was accompanied with around ten armed men.

"HEY! WATCH YOUR MOUTH YOU LOW LIFE!" She replied in aggressive tone.

"I'M GOING TO CUT YOUR FUCKING TONG!!" he replied back then he pulled out his sword.

"You have some guts to steal from us!" another man said while pointing his gun at her, I was standing beside her cross armed enjoying the show.

"…You really have a death wish, aren't you?" I said to her while observing the situation.

The attackers didn't look like civilians since they were carrying mele weapons and firearms, they were most likely pirates who came here to resupply their ships before they enter the Grand Line.


"Hey! that guy beside her looks awfully familiar" someone exclaimed "I'm sure I saw him somewhere before" he pointed out.

"Yeah! You're right, I think I saw his face in the newspaper before"

"D-Demon of The Sea!!" one of the attackers blurted out while pointing his finger at me in fear.

"Huh?...You mean the infamous rookie, Captain of Ashen Pirates?"

One of them brought out a bounty poster and looked at the picture, then he looked back at me.

"I-IT'S HIM! Ashen 'Demon of The Sea' with a bounty of 19,500,000 berries!" Everyone became alarmed when they heard that.

"Shit! Is he with her?" the bald man cursed while clenching his weapon.

"Of all the people, it had to be him?!"

"It doesn't matter, there is at least thirty people here, even if it's him, he doesn't stand a chance" One of them said confidently.

"That can't be real!" the girl turned her head at me and kept scanning my face.

"Stop it!" I scowled at her.

"Hoi! Demon of The Sea, we don't have any business with you, we're here for the girl" The guy wearing the tricorn said while approaching me.

"I'm still not done with her" I said to him.

"I wasn't asking…" he said while pointing his sword at my neck. I kept eye contact with him for a moment, then in a blink of an eye I used Soru to teleport behind him and pulled my gun and aimed it at the back of his head.

"…" There was a moment of silence before I pulled the trigger.

"*GUNSHOT*" The bullet left a huge hole in his head, and he died on the spot.

"Know your place!" I said while looking at his dead body in disgust.


"ARE YOU CRAZY?!-WERE DEAD!!" The girl screamed at me in fright.

"PREPARE YOURSELF YOU FUCKER!!" Everyone pulled their weapons out and came charging at me.

"*GUNSHOT*-* GUNSHOT *" The ones with firearm shot from distance.

"That's not going to work on me!" I stated as I didn't bother to dodge the bullets.


"What kind of power he has?"

When they got close to me, I used Geppo to fly away from them and prepare for my attack.

"HE'S FLYING!" They all froze at their place looking at me in awe.

"ENKAI!" Once I reached a good height, I started swinging my outstretched hand around me, summoning flames in preparation of my attack.

"HE'S COVERED IN FLAME!! GET AWAY FROM HIM!!" they all tried to back away, but it was too late.

"HIBASHIRA" I shot my flames straight downward while I'm still mid-air.

"*BOOOM!!*" The attack created a huge shock wave and destroyed all the area while damaging the ships around us at the same time, killing half of the attackers and injuring the others.

"He is a monster…" The bald guy said while sweating in fear. When the attackers saw my performance some of them started running away but not before they encounter Calvin and Ken in their way.

"I didn't expect you guys to come this fast!"

"When we heard the commotion, we came immediately to check it out!" Calvin replied.

"I'm going to help out this time captain!" Ken said excitedly while holding a flintlock rifle in his hand.

"You might get in trouble if the marines find out about you, you know?" I said to him with a smile.

"I don't care anymore. I want to live the last years of my life the way I want" he looked determined.

"Shit! His crew members!"

"Do you think you're going to get away that easy after you attacked our captain?" Calvin approached them using Soru and killed them individually using Shigan, while Ken was using a rifle to shoot them. I was supporting them from a distance.

"There is no way weaklings like you would survive in the Grand Line!" I said then I gathered flames around my fist and shot it at their direction.

"FIRE FIST!" When I released my flames, they went flying at them in a high speed. The attack took them by surprise and didn't leave them any time to react.

"*EXPLOSION!!*" The attack was strong enough to burn some of them alive and severely injured the rest. After that the enemies lost their will to fight, and they surrendered to us.

"PLEASE DON'T KILL US WE SURRENDER!!" They started begging for their life.

"Would you have done the same?" I asked him, I was certain if the situation was reversed, they wouldn't spare me.

"…" They couldn't answer, and they just kept looking down.

"Sigh!!...if you get in my way again, I'll cute your dicks off! do you understand?" They nodded in relief and left.

"Are you sure about that?" Calvin asked me.

"They already surrendered, plus we still have the marines to deal with-Hmm?" I saw the girl from before trying to sneak away.

"Where do you think your going?" When she heard me, she started running.


"Be a good girl and stay here until I finish my business!" I glared at her.

"O-Okay…" She gave me a fake smile while scratching the back of her head.

"KEN! Keep your eyes on her while we deal with the marines. Be careful she is tricky one!"

"Don't worry boss!"

"Calvin let's go welcome our friends!"

"You don't have to say that! I've been itching for a good fight since my last time!" Calvin said excitedly.

There were five marine ships visible.