
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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145 Chs

Enel VS Oven...The Start of a Conflict

Somewhere on the sea,

A marine ship under the command of Rear Admiral Julius was roaming the sea.

"Juluis-san, a pirate ship just appeared on the horizon" A marine officer stated while standing beside Julius.

[Rear Admiral Julius, nicknamed 'The Punisher' he was promoted from the position of a Commodore after taking down a hundred pirates during the Rocky Port Incident]

"Who is it?" Julius asked calmly.

"That's…" The officer hesitated for a second before he replied "It's the Ashen Pirates"

"A-Ashen Pirates you say?..." Julius facial expressions changed when he heard the name before he jumped on the ship's prow and gave orders "Sail towards them right away! Don't let them escape!...Attila, I finally have the chance to bring you back to your senses" he muttered to himself.

"Julius-san! the Ashen Pirates are extremely dangerous, I heard that Ashen even clashed with that famous Hawk-Eyes!"

"Shut up and do as I say!" Julius shouted in anger

"He's right Julius, we shouldn't carelessly attack them"

"Doll, are you telling me we should run away from pirates instead of capturing them?"

"We should at least inform the base and see what they say before we engage" Doll is a tall woman with long eyelashes and short, dark-colored hair with bangs. She wears a dark-colored, short-sleeved top and dark-colored leather pants. She also wears a spiked choker, hoop earrings, and has tattoos on her arms.

"No chance, keep sailing forward!"

A few minutes later,

"*Knock*-*Knock*…Ashen, a marine ship is on our tail!" Calvin informed Ashen who was chilling in the captain's quarters.

"Just ignore them!"

"The old man said, they will catch up to us soon" he said while holding a cigarette in his hand.

"Can't we just run away from them? We don't have any time to waste on those shitty marines"

"Their ship is pretty fast, it's better to deal with them now before they call reinforcements" he said.

"Sigh…Alright, I'm coming" Ashen proceeded to leave the captain's quarters and got closer look at them with the spyglass "They don't seem to be very strong…Let's wait for them and see" Ashen gave orders.

"Can't I just burn them down and be done with it?" Enel said with confidence while standing near him.

"If the marines find out, they will send even more ships after us" Calvin stated.

"I don't know, the way they are approaching us is weird…We are already in their attack range, but they are not even firing a warning shot" Ashen stated while waiting for them to get close.

A few minutes later the marine ship finally caught up to them and stopped on the side of The Sword of Xebec.

Ashen calmly observed the marines on board before he asked the man in charge "I'm in hurry, if you are here for a fight then let's get done with it" he said while holding his sheathed sword hilt.

"Attila…" Julius looked at his brother, his facial expression showed pain and disappointment "Is this the first thing you say to me after seven years?" he said while clenching his fist from frustration "Is this all you have to say to me brother? Not even a proper greeting, what the hell happened to you?!"

'The fuck is wrong with this guy? What brother is he talking about?...Don't tell me?' Ashen proceeded to reply to him "I don't know who you are kid, this is a waste of time I'll just burn you the fuck down and move on" Ashen said while releasing flames from his hand.

"Seven years ago, when I heard about the ship you were travelling on got sunk by pirates, I thought you were dead…I got so angry and hated pirates so much that I joined the marines just to get a chance to purge them, first mother and then you" Julius said with angry facial expressions "But then I found out that you were alive, and you became a pirate on top of that…I thought there was some mistake, maybe it was just someone who looked like you, I kept hoping deep down that it was the case…But now…Now I'm sure of it, you are really him. But you're so different, those muscles, those scars on your body even the look on your face is different"

"Sorry to disappoint you kid, but I have no idea who you are, and I don't care…More over I'll fucking kill you if keep wasting my time with this useless shit!" Ashen said with a serious tone of voice.

"If that's the case…Then I'll beat you up until you remember!" Julius declared as he jumped into the sky and came flying down at Ashen.

"Devine Retribution!!" His Katana and the blade that was attached into his forearm turned pitch black as he was swinging them downwards "Give me back my nice caring brother!".

"Cocky punk…"

*CRACK* Ashen proceeded to punch the air with his hand, cracking it while sending a massive shockwave that sent Julius crashing back while pushing the marine ship away and generating massive waves as a result.

"What the hell was that?!" The marines on the ship looked shocked.

"It's like the Gura Gura no Mi!...But how? I thought he eat the Mera Mera no Mi, how can he generate shockwaves?" Doll said while sweating nervously "I told you this was a bad idea, Julius!"

"Ashen…" Calvin approached him slowly "Can I have a moment with you?".

"What is it?" Ashen questioned as they moved to the back alone.

"I just thought of an idea…*PUFF*" he said while blowing smoke from his mouth "We can modify our plan with this new variable"

"What kind of idea?"

"*Smile*…A good one, we can…"



"Hahaha! not bad not bad, I can't imagine Big Mom's face when she finds out" Ashen said, amused about the plan that Calvin came up with "But the problem is she really going to fall for it?"

"It's 50% chance, but it's worth the risk" Calvin stated, "It's up to you if you want to do it or not".

"If it really works, we're going to hit the jackpot and humiliate that overgrown hag at the same time" Ashen said while laughing loudly "Now it all depends on what that brat says, though we can still do it without him, but it will help if he agrees"

"Just go along with what he said, even if he's not your real brother"

"Alright" Ashen and Calvin proceeded to go back and confronted Julius who pinned on the ground by Enel.

"He kept attacking us tirelessly, so I had to do it" Enel said while holding him down with his foot.

"Alright listen up kid, I really don't know who you are. I found myself stranded on an island seven years ago with no memories of the past" Ashen said.

