
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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145 Chs

Dorry and Brogy

"ROOAAAAR!!!" The moment Ashen set foot on the island, a massive T-Rex

"Ayo! Is that a T-Rex?!" Ashen said with big smile before he quickly jumped on top of him, he used his Haki to intimidate and tame him before the T-Rex started running deep into the forest "Haha! I always wanted to see a T-Rex in real life since I was a kid…Who would have thought I would be riding one!"




The sound of sword clashing echoed throughout the island.

"Good thing I arrived at the perfect timing!" Ashen said to himself, as he made his way to the source of the sound, when he arrived at the scene, he saw two insanely big figures fighting each other.

The two giants faced each other towering over the battlefield. Their weapons were at the ready, and their eyes locked in determination.

"KYAAAAHH!!" Dorry charged at Brogy with a deafening roar while swing his massive sword.

"WRAAAAHH!!" Brogy did the same with his giant axe.

*CLANG*-*BOOOM* Their weapon clash, and the impact sent shockwaves rippling through the air, and they were both pushed back after that.

Ashen calmly watched them from a distance before he proceeded to jump down from the T-Rex and walked towards them.

The two of them didn't notice him at first as they kept carrying their duel, until Ashen announced his presence "Sorry to interrupt you guys, but can you stop fighting for a second?!" he shouted at them before the two giants finally noticed him and shifted their attention to him.

Both of them looked at Ashen with a frown before Brogy proceeded to speak "Gababababa!! What a funny guy!...You better move out of the way if you don't want to get crushed!" Brogy said with a grin and turned back to Dorry.

"Gyagyagyagya! It's been a while since someone arrived at this place…Do not interrupted our duel little man, this something between us" Dorry said as he quickly turned to Brogy ready to dash at him before Ashen interrupted them again.

"How long are you going to keep up with this stupid duels? It's been almost a hundred years, am I right?"

"Huh?" x2. Both of them turned back to Ashen again, looking surprised at his words.

"You seem to know a lot little man, but this is something personal, so stop interrupting us and leave!" Dorry said with a frown while looking down at Ashen, he looked genuinely annoyed with his attitude.

"And what if I refuse? BIG MAN" Ashen replied with his arm crossed while gazing at him with confidence.

The two giants seem to be offended by Ashen's actions and words "We are proud warriors of Elbaf, we are committed to our honor and traditions…" Brogy said, and Dorry continued on his words.

"We take our duels very seriously, you attempting to stop us is a direct insult…If you're so hang on doing that, then make us!!" Dorry roared in anger as he swung his massive sword at Ashen, and Brogy proceeded to follow with his axe.

"Very well then…"

*SWOOSH* Ashen proceeded to use Inferno Jet Step to dodge their attacks with ease and flew near Dorry's face after that.

"Ultimate Punch!" Ashen used his most powerful attack where he combines every martial art and power that he learned into one single powerful punch, but now instead of just using basic Armament Haki, he instead used Advanced Armament Haki while infusing the attack with Advanced Conqueror's Haki on top of it making the punch far more destructive.

"So fast-!!!" Dorry exclaimed as Ashen appeared next to him in a split second and punched him in the face.

"What?!!-" Brogy looked at Ashen in shock.

*Lightning*-*Crack* As Ashen's fist met Dorry's face, the air around it was cracked, generating a literal earthquake which caused the ground to crack and spilt open, while a thick black lightning was generated from the immense will power of his Conqueror's Haki. After that the flames that was wrapped around his arm were released as a dense fire column sending Dorry crashing at Brogy.

*BOOOOM* Both the giants were knocked down before Ashen flew on top of them.

"Do you still want to fight?...Brogy" Ashen asked Brogy with a serious tone, he was still conscious on oppose to Dorry. he looked at Ashen in stupefaction while slowly getting on his feet.

"You know me?! No more importantly, you knocked down Dorry with one punch!!...Who in the world are you?!" Brogy asked him while getting on guard.

"You can call me Ashen" he said while observing Brogy "You're not backing down, aren't you?"

"Running away from battle? There is nothing more dishonorable and cowardly that doing that!!" Brogy stated as he proceeded to launch a powerful flying slash attack at Ashen.

"Very, well then…" Ashen proceeded to unsheathe his sword and deflected his attack before he clashed with him.

*CLANG*-*CLANG* Both of them exchanged blows for a bit before Ashen used his Ultimate Punch on him to knock him down as well.

A few hours later,

Dorry and Brogy were sitting next to each other with their arms crossed, they had a serious look on their faces while Ashen sat on the opposite side of them.

"You're stronger than you look…Ashen, right?" Dorry said while looking at him with curiosity.

"I can't believe someone your size is this strong…you, what exactly are you?" Brogy asked while scratching his chin.

