
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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145 Chs

Cloud Human

Misagi pulled out his long Polearm saber slowly and threw a few swings in the air, which created a several consecutive gushes of wind.

He looked at me with a wicked smile then proceeded to give the signal to his men and they all came rushing at us. The king also ordered his soldiers to attack.

"CHARGE!" he shouted his lung out, and his soldiers pointed their spears and weapons at our direction and started pressing us in a circular formation.

"It looks like there is no way out…" I looked around me for a moment, and then just before Misagi's crew and the soldiers clash with us, I focused my ability to turn my leg into fire and created a thermal power which allowed me to fly.

The attackers were taken aback a bit, but they kept running at us. Calvin was also getting ready to fight.

While I was preparing for my next attack, several pirates started shooting me from a distance with their rifles, but the bullets went through me without causing any damage.

"FLAME FENCE!!" I amassed my power again then shot it around me to create a circle of fire to prevent anyone from entering.

The attackers were in state of awe after seeing me turning the area into fire. Misagi was also a little bit surprised when he saw that, but he quickly regained his composure.

"As I expected, you are a devil fruit user…" his wicked smile quickly faded away and was replace with a serious one "and a logia on top of that, I knew this wasn't going to be an easy job" he said then he stepped forward while keeping eye contact.

As he was approaching me, I saw something coming out of his body. A number of fluffy grey objects were appearing from his body one after the other floating around him. Then they quickly merged to make an object shaped like a cloud.

"You're also a devil fruit user?" I was looking at him in amazement. The last thing I expected is to run into a devil fruit user at the start of the grand line.

After that Misagi proceeded to hop on top of the object then he came flying towards me. His action took me by surprise, and I lost concentration for a split second which caused the fire wall that I created to break down.

"Shit!" The pirates went charging at Calvin at once.

(Third Person POV)

Calvin tried to use Geppo with Soru to escape the encirclement but just as he was about to raise his leg from the ground, something came flying towards him at high speed.


*BAM* When they made contact, it pushed him a few meters back, but it didn't cause any damage and Calvin turned back to see what it was.

"Where are you going so fast?" A skinny man wearing a green jumpsuit said.

Calvin rubbed the dust off of his clothes and cracked his knuckles in preparation to fight "This is going to be tiresome".

The whole place was in chaos and the news about the clash has spread quickly around the city, and with the king's order, more and more soldiers will be coming in pursuit of Ashen pirates.

Just as the battle was about to get heated a new individual has appeared in the battlefield.

(First Person POV),

When Misagi got closer to me he raised his hand and created an object that looked like a small cloud.

"RAIKEN!" He shouted and the object started generating violet thunder which it then proceeded to wrap his hand. After that he promptly dashed toward me.

"What kind of devil fruit is this?" I was baffled but I also assembled my power in my right arm and released it towards him "FIRE FIST!".

When the two elemental powers clashed against each other, it caused a big blast but what happened next was unexpected. His thunder overpowered my fire as he kept flying towards me while preparing for another attack.

This time when he generated the lighting into his arm, he unleashed it towards me and in a blink of an eye I found myself surrounded by lighting.

I quickly dematerialized the body parts that were about to struck and then proceeded to use Soru with Geppo to backway.

"You guys keep stirring trouble everywhere you go!" A familiar feminine voice echoed around the hall.

'This voice!...could it be?!...' I quickly turned my head to see whom it belonged, and as I expected it was none other than Diana.

"You!…What are you doing here?!" I didn't think she would want to get involved specially after she refused my invitation.

"I'm here to repay you for letting me ride on your ship…" she said pointing her rifle at the enemy "You helped me escape from marines, so I'm just returning the favor since I don't like to be in dept" After she said that she immediately started shooting.

I also saw Ken standing beside her with his pistol drawn "Ken, I thought you would be pissing yourself somewhere in the corner" I said to him mockingly.

"I'M NOT A COWARD!" He said with a serious face then he proceeded to engage with the enemy.

"Don't forget about me…" Misagi threw a straight punch with lightning imbued with it.

"I haven't" I used Soru to dodge him.

'No matter how much I think about it, it looks like he is using an ability related to clouds' It was the only explanation as how he can generate lightning, and if that's true I would suspect that he could even manipulate wind.

'I'm at a disadvantage since lightning is naturally superior and hotter than fire' I thought about for a second 'But it seems lighting is not his main power so I probably should be fine I'm also a logia so without haki it would be very difficult to beat me'

"It seems you can create and manipulate clouds" I tried to drag his tongue so he could give up some information about his devil fruit.

"*Smirk*…I ate the Kumo Kumo no mi and became a cloud human" he said proudly "Hehehe… since you want to know more about it badly, I'll tell you something" After he said that he proceeded to raise his weapon and create a large thunder cloud on top of it.

"It's a logia so I also can't be touched!" The lighting went to envelope his weapon.

"Play time is over, I'll be more serious from now on" I said with a serious expression.