"Why didn't you say that from the start?"

"It seems like a cheap excuse so I didn't want to say it, but it's the truth…Look I'm really in a hurry right now, there is something important that I need to do, if you could help me, I promise to listen to your story and answer your questions, how about it?" Ashen asked Julius with a serious expression.

"You expect me to help a pirate? Even if you're my brother I can't do that, I'm a marine, I'm supposed to bring you to justice"

"It will benefit both of us…I will…" Ashen proceeded to explain his plan to him, it didn't make a difference if he knew so he tried his shot.

"A-A…Are you serious?" Julius looked in complete shock after what he heard "Do you have any idea who you're messing with?! She will surely chase you to the end of the earth and kill you!"

"That not something you should be concerned about…What you say, I'm sure you'll get a promotion at least" Ashen replied calmly.

"I don't care about the promotion, I care about you!"

"I told you, I'll listen to you if you help me, so give me a fucking answer quickly"

Julius hesitated for a second before he made up his mind "I don't how my nice brother became something like this…If it doesn't work, I'll come for you instead"

"It's a deal then, now go bring me those sea stone cuffs, the show will begin two days from now"

Two days later,

[Hachinosu Island]

"That's their ships" Moria said looking at Big Mom's ships docked on our port "Fucking bastards, acting like they own the place!"

"They will soon pay up for trespassing" Enel said.

After we came back, we docked the ship and made our way to the center of the island.

"Boss, you're back!...I believe you already know the situation" One of the lower ranking crew members said while looking nervous.

"Yes, I was informed in the Den Den Mushi" I replied.

"They are waiting for you near the skull" He informed me leading the way "They also took a few hundred people as hostages after beating us".

"Here they come--perorin" Perospero said while looking at Ashen and the crew slowly walking towards them. He was surrounded with 500 hundred soldiers with Oven and Daifuku on his sides along with three more officers, Charlotte Angel, Charlotte Custard and Charlotte Amande. They were holding around 250 hostages, chained and disarmed.

"He's shorter than I thought" Oven who is 492 cm tall said while looking down at Ashen who is 190 cm.

"So, Perospero what's the meaning of this?" Ashen asked with a deep voice while standing a few meters away from him, he looked very angry.

"I'm just making sure you stay in line--perorin" Perospero said with a mocking smile, before his soldiers pointed their weapons at the hostages.

"Don't worry, once we finish with you, we'll release them" Oven said to Ashen "Now, quietly do as your told-"

"Insolent!...*BOOOM*" Calvin proceeded to release a strong burst of Conqueror's Haki, knocking out all the 500 enemy soldiers at once "I won't allow anyone to disrespect the captain while I'm around"

"You damn squirt that was!!" Perospero and his brothers looked shocked while looking at their unconscious soldiers.

"Haoshoku Haki!" Daifuku said as he got on guard, the rest of them drew out their weapons.

"Your mom made a very big mistake sending you here alone, she should've come her personally if she hopped to tame me" Ashen stated before he back away "I won't be the one fighting you though…Good luck defeating my crew members, I'll let you go if you do so"

"You little shit, you're underestimating us?!" Oven shouted in anger.

"No, you're overestimating yourselves"

'This is the chance for them to fight a real strong opponents' Ashen thought as he observed his crew members facing off Big Mom children/officers.

Calvin VS Perospero.

Enel VS Oven.

Urouge VS Daifuku.

"I'll be your opponent big guy. Hope you can entertain me" Enel said with an arrogant look on his face before he took out his staff.

"'God of Thunder' Enel, you're pretty arrogant for someone who got lucky eating a Logia, you think you're invincible?" Oven said, bringing out his naginata, he proceeded to heat it while imbuing it with Haki and dashed towards Enel trying to catch him off guard.

"You did your homework…" Enel said as he used his Mantra to predict Oven's attack and proceeded to easily dodge it with his high speed.

<10,000 Volt Vari>

After that, he unleashed a stream of lightning bolts from his fingertips to attack Oven. The latter heat up his arm and redirected them before he slashed towards Enel with his Haki coated weapon.

Enel had the advantage of speed, reaction time a better devil fruit and he was superior at Observation Haki. But Oven has an extremely tough and durable body, and a monstrous strength that he inherited from his mother, on top of that he has more fighting experience, so he was a formidable opponent.

Enel again managed to dodge it easily before he unleashed a series of quick lightning strikes, each one building up in power and intensity.

<Thunderbolt Tempo>

"Do you only know how to run away?!" Oven proceeded to heat up his forearm before he threw a punch with tremendous power "Heat Denasshi!"

"Hmph…Pathetic!" Enel side stepped and channeled electricity into his staff while imbuing it with Armament Haki, and then he struck Oven from the side. When his staff made contact, he unleashed the electricity, electrifying him.

Oven took the attack head on but didn't seem to be fazed, he quickly turned back while swinging his naginata sideways, Enel managed to block it, but he got pushed away from the sheer force.

"So, you're a pretty tough guy, I'll make sure to enjoy breaking you down" Enel said as he jumped back and started concentrating his all of his electrical power into a single point and then he released it as a powerful burst.


"What the-?!!!" The attack took Oven by surprise and managed to hit him.

*BOOOM* The burst was released at a fast speed burning and destroying the ground along the way before it exploded once it hit Oven, sending him crashing at one of the buildings behind.

"How do you like that?" Enel said with a smirk while gazing at Oven who quickly got on his feet again.

"I have to admit, I underestimated you at first…I'm going to get serious from now on"

"You better do, unless you want me to fry you up like a chicken"