"I'm just a normal human being…Anyway, did you guys hear what happened in Elbaf because of Big Mom?" Ashen asked them "I don't think you will be well informed about that, since you've been stuck here for the last century"

"Big Mom?...Hmmm? I can't exactly remember than name, but we heard some news about an incident where a village back home was destroyed by someone a few decades ago" Dorry said while trying to recall the information.

"So, this Big Mom is the one who did it?" Brogy asked "She must be strong to pull off something like that and still live on"

"Yes, Big Mom is an extremely strong and influential person in the New World. She's one of the three strongest pirates in the world who they call Emperors of The Sea" Ashen proceeded to inform them more about the current state of the world, since a lot happened in the past hundred years while they were dueling in this island "When she was young, Big Mom destroyed an entire village in Elbaf while killing dozens of giants doing so…I know you might not bare the same hatred for her as the other giants, but I know for a fact that you care about your allies and homeland" Ashen said, then added "And most importantly this is not going to be only a battle for revenge for you, but you will also be fighting for the glory of the giant tribes, so what do you say?"

"Gababababa!! Fighting for glory you say?!...I like the sound of it, but why do you want to pick a fight with her?" Brogy asked Ashen in curiosity.

"Well…I'm not exactly the one who picked a fight. The situation is a little complicated, but Big Mom is trying to catch as we're talking" Ashen mentioned.

"It seems that you pissed her off or something, by the way are you a pirate because I can't see your crew?" Dorry asked while looking around.

"Yes, my crew is hiding somewhere else at the moment, anyway I need some help to fight that old hag that's why I'm here to suggest an alliance, you guys are strong, plus you were the leaders of the Giant Warriors a well-respected pirate crew so I believe you can convince other giants join in"

"Why aren't you fighting her by yourself though?...don't tell me your scared?" Brogy said with a smirk while moving his head closer to Ashen.

"Hahahaha!...That's a good joke. Anyway, You guys still don't know the kind of person we're talking about. The emperors are not only extremely strong individually as they are literally the strongest people in the world, but they have an army of pirates behind them, their crews also contain strong individual" Ashen stated, then added "I wish it was a simple one on one fight like you guys think, but it really isn't…If we are going to fight her, it will be a massive war"

"I see, I think I have a rough idea about the situation" Dorry said while rubbing his beard "But before that…" Dorry proceeded to turn to Brogy with a grin.

"…We need to finish our duel…" Brogy added.

"Once and for all!" x2. They both said at the same time as they got on their feet.

Dorry and Brogy faced each other across the clearing, their massive frames casting long shadows in the fading light. They both knew what was at stake, the honor of their respective tribes, and the right to call themselves the strongest warrior on Little Garden.

Brogy swung his giant axe in a powerful downward attack. Dorry braced himself and caught the blow on the head of his sword, the impact shaking the ground beneath their feet.

The two giants traded blows, their weapons clashing in a cacophony of metal on metal. Dorry's sword whistled through the air, while Brogy's axe smashed down with bone-shattering force.

Despite their size and strength, both warriors were evenly matched, and their duel raged on for what seemed like hours. Sweat dripped down their massive foreheads as they grunted and roared, each trying to gain the upper hand.

Finally, as the sun began to set on Little Garden, Dorry and Brogy stepped back from each other, panting heavily. They looked at each other, then at their weapons, which were now bent and chipped from the force of their blows.

"You're a worthy opponent, Brogy," Dorry said, a note of respect in his voice.

"And you as well, Dorry," Brogy replied, nodding in agreement.

They both knew that they had fought to a draw, and that neither of them could claim victory. But in that moment, they also knew that they had gained something far more important, a newfound respect and admiration for each other as warriors.

"Alright, you guys finished?!" Ashen asked as he was watching their duel closely "If you are we should start working!" Dorry and Brogy turned to him with a look of confusion.

"Working?..." Dorry asked.

"You guys forgot? How are you going to leave this island without having a ship?...Since we don't, we have to build one, I mean we are not shipwrights but we can get something done" Ashen said, then added "I brough some materials with me and some sails…let's build a big ass raft!"

"Gabababa! Not a bad idea, I'll lend you a hand!" Brogy said as proceeded to uproot a big tree from its place "I believe we need some woods, right?!"

"Gyagyagya! What's that small tree? we need at least something this size!" Dorry said as he uprooted an even bigger tree.

"Damn, I guess we'll be finishing it sooner than I thought" Ashen said while watching them getting competitive again.

A few days later,

Ashen went to find his boat that he docked in the river inside the island. He proceeded to untie it and made his way to the raft they built.

A few minutes later he arrived on the other side of the island, where Dorry and Brogy were preparing the raft.

"That's a big ass raft!" Ashen exclaimed while looking at it. Once he reached it, he tied his boat to it and made his way on top "You guys are ready?!"

Dorry and Brogy replied in excitement

"Yeah!! Let's go to the New World!!" -- "Let's go to Elbaf!!"