
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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145 Chs

Leaving Wano

"I just remembered something…" Ian said while scanning the area around, before his eyes caught Zeus and Prometheus.

"What are you looking for?" Diana asked him.

"These damn homies, they were playing around instead of helping" Ian's forehead veins bulged in anger as slowly walked to them.

"Hey, you might wanna calm down--"

"Shut up!"

"It's no use, he really has anger issues" Yamamoto said to Diana who was trying to calm Ian down as they walked behind him.

"Sigh…I guess we have to cope up with that"

"Where the fuck were you? you stupid thundercloud and shitty sun!" Ian shouted in anger as he tried to hit Zues and Prometheus with his metal bat, but unfortunately it went right through them.

"Just around" Prometheus replied casually.

"Don't play with me!"

"S-Sorry" Zeus apologized while looking panicked.

"Hey, it's not like it's our fault, you guys didn't call us" Prometheus said with a provocative smile "Besides, I only take orders from Ashen"

"Too bad for you…Ashen left me in charge here so you will do as I say or I'll extinguish you the fuck out of existence" Ian glared at Prometheus, making his point clearly. The two homies looked at each other before they proceeded to comply since they didn't have a choice, if Ian were to say to Ashen anything about the two refusing to abide to orders, he might just drown them.

"Now get your ass on the ship, we are going to hunt!"

Ian and rest proceeded to board Ian's personal ship, like every other commander the ship looked similar to the Sword of Xebec with some differences like the size and the figurehead, for Ian's ship it had a statue that resembles a hellhound.

A few hours later…Somewhere in the sea…

"Brother Ian, we managed to track them down, their ship can be seen in a distance from our vanguard" Yamamoto informed Ian while holding a spyglass in his hand. The latter took the spyglass and got a closer look on them.

"Should we approach them now, or until they dock on an island?" Diana asked him while holding her rifle ready to engage.

"They are all devil fruit users, being in the sea is in our advantage" Ian said, then added "Close the distance, we are going for a naval battle"

After Ian gave order, their ship managed to quickly catch up to them, since The Ashen Pirates Commanders ships were specifically built by Ashen's orders himself and he made sure they are both sturdy and fast at the same time.

As the two ships got pretty close to each other, Ian didn't waste any time and grabbed Zeus and Prometheus.

"Make sure this beauty doesn't get damaged" Ian said referring to his ship.

"What do--?!!" Without waiting for an answered he immediately propelled himself into the air using a Hasshoken shockwave while using Soru and Geppo to fly toward the enemy ship.

"That stupid bastard!!"

"Is he seriously attacking alone?!" Amber asked looking panicked at Ian's action.

"He's using Zeus and Prometheus!" Yamamoto remarked while taking out some rocks from his pocket, ready to fight as well.

"Hey, you guys…Big Dad is here!" Ian exclaimed, flying in the air his metal bat piercing through Prometheus at the base and Zeus at the tip while smiling manically "Take this!...WRAAAH!!"

Prometheus and Zeus merged their respective elements, forming several tendrils of lightning and fire that joined in a large circular energy ring in between them. Then, by swinging his metal bat, Ian unleashed the energy in the form of a thin, highly concentrated laser-like beam that can pierce through flesh in an instant and culminates in a large explosion.

"Let's see, I'll call this attack…The Charlotte Family Annihilator!!" Ian wore a sinister smile in his face as the laser-like beam he unleashed flew towards the enemy ship at a blinding speed.

"Those bastards! How the hell did they tame Zeus and Prometheus!" Cracker exclaimed.

"Shit! Take cover--!!!" Katakuri shouted in panic as he foresaw the next attack with his future sight.

*BOOOM* As the attack hit the ship, a massive explosion was caused on board and the ship took a lot of damage, the laser-like beam was able to pierce Charlotte Cinnamon's chest before it exploded causing third degree burns in her skin while leaving her to bleed to death.

Ian didn't stop there, and he proceeded attack once more aiming to sink down the ship, channeling his Hasshoken energy into his metal bat enveloping it by a green aura on top of Prometheus fire and Zeus lighting. And with a powerful swing he launched yet another devastating attack, except this time it carried a strong shockwave with it.

Katakuri and the others tried to block or minimize the damage, but Ian's attacks covered a big range, more over Yamamoto also supported his attack launching a few small rocks at the ship and enlarging them as they got close further increasing the damage. In the end the ship couldn't take the pressure from all these attacks and was sunk along with them.

"Get swallowed weaklings"


Every person has a story, whether it's sad or happy and Ian was no different.

Ian grew up in a world of organized crime, born into a powerful mob family led by his father, The Patriarch Kai Inaki. The family's influence extended far and wide, instilling fear and respect among their rivals. As a child, Ian witnessed the ruthlessness and violence that came with their lifestyle. His mother, Sofia and his little sister Ann, were an innocent victims caught in the crossfire of the feuding mob families.

One tragic day, a brutal conflict erupted between the rival families. Ian's mother and little sister became an unintended casualty, caught in the crossfire. Their lives were taken, leaving Ian with a void that could never be filled. Their loss shattered his innocence, replacing it with a deep-rooted anger and thirst for chaos.

Haunted by the memory of their demise, Ian grew into a troublemaker, a storm of rebellion against the world that had torn his family apart including his father whom he blamed for being too weak and causing their death. He sought solace in the thrill of battle, craving the adrenaline rush that violence provided. With each confrontation, his ruthlessness intensified, as if he were trying to drown out his pain in a sea of bloodshed.

The streets became Ian's arena, his battleground. He fought anyone who dared to challenge him, seeking battles that would push him to the brink of his limits. His relentless pursuit of strength and dominance fueled his reputation as a battle maniac.

Ian: "I'll show them all! No one can stand in my way!"

Street Fighter: "You're a wild one, kid. But remember, strength without purpose is meaningless. Find something worth fighting for"

Ian: "I fight because I can! Because it's all I know! There's no purpose, just chaos and pain!"

As Ian continued his rampage, clashes with powerful foes became a common occurrence. The thrill of battle consumed him, each victory igniting his insatiable hunger for more and each defeat motivating him to grow stronger.

But as time went on, a realization began to creep into the depths of Ian's consciousness. Beneath the turbulent sea of his rage, he yearned for something more than mindless destruction. There was a faint longing for purpose, a glimmer of understanding that his strength could be used to shape the world rather than just merely tear it apart.

That's when he met Ashen, a fearless pirate whom he shared the same love for fighting and getting stronger. Ashen promised him for something more than just mindless fighting, he promised an adventure, he promised to change the world.


"Tsk, why am I thinking about this right now?"

[Wano, Onigashima],

The fight between Yamato and Jack reached its peak as both kids unleashed the full power of their devil fruits, the Zou Zou no Mi, Model: Mammoth and the Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Okuchi no Makami.

While in his full beast form which gives him abnormal size, Jack used his trunk to smash down Yamato.

"Kagamiyama!" The latter got in a defensive position fully encasing herself in ice, which initially cannot be distinguished from her body. When she was struck by Jack's attack, said armor-like coating absorbed the damage, becoming visible as it cracked and broke off Yamato like glass.

"Yamato, why aren't you fight in our side?!" Jack asked he unleashed a barrage of devastating attacks using his trunk. Yamato used the speed and agility that her beast form gives her to dodged them.

While they were busy fighting, their attention was shifted seeing Kaido in his full dragon crashing into the Skull Dome near them.



Both of them looked shocked before they changed their gaze to Ashen who was standing on top of a gigantic humanoid avatar made of flames. The flames slowly started fading away and giant humanoid avatar disappeared, then Ashen proceeded to speak to his crew.

"Calvin, Urouge we are leaving!" Ashen informed them. Calvin quickly grabbed Urouge who was in the middle of fighting and used Geppo to fly to the ship with him.

"You think I'm going to let you go that easy?!" Mesagi said as he made a small cloud and proceeded to hope on top of it flying after them, he also used his wind power to increase his speed.

He proceeded to create a massive lightning bolt using a thundercloud and tried to attack them from behind but, unfortunately for him Ashen didn't let him do that as he suddenly appeared in front of him.


"Yo blondie! It's been a long time, can you get the fuck out of my way?" Ashen said as he blocked his way and with a quick Conqueror's infused sword slash, he sent Mesagi crashing into the ground.

When Yamato saw Ashen about to leave, she quickly used all her strength to take down Jack who was distracted.

"Namuji Hyoga!!" she reared her head back, took a deep breath, and then abruptly exhaled forward a dense blast of cold air at Jack, freezing him solid before she ran to Ashen with all her might.

"Wait!" Yamato said turning back to her human form and waving at Ashen's direction, grabbing his attention.

"Yamato?...What do you want?" Ashen asked, but he already knew the answer 'Should I just take her with me, she's pretty strong and her devil fruit is very good'.

"Take me with you! Let's sail together!"

"I told you, why would I take a hot-headed kid like you with me…besides, you said you want to become Oden or whatever don't you need to stay her and protect Wano then?"

"Right now, I'm weak and can't do anything about it…That's why I want to sail with you I want to discover the world while getting stronger just like Oden, and then when the time comes, I'll come back to Wano!" She declared, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Sigh…Alright, don't make me regret taking you with me" Ashen sighed loudly as he grabbed her from the back collar and flew towards the ship.

"Hell Yeah!!" Yamato shouted in excitement, Ashen couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction, but then her facial expressions quickly changed when she remembered the shackles around her wrists "Wait! if I try to leave these shackles will explode!"

"That's all?" Ashen asked her with a smile. Yamato's eyes widened with panic as the shackles could explode any second. In response, Ashen's gaze sharpened, his arm tensing as he channeled his Haki into his fist. With a surge of focused energy, he directed his Haki into the shackles, causing it to implode from within using Ryou, freeing Yamato from its constriction and removing them from her wrists.

*SWOOSH*-*SWOOSH*-*BOOOOM* In a swift motion, Ashen propelled the shackles high into the sky. Immediately after that they detonated in a spectacular explosion, illuminating the surroundings with a brilliant burst of light and sound.

"Amazing, I didn't know that was possible!"

"You think Kaido would let you know that?"

"Demon!!" Kaido roared as he flew towards them in his full dragon form "You think you can leave like that?!!"

"He's so persistent" Ashen said as he dropped Yamato on the ship and turned to Shiki "Could you land me a hand?"

"Puff…Sure" Shiki grinned as he held his swords tightly before the two of them performed a combination attack.

They proceeded to infused their weapons with Conqueror's and sent a massive shockwave towards Kaido.

*BOOOOM* The combined attack managed to damage even the mighty Kaido and he immediately fell to the ground again, turning back to his human form, he gazed at the Sword of Xebec in hostility.

Kaido knew that he won't be able to fight both Ashen and Shiki at the same time, so he had no choice but to watch them leave.

After that, Ashen turned his lower half of his body into hot flames and proceeded to release series of strong fire bursts to propel the ship forward, while Shiki used his power to move it as well.

The flew to Kuri afterwards, picking up Enel, Ken and Franky from Oden's Castle before they made their way out of Wano.

Unknown Island in the world…

An extremely tall figure with short spiky crimson hair was seen lying face down on the beach. He was Katakuri and beside him was his younger brother Cracker, they were the only ones who survived after their ship was sunk by Ian and they got lucky enough to get drifted in a near island.

When Katakuri woke up and found that only him and his brother Cracker survived, his face went dark, and his eyes teared up thinking about his little sister Brulée.

"Ashen Pirates…I'll never forgive you, as long as I live, I'll make sure to kill every last one of